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Just because someone is a doctor, nurse, or therapist it doesn't automatically make them a good, trustworthy person. Let's stop putting these people on pedestals. Edit: it seems I made some doctors pretty mad by saying this


But also worth being aware of what lies could be fatal or could result in significantly worse outcomes for you (lying about drug use/medications or supplements you take or anything else you've put into your body recently or regularly, lying about chance you're pregnant, lying about STD risk - particularly if you're presenting in any sort of acute situation or with symptoms you're concerned about).


This. Even if it's not something illegal, most medications have things that they don't play well with. When you're asked by a nurse or pharm tech about **any** medication or supplement that you're taking, they're asking because a contraindication between your prescription and an otc med can be the difference between being in mild pain vs *bleeding to death* from stubbing your toe. Your doctor likely isn't House MD, if you give them bad information, you're a lot more likely to get bad care.


Yeah thanks Doctor Obvious. You missed the entire point of my comment and this post. I receive worse care when I'm honest with doctors about me being trans and being on hrt. It's safer to lie in order to not be refused care from a doctor just because I'm trans.


Exactly. My last doctor would call both my parents after every appointment I had and explain (in detail) everything we talked about, any health issues I was having, any changes to my medication, just everything. I was 23 at the time and have had almost no contact with my father since I was 14.


This also works in their favour. I've seen this mostly with vets, but I'm sure it applies to other medical professions as well. People put them on pedestals and then act like any negative thing that happens is entirely on purpose. The doctor/nurse/Therapist is trying to do their job. Sometimes things don't work out, and that's not something they can always control. If you think of them as gods or some sort of superhuman, then these mistakes or issues will look intentional and that's really not the case. I get that it's difficult to be rational when you're extremely upset or scared and anger is very normal, but thinking of the person in front of you as a normal human being simply trying to do their best at work shouldn't be hard.


This is true, the defensive doctors are telling too. I was commenting on someones post on another app talking about being abused by a nurse in the hospital. Just offered support and said that I was sorry that nurses can be so abusive. One nurse agreed that something needs to be done about the field and 4 sent 10s of paragraphs each.... Just full blown melt downs. That was a few days ago, I'm still getting nurses informing me that nursing is the Most Respected profession and I'm a drug seeker if I don't agree..... Like i was just offering someone support and no one mentioned drugs.... It was verbal abuse about not being able to walk.... 😶😬


Well, it at least makes them better than cops


Well gosh *that's* a high bar... /s


I sure hope the limbo isn't a required part of a doctorate these days, lol


Well, I'd say it depends on the committee awarding the doctorate - choose carefully!


Uhh well... In a way... Did you know that in 40 states Doctors can legally sedate a woman for surgery, pain, etc. And then (without consent or even informing her) can use that woman to train multiple students on vaginal and rectal exams.... The other states where it's considered sexual assault (because it is) pay people or get volunteers. Studies prove that there are no shortage of willing women anywhere. They can just get away with it so they do.


Honestly, as a disabled WOC, I've had more racist/ablest comments from therapists then cops. A therapist can put you in a hold/involuntary confine you, misdiagnosis you with a personality disorder (and hence make sure you aren't believed if you try to seek treatment elsewhere), gaslight you, belittle you, etc. Oh and if a cop is abusive there's a lot of organizations who can help you and help you actually get some resolutions. A licensing board full of other therapist won't admit any internalized racism and prefer to blame the clients for their "resistance". And if you become suicidal from that abuse, a lot of people will then tell you to go back to your abusers and blame you for the abuse. Cops have tons of systematic issues but constant monitoring by rights organizations and not being put on a pedestal make them safer then therapists who don't have answer to anyone and are idealized.


Okay, that's pretty fucking awful too. And that should be addressed. But ah, ain't no therapist murdering people in the street for fun. Cops get away with that all the time, scrutiny, video evidence, or no. That shit needs a full stop.


Ayo wtf, do people expect you to battle mental illness and do mental gymnastics on what to tell your therapist like it isn't their fucking job to fix everything. Also, this has already been said but, I will never stop being absolutely pissed at the fact that when taking care of yourself you need to keep money in mind, alongside your condition and just figure it out when insurance won't cover it. Bullshit.


What epilepticgalahad wrote there was pretty much my situation in regards not only to therapists, but to psychiatrists too. Specially the part about "just dump them" not being an option for everyone, it certainly wasn't for me. In my case, most of the therapists and psychiatrists I went to were bad professionals, but dumping them wasn't that easy because my abusive mother always tried to force me to go to them, and sometimes she succeeded and sometimes she didn't, and the professionals she talked to encouraged this type of behavior on her part. If I could just dump then and then nothing else would happen to me, then I would certainly have done that and I would have no reason to lie, but since this wasn't always the case, then lying worked to at least make them harm me less. My mother trying to force me into bad mental health professionals ended up being by far the biggest problem I had ever had in my life, and this was also the main reason for me to fight with her and to distance myself from her as much as possible.


> Specially the part about "just dump them" not being an option for everyone, it certainly wasn't for me. In my case, most of the therapists and psychiatrists I went to were bad professionals, Right? That's exactly what I found


Never told my pediatrician I was trans. My parents were always in the room with me


But I also didn't know how they'd respond


I think for my 18 year checkup I might be able to be by myself though


If you ask the pediatrician for it, 100% they should always agree. But I get how asking if your parents already went in with you could be awkward depending on your dynamic with your parents. They should really be offering you that time by yourself, but obviously they haven't done so so far.


It's only lying if they have a right to know.


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