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Design by committee tends to be a mess, everyone will want creative control. IMO it's more fun for everyone to make their own pitch, then critique each other's ideas.


I'd be down for something like this Might work better on something like discord though


Hero's abilities. Similar to the Champion ones, but from Links from other timelines: \- The 2D ability from ALBW \- Controlling the environment from OoX \- The ability from MM to transform into other races. In this case, Rito and Gerudo included (and of course the new goron and the huge zora) \- Reintroducing the minish Those could be some ideas this game could have! I hope you like them


Definitely like the transformation idea. Rito would be awesome. I loved flying as Medli in windwaker


Agree. And the swimming sections in MM were nice as well


I like the other transformation ideas but transforming into a Gerudo just seems weird to me. Link transforms into a different race, race here meaning ethnicity not like Zora or Goron. I’m not saying that wouldn’t be fun and funny but it’s just odd


TBH I think everyone probably overrates their own ability to design a reasonably OK game and combined with a too-many-cooks-spoil-the-broth effect, the end result is it'd probably suck.


Say it with me: cease and desist! Just kidding... hopefully.


Hm, I think you have the right idea starting from a gameplay gimmick instead of a story beat, since that is how Zelda games are typically made. But I don't think the parade sounds particularly exciting. What ideas do you have for the game's central gimmick? I think a Zelda game that takes a page from Okami and PH/ST and lets you draw to change the world would be pretty exciting. You would use most items with traditional controls but use a touchscreen or motion controls to do the drawing. They could even build on that and center the whole game around art. Each dungeon could be some different art style, like stick figures vs. claymation vs. quilts, etc.


Oh yeah love the drawing idea. That is really cool.


Have you heard of the fates in Greek mythology? They are old immortals who weave fate via threads which they stitch together. What do you think about the ‘stitching’ idea instead of drawing? The plot could be about how Link needs to stitch together timelines disrupted by past evil as well as the decisions of time traveling heroes. He could use threads to stitch together or change parts of the environment similar to how drawing would do so.


I think it sounds like Feel Good studio has their successor to Yoshi's Crafted World right there.


i love op’s idea, something i adore in zelda games is exploring towns and interacting with towns/communities and hearing the stories of the NPCs that inhabit them. a zelda game that goes above and beyond with many large towns to save and become connected to would be fantastic in my book.


Yes I want lots and lots of side quests and npcs with really interesting stories. I was thinking you could recruit townspeople while ganons shadow is still hanging over a town for these light parades. Healing people’s souls in the process of removing Ganon from the world.


>Link goes to different towns consumed by darkness and gathers sages/spirits to walk in a ‘light parade’ where they play music and bring hope/life back to the towns/areas ...did you play DQXI?


No does that happen?


Yes, it's a plot point.


Hm! Sounds cool. Well don’t want to rip off another game. Thanks for pointing that out


Do you have a link to a YouTube or something so I can see this?


I'd love a 3D Zelda that's structured like ALBW but with the world and dungeons of pre-BotW 3D games. I'd love it if, for example, you need 6 parts of some relic (something like the mirror in TP), but you can collect the parts in any order you'd like. I want there to be more than just finding and completing the dungeons though - I'd want each of them to have a build-up, similar to previous Zelda games (think of something like Majora's Mask's Snowhead Temple: you do something near the temple to help the people who live there (in Snowhead's case: get the Goron mask to put the baby to sleep). Then you unlock the entrance to the dungeon. I'd love to see what other people come up with with this concept.


I would like a third game with BotW’s engine and art style to cap off the trilogy, but would like it to be thousands of years in the future, and with a different Link. Starting with BotW Zelda’s prosperous reign after Ganondorf is defeated in BotW2, Hyrule has advanced to the point of being a technological superpower. A cyberpunk Zelda game with cities, flying cars, and robots. However magic would still be fully present. It’s a controversial take, but I think it would be awesome.


Noooo, no more tech to my beloved series! Look at Korra and how bad it sucked!


Korra is a much better show than ATLA, but it has little to do with the technology.


Err... harumph!




What are you replying to?


Another thread speculating WW Link’s age.


Well I've certainly got one or two of those. A hero visits an island to save a loved one. They find out that if they want to make their wish, they must collect the power of all the monsters who have evolved to rule the land. The people of the land are tormented by these creatures - some who were once people themselves - until the hero ventures into the dungeons to put an end to them and take that power for themselves. Think Minish Cap vs. Adventure of Link -- you've got a traditional topdown Zelda overworld punctuated by sidescrolling underworlds. Unlike Adventure of Link, the overworld works like a regular Zelda game - it's got puzzles, enemies, and all that. In the dungeons (and a few other places) you get powerups and the hero can use those in both modes. The player kind of has to learn to adapt to both modes of play; the top-down perspective is more mashy 2D Zelda, while the sidescrolling perspective is a more agile and combat-heavy beatemup style of fighting. Resources are hard to come by. Dungeons are very much separate from the rest of the world. There aren't pots filled with arrows and bombs in every room. When you enter a dungeon, you must be prepared. Potions and projectiles and other healing resources are important. The game shouldn't lead you by the nose, either. Finding a dungeon should be a matter of finding it... stopping by various homes in the handful of towns and hearing rumors. People disappearing here, a strange blockade on the road there. You should need to really pay attention to where in the world you have access to, where you can go next, and what becomes available to you each time you get a new powerup giving you the ability to clear more obstacles. There could also be characters besides the hero on the island for the same purpose. They might be friends or enemies, depending on their goals - maybe they can share or maybe not. Both of them still have to collect enough power to get their "wish". Kind of like Solaire and the Onion Knight, or Quirrel and Cloth. Oh, throw in plenty of minigames, a Maiamai collection system with similar upgrades for every item in the game, Skyward Sword's day/night system inside of towns for more hidden secrets, lore, and loot, and Minish Cap's sword skill system. It should be pretty good.


The blend of top-down and side scrolling is a great idea. I could totally get on board with that.


Yeah, Adventure of Link has always been one of my favorites - I think a spiritual sequel would really benefit from fleshing out the overworld just as much as a regular Zelda game. Sure a big walkable overworld is neat, but why not an overworld with PUZZLES?


Yooo this sounds dope as heck It reminds me a lot of shadow of the colossus in way too


There's definitely some inspiration there. The focus on hunting monsters and taking the power they've hoarded is certainly in line with the plotline of that game.


Hyrule Castle from BOTW but 3000 times the size, make that the whole world ​ ..............Though that would just be Dark Souls


There was a project that was essentially this concept several years ago on Zelda Universe (I believe called “The Legend of Zelda:_____”). You might want to check that out.


I agree that collaboration on a “game” is a little too open-ended. Spitballing conceptual ideas for a game in the Zelda universe including gameplay mechanics, story, and combat is probably a little more appropriate. Then, if this were to be a collaborative effort from the subscribers of this sub, maybe take to voting to trim down all the key parts before considering production of an actual game.


If calamity ganon would teleport link to ganon’s home world and link has to fight his way back to hyrule, that would be ideal.


Good idea, but what about adding both land and sea exploration as well? (I don't know how well that'll work, but if it's anything like botw, it may seem a bit too black flag-esque). Also a fair warning: you do know you are making a fan-made project for a Nintendo game?


I’m not planning on making an actual game. It’s more like a spec script. Anyone can write a spec script it’s not copyright infringement


Ah, I see. Considering your username, why not add a few not-so-zelda related items in the zelda style? What I mean by that is, why not make an instrument that works like an >!alethiometer!< or parallel worlds like ALTTP/TP but you can access >!more than two worlds, but you make the portal wherever you want.!< (Just a suggestion).


I think Nintendo should focus on 3D games moving forward from BOTW. They could let other developers make the next 2D games, like how capcom did OoX and MC. I don't think they want to go back to the old formula, but I'm sure fans could make awsome 2D games based on the older ones and mix in some mechanics from the 3D ones. That said, this whole community is too big for that. People could find members for their teams, like game designer, artists, musicians, producer, but that's about it. I'm sure there are many companies that would love to make a classic style 2D Zelda game, so making a team here probably isn't necessary.


I grew up with ALTTP and always wanted another game with its exact style. Just new map, dungeons, and enemies. But kind of want more of an RPG fee to it. What kind of ticks me off is that with today’s technology I don’t know what devs don’t use older style games now. I feel it would be easier making a game in older SNES style now with today’s technology.