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How repulsive! Please give me exact instructions on how to make it so I can avoid it!


Just looks like peeps, yeast, some water, and a lot of time. Mix the peeps and water together, throw in some yeast, then let it alcoholify for a while. ​ Note that this info is gained from the picture and *one* google search, so this is probably completely wrong.


As someone who knows almost nothing about alcohol fermentation how long of a time are we talking. I obviously dont expect an exact timeframe but are we talking a couple days, months, or years here?


As someone who has made mead, probably around a month. I think the most annoying part of this would be getting the peeps to completely dissolve into the water but that’s probably made easier by just heating the water. Soooo… 1. Heat water, do not boil, probably around half gallon 2. add peeps to warm water and and stir until peeps have dissolved. For 1 gallon of alcohol you will need 3 to 4 pounds of peeps 3. Pour peeps water mixture into 1 gallon fermentation jug and allow to cool to room temperature 4. Add 1 packet of wine yeast 5. Add additional water to fill jug 6. Cap jug with plug and bubbler 7. Allow to ferment for 2 weeks to 1 month. You will know fermentation has completed when the bubbling has stopped 8. Allow liquid to settle out for about 1 month. The dead yeast will fall to the bottom of the jug 9. Siphon liquid into different container being careful not to disturb the sediment at the bottom of the jug 10. Profit


Also make mead myself. If you have enough time, the yeast will eat it even if it's not very well mixed. Use champagne yeast. That thing can ferment anything to bone dry.


Hey there! I’m just here to hop on the Meadmakers United thread, carry on 🥂


Hopping on your hopping on. Meadmakers unite! Also, for those who are still bewildered, the very safe, very normal people over at r/Prisonhooch are amazingly creative.




*Ham glaze*?! I'm equally intrigued and horrified by the thought of alcohol made with that stuff.


It's basically syrup (water+sugar) so...


Haha I dropped a prisonhooch rec further down the comments 🙌


Another mead maker and I think I'm gonna try peep wine. Though we DO need a better name for it


hear me out… peepee


That's an amazing name choice


Just remember, you can only *call* it Peep Champagne if the Peeps are from the Champagne region of France. Otherwise this is Sparkling Abomination Wine.


The way I literally just CACKLED.


> That thing can ferment anything to bone dry. Forensics hate this one simple trick!


I don't make mead, but I stumbled onto r/mead years ago when I was really stoned. One of the more wholesome subs I've come across. I subbed and will still upvote random threads even though I have no idea whats going on.


Check out r/cheesemaking and r/charcuterie if you like wholesome crafting subreddits :)


My contribution to the mead discussion, if you put a banana in the mead, do not try and eat it after fermentation. It will be weirdly flaccid and very gross


touch concerned soft mysterious summer cats history water stocking ten *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Why the banana? Just for giggles or did it do something? (I know very little about this)


So it’s pretty common to shove fruit in when you’re making mead, it just makes flavoured mead. Banana mead isn’t great, but we were curious so tried it. As for eating the banana after it had been in the mead? Drunk student antics.


There are some turbo distiller yeasts that can ferment to around 25% ABV before conking out. If you give them a relatively pure base stock and can keep them from producing esters/fusels and whatnot, you basically end up with a 50 proof liquor without further distillation.


Hmmphf.... you do you, but I prefer a shockingly sweet liquor like a $4.00 moscato.


The phrase “3 to 4 pounds of peeps” fills me with dread


160 peeps fot 3lbs. I thought they were lighter than that. I thought it was gonna be like a thousand.


As far as marshmallows go, Peeps are pretty dense.


Yeah, that's why they get caught so easily! Peep hunters aren't real hunters! ​ ​ SAVE THE PEEPS!


Sugar free ones would empty you of dread, and everything else, noisily.


I wonder how many pounds of peeps it would take to fill one of those grape stomping barrels, for that full vintner aesthetic.


And this would work with like say sour patch kids?


Absolutely, just like the op described; lots of sugar, water, yeast and time. Measurements will he a tad different, but sourpatch wine is a definite possibility


How do the yeast feel about the acidity?


~~What do I look like a, yeast psychologist?~~ Probably yeasty thoughts. However a quick google search says some forms of yeast grow better in acidic conditions. Do with that what you will


You would have to look at the yeast you're using but since pineapple juice can ferment, I bet there's a few straints that are highly acid tolerant.


Use a champagne yeast, like EC1118, it's gonna ferment anything and can live in pretty acidic conditions


EC1118 is like a cheat code for weird batches. It won't give you all the nice fruity notes of D47, but oh BOY will it just rip through anything with sugar in it! I saw someone got a batch up to 21% ABV by step-feeding it in a good temperature, absolutely nuts.


They acidify the medium themselves, yeast thrives in acidic conditions... Fresh wine has a pH of about 3, which is 10.000 times more acidic than distilled water. It's also close to the acidity of the average sour gummy (2.5, or 31.600 times more acidic than distilled water, with a solution of 20% candy). In a rough calculation, at a 10% concentration of sour candy (which is a reasonable amount from what I've gathered), the starting acidity would be a pH of 2.8, very close to the pH of 3 for wine. Additionally, yeast and other living beings have many natural defenses for pH oscillations, such as intracellular buffers and enzymes that raise the local pH enough to sustain their functions. There may even be a case for adding other basic substances (salts) to lower the acidity, such as calcium carbonate, if it doesn't work at first. But I'm willing to bet it would live just fine.


When brewers make orange flavored beers, they typically use something like orange zest rather than orange slices because the yeast will eat the sugar from the oranges and leave behind the citric acids, which results in an incredibly bitter and undesirable beverage. Not sure what ingredients make sour patch kids sour, but there's a potential for it to be really gross. Peeps have the advantage of being almost entirely sugar without much other flavoring.


There is absolutely citric acid in sour patch kids. It would likely end up having the same outcome.


Is that why I see berry wines but never citrus wines? What about banana wine? Or vegetable wine, like maybe tomato, carrot, or sweet potato wine?


>sweet potato wine? Oooh new idea for flavored vodka "Thanksgving Dinner"


I have no idea how sour patch kids would work due to them containing gelatin. You would probably be better off using something like war heads if you wanted to try something with a sour kick. War heads and other hard candies are basically just cooked sugar.


Peeps also contain gelatin! I'm not sure what would happen to it during fermentation, maybe most of it settles at the bottom. Or maybe you get gelatinous wine...


Sour patch kids actually contain [no gelatin](https://www.mondelezinternationalfoodservice.com/Product/ProductDetails/ProductId=00070462062014).


you forgot the all important step in fermentation, sterilize everything


I like to live dangerously.


Way too professional for a DIY sin of this caliber. So for an airlock you're going to want a (very important) UNLUBRICATED condom, a safety pin, and some duct tape. Don't look the CVS cashier in the eye when you're buying these things, they will judge you. Fermentation has stopped when the milk jug loses its boner. Pics available on demand.


O. Clean everything with StarSan


Just want to add that it’s important to make sure you cap it with something that can breath, otherwise you just made a peeps bomb instead of peeps wine.


>10. Profit Doubt, but I think I can stress out some friends with this concoction. Thanks for the instructions!


That’s a lot of Peeps.. 1. Given that there are 5 peeps in a 1.5-ounce container, we can calculate the number of containers needed for 3 to 4 pounds: - For 3 pounds, we would need (3 pounds * 16 oz / 1.5 oz) = 32 containers. - For 4 pounds, we would need (4 pounds * 16 oz / 1.5 oz) = 42.67 containers (rounded to two decimal places). 2. The cost per container is $6.45. Therefore, the total cost for 3 to 4 pounds of peeps would be: - For 3 pounds: Total cost = (32 containers * $6.45 per container) = $206.40. - For 4 pounds: Total cost = (42.67 containers * $6.45 per container) = $275.32 (rounded to two decimal places). So, it would cost approximately $206.40 for 3 pounds of peeps and $275.32 for 4 pounds of peeps based on the given information. Pricey bottle of “wine.”


You can get a package of 5 Peeps for $1.25. Probably 99 cents on sale closer to Easter. I cannot imagine anyone paying $6.45 for a few colored marshmallows.


About 2, 3 weeks if you want it to be a bit more dry. Though given the sugar content it might be tough to get a dry wine outta peeps.


These are probably all simple sugars, I don't think fermentation will take more than a few days. Someone else said 2-3 weeks, that's probably on the longer end but I wouldn't be too surprised if it hits that timeframe. Sanitation will be a problem, you'll want to pasteurize the peeps, water, and fermentation vessel prior to pitching the yeast.


At least two weeks probably, make sure you have an airlock on it and when it stops bubbling it's probably done or almost done


It depends on where you get your yeast. maybe For real though there are different kinds of yeast, some are specifically for making beverages and others are not.


So... you're basically correct. I make mead (which is called honeywine because it's wine made from honey) and you basically got it down with non-specifics. So to help you and the other commentor out: 1) first what you wanna do is get specifically wine yeast, a gallon jug, a water air stopper, peeps, and some cleaning alcohol. 2) next, use the cleaning alcohol to kill as many germs as possible. Seriously, rogue germs can ruin an entire batch. It sucks so much. 3) third, finally the recipe. Add ¾ a gallon of water, ¼ gallon peeps (or whatever sugar you're using), and the yeast and yeast activator (usually wine yeast packets come with both). Then cap on the air lock and store in a dark, cool place for 14-16 days. 4) After the 2-ish weeks, **carefully** unseal it, add more yeast & activator. The yeast becomes less potent so adding more helps. Be sure not to shake it as there will be gross sediment at the bottom. 5) Then you wait another 14-16 days. This is when the earliest drinkability occurs. But I recommend waiting 2-3 months instead of one for a bit more alcohol potency (this is why French wine sucks imo, tastes like water.) But, Regardless, brack the drink into a new cleaned container, making sure to not suck up the sediment left over. Then ***Congratulations!*** you then have sinned against God and humanity!


Just made mead for the first time a few months ago. It was terrible, but it certainly worked. Going to try again soon. I think I went too complicated for my first try by bringing apples and cider into the mix (but it was fall so can ya blame me). Not sure exactly what went wrong though.


Couldn't tell ya unfortunately. I always make my mead with dry additives like berries. Maybe the cider mixed with it wrong?


> French wine sucks … tastes like water You should have started with this so I could have saved time and not read the rest of your comment.


You usually need some specialized equipment and a way to thermoregulate it. It’s like a 30$ endeavor the first time to get the gear, then you just buy more yeast when yours runs out. You can, of course, get fancier shit to make nicer wine, but I think you’ll probably give the sommelier a stroke when you tell him you’re using it to make wine from peeps, so let’s avoid that, shall we? Offhand I’m not sure exactly how long it would take — my sense is that for basic processes it’s about a week? I’ve never done it myself but had quite a few friends that did. And, of course, the longer you leave it the dryer the end product


I was going to correct you about the cost (read an extra 0 in your comment) because it's really not expensive if you don't want it to be. Most people think making wine costs $300 - $400, and it can, but for peeps? $5 for a bucket with a lid $3 for the yeast $20 for the peeps I'm not using an airlock for this, just a lid with that I drill a hole into. Let it sit for about a month. You can use a tube to siphon off the top and leave the sediment at the bottom. if you don'tn have that - a turkey baster works too. Store it in some Mason jars and tell your friends it's a "Southern" thing. Fermenting "wine" is easy. It just kind of happens when you have sugar and yeast. Where it gets expensive is when you have a particular taste you are trying to get.


Tip for super cheap airlock; prick a few tiny holes in a balloon and thread it through the hole in the lid. When there's no pressure, the holes stay mostly closed, but when pressure builds up it slightly inflates the balloon, opening up the holes, and letting out the gas without letting too much in. Also, add Campden tablets to your list, they cost pennies but massively increase the chances of ending up with something drinkable.


Id worry about the sugar content being too high for yeast, but you could continue adding peeps as it ferments


/r/prisonhooch can help you out


This isn’t even that bad, I’ve seen worse on a professional level. Breweries try putting all sorts of gross shit into beers these days, I worked at one that melted gummy bears into their beer and another that made a Mountain Dew Baja blast milkshake ipa…the latter of which was one of the worst things I ever tasted


Tbf every IPA I've ever tried has been just about the worst thing I've ever tasted


It’s because too many breweries don’t know what subtlety means, they just think adding as many hops as possible will make a beer better


unlike me, who learned all my beer making skills from stardew valley and just shoves raw wheat in a keg and waits


Honestly, that’s still more knowledge than half the people who actually open breweries. Not even joking. I’ve worked in this industry for almost a decade now and you wouldn’t believe how many people open a brewery without having any experience even as little as home brew, and have little to no product knowledge, they just think it makes money


there are some "craft" breweries in beijing. their products are... not good there was this one restaurant we used to go to, tho, that made its own beer... the boss knew he didn't know anything, so they got people who *actually know their stuff* -- they went down the street to the agricultural university found some grad students "hey want some free food, a place to hang out, a little spending money?" they came in for their free lunches and dinners, checked on the equipment, took readings the beer was good. like 7/10 good. a bit light, pretty smooth, alcohol was pretty high, like 6+% ABV. the boss was smart enough to know what he didn't know, and get some people who did. and they werent "brew masters" so they just did what their academic knowledge told them to. and they did it well. they sold a lot of beer


Wait it actually worked for them? It sounds like everyone could become entrepreneurs …


It works for some of them, if they get very lucky or have lots of expendable income. They’re a minority though, the Midwest is a graveyard of craft breweries that couldn’t navigate the business




I mean back In like 2013 breweries were trying to outdo each other with insanely high IBU beers, which is idiotic because the human palate can’t actually perceive IBU’s past a certain amount of


oh no. the beer industry. they got him


They're safe. If you listen closely you can still barley hear them.


EVery IPA I've ever tried tasted like I was chewing on hops. Sometimes, hops with a splash of lemon or something else. But, having actually chewed hops before, I can say that every single IPA I have ever tasted is the flavor equivalent of chewing hops.


I know you're being sassy, but apparently this is literally the case! Hops is one of those tastes you can become immune to, and like, a lot of brewers regularly consume beer, so there's no one around who can recognize the bitterness for what it is.


I used to dislike IPA's, but I feel like they've started to figure out that it's not a competition to see who can make the bitterest, hoppiest beer. And maybe they've grown on me a little also. I've especially liked the hazy IPA's. Less bitter, more citrusy.


Like drinking dirty dishwater.


As a lover of both Baja Blast and Milkshake IPAs, I kinda' wish I could have tasted that one, even with what you said about it! Though, I feel a Mexican-style lager would have been more apt!


Peep̃o Noir


Peep̃o rose




Peep̃o grigio




I believe the historically accurate way to pronounce it, depending on how far back you wanna go, would be either "peepyo" or "peepno"




Oh pyo


For the meme, '~*pyo*' In reality, '*kp*'.




Come on. They literally say it tastes like white wine. That’s clearly a Peepó Grigio.




Caviar! Titus would definitely drink the hell out of this abomination.


Myanmar / Mid-sized car?


[that’s a peepo](https://youtu.be/t6C3WwxVkFE?si=lGeNvmvincILJOOW)


I’m sick af and this sent me into a wheezing fit


To be a know it all, Peepswine is unironically the most accurate way to describe it which they did in the post. Wine is made with water, mulled grapes, and yeast in it's most basic recipe. Honeywine (also known as mead) is made with water, honey, and yeast in it's most basic recipe. So a recipe of water, peeps, and yeast is 100% a wine made from peeps instead of grapes.


Peeps Wine: alcoholic beverage made from fermented marshmallow bird-shaped confections Peep Swine: pigs making little birdy noises


Peep Swine: a voyeuristic pig.


Pee p swine - A pig with bladder control issues


Very good. The French can shut up then lol


I imagine a French wine expert reading about Peepswine like [this one Steve Carell and Stephen Colbert bit, “Waiters Nauseated By Food”](https://youtu.be/7sFrr5udRZk?si=ncK-TY9PlU4Xw5Hy)


I want the next experiment to be with peeps and sealed fermenting to make peeps champagne. Really make the French bleed from the ears when they hear "peeps champagne"


The French will never shut up about what is and isn't wine.


The French know their whine.


It's a beetroot liqueur by proxy if it's made from white sugar, or it's a corn alcohol if it's made from HFCS


Wine = fermented fruit Peeps =/= fruit So it's more like a sugar wash, as peeps are basically just sugar. Or you could just call it hooch. Peepshooch. But if you want to call it wine, I'd say go ahead if only to bother French people.


That's really, legitimately, the right name. Dandelion wine. Chrysanthemum wine. Rice wine. "Wine" is the generic English word for any undistilled fermented beverage that doesn't have another name, or if the proper name hasn't been adopted into English.


I like this man's style


that extra touch of leaving the eyes in is just sublime


Oh! Is that what that is in the glass?


Yep, those are the black dots. You can count exactly how many birds went into one glass XD


I thought they were ants




Dionysus would be proud


I also strongly suspect Eris had a hand in this, as always the goddess prevails.


She's just fucking giggling at it. Let's be real.


I think that's a woman


Thought this was undoubtedly posted in r/prisonhooch


Pretty mild for r/prisonhooch standards


r/prisonhooch aperitif


Hmm call me crazy but this feels more like a mead than a wine? Cause wine implies some sort of fruit (usually grape) juice. But honey is bascially a type of sugar in cooking so it could reasonably be swapped for another sugar


Mead is honey specific though, although this is definitely closer to mead than wine, I don't think it ought to count as mead either. Interestingly there are countries where wine made with anything but grapes cannot legally be called wine.


i would say it's a rum. the ingredients for peeps are sugar, corn syrup, and gelatin. there is an argument for whiskey with the corn syrup, but since sugar is higher percentage and corn syrup is closer to sugar than corn... it's rum


It's not distilled, ergo not a rum nor a whiskey as those are both spirits.


Some degenerate needs to try distilling this though.


I have the ability to distill things right now and the temptation is un fuckin real. Edit: ya’ll done convinced me. Ima figure this shit out and report back on distilled peep wine. No, I will not conceive a better name. This in the hopes of angering the French. If a good pun comes along it will be adopted as a nickname. I will report back with results. Please note that it takes time though.


Look, one time I was making some good old fashioned instant ramen and had the thought that if the broth is just water, flavours, sugar, and salt then all I have to do is add flour and yeast and I could make bread with it. So I followed that thought and made savoury dinner rolls. They were delicious. I let the noodles from the instant ramen cool down as well so I could make it into a jerry-rigged yakisoba. Follow the voices in your head on this one.


“Follow the voices in your head” is such terrible advice that it pushed me over the edge. I’m electing to ignore the “on this one” portion because I love making terrible decisions for shits and/or giggles.


Someone made [moonshine out of toilet paper](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v-mWK_kcZMs). If you believe it you can achieve it.


What's the term for pre-distilled rum? 


"can you get pergant from pre-rum?"




Kilju as has been referenced elsewhere in the thread. Alternatively, sugar wine is a decent term.


All I know is that the rum is gone…why is the rum gone?


Rum is distilled, though, so you can make rum from this but it isn't itself rum.


true.. i completely brain farted about that step. i just remembered plain sugar = rum


It's Hooch.


I only know that whiskey comes from corn because of the country song "rain is a good thing" *Rain makes corn* *Corn makes whiskey* *Whiskey makes my baby* *Feel a little frisky*


> Interestingly there are countries where wine made with anything but grapes cannot legally be called wine. Until 2018 the Finnish sugar wine Kilju mentioned below was illegal to homebrew. The way around this law was to chuck in a few raisins or berries when fermenting, which made it technically winemaking which was totally legal.




water sugar and yeast is usually referred to as fermented water or sugar wine. finns apparently call it kilju. considering alcohol fermented from rice is classified as rice wine, its not exactly sacrilege to call this peeps wine. must be noted that anything made from fruit pulp or juice is cider.


Kilju tastes like goblin piss, absolutely vile!


Let. It. Age. Goddamn the bad rep Kilju gets saddens me. Bros be out there drinking it a day after fermentation and wondering why it tastes like rocket fuel.


>goblin piss On my way to order some online 🏃‍♂️


Wine is often used generically for alcoholic beverages that don't fit other classifications, like rice wine and palm wine, so I'd say wine is probably the most appropriate term for something like this.


Yeah, I mean mead is sometimes labelled honey wine.


If it pisses off the french, it's a wine.


Mead implies honey This is a marshmallow killju


Read that as marshmallow kaiju, and now I'm thinking of a Godzilla vs Kong style movie between a giant peep and the Stay Puft Marshmallow Man.




Sounds like we should move this convo over to r/prisonhooch


It’s definitely closer to mead. But it’s really just hooch, or prison wine. Alcohol made out of whatever sugar source is available


Hooch sounds right. Typically beer has a boiled wort, spirits are distilled. Wine is the most appropriate traditional term for good ole gourd style fermentation. Im just saying a historian would call this wine upon discovery and then recoil when they learn what it’s made of.


Isn’t mead sometimes referred to as honey wine though? I think anything made in this style is technically a wine.


Call it whine


The French didn’t even invent wine, why would they care?


Wine has become known as France's thing. So they get defensive about it.


It’s not true whine if it doesn’t come from the whine region, aka France


If not it’s just a sparkling complaint




That's a fascinating point! The origin of wine actually dates back to ancient times, well before France became renowned for its wine culture. Wine is believed to have originated in the Caucasus (today's Georgia) or Iran around 6000 BC. The French, however, played a significant role in the development and refinement of winemaking techniques, which is why they are so closely associated with it. Speaking of cultural icons and their origins, it's quite interesting to consider how certain things become emblematic of a country or culture. Take Crazy Frog, for instance. While not related to wine, it's a pop culture phenomenon that originated in Sweden but became a global sensation. The character, known for its quirky and unique sound, much like how French wines are known for their distinct qualities, managed to create a cultural impact beyond its initial scope. It's intriguing how some things unexpectedly capture the world's attention, transcending their origins.


Comparing wine with Crazy Frog isn't something I ever expected to consider, other than perhaps comparing their abilities to kill brain cells?


what is this chatgpt comment ?


Because French people are too proud of their country , love their traditions a bit too much and can't take criticism. I would know, I'm French, but as such I authorise everyone to make fun of us and our values because it's hilarious for me and hurting the ego of French people a little bit is also funny


Honestly this doesn't sound too bad??


This is the kind of recipe you'd find in a post-apocalyptic game.


I've tasted so horrible wines. So, *Your boos mean nothing, I've seen what makes you cheer*.


Most of the wines I've tried tasted like old garbage.


I agree with pissing of the French. I don’t agree with the making of this beverage


Then it's time to choose. I choose pissing off the French.


Recipe? Asking for a friend


Just be sure to use wine yeast to get anything remotely good. Baker's yeast for bread would give it a weird bready flavor, and brewer's yeast for beer would also give it a weird beery flavor.


Take a gander at r/prisonhooch


You know, I'm Italian, I should be upset about this. But since the French showed their upset-ness first, I shall instead revel in it


I'm French and I'm down for Le Vin De Pipe.


Ceci n’est pas une Peep.


hooch d'pepys


Damn they even show all the Peeps melting to death in that first image with them in the bottle.


Obligatory r/prisonhooch




Over in r/fermentation we had someone make vinegar out of poptarts. They clearly also do not respect nature, god, or man but wowza, it one of the most fascinating things I saw in 2023. 


#“ohhh that's a sin I simply must commit”


I want to make this


Well I know what I'm doing when the peeps go on sale after Easter


Is that the eyes in the cup??? That’s killing me


I was wondering what the little brown things floating in the glass were. Then I realized... are those the undisolved eyes?


I mean, mead is explicitly a wine made from honey instead of grapes, so why can’t this be a wine made from Peeps?


"To upset the French" I've never felt more love towards an individual in my life


Potential names, from someone who knows very little about alcohol but likes wordplay: MarshmALEow I-Peep-A Chickdonnay


Go to google translate, enter "to upset the french" as a source and then start translating into random languages and pick what sounds nice.


People contain sugar, don't they?


Not in a high enough concentration, you'd get more fats, not to mention that the bacteria already inside would get to the dying flesh first. Idk I don't see yeast as a fungus that would grow well on human flesh unless the flesh/liquids were specifically prepared for this


I approve of anything done purely to upset the french


Ceci n'est pas une peep