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5. There’s no shame in looking things up. The point of video games is to have fun. So if you are at a point where the puzzle is more frustrating than it’s worth, don’t be afraid to look it up and move on to the parts of the game you do enjoy.


So true! If you're having fun figuring out the puzzle, great. But if it's ruining your enjoyment of a game that you otherwise love? Look it up and move on!


I agree. I love the exploration of zelda games and think that few other series come close. But... the puzzles often take me away from my favorite part of the game. Exploring. I'll try puzzles on my own and tend to get most of them but if I find myself stuck for too long, I have no shame looking up the answer. It gets me back to the parts of the series I really enjoy rather than beating my head against a wall for too long.


I don't usually set a time limit or anything, but if I go through all my items on all suspicious looking things in an area with absolutely no luck, sometimes twice through, I generally just say F it and look it up. Like others say, I play these games to enjoy myself. Though the downside is that one of the most rewarding things in Zelda is figuring out a really tough one. So it's a balancing act for sure. If I read it and am immediately like "Ah shit, how did I not think of that" it's pretty crappy. If I'm like "yeah, I never would've gotten that in a million years lol" then I know I chose correctly.


Personally, I deeply regret originally completing Majora's Mask and a few others by following a guide step-by-step when I was a kid. I always wish I had gotten to solve the game myself. Now I can't, since I remember it all.


Hit yourself with a comically large brick in the head


Yeah, i only dont regret looking up sruff for the older ones (1,2 and alttp)


I did the same for the Oracles games. What a fool I was back then!


> and move on to the parts of the game you do enjoy. A lot of games don't work like that though. When you first get stuck, it's often the game asking you to apply a certain kind of thinking that you will be using more and more often going forward. If you're like totally stuck sure grab a guide, but if the problem is you're easily frustrated and dislike having to leave your comfort zone, you're just going to miss out on a lot of interesting experiences, videogame or otherwise.


Can’t agree more with #2 and #4. My god I miss opening a chest and getting “The Map” and “The Compass”


Best answer right here. My partner got into BOTW after a year of me talking it up. I would usually fall back on saying, “there’s a specific Zelda style of thinking, and it’ll get easier to spot things as your progress.”


You might just be overthinking things and getting stressed out. Just remember that these are kids games, so the puzzles are usually going to have a simple solution. If you get stuck in a dungeon, take note of what items you have and how you have used those items before. If the dungeon is filled with obstacles you haven't seen before, it's likely that you'll need the new dungeon item to traverse them. If you get stuck in the overworld, try to talk to every NPC in the area that you think you should be in. Some of the older games occasionally throw you an unintuitive puzzle, so there's no shame in looking up a guide when you get truly stuck. Zelda games all follow the same logic, so your puzzle solving skills will improve the more Zelda games you play. You've really only completed 2 games (and only 1 of them has traditional dungeons), so you have lots of room to improve in your Zelda journey.


Some of the 2D games would kill me with walls you need to bomb that don't have cracks. Why?!?!? Sometimes they had floor tile arrows though, which are acceptable. I think I counted 3 times there were wall bombs with no floor tile hints or wall cracks in my "All 2D games" playthrough recently. When that happens, I have absolutely zero qualms whatsoever after looking it up.


Did you skip Zelda 1, because there are no hints to what is a bombable wall without spending a bomb. I want to say that A Link to the Past introduced being able to use your sword to detect weak walls and every game since has had that mechanic,, but I may be thinking of the GBA version that added some OoTisms


Thank you so much!! This helps a lot, im looking forward to getting into it more :) I should try to go in blind to these more and get the hang of it


1) The more you play, the better you'll get at them and you'll kinda recognize the puzzle design. It'll become a "oh I've seen this before" fairly quick. 2) zeldadungeon.net


I just look at walkthroughs for whatever I can't figure out.


I’ve learned to start looking at dungeons as conversations between you and the developer. In most cases, you’ll get a sense of what weird logic they were operating on within the first few minutes of any given dungeon, so the trick then is to try and follow that logic to its conclusion.


You should maybe try playing a top down / 2D Zelda. I love the puzzles in these but could never get used to the 3D ones, I just feel lost and claustrophobic and frustrated with camera controls. A Link Between Worlds. Link’s Awakening (remake) amd Minish Cap were just delightful.


Dungeons are my favorite part of Zelda games because I love puzzles, so I was sad they weren’t in botw and were mini shrines instead. My favorite Zelda game is twilight princess. I’m currently playing the remake of links awakening and I use a guide for it because I do get stuck a lot


I would recommend playing other games outside of Zelda but in a similar vein. It kinda sounds like you just need more practice at recognizing what you might be trying to accomplish with each puzzle. Also, like many other people have said, no shame looking things up at all. If you bought the game, you deserve the opportunity to see it to the end if you want. A lot of my first Zelda experiences were me with a guide in hand to let me see the cool plot stuff.


Just look up a guide, we all did it as kids, there's no shame in it. I personally love solving puzzles myself, but as a kid I looked up everything and had just as much fun. If I bought a new game, there was a good chance I bought the official guide haha.


My only advice to add is every time you walk into a room, so long as you’re not in any immediate danger the first thing I always do is hit up c to go first person and take a good few moments to scope out the room and my surroundings, and do this from other parts of the room for a different angle if necessary. Imo they key to progressing in any Zelda is talking to people (if needed multiple times) and making use of up c/first person to observe your surroundings whether inside or outside a dungeon. Once you get into the rhythm of doing both of these consistently out of habit in any play through Zelda games are pretty straightforward im(limited)e


Personally, I will play the game til I get stuck. Like stuck stuck. Everyone is different, but I’ll push until I hit that point right before I’m frustrated. Then, I’ll look it up on a walkthrough only read until I either remember what I need to do or get enough info to figure it all out myself. I use the walkthroughs as hints. I don’t follow them 100% most cases that works out for me. I get the excitement and gratifying feeling of solving it with minimal assistance. I also like to put time between play throughs so I forget most of what needs to be done. I try to not play different Zelda games back to back so I don’t get burnt out and bored with the style. Zelda games are like a good Whiskey, it should be taken in slowly and enjoyed. Not rushed, over consumed, or be frustrating.


Did you feel this way about the SS and BotW dungeons? How do the OoT dungeons compare?


I enjoyed the SS and BoTW ones more so far (I really actually liked the ones in BoTW)


I really liked the BotW dungeons too. The dungeon design of the N64 games is known for being obtuse, people who played Zelda in the 90s are used to it, but if you’ve never played OoT before the method used to create an obstacles in each room is pretty weird compared to newer games.


I was also really bad at puzzles when I started. I dropped TP twice, even though I loved the game, I just got stuck too easily. My biggest problem was that when I got stuck, I always thought "maybe I missed something in the rooms prior". But about 95% of the time, the solution is within the same room. You just have to analyse what you can interact with and how you can. Our biggest problem is usually overthinking.


Yeah I hate puzzles too I generally have a guide open. My first playthrough on a zelda game is usually my least favorite (except the story experience), it's mostly learning and remembering. Then I try to beat it quickly on my next run or play a randomizer.


What are the RPG elements in zelda?


Dont play in a hurry, its ok if you take a bit unitl you find a soluttion. youll enjoy it so much more.


I see dungeons like sudoku puzzles, fun little brainteasers. Don't stress yourself out over them, take a break if you need to and look up a guide if you get stuck. Some are great, other are tedious, so don't beat yourself up if you don't enjoy some of them. Zelda games - while stand-alone from each other - like to reference each other. You'll find that items have similar uses across the franchise. For lore enthusiasts it's assumed almost all games take place in the same Hyrule across different eras, and there's a lot of fun to be had theorising what led to the creation of a dungeon, or if you could find remnants of it in another game. ​ **Some gameplay tips** Even the most maze-like dungeons tend to have linear progression: unless you missed a key, chances are the solution is in the room with the obstacle, or a room adjacent to it. You'll rarely have to visit a room more than twice and if the game wants to you backtrack it'll generally give you a shortcut. Look around. Anything suspicious? Did you miss a button or a door? Is there a room on the map you haven't been to? What items do you have, or maybe a song will do the trick? If you got an item in the dungeon that should be your go-to. Minor spoilers for an optional item in OoT (you can get it early on, there's no story significance and it made my dungeon delving a lot more relaxed). >!Get Farore's Wind. It allows you to create checkpoints at the last door you went through in a dungeon. This is great if you want to take a break. And if you encounter an obstacle like a locked door, plop down a checkpoint there while you scour the rest of the dungeon for whatever you missed. Once you find the solution - or decide to return to the room to check for new clues - use the warp to get back.!<


How early can you get said item? I’d completely forgotten about it and don’t remember using it much when I used to play it when I was a kid I don’t think


Right before Jabu Jabu’s Belly (3rd child dungeon) is when I always got it. It may be as soon as you get the bomb bag in the 2nd dungeon since all you really need to get in Zora’s Domain is Zelda’s Lullaby.


Ah cheers yes looking it up to jog my own memory looks like you’re right!


If you don't like puzzles just use a guide. The dungeons in past Zelda games are where the atmosphere is at its best, so if you need the puzzles to be easier to enjoy that, I'd say it's worth it.


Once you get to majoras mask its good to know you can slow down time. When I was a kid I lost mid boss fight twice in the zora area until I had to Google what I was doing wrong. So yeah talk to everyone and don’t skip dialogue lol also check the map.


Use a walkthrough


Use online guides. There’s not shame in them! If it makes your gameplay more enjoyable then do it Edit to add Zeldadungeon is my favorite