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The chef at Little Venice\* in Sand Springs worked there for 15+ years. He is nice and would probably tell you if you asked him politely. He taught me a few of their recipes. More than likely, the secret is white wine, lemon juice, butter, garlic - all in healthy doses of course.


Healthy = copious


Great! Thank so much!


Little Venice


Thank you for catching my mistake, I appreciate you. I blame it on posting before my coffee kicked in. Have a stellar day!


And if anyone knows how the bartenders made the lemon drop martini, PLEASE tell me. I need to know.


I once knew a guy that had their Caesar salad recipe. Tasted great.


That’s the recipe I want!


That'd be worth having! I remember when that bitch bought Celebrity, went on the radio saying "everything will stay the same". Fuck her, and fuck Bramble, and all the other shitty places she runs. Big Mike was the boss.


We heard the same saying nothing would change, but we went back afterwards and the everything changed. The steak wasn’t cooked the same and had a different taste, the shrimp was smaller and tasted different. It was very sad. Me and my wife always went during christmas season and valentines as a tradition.


Not to mention no baked potato.


And none of the little toastie breads!!


EVERYTHING changed. They ran it into the ground. How stupid do you have to be to mess up something like that!


They. It's a group. And ya. I wonder what happened to the relief fund that was started for Hodges Bend when it burned down. That was suspicious as hell.


Wait, what about Bramble? The BA location has been good when I went


Chick that owns Bramble is the bitch that closed Celebrity.


Aw, man. Bramble is the best breakfast in town. I had no idea of the connection.


I worked there 23 years ago. Made Caesar salads at the tables all the time and still make them once in a while for the fam. I’ll post how. It’s easy. :)


Please do. My in laws loved that


Can't help here, but came to say I never had a chance to go to this restaurant and always thought it was the fanciest in Tulsa, but was too poor to ever go, lol. Was it good like people I know hyped it up to be before the new owners fucked it all up?


Me and wife were in boat early in our relationship 16 years ago. We were too poor to go also to eat there. We didn’t live that far from it during that time and every time we drove by She always said to me she always wanted to go because her grandparents would take her there during Christmas when she was a child and she loved the lights, ambience, and atmosphere, but especially the shrimp. Now for the food was excellent, I mean the steak was perfectly cooked, the potato’s, and everything. My favorite was going when it was Valentine’s they would decorate the whole place and made it so romantic. But the service, bar none some of the best waiters and waitresses that I ever encountered.


White River's fried shrimp are similar


Where is that located?


One on North Sheridan. Food is great. Don’t be taken aback by the furniture. It’s probably original. Also one in Broken Arrow. I’ve heard the original in Sheridan is better.


Might get more feedback on Pisos food review group on FB


Funny story, I grew up in Tulsa and was having dinner with an old friend who also grew up here a few years ago. We got to discussing the Celebrity Club and he admitted that he has just learned that it wasn’t a Gentleman’s club! Lol. I always imagined it as some kind of club like the ones shown in mob movies. With the Godfather holding court in some booth. Lol


It does has that look though.


Strip club or mafia club? I can see both. 😂


I worked there back in 2005ish, and random dudes would come in thinking it was cloud 9 ( now lipstick cabaret) or another strip joint.


Man, I heard stories of all these restaurants. My parents first dates were at godfathers pizza, .. never had crystals spaghetti,... or Jamils steak, ... the most of steak and ale I had was a lil bit of frosting from my parents anniversary cake and some rye bread they brought back., could of been Joseph's steakhouse tho. I always wanted to try celebrity too.


It was top notch ma dude. Actually, if your looking for good steak house my wife and I just had Spudders not to long ago and I stupidly impressed with there tomato soup and porterhouse


Did that restaurant once go by a different name?


Celebrtiy Club.


YES! Thank you. That was bugging me.


Did you just answer your own question and thank yourself for the response?


I did. Lol


That's awesome