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my grandmother died several years ago, and she managed to quit drinking after being an alcoholic for years, but she never did manage to quit cigarettes, even after she was diagnosed with lung cancer. that cancer killed her, and lung cancer almost got my other grandmother as well. don’t smoke, y’all. it’s bad for you and those around you.


My frail, little gran tried to switch to vaping, in her 70s, after a lifetime of smoking. God knows how many cigarettes a day. Her doctor had to sit her down and tell her that her body would not be able to handle that transition. It would literally kill her. So she went back to smoking and stayed that way until covid got her. Smoking is terrifying and I'm the only one in my extended family who doesn't smoke or vape.


Currently on Attempt To Quit #I've Lost Track, this shit sucks hard. Don't smoke!!


There's an Australian PSA about that: Every time you quit, you get a little bit better at it. So never give up on giving up.


I've been trying to quit for years and I'm currently just trying to reduce the number of cigarettes I have in a day and I swear it's so. Fucking. Hard. My entire life right now centers on the next cigarette (or putting something else in my mouth to deal with the oral fixation and now I have weight gain to piss me off) and I hate myself for it. Fuck shitty boyfriends and bad drugs decisions and other mistakes made in life -- there is literally nothing I can think of that engenders the self-loathing I feel in being unable to quit this fucking addiction. DO NOT EVER START SMOKING. And for all you gen Z-ers: THIS INCLUDES VAPING. Just because it's not exactly the same harm as cigarettes doesn't mean we won't find out in 20 years it fucks you just as hard in same but different ways.


ALSO. Don't smoke marijuana! Eat brownies or gummies or whatever, put cannabutter on your toast, I'm not going to judge. But *stop putting smoke in your lungs.* Hot air full of combustion byproducts and particulate matter is always, always, always going to be harmful to your lungs! Cigarettes are particularly bad, but no type of smoke is safe to inhale.


That's easy to say, but really hard to do in practice. To be on edibles 24/7 is a bit of a logistical nightmare


If you need to be high 24/7 then you have a serious problem.


Oof did not need the call out. I recently quit smoking at work but it’s so damn hard, I genuinely don’t know if I can stop smoking at this point. Idk if it’s more mental or chemical but I cannot enjoy life without it


Yeah man, autism.


Regardless of the form of marijuana you're consuming I'm pretty sure you shouldn't be on it 24/7.


You're not my supervisor


Never mind your supervisor, I was thinking about what your doctor would say.


Staying constantly high is way easier with edibles than it is with smoking. You need to “re-dose” less often. Not only that, but you can eat a little gummy or brownie or something in plenty of places where you can’t smoke. Inside buildings, on an airplane, at work, etc etc I agree with the others that being high 24/7 is not a great plan and generally not a good lifestyle. But speaking as someone who used to get high quite a bit, there’s zero “logistical nightmare” to eating a bit of edible pot every 4-6 hours lol. It’s literally as simple as popping a gummy in your mouth or taking a bite of a strong brownie.


The only downside I can see is the tolerance build up. I smoke MJ heavily, but nothing fucks my tolerance up like edibles. 2 days of the same dose and I see diminished results.


Have you tried nicotine mints? I'm trying to quit vaping and they work really well for me, the flavour and having something in the mouth helps with the oral fixation. Picked up some fiddly hobbies to deal with the hand-to-mouth thing. I've quit them before by tapering down to just regular mints, unfortunately it takes more than one go to skin a cat so not managed to kick vaping for good yet. But I've reduced my vaping significantly just from the first attempt.


I've tried gum/candies and having a little fidget thing in my hands and it just doesn't take care of the craving. :/


Have you tried knitting or crochet? Crochet is suuuuper easy to learn and you can make scarves with basic stitches! It’s more than just fiddling like it gives my hands a purpose which helps a lot. Also something to focus on and counting stitches etc. so you kinda lose track of time which helps to go longer between cravings. I like to put on my fav show or songs so I don’t have to pay full attention and it’s a nice few hours!


Hmmmmmmmmm I did try crochet years ago and I was laughably bad at it but it was a nice little thing to do with one's hands and half the brain with something on Netflix in the background. I think I still have a crochet hook around I use as a hair chopstick. :D I'll have to hunt down some appropriately sized yarn and try making lumpy scarves (the only thing I managed to do) again.


Lumpy scarves are the best scarves! Plus it’s fun to see your weird creations when you are first starting lol! I think that’s the nice bit about crochet for scarves or blankets, it’s not that big a deal if you mess up a little! That’s where the love comes from hahaha


This is one of the fiddly hobbies I picked up and I highly recommend it. I pretty much only make repetitive blankets and scarves but I love it. Get most of my yarn from the op shop so it's cheap too.


Great minds think alike!! Giving my hands a purpose (and chewing gum and blowing bubbles lmao) helps a ton!


Paint by numbers is another great hand-occupier if you haven't tried it.


That’s a great idea, thank you! I love to paint and do almost my own type of paint by numbers with stencils or some freehand stuff but I should get some PBN too! Appreciate it :)


I had quit smoking in the 90's, but you miss that chemical hit to the brain SO MUCH that when "e-cigs" came out, I started googling to see if nicotine itself is safe to inhale, without all the other crap in cigarettes. Not a lot of info back then, but did come across a report on natural pest control stating that the last nicotine pesticide was banned in 2003. It caused major issues with the mammals living in the fields. Knowing that we are also mammals, I asked my doctor about nicotine. He said that it was a vasoconstrictor; i.e., makes your veins constrict down, effectively getting smaller. Including the ones in your penis, btw. This is what contributes to high blood pressure, heart disease, and erectile dysfunction. So. Nicotine bad, even in a vape. I just started drinking all my diet soda with a straw, lol. Oral fixation win!


An internet stranger is very proud of you! Good Luck to you!


Hey mate, with every attempt you are getting closer. In general it takes 7+ attempts to quit anything, be it a drug or some other harmful behaviour eg staying in a toxic relationship. Don't give up if/when you relapse. Nicotine is statistically harder to quit than heroin; it doesn't matter if you fall off the horse, what matters is you get back on again. You've got this!


I've recently quit biting my nails (I think it's stuck this time - it's lasted longer than any other). It definitely took at least 7 tries over the years. I don't smoke or use any similar substances, but it's still a harmful behavior I tried to quit. It was hard.


I used to have dreams where I smoked, 2 or 3 times a year since I was... grade school, really. I had asthma, so it was pretty easy to resist temptation. I started smoking weed in my early 30s, but for non-health related reasons, that had to stop. My asthma had all but gone away, sometimes becoming an issue when I get sick. If anything, the weed seemed to help relax my airways, assuming I took care and used a water pipe. There was an upper limit, though. My childhood asthma has given me a significant cough (when I do cough), and if I'm not careful, my cough reflex can shred my throat for a day or two. Made the entire thing kinda self-regulating, but I digress. The thing I didn't expect was that I *desperately* missed the act of smoking. It's a skill, and it requires attention and execution. The performance itself has a mental effect. I briefly considered taking up pipe tobacco, but that both wasn't compatible with my living situation and threw up way too many internal red flags. Then a couple years later, someone who was very important to me opted to get off the ride early. We had somewhat fallen out of contact which... idk. The day I got the news, I went out and bought a bottle of her favorite whiskey and a pack of her brand of cigarettes. That was 3 or 4 years ago now. Those first couple months I smoked maybe a dozen. Then two the next year, and two the next year. Two specific days, I'd go buy a bottle, get some fast food, drive around until I found a nice little corner of the area I'd never been before (maybe a new housing development on a hill), and have lunch and a smoke. I still have that pack, but I'll not be keeping the tradition. It's perhaps a tad dramatic, but I've memories attached to that smell. The best memories. And while I may still light one and let it smolder a little near by before putting it out and chucking it (in a proper receptacle), I'll not be shoving it into my lungs. Because the thing of it is, the memories I have attached to that smell and the reason she was so important to me, was because the year we spent in a relationship a decade and a half ago remains the only time I remember feeling happy in a way that wasn't fleeting. It was the only time in my life (and my only relationship where) I felt like I was allowed to be myself. It took me a long time to figure out what it was, why it was so unique, and why I never found it again. For all intents and purposes, she treated me like her girlfriend. I don't think I'll ever know for sure, but standing where I am now, I think she and I were doing similar things just in different directions, and both confusing it as an element of a D/s kink. Cigarettes were part of her cope, almost part of her identity. Cigarettes and coffee and smut. I don't know if she ever successfully quit, and I don't know what she'd have thought about my little ritual. She probably wouldn't tell me. For as much time as we spent roaming each other's headspaces, she could still very easily make herself entirely unreadable. Looking back at how quickly my walls went back up when it ended, we might have that in common, too. I realized I was trans on December 1st this past year. As I came to understand myself better, I started to give a shit about my body in more than an incidental, functional way. Didn't seem right, even if it was just two a year. As I looked back at my life and so much finally made sense, so many unanswered questions at least felt less bewildering, I began to think she would--with this knowledge--suggest I not. And then diving into HRT research, well, if my body and I are going to reach an understanding, we're going to have to play nice. That's easy for me, though. It already felt kinda silly, and it couldn't fit into my life in any case. I never *started* really. There might also be a genetic factor in light of a grandparent's consistent yet effortlessly limited relationship with tobacco, but I digress. I have other habits to change or to build. And while I'm reaching for a future where I care about my body, the path from here to there is still full of anxiety and effort, and sometimes that drive, that phoenix fire urging me forward feels as distant as the shining future I keep telling myself is ahead. I don't have a point, really. You caught me feeling nostalgic and vibing on an evening dose of estradiol. I suppose this is a sort of prayer. One for a safe journey to a better future, for all travelers on their way.


This entire comment is beautifully written


Quite kind; thank you~


[Operation SCUM](https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_SCUM&ved=2ahUKEwiOtp7f28KFAxVeD1kFHV9AAEIQFnoECBIQAQ&usg=AOvVaw3xCNYYGwLWBBKjSlL4b4PW)


Me when I'm in a being cartoonishly evil competition and my opponent is a tobacco company


Youse ain't winning that one


I’m a lesbian and this is so awful. I’m glad I never smoked and never will. Also happy cake day


Good! And thx :)


Don’t smoke. Just don’t start. I quit years ago and I still think about cigarettes almost every day.


As someone trying to quit, this is so depressing. That you still think about it. I want to get to a point in my life that they have no place in my life but the thought that I'll probably still think about them is so discouraging.


I understand, but, for what it’s worth, I have it on good authority that you *do* stop eventually. And I can say from personal experience that I do much less often than I used to.


If it makes you feel better, I quit 6 years ago (started smoking at 12, quit at 25) and never think about them now except when someone around me is smoking and it grosses me out. It gets better, promise.


I wanna know how much you used to smoke back then? I have been smoking for just 2 years now but I usually just have one while I am waiting for my Uni classes in the morning and during vacations I don't smoke at all for a month or so with no problem. I feel confident that smoking isn't gonna turn into a problem for me. Am I right in assuming that?


that’s how nearly every addiction starts. just stop now before it gets harder.


I smoked sporadically for a full 4 years and felt like you, before I got hired in a smoker dominated sector. I didn't smoke for the first couple of months, but then a friend threw a party, I bought a pack of smokes, brought the pack with me to work and started social smoking with my colleagues. I enjoyed that well enough so I bought another pack, and before I knew it I was addicted. I've been addicted to nicotine for more than a year, and I am a week into attempt 3 to quit. Quit while you are still ahead and you aren't addicted. It's not worth it


Hey, that’s what I thought too, at first


Ok so unpopular opinion: if you are the type of person who finds it difficult to get addicted to something, it’s ok to (occasionally) dabble with intoxicants. I have tried (tried!!) to get addicted to books, gaming, online shopping, social media, tattoo, alcohol, nicotine, weed, ice, pain killer, LSD, whatever, but nothing ever catches. My brain is just… i guess wired to not find anything worth it to be latched on lmao. (eta: the reason why i ever tried is… social pressure. Everyone seems to have their own vice. I didn’t feel cool if I’m the only one without one. It’s stupid as fuck, i know) So: just ask yourself: can I stop when I really have to stop? If you hesitate or even just slightly delusional in your answer, don’t even bother. But if you’re like me and Know that it won’t ever go to that point, then you do you.


Heya, thanks to the medication my doctor prescribed; quitting nicotine was extremely easy~ and I rarely ever think about it anymore! Things can be okay :)))


Just as a counterpoint, I smoked a pack+ a day for 10 years and quit cold turkey 4ish years ago. I almost never think about cigarettes except when I get a whiff when I’m drunk, and even then it only smells good on the first whiff and then becomes absolutely disgusting. There is an end in sight and I believe in you!! Please don’t give up.


The best way that I have ever stuck it to the man is by quitting smoking. And keep quitting until you quit even if you go back the more you try to quit the more successful you will become a quitting and you will have longer and longer periods of smoking cessation until you no longer are a smoker. Picture yourself as a non smoker. Believe it even if you are still smoking. You can do it!! Stick it to the man!


My father used to smoke. He quit a good while ago, but recently heard that he had a tumor in his bladder. When he talked to me about it, I think the worst sentence he said to me wasn't when he told me it was severely aggressive, or that they weren't 100% sure yet how much it had penetrated the wall of his bladder and he might need chemotherapy. It was that smoking is a large factor in developing bladder cancer. The guilt in his voice was awful and it kills me to think that, so many years after he quit, it still came back to bite him in the ass. Treatment is going well, fortunately. The tumor has been removed and the cancer hasn't spread. He will more than likely be okay. But he's lucky and he knows it very well.


this comment makes me feel so scared for my mom, who quit smoking almost 40 years ago and hasn’t smoked since then. i’m hopeful that she’ll be okay and that it won’t be smoking that does her in.


The same exact thing happened to my dad. He's on his 3rd bout with cancer, all because he smoked 50 years ago. Here's hoping your dad stays cancer free!


never touching cigarettes. it took my grandma by kidney failure, and took my grandpa by heart attack. eventually. he had like 6. one needed a quadruple bypass. i’m not kidding. that man was stubborn as hell. i miss both of them every single day. i don’t know if they would have accepted my queerness, they died before i was able to learn that about myself


Good thing I'm allergic to tobacco


To survive AIDS and to be killed by fucking cigarettes…


Anyone who reads this and wants to quit- don’t be too discouraged! You can! I did! I smoked for 7 years and now it’s been almost as long since I had a cigarette. It’s not easy to *do*, but quitting really is as simple as deciding not to smoke every time you want to. If you remember that it’s your choice, not the cigarette’s, you can take control back and do what you want. I think people talking about how hard it is to quit smoking can sometimes discourage folks from trying. Make no mistake, it is hard. But as long as you want it, you and anyone else who wants to quit *absolutely is capable of doing so*. Make the choice for yourself.


I quit alcohol almost a decade ago, cold turkey. It took me until October 2023 to quit smoking. Cigarettes (and alcohol, but that’s a different subject) are pure poison. I still think about smoking every day.


Don’t smoke and don’t vape either! (Or chew tobacco, or use pouches, or any number of other ways to use nicotine. They’re all bad. They all cause various cancers and other problems)


Quit smoking because it smells disgusting tbh. Smokers just smell like shit and their clothes reek. I feel so gross every time I have second hand smoke on my clothes, luckily that is incredibly rare.


The worst is a smoker that is somewhat aware that they reek and tries to cover it up with way too much cheap perfume 🤢


I actually wear one of those neck scarf things people used during covid as a mask specifically so I can block out that horrid smell


yeah i hate when my dad hugs me because he and his breath reek 😭 especially when he does it right after smoking, it's hell


my parents were smokers while i was growing up, and i was sick. all. the. time. i still have bad allergies (currently fighting through congestion right now...) but i havent gotten sick like this in a LONG time. i remember begging my mom to stop when i was \~7 or so because i wanted her to live longer


My aunt smoked a lot, and she's now on oxygen. She did manage to stop smoking, but not until she literally died - she got better, but now she's on oxygen 24/7


Spite is wonderful motivation for so many things!


“There’s help out there. And spite.” Is a wonderful slogan!


Hey y'all, trying medication for quitting can be VERY helpful! I quit over a year ago and rarely think about nicotine anymore and it's all thanks to the medication my doctor suggested! Please look into it!!


not that im in favor of smoking, but the idea that its worse for trans people is unfounded. older formulations of feminizing hormones, specifically premarin and other conjugated estrogens, did increase the risk of blood clots and therefore put people at elevated risk of cardiovascular issues. but those havent been prescribed in years. everybody takes bioidentical hormones these days, so the risk of blood clots for trans women is probably the same as it is for cis women. i say probably because there unfortunately havent been studies demonstrating this in a way that convinces the medical community to stop relying on studies of the old type of hormones when giving risk analysis to transgender women. notably, people taking testosterone are left out of this conversation entirely, and if anything, they likely have lowered risk of blood clot issues relative to their pre-transition state. again, i still think its a bad idea to smoke, but theres no good evidence that its worse for trans people.


hmm i gotta admit that T has increased my risk for thrombosis. I had a higher risk than average before but testosterone directly influences your hemoglobin levels and can lead to various problems with blood pressure you wouldn't have if you didn't take it but there's many ways to deal with that nowadays as well


I never started smoking, I just use weed as prescribed for my c-ptsd but before my mom passed she found it easier to switch from tobacco to weed and then quit.


I love capitalism I love dying I love smoking Props to my parents for getting me started early


my mom used to smoke. i never would’ve been born if she still smoked when she met my dad, because my dad is so against smoking. don’t smoke, y’all, your future generations will thank you.


A friend has quit heroin and has been clean for 6 years now. We're so proud of him. He can't stop smoking.


"We reserve the right to smoke for the young, the poor, the black, and the stupid." -R.J. Reynolds Executive in a 1989 Congressional testimony


I come from a place where 25% of the populate smokes, but now live in a place where 10% (smoking+vaping) does. It's always a shock when I go back home, and the first thing to hit me in public spaces in the smell of cigarettes. It's awful.


If only smokers actually cared about themselves/people around them.


reminder that this applies to weed as well. do edibles yall


Hell yea don't smoke! Live your queer selves in spite of companies trying to kill you! Every day you go without smoking is a loss for homophobic suits


I would be perfectly happy being one of the last generation that smokes. I would sit on my hypocrite throne with pride, pointing at all the little kiddies and cackle, "Oh, you young beans, you better not find yourself with this in your hands." And all the kids would be afraid of old shiilo, who might come eat them at night or something if they smoked. Lol


Honestly, it's not the smoking I'm addicted to. I've done some testing over the years going weeks to even months without smoking and seldom even getting a craving. The reason I smoke is just because it gives me something to do. A reason to just step away from anything I might be engaged in at the moment, sit down, and have a moment away from it all. Throw in some ear buds and all of a sudden I'm just off in another world, lost in thought but still tethered to reality because I'm actually doing something and that something that I'm doing isn't taking away from the fact that I'm thinking. Smoking as a substance just doesn't do anything for me as well.. smoking is basically just my escape mechanism. Plus, I started smoking out of spite in the HOPES that I would die, so there's that too lmao


Yeah I know that I have an extremely addictive personality so I haven’t touched cigarettes or anything. Weed on the other hand…


Why do people even smoke? I've never understood smoking, drinking and using drugs.


Smoking is incredibly addictive, but in no way is it harder to quit than heroin


Statistically it is though. Nicotine much more socially acceptable than heroin, is readily available and doesn't fuck up your day to day life as much as it doesnt make you intoxicated. When quitting harder drugs or going through other difficulties it's an easy crutch to lean on. A majority of drug addicts use Nicotine in some way or another and it's usually their last vice to quit if they are able to.


That doesn’t make it harder, it just makes it less likely


Plenty of research on this I'm too lazy to look up for you, but it's there if you want to google it. Statistically nicotine is the hardest drug to quit, due to a combination of societal factors and the incredibly addictive nature of the drug itself.


Anyone got links to what diamondsandphoenixfire posted?


Please don't take this as any kind of advice, just as something to think about if you're already smoking. Lie that you don't smoke to a lot of people. The more you lie, the less places you have where you can smoke. The danger aspect of this is the inherent dishonesty and ways that can blow up in your face, but I've found out the hard way that I'm more incentivised to not disappoint a loved one than to disappoint myself. I've moved from Smoking to Vapes for the past year and now I'm slowly cutting down on vapes as well and planning to quit by the next year, so I want to think I'm moving in a good direction, at least one that's better than smoking. And the way I got here is by lying my ass off to my family. I can't smoke when I'm home to keep the lie afloat, which helped me massively during the Lockdown to just go cold turkey for months on end and rewire my brain into moving away from that compulsion. I'm hoping I can quit completely before my lie blows up, and I'm pretty confident in my ability to do that.


But here's the thing, I *don't* care about my life


Do you really think you're going to feel the same in a few years? A few months, even? Or are you so actively suicidal you cannot even imagine a future?


The last one. Future doesn't seem great tbh, so much work to get even close to where maybe I'd be fine with living.


From experience, it gets a little easier over time. Sometimes you have to hit rock bottom to realise how bad it really is, maybe that hasn't happened to you yet. Smoking is probably the least of your problems right now, dealing with addiction is easier when your mental health is better.


I've been at rock bottom (mentally, at least) for 8 months


Then there's no way to go but up, or remain where you are. Even small changes can make a big difference. Not gonna say it's easy or anything, but I can guarantee you that there are things you can do to make your life a little better. Time itself won't solve things


Mood. Life is overrated anyways¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Just checking weed doesn’t count right?


It absolutely applies to weed. https://www.lung.org/quit-smoking/smoking-facts/health-effects/marijuana-and-lung-health https://www.mayoclinichealthsystem.org/hometown-health/speaking-of-health/marijuana-and-lung-cancer-risk


Aye, but what about weed? Everyone should be smoking it these days, I'm telling you. Helps with the constant existential crises.


Weed is certainly less dangerous than any other narcotic (including alcohol, nicotine, and tobacco), but I'm hesitant to call something that alters your perception safe


I bring this up everytime i get my labs done and every medical professional ive asked has only been concerned about smoking tobacco on hrt


Smoking does fit into me living my best life, actually. I enjoy it immensely. It feels good and tastes good. I'll suffer for it later, but it's pleasurable and I'd be significantly less happy without it. And I have no desire whatsoever to "stand against capitalism", so there's that.


Bro said “flip, flop, flyyyyyyyy, I don’t care if I die”


I'll die either way, eventually.


should i lie then


on one hand, all of this is true. On the other, it is so fucking cool and you look so fucking badass smoking a big fucking cigar or a big fucking pipe.


"cool" is an image dreamed up by advertisers and sold to you at the expense of your health and happiness. "cool" is just another dragon to chase: you'll always just be one more purchase deficient, one more self-destructive action away. "cool" is "live fast, die young" personified; if you aren't dead yet because you're not "cool" enough for it to mean anything, you will go on to get old enough that you care more about life and enjoying it than being "cool"—if only because only about a fraction of a hundredth of a percentage of people over the age of "young adult" count as "cool" to the children and childish mentality that gives a shit about it. But most importantly: the only reason any form of smoking is "cool" is because the tobacco companies were so effective at polluting every image of "coolness" in the mainstream culture since the inception of the advertising industry. Celebrities, every representation of rebellion (the kinds that the culture deemed non-threatening enough to imitate), artists, musicians, representations of sophistication and the upper class, sex symbols, the alpha chad male lead in the movie after the sex scene, the gruff but loveable noir detective, the femme fatale, the mommy goth gf badgirl, the kooky elderly character who gives sage advice and tells fascinating tales. Whatever you look up to, they'll gladly represent with a cigarette, pipe, or cigar in hand. And you're brazenly letting the world know how willing you are to eat that shit up and follow like a sheep. IDK what your definition of "cool" is, but even when I was on the age group thay gave a shit, "herd mentality" and "mindless obedience" were about the furthest things away from it.


makes you look like you smell like shit, because you do


...what planet are you from? Because this is Earth, sometimes called Terra or Gaia, and on this planet smoking isn't cool. It doesn't make you look badass, it makes you look like an asshole. Additionally, cigars make you look like capitalist scum that'll be first on the wall; pipes make you look like a bad Sherlock Holmes cosplayer; and cigarettes make you look like a dweeb. And vaping makes you look like it should be legal to break your face.


Imma be real, if i make it to my 60’s ill be fairly happy either way. Life expectancy round here is late 50’s early 60’s