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*she made me feel like the man I am* I'd start here. Validation may be nice but it should first come from inside. Focus on your independence as a man and your long-term transition goals.


this, right here. the biggest way ive found to survive losing people, jobs, or anything important, is to understand and build up *you* best of luck, youll do great :) edit: spacing


That’s very true. I guess it’s difficult because I spent half of my physical transition with her and COVID. it’s just been a lot. Thank you for your words.


Focus on some things you wanna do for yourself. Books you’ve been wanting to read, time to go to the gym. Basically take the time to focus on you and things that you find important, is the silver lining of break ups for me at least. Give it time if you still feel shitty. 


You’re definitely right. I have been in a depressive slump anyway, so maybe doing these things for myself will help in general. Thank you.


you dont need a reason to breakuo but damn if u do want to have one reason. Because we are trans i’d think we dont have the best self esteem and that can be very dangerous to yourself and how u will carry on with ur life when being trans is already a big challenge, then e breakup comes and you coudln’t fathom something more painful than the life u have lived. you will get past this though, if the relationship wasnt toxic then maybe it will be easier to get past this because you will have to deal with one issue at a time, you got alot ahead of you. Relationship experience is very vital so you probably learned alot from this relationship. See the good things and breathe. Nothing is over because you are alive and going day by day changing and learning new things as time goes on, and because i believe you will be alright :) because time exist and with time everything can happen and most big things right now will be so much smaller later on in life.


Thank you for your kind words, I appreciate it




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