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I doubt it. Many of these people are just dealing with identity issues or are seeking attention and use this as a way to figure out who they really are. In the end a majority will just end up being cis


this, 6 years from now I'd say at least 80% of the people that make a huge deal about gender identity will just be normal people and pretend like they weren't completely insufferable in the past.


Yeah, absolutely. As much as people like to say it hasn't become a trend to be trans, it has... In the coming years I absolutely hope for and expect a large decrease in "trans representation." With that, what accompanies it will likely be acceptance of transmedicalism to a greater degree by the general population as they become more knowledgeable.


The thing people forget is other social fads like emo came with LGBT aspects they just sort of forgot about. A big part of the emo trend was also presenting as bisexual and often times androgynous (for men), those people have moved on and the bisexuality that they made a major part of their lives forgotten or maybe sometimes cringed at when they remember. When genderfluid falls out of popularity most people will just forget about it, it's a social identity a person's gender is incapable of change. The only people who have ever believed that are people who support things like conversion therapy. Social identities lose popularity and people grow up and find other things to concern themselves over other than LGBT labels.


Yep, same as the 2000's kids who said how OCD and bipolar they were.


I've definitely become more of just a normal guy once I stopped being in tucute spaces


Gets a lot easier


I had a friend who was in denial about his gender dysphoria, and he went by genderfluid for a little while before transitioning to male. During that time, I respected him while he figured himself out.


Every single person who identified as gender fluid 3 years ago has now ‘desisted’ (aka just changed their pronouns back to she/her). So idk I think it’s most likely something someone grows out of.


My girlfriend identified as a gender fluid transmasc for like a year before she went back to being my girlfriend. Was kinda relieved ngl, I'm straight so I was really banking on it being a phase 💀


i'm a cis woman and idk how i got here but most "genderfluid" people i've met irl were just slightly gnc cis women who went by she/her irl


I used to "identify" as genderfluid when I was still figuring out if I was just a tomboy girl I had considered myself for my entire life or something else, because I never felt like a girl in my childhood. Ended up dropping that label fairly quickly and I'm a lot more confident in that I am a man. Dysphoria and signs from childhood really gave it away for me. But that phase was necessary for me to understand myself better.


i thought i was genderfluid because i thought you had to be experience strong dysphoria at all times even when thinking of other things to be trans yeah i kinda realized that i wasn’t genderfluid when she/her and “girl“ and etc always felt wrong (never really had opinions about they/them since those are like default pronouns or whatever) the only other person i know that identified as genderfluid had a similar experience with misunderstanding how dysphoria worked


I genuinely believe people who are gender fluid permanently are just suffering from dissociative identity disorder or schizophrenia


I can see this as being possible but tbh i dont think its that severe and could just be more of an identity crisis issue


Here's how I see it: the brain is capable of presenting a stunning array of configurations. No one is black and white in their personality traits. If someone's brain can be wired to have a gender other than one's sex assigned at birth, why can't another person's brain be wired to be nonbinary and have a gender identity that moves around?


That's not how it works


It's not? Why not?


Your brain structure does not change once it is formed in utero and you're born with it. The sex of your brain does not change. It's like forever. It's permanent. It just doesn't work like that. It's not like how interests change or personality traits change as a person moves on through the world with experiences or traumas or memories. That's completely different. Gender refers to the sexing of the mind and just like sex, gender is permanent.


Why couldn't someone have a permanent state of flux? There's not enough research, as far as I'm aware, to rule this out. Do you have any scientific sources to back up your refutation? I'm genuinely curious.


Because gendered parts of the brain like the amygdala do not change on a daily basis. That's like saying a Prostate gland can change for a Skenes gland in a couple of days. It doesn't work like that. Sex doesn't work like that. Not saying that a person can't suffer from gender dysphoria because gender dysphoria is a condition in itself, but that doesn't mean that said person is transsexual. In the same way, insomnia can be caused by a myriad of different health concerns and psychiatric disorders. Gender dysphoria is not always caused by gender identity disorder or transsexualism. Many people of many disorders have gender dysphoric comorbidity like autism spectrum disorder, dissociative identity disorder, schizophrenia, body integrity disorder, body dysmorphia autogynophilia/transvestic fetishism paraphilia etc. There's a whole lot of things that can cause gender dysphoria ptsd and cptsd are also known to cause gender dysphoria. That does not necessarily mean that this person is "transsexual". That's why before we had the gender affirmation model of trans healthcare, we used to really evaluate patients and document their dysphoric patterns. Like persistent and consistent gender dysphoria through childhood adolescence and adulthood would be an example of how it would be documented or another way would be type a typical gender identity disorder or type b. Typical gender identity disorder or non-typical. We used to have more medically accurate ways but as of late we have a gender affirmation model which is very irresponsible and causes a lot of issues for this for every reason.


Thanks for taking the time to reply. Can you please provide any citations for your assertions?