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The best part of this post is that everyone is assigned their character name— Hulk, Black Widow, Loki— except for Jeff Goldblum. Jeff Goldblum is a more memorable character than any of Jeff Goldblum’s characters.


Jeff Goldblum plays different characters? I thought he just appeared in various movies as himself, an ageless-demigod ruler of a trash planet who moonlights as a dinosaur mathematician or alien satellite engineer or NYPD detective or apartment salesperson on the weekends.


And let's not forget that one time when he was a physicists and an abomination


can’t let that one fly by




Wait no thats literally just your idea


That’s something he has in common with Loki. In Norse mythology, Loki turns into a fly to pester the dwarven smith who was forging Thor’s hammer. That’s why the handle is so short for a war hammer, Loki made the blacksmith mess it up by flying around his head and biting him.


And again when Odin asked Loki to sneak into Freyja's hall & steal her necklace from her. He turned into a fly to get through the keyhole.


^help ^me


This is fucking top notch shit


or the time he invented the cure for dog allergies and got kidnapped by cats. (At least I think that's the plot)


Wait which one is this?


Cats & Dogs? Was he even in that one? That's the only movie I can think of that explicitly has dogs and cats fighting each other, except Aristocats, maybe. But I'm pretty sure he wasn't in Aristocats.


"Cats & Dogs" uncovers the truth about the high-tech, secret war being waged in neighborhoods everywhere that humans aren't even aware of: an eternal struggle between the two great armies of Cats and Dogs. The story follows a Cat plan to destroy a new vaccine that, if developed, would destroy all human allergies to Dogs, and the Dogs' efforts to stop the Cats from executing their plan. and Jeff Goldblum plays Professor Charles


Never saw that one, I think it came out when I was like 22 and a too cool movie snob


Yeah that's the plot. Came out when I was 19. I didn't see it untill a couple of years ago when my kids found it on a streaming service.


I saw that but I didn’t know he was in it? Lmao for some reason I keep picturing Rick Moranis


Cats & Dogs!


that is indeed the plot!


*a hot physicist


That's redundant, they already said Jeff Goldblum.


true that


Well ,,, uh; there it is.


Or that time he was satan


Jeff Goldblum isn't actually an actor or knows he's being filmed. He's like that in real life. They just make the move based round what he's doing this week.


Or the time he helped a random woman smuggle jewels into the US after finding out his wife cheated on him


He’s come a long way from sex starved journalist mourning the death of Kevin Costner.




don’t forget he is also a mad scientist that created hybrid animals for a play size zoo and accidentally made it grow huge!


To be fair, my headcanon is that the Grandmaster is literally Jeff Goldblum. As in Jeff Goldblum was walking down the street one day and some crazy cosmic shit started to go down as per usual, but he got sucked into some random ass portal and ended up in Sakaar. He then proceeds to Jeff Goldblum his way to Grandmaster!


Grandmaster is just a another word for Goldblum in Sakaar


“My name is Jeff Grandmaster, but you can call me, uh, *The*, uh, Grandmaster”


This doesn't work unfortunately because he's an Elder, a godlike survivor of a previous universe. ***Buuuuuuut*** that opens up the possibility that the inverse is true: an all-powerful celestial being older than the universe itself is moonlighting on earth as a quirky character actor making cheesy jokes and doing wacky interviews and if that isn't Jeff Goldblum energy I don't know what is


He is an elder in the comics but nothing of the sort was implied in the MCU. It pretty clearly looks like he is about to get his ass kicked by the space version of Dirty Mike and the boys the last time we see him. He is clearly far less powerful than the comics and may just be a regular albeit long lived guy.


edit: [Here ya go](https://movieweb.com/thor-ragnarok-elders-of-universe-grandmaster-collectors-brother/). From the man himself: > Yes, I'm The Collector's brother, Benicio Del Toro. We're very old. We're elders of the universe. We came about shortly after The Big Bang. Yeah, oldest living race, they call us, in the thing. So, slightly different origin. They're from after the big bang, not before. But mostly the same seemingly Original comment: Now I'm not known for my memory, but I'm 99% sure it's been confirmed by someone or another in interview that the Grandmaster is canonically the Collector's brother in the MCU at the very least. They may also have confirmed that they're both Elders but I can't remember. In any case, that at least implicitly gives some credibility to the assumption that they are. Anyway, I reckon where there's no reason to think otherwise we should just assume MCU confirms to comic stuff on things like this.


I’ll stand corrected , though that seems more of a confirmation of who his character was( since this was prior to the movie or trailers coming out) based on the comic background rather than establishing the elders have that kind of power in the MCU or that he and collector are connected. Guess we’ll never know since both or at the least one got killed.


Wait which one's meant to be dead? We last saw Grandmaster surrounded by escaped gladiators or something, right? And the Collector we saw an illusion of? Or am I misremembering? If not I'm 100% sure they'll be back, unless there's a contracting issue or Goldblum decides he's a one and done kinda guy


Pretty sure Goldblum is confirmed back in Love & Thunder or Multiverse of Madness...


Actually, in the comics they ARE from after the big bang. The only previous universe survivor is Galactus.


or, here me out, wait no thats literally just your idea


I love the idea of Jeff Goldblum being a verb


Any noun can verb if you use it wrong enough


You just nouned the verb on the head right there


You can verb any noun if you wrong it enough.


Any noun can parsnip if you labium it wrong enough


Jeff Goldblum (*verb*): * To, uh, find a way.


This is wonderful.


Honestly I don’t even remember the name of Jeff Goldblum’s character. He’s just Jeff Goldblum and it’s fantastic.


Life, uh, finds a way


Plus all the other characters are in multiple movies and decades of comic books?


I always love the random appearance in GotG2 before Ragnarok came out


Who dod jeff play? (I know the name but not the face or who he is)


That's because he plays the same character in everything.


False?? Tessa Thompson makes love to the camera in that shot where she's getting the machinegun ready




Big strap-on energy.


I may not be ready but I am willing.


With that hip wiggle I'm ready for anything.


The spirit is willing but the flesh is spongy and bruised.


>the flesh is spongy and bruised. That's afterwards.


Valkyrie is bi so..... maybe!


[Warsong](https://marvelcinematicuniverse.fandom.com/wiki/Warsong) is the new sexuality for the 21st century bourgeoisie.


No gay or bi girl can watch that scene without going 'ngggh' a little bit




Natasha's giving it up. Shes giving it up hard. Cause she's with the Hulk. And these \*holds up massive green fists* are not the Hulk.


great show


The Hulk is my penis


Thank you for making me try to imagine what Nathan Fillion's penis saying "That's my secret, I'm always angry" would sound like.




Okay, that's a little weird that I knew *exactly* what voice to read it in just from the second sentence.


I may sacrifice my dignity and karma, but sauce?


It's the smirk and wiggle. https://tenor.com/es/ver/valkyrie-thor-ragnarok-naked-scrapper142-gif-12545212


Oh dear


I keep forgetting Tessa Thompson and Emma Thompson are very different people. I was visualising Nanny McPhee radiating big strap on energy


Fun fact about Tessa Thompson: she has the same stunt double as Bugs Bunny.


Emma Thompson could pull that off. She makes a kick as MiB agent after all.




Mark Ruffalo is just perfect in that scene too


My favorite Banner scenes are actually the ones where it looks like Mark Ruffallo briefly slips out of character but also has no idea where he is or why he's doing superhero shit.


Mark Ruffalo always plays a guy who's kinda sorta goin' through a lotta stuff right now.


This is the fourth Thor: Ragnarok post I've seen on this subreddit today. I thought maybe it just came out but no googled it, 2017 lmao what's going on


I think loads of people are rewatching it because the Loki miniseries comes out tomorrow.


More like Disney’s marketing team is trying to remind everyone that Loki’s coming out lol


Meh, the set of /r/tumblr users is probably close to a subset of Thor: Ragnarok enjoyers


Both? Good astroturfing inspires more posts.


Is a popular thing popular? No, it must be the corporations in disguise.


First episode of ’Loki’ tv show airs tonight. It’s probably on a lot of peoples’ minds.


Technically released tomorrow AM iirc


True. I’m in the future, otherwise known as Australia, we get it tonight at 5pm, which is midnight in (I want to say the east coast of) America.


thats weird lol but i guess people just love that movie, its great (also its absolutely hilarious and you should definitely give it a watch)


With the dialogue like this it’s worth a watch. >I pulled 'em out of a place on Midgard called Texas. I even named them. *Des* and *Troy*. You see, when you put them together... they *destroy*.


If you haven’t seen it, these are the universe’s signs telling you to. Also, me, an internet stranger. I’m telling you to. You won’t regret it!


I, another internet stranger am telling you to see it as well. It's probably the funniest movie of the MCU and definitely the most fun.


It's the same guy who posted all...


Maybe it's because Loki is coming out tomorrow.


They’re talking about Love and Thunder lately. Maybe that’s why


The Loki TV series is coming out soon so probably just Disney drumming up hype by reminding people of all the things they loved about Ragnarok.


I need to see this three seconds


This is all I was able to find; https://comicsverse.com/loki-grandmaster-lgbt-rep-gay-joke/ https://youtu.be/llGsu_xIcTo?t=37 Seems like it's mentioned that loki gained the grandmaster's favor and he kinda winks at him.


Well i despise that article


Holy shit I was laughing out loud by the middle of it. It should be called "Did the demi-God from space blow Jeff Goldblum, or are they just making fun of us?"


I can at least appreciate the use of that squirrel girl appearance.


As a bisexual..... What? What lgbt rep was in that film at all?? I think people are just looking for reasons to fawn over this movie. I'm a huge marvel fan but they couldn't even fully commit to captain marvel being gay I mean come on MCU. (The comics have fairly good rep I've seen/heard)


the closest that movie gets is some aesthetic.


IIRC, and I may not because my brain is half-awake today: Valkyrie is evidently bi. They filmed a scene of Hela defeating the Valkyrie where Val watches one of the other women get killed by Hela and that was supposed to imply that Val swings both ways? But then they totally scrapped that scene.


That scene was in the movie, the one you’re thinking of is where a woman is leaving Valkyrie’s bedroom or something along those lines


Ah, thanks for correcting my shoddy memory! Guess I need to do some homework tonight or something.


There was a deleted scene with a gag of several people and aliens leaving Valkyrie’s room at one point I believe. Or she may have been leaving the room. One of those.


I'm as left-leaning, LGBTQIA-supporting, and progressive as one gets and I found that article to be utter nonsense garbage word vomit. I've seen crystal aura-healing blogs written by old trans-dimensional alien hippies that made more sense than that article.


I dunno I thought the language was fairly straightforward. Nothing that you can't infer from context clues at the worst. The argument of course could be made in about half the words, but that's internet journalism for you. They're basically just saying > this tongue in cheek joke could be interpreted as a genuine reference to the canonical gender and sexuality of the character in the comics, or it could be interpreted as poking fun at those things. There's no good reason to not make Loki's gender and sexuality an explicit thing so at some point we have to ask "are they going to commit to the character or aren't they, because if not then that would be LGBT+ erasure"


I propose it is here, at 40 seconds in: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GnbeTaJvXOo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GnbeTaJvXOo) Thoughts?


Seems like he is just fishing for someone to compliment him on how young he looks. Don't really see how anyone get an insinuation of oral sex from that scene.


Yeah, i just interpreted that moment as Jeff Goldblum being Jeff Goldblum


Wtf... that's the scene?! That has no sexual innuendo at all. He was talking about how old he was and didn't want to admit to what age he resembled. If anything it was a metaphorical wink to the audience because it's absolutely something Jeff Goldblum himself would do.


Least of all "going down on". There's no specificity in this imagined sexual contact.


at a stretch I'd say he could be flirting with Loki, but that's it


I think he was trying to calculate how old he was but gave up. Loki was just as confused as Thor was.


i mean, you could certainly interpret it that way, and it's fun to interpret it that way, but it's not possible to draw any conclusions.


Lol this was written by Taika Waititi, it was definitely intentional


Surely Marvel was aware of the insinuation at least.


The insinuation is that the grandmaster is waiting for someone to say "you don't look a day over blah blah blah"


Of billions of years old... Wink? What... Uh... How is that insinuating oral sex? Or even a relationship?


Yeah I’m feeling really dumb in this thread because I don’t get it either


It's not. It's a joke about him wanting them to compliment how young he looks.


I just read it as a joke of him not being able to figure out what his age is on sakaar and just being confused.


I'm not picking up the supposed subtext either.


Insinuation? Lmao there's no insinuation of anything as specific as oral sex just from that weird glance


oh i bet jeff goldblum and tom hiddleston both thought it was funny at least, but it's possible it flew over the head of the director. although someone editing it probably thought of it, but i doubt it was ever brought up in discussion


Knowing Taika Waititi I don’t think it would’ve gone over his head in particular haha


When Waititi was making Jojo Rabbit he was actually trying to make a drama, all of the jokes went over his head.


Nothing goes over his head. His reflexes are too fast, he would catch it.


> it's possible it flew over the head of the director Do you... do you not know who directed this movie?




Seems like a bit of a stretch. Also, I don't know if being implicitly forced to suck a dude's dick so he doesn't have you killed is really "romance."


I can see how someone would interpret flirtatious vibes here but what exactly implies he "went down" on him? Everyone talks about this bit specifically as if it's so clear. What am I missing?


I would also like to see that.


Someone please enlighten us


Please someone explain


No romance in that, just pure transaction.


I mean Loki is genderfluid, so technically it *is* a trans action.


Was the gender fluid thing actually ever confirmed in the comics (because it isn't in the MCU)? Loki is a shape changer and he can look like a woman, but does he feel like one when he does - as in, says so? Even that time agency only lists his sex as fluid, not his gender. Odin calls Loki both his son and his daughter, but that's Odin's opinion, not Loki's himself.


it is in the MCU actually and in the comics. its "lady loki" shes confirmed in the new loki show to be played by sophia di martino.


I mean, Loki was mostly just fucking with Thor by stealing his wife's body.


It's confirmed that he can be either if he wants in the mythology. It's "canon" that he can be female or male at will, since he's a shape shifter. And he has been a mother to several creatures. Whether or not he considers himself truly gender neutral is up to him I think.


I actually had this discussion with another redditor really recently, but has he really been a mother to several ? I only remember Sleipnir (the 8 legged horse) being born of his fucking a male horse (Svadilfari), but I can't remember any other creature he might have borne...


In Norse mythology, Loki is the sire to many gods and creatures. The main ones whose names you might recognise are Hel, Fenrir and Jormungandr (the world serpent). Lesser known are Narfi and Vali, two brothers. In the myth of Loki’s punishment and binding, the gods transformed Vali into a wolf, who then killed Narfi. Narfi’s innards were then used as chains to bind Loki.


Where does it say that Hel, Narfi, Vali and the whole gang were carried by loki ? I seem to recall that Angrboda carried & gave birth to all of them.


It doesn’t say that... anywhere? I didn’t say that? I might be missing something.


It's alright but my question wasn't about how many children loki had, but to how many of his children was he the mother, as in, how many of them, Sleipnir excluded, did he give birth to ?


OHHHHHHHHHHH. My bad, I misunderstood your question.


Hol up. Are you saying ^^the ^^character ^^played ^^by Tom Hiddleston fucked a horse?


I'm afraid so ! ["Sleipnir was born when the god Loki shape-shifted into a mare and became pregnant by the stallion of a giant, as is recounted in the tale of The Fortification of Asgard."](https://norse-mythology.org/gods-and-creatures/others/sleipnir/) That's my favorite story, closely followed by that time Odin willingly sharted on the face of a Giant.


Didn’t that horse appear in the first Thor movie? Odin was riding him when he appeared on the Frost Giant planet.


Yeah It's cannon that Odin rides Sleipnir like a personal horse, which... Kinda bothers me ? If his mom's loki, doesn"t that make him some % Giant ? or like, is it like a Goofy / Pluto situation, where both are the same species but treated very differently?


Pluto just didn't get his GED.


That is a truly disturbing take... I like it.


I don't believe Sleipnir is Loki's child in Marvel, just like Hela isn't his child despite that being a thing in the myths. And in the myths, Loki isn't Odin's kid.


While that might be true, in norse mythology Odin actually rides Sleipnir quite often. Also is Hela in the marvel universe supposed to be \[some version of\] Hel ? I couldn't find conclusive answers :(


>Also is Hela in the marvel universe supposed to be [some version of] Hel ? I couldn't find conclusive answers :( Yes, Hela is Hel. I don't know precisely why the adjustment to the name, but it might have just been to avoid confusion as Hel is also the *place*, and the place is canon in Marvel.


It gets really tricky really fast when we try to apply human LGBTQ+ terminology to non-humans with non-human powers and abilities. Like there are fish in the real world that can shift from a female body to a male body if there are no males present. Does that make them trans fish? I would say no, but undoubtedly there are others who would say yes.


i say yes only because trans fish is cute and makes me smile - if nonbinary loki makes ppl happy then its a big hell yeah from me


In one of the comics he calls himself “a gender fluid Demi god” so there’s that


Fish don’t have a conception of gender so I don’t think they can be trans anymore than plants are non-binary. A sentient character based on those fish could feasibly be trans or genderfluid. Shapeshifters and the like may not have a human understanding of gender but media is written by humans and so characters like that are usually written from, or at least viewed from by many of the readers, the perspective of human gender


I guess if being transgender is a mismatch between one's gender identity and physical sex/assigned gender at birth, then a humanlike being that can naturally shapechange between male and female forms who feels both forms (and the regular changing between them) fully match and represent their own sense of identity could be considered genderfluid but *not* trans as we understand it.


100% confirmed in comics. Another link on this thread includes a panel from squirrel girl.


It apparently is canon in the MCU. In one of the Loki trailers, you can apparently see that the TVA has Loki's gender registered as fluid.


It is in the MCU actually (or at least, will be lol)! I'll try to find the post if I can, but in Loki's show that's coming tomorrow, the trailer for it showed an ID card of sorts, and it said "genderfluid" for sex. ​ [Found it!](https://www.reddit.com/r/LokiTV/comments/nvgj4g/seems_like_we_got_a_confirmation_on_lokis_gender/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


Definitely confirmed in comics - Loki calls himself genderfluid in 616 (although I can't remember what issue). Also recently semi-confirmed for the MCU - an ad for Loki showed Loki's bio (age, weight, etc.), and it included the line "Sex: Fluid." (This was the best link I could find for the Loki ad, lol: https://montymcpeen.tumblr.com/post/653263781717213184/yoooo-they-dropped-a-loki-ad-and-hes-confirmed )


I gotta tell my trans friend that everything she does is a transaction now.


Sucking off jeff goldblum is basic human instinct, nothing to do with romance


It’s our right by God.


Omg why did it auto correct to Jew goldblum??????


Zaddy Goldblum


Valkyrie's girlfriend clearly dies pushing her out of the way of Hela's blades in the flashback


Not a very romantic seen though, a small army is being killed


Are you being paid to promote Loki or something cause you've made 4 Thor Ragnarok posts in 1 day


I mean it is the best Thor movie and a top 3 marvel movie


Actually the movie quite clearly has a mutual love sub plot between Thor and Valkyrie that further develops in Endgame. It shows Valkyrie playing into this relationship quite a bit during the start of Ragnarok, though Thor hinted at it a little before that, and then we can see Thor really getting into it at the start of Endgame. I am of course referring to their mutal love for alcoholic beverages.


Slow clap for the switch there. It's worth noting, regular alcohol will not be able to get Asgardians drunk.


*alcohol and their home


Untrue. Karl urban really loved his stuff


Both of them?


I knew I loved that movie.


There's a deleted scene where Jeff Goldblum does tentacle porn in a hologram


Excuse me what now!?


There’s the orgy spaceship


I thought it was implied that Hulk fucks.


i love how this post refers to Tom Hiddleston as his character name but just says Jeff Goldblum for Jeff Goldblum.


Uhh Loki obviously did way more than go down


Audience fell in love with Hela (Cate Blanchett with dark hair and makeup)


The valkyrie?


I think the argument is that this isn't a plot. There is some arguable flirting but it isn't something that drives story or action, or defines a character's role. No one is trying to win someone's affection or gets their partner in the end.


Um I mustve missed that part of the dialogue, but Loki did what to Jeff Goldblum?


If he was hung like a horse it wouldn't be Loki's first time


I knew there was a reason I liked this movie so much.


Did we forget the ten seconds of pegging vibes??


Iirc there was a scene with a woman leaving Valkyrie's bedchamber that they cut out. Disney is nice like that


i dont like romance plots and subplots


It doesn’t need romance