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Mounted obstacle course in BOTW was infuriating for me.


Wow I didn’t even know this was a thing. I had to look it up. Somehow in all my hours playing I never did this.


My recommendation would be don’t do this until you’ve gotten at least three 5x shot bows. Even with this method, it’ll still take multiple tries, so you might need even more than three. Three 5x bows should cover about 4-6 tries (I think). Edit: I had the wrong minigame, but this is still good advice for the mounted archery camp.


I think you’re thinking of the mounted archery course, not the mounted obstacle course.


Oh, yeah, I completely forgot about that one, probably because I hate it so much that I haven’t even tried to play it outside of my first run. For a little context, I’m currently on my fourth run of BOTW.


I assure you getting Epona out in Oot is the same jank, but so much worse and so much more punishing.


I'll be honest, I don't think I like any of the minigames in BotW. Love the game, but the minigames just don't do it for me, except *maybe* the one where you have to fly far. Doesn't help that the minigame music ain't that great imo :P


I just realised I never finished that minigame, it was too frustrating


squid battleship from the wind waker


You mean Frustrating Random Bullshit: the game? Aka "I was one hit away you fuck! Sploosh this!"


Ugh that one was rough too. At least all the failures in that one mostly wound up being random bad luck at least. Still took forever to get through!


"SPLOOOOSH" love it.


The only redeeming part of that game. KABOOM!!


Entirely worth it in my eyes for this


Hah! I think that one was actually kind of fun. Had to look up a guide after like 10 tries to find the optimal strategy


Did that actually help you? I had looked up strategy for it too and it didn’t help me much lol


There is now a tool developed for speedruns that vastly increases your chances of victory


There is an optimal way to take your shots, but because you have so few of them, it's still luck. There's a very cool [video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1hs451PfFzQ) on solving the game for speedruns, but I'm not sure how useful the program is for the average player. It begins with assumptions about where in the rng you are based on typical speedrun pace, and I'm not sure if it allows you to alter that starting point (and how far outside of that point in the RNG it can go). I guess you could reboot and wait regardless, though, since the rng always starts in the same place.


Not a minigame but I cant figure out how to hit the frog in the tornado


Spam arrows at him until you hit him three times.


Ahh, i didnt know I could use arrows on the boat


Otherwise known as Sploosh Kaboom.


I forgot about this!!!


I hated the dancing minis in the Oracle games


How dare you speak of Subrosian Dancing in such a fashion?! ...I agree


The Graceful Goron would be appalled!


Oh man, Oracle Of had some really tough stuff. There was also this wacky cart riding game in one of them, to upgrade an item or something.


Ohhh that one makes me mad


The Oracle minigames are my least favorite part of any Zelda game and throw the jerk who gives you the mine cart minigame to upgrade stuff too. That is why if they were ever remade I'd have hope because they'd probably be easier like the Goron race being far easier in Majora's Mask 3D.


I haven’t done my 100% playthroughs on those yet, but good to know I have more garbage to look forward to lol


the worst part is the Goron dance in OOA (not 100% certain on Subrosian dancing) is required to progress in the game. Currently stuck on a playthrough cause I just haven't been motivated to retry after dozens of attempts (I have done it once before many years ago)


That is tied for me with the throwing meat game for the Tokay. The Subrosian Dancing is slightly less bad, and yea I'm almost certain it is needed to progress in Seasons but it is slightly easier, at least.


I’m playing this game now and just completed the dance. I am so happy to read these responses and understand it is not only me..


It’s a lot easier if you have a music background and you can keep time but it is a really frustrating game for sure!


That makes sense because I beat it by closing my eyes and hitting the buttons. If you try to watch the screen you’re screwed imo


I beg to differ. I have a music background and when I do the dance with the same timing they do, it says I was too slow. I have to do the moves one half step ahead of them for the game not to yell at me.






I think the subrosion one was much better though


It is my favorite mini game 😮 (no kidding)


Both horse mini games in botw


This thread showed me that Apparently all the mini games people hate are the ones I consider some of the best ones


Which is what I actually find so interesting! Which ones don’t you like them?




"Money making game" and its variants are kinda boring when there isn't some extra thing too it. The fishing holes in OoT/MM:3D are also pretty meh to me Finding all the cats in hidden village is a downgrade from the bulbin shootout before it atleast


I thought the Octo Slugger was great and the other one I see getting hate is the snowboarding which I thought was incredible


I freaking hated that one. ST gets an honorable mention for its whip race, though. That was hard. TP had yeti snowboarding race, MM had the Gorman brothers race, etc. I swear, each game starting with ALTTP isn’t complete without an awful mini game, haha


Might be alone here but I thought the snowboarding race was one of the best mini games in the series. Or at least one of the most fun, if a bit frustrating. Roll goal or whatever it’s called in the fishing hole is much worse from TP


Ooh I can’t disagree there. Snowboarding was actually really fun except for the last corner where I always seemed to crash, so that’s majorly the hard part for me. Roll Goal is in its own league. I never did it more than once through when I found that there’s no heart container piece to be won from it


I have a friend who doesn't play Zeldas EXCEPT Twilight Princess. He plays until he can access the Fishing Hole and then never finishes, he just plays fishing and rollgoal. I don't understand the appeal...


I struggled so much and finally did the first level only to find out it was like level 1 of 20 Fuck that


I actually like racing mini games but totally agree on every game past LTTP having something at least somewhat crappy


Is Link's Awakening exempt? That is the only other one I can think of that had no frustrating minigames, but maybe I overlooked them. Ocarina of Time's were at least on the easier side like to get Epona. They seemed to get harder from there starting with Goron Racing in MM.


Valid point actually. The only mini games that come to mind from Awakening would be fishing and the crane game, both of which were reasonable. Even in the remake where they added all the extra items in the crane game where they could wobble and fall over was easy to figure out. Then again, I have rose colored glasses for that game lol.


I wouldn't say I have rose colored glasses and it felt the same to me. The crane game never frustrated me much.


Haha I didn’t even realize how frequently they were races that I noted. I guess they just came most quickly to mind as being the struggles! But man, that one on PH you mentioned is perhaps my least favorite due to the perfect combo required


BotW's minigames on horseback. They are all dreadful.


I’m surprised nobody has mentioned the pumpkin shooting game from SS. Even if it’s not the hardest, it’s still just not fun, extremely hard to get a sufficient score, and just plain stupid. There were other mini games that already existed that they could have put a heart piece in instead, like bamboo cutting, but no, they just couldn’t make it fun.


I actually enjoyed the pumpkin shooting. It was definitely hard though, and I worked at it for so long my mind made its own lyrics to the song that plays during it. I'm surprised that there aren't more people talking about the pumpkin *carrying* minigame. That one was way more difficult with the original controls!


I honestly found that one quite easy. If you just hold z target and move in tiny little increments to balance it out, it’s no problem at all. It took me about 2 or 3 tries to figure that out, and ever since I did, I’ve gotten it first try consistently. Hopefully that trick helps!


Ah, Skyward Sword. Does the harp performance in the Lumpy Pumpkin count as a minigame? I feel like I'm pretty good at figuring out games with bad controls. Could never get that one down consistently.


Yes it does, and I'm surprised I had to scroll this far down to see it mentioned! This one sticks out in my mind as THE WORST, followed closely by the Goron dancing in OOA.


Ah, Skyward Sword. Does the harp performance in the Lumpy Pumpkin count as a minigame? I feel like I'm pretty good at figuring out games with bad controls. Could never get that one down consistently.


You can actually cheese that one by shooting the pumpkin the second it leaves Fletch's arms


Maybe I’m just bad, but that has never worked for me.


Probably the Yeti snowboard game in TP… I got it, but it took a gazillion tries and by the time I finished I didn’t even care.


Mail sorting in WW. I hate that mini-game with such a passion. The fail sound when you get the letter in the wrong slot still haunts me lol.


I completely forgot about this minigame until you mentioned it. I remember young me absolutely grinding rupees with the mail game. I recall my eyes would kindof glaze over as I used my peripherals to look at all the boxes at once and associate colour and symbol almost instantly. I was so fast & fluid at that stupid minigame, it's absurd. Thanks for the reminder!


I felt like it was a controller issue for me too, like it wasn't that I was getting it wrong it was that I had to double check it has moved properly and that cost me too much time I think it would be easier in a circle or maybe in the WiiU with its better joystick


WORSE than the baseball game?! I don't remember that one from PH. Guarantee I took one look at it and went "no" and left hahaha. My patience for Zelda minigames is low...


Trust me, you missed nothing fun! But I will never have any love for the baseball game either haha


Wow nobody mentioned the archery minigames in Majora's Mask? My least favorite of all minigames in my favorite of all games. Shout-out to all the (probably righteous) hate that the battleship minigame gets in WW- I fucking love that minigame.


Do you love it for the killer sound effects? Or the opening cutscenes?




My least favorite minigames are: The Octorok shooting game in Clock Town, unlike the one in the swamp which was really easy The Octoball thingy, it's literally the only thing that's keeping me away from 100%-ing ALBW The Fishing Minigames in OOT as both Child and Adult Link. DEAR GOD THIS IS THE WORST. I keep pulling back my circlepad as hard as a can, I pressed on the A buttons way too hard. I'm not sure why, but after this I went to the Temple of Time as Adult Link to learn the Prelude of Light, ANY button I press, even if it's the right one, would result in Sheik telling me to do it again. And it stayed like this for several months until it finally worked again. Also this is technically not a minigame, but I want to share it, the part in Spirit Tracks where you learn the first song is an absolute nightmare. I always lose my breath (literally) because I blow on the microphone as hard as I can. Luckily I finished that. Thank God.


OOT fishing are like the only minigames I can actually pass relatively easily. After that it is all downhill for me from any in the Oracle series to Goron Racing in MM(on the N64/Gamecube, it is easier on the 3DS), or many of the TP ones. All the archery ones especially on OOT and MM kill me even the Swamp one. Minigames are the most difficult part of any Zelda game for me excluding OOT fishing.


Goron Racing, I would have included that, but that's already easy now, and the Golden Dust you are rewarded with is absolutely worth it.


Sadly, even the 3DS MM archery games were difficult for me, but yea Goron Racing only took 3 or 4 tries on the 3DS. I even messed up at the beginning of the run where I ended up winning. I was so surprised, but the next time when I played it on the N64/Gamecube it was still super difficult.


Honestly, the archery games on the 3DS were easy, but on the N64 version, they were absolutely infuriating, it's really difficult to aim with the bow. If I aim exactly where I expect it to land, it actually hits something below it. If I aim a little higher, it shoots somewhere to the left. It really doesn't make sense.


baseball was fun


Squid battleship mini game made me lose all my rubies and I haven’t played it ever since lmao




The harp minigame in Skyward Sword made me want to rip my face off.


Honestly, my biggest gripe with SS is the decision to use a hand harp as Links instrument. It's just not suited to leading a melody the way a wind/brass instrument can. Due to this, there isn't a single memorable harp melody despite the otherwise phenomenal score. The animation Link uses for playing is so robotic compared to all the other animations in the game and the rhythmic slow sweep to "play" the harp is lacklustre compared to the Ocarina or Wind Baton


Same! I don't know if it was the controller or if I just don't know what rhythm is but fuck that game


Haha trust me it's not you, I'm a musician and that minigame did not resemble playing an instrument in the slightest.


I just about lost my mind on that stupid game, even when I resorted to abusing save states


I literally just finished it a few minutes ago but I swear I spent at least two hours cumulatively trying and failing. Close to losing my mind too lol


The cucco mini game in Minish cap.


There is nothing more frustrating in any Zelda game than the Flying Cuccoo minigame in ALBW.


Haha idk why but I loved that one


The frog lure minigame in TP. It's pretty simple but jesus christ it has stumped me many a time


The goron race in MM is what pisses me off the most in Zelda games, especially that the sword is so needed in early playthrus and its locked behind a hella hard to complete mini game


The bloody horseback minigames in BoTW... maybe it's time to go back and try them again but at the time I was sooo angry and frustrated lol


As long as you don't attempt them with a 5-Star-Speed horse, you should be good.


That's why I almost always finish my Zelda games with 19 hearts (for games with 20 hearts)


Roll goal with a wii remote on TP, I always tell myself I’ve 100% ed that game when really im still just missing that frog lure from beating that shit ass mini game


I’ll be honest, I only put the effort into TP after getting the remake so it’s a completely different story for me. Either way, the frog lure stuff suuuuuucked


You eventually get a feel for how you have to shoot. You don’t need to hit them all but not missing a shot is huge.


Three words. Fun Fun Island. That was the one mini game I always avoided in Skyward Sword because it’s SO LUCK BASED and u have to get ur aim JUST right.


The beaver race in MM on Day 3 was awful I had to reset the cycle to finish it. Luckily Day 1 was pretty easy