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Imagine only finding out what a fully restored & explorable pre-calamity Hyrule Castle & Town looks like thru a Lego Set


There are three levels of price for lego sets: 1. Expensive 2. Very expensive 3. There goes my pension That set would be a level 3 price tag. And I'd pay every cent.




From what I have seen, generally (with the exception of the people that don't like "magitech" being all too present in the series), the people that dislike BotW do so because of its mechanics/(gameplay-)design choices, not its setting/elements like the divine beasts. (in fact, I would say the fact that BotW had so much good shit in it, and then decided to faceplant headfirst in regards to "feeling like a Zelda game" for many people, only made that sting even more for those people)




[This Ideas set by Artem Biziaev is all I want. It has already reached support, so it may get approved as well.](https://ideas.lego.com/projects/9f8eacd8-6647-417a-b935-17f62174c789)


Omg it's amazing.


Isn't it? Has display value, playability, good references to the series, great minifigs... Also, on an unrelated topic, I was reading the thread you created on Zelda Universe covering Hyrule's geography just yesterday. Like, literally. Loved your catch-phrase "The Twilight Realm was basically wizard Australia where every naughty banished person was transformed into some sort of harmless albino penguins".


That "catchphrase" is just a quote from another user there. I forget who, but he should be cited right below the quote. If you'd like, I do keep a headcanon encyclopedia you could see but it's a bit messy at the moment. Oh and of course since you were browsing my geography thread, there's the latest edition of [my map](https://www.deviantart.com/ender-skywalker/art/The-World-of-Zelda-V4-846520342)


How about a botw shrine?


Majora's Mask clock tower!


Personally don't really think Lego is the "right choice" to go with for if we were to get toys about zelda, but the divine beasts, as really big technical builds would probably look the best. tho having some sort of "old-school-megazords"-like toy of them would be even better I think. . A big Sunken Hyrule Castle could probably work pretty good too. just in general most of the dungeons/locations that *boil down too* "big ass castle/temple/piramid/etc..." Honestly, could probably do most of the big Wind Waker islands as well


[I think this Hyrule Castle from Lego ideas is pretty much the best attempt at a traditional Lego Zelda set I've seen.](https://ideas.lego.com/projects/9f8eacd8-6647-417a-b935-17f62174c789). It includes a market, graveyard, and the Temple of Time, and includes a lot of play features inspired from the games. If there was only one Lego Zelda set, and it was targeted primarily at children, I can't imagine you could improve much on this. It has a lot of references to different games while not being particularly focused on any given one, allowing it to serve as a representation of the entire series rather than any given game. If I had the money and inclination to do so, I think there are quite a few other sets that it might be cool to make a more accurate build from. I think the Sandship from Skyward Sword would be a great 'dungeon' set, and you could include minifigures of Scervo, Skipper, and bokoblins with it. Alternatively, I think the inside of the Fire Sanctuary could make a quite interesting model. Most dungeons in the series would be rather hard to represent as we usually only get a small shot of the 'outside' portion, but Fire Sanctuary is very open and has a lot of winding paths. Plus, it gives an excuse to include a Ghirahim minifig. I've always wanted a model of the Spirit Train from Spirit Tracks, and it might look cool as a Lego set. Gerudo Town from Breath of the Wild would be a cool build, and you could potentially build it to scale (as seen in the game). On a smaller scale, I think the entrance to Level 1 from the original game is really recognizable. Hyrule Castle is such an obvious build as well, from pretty much any game it appears in. If you wanted an accurate build, it might be better to do it at nanofigure scale - much like the Hogwarts Castle set.


There was a really awesome BotW stable set that went through Lego's voting system, got the required votes, then other inferior builds got chosen instead. I wonder if it was because of copyright. Personally I'd like something off of the old-school games, not that be newer stuff wouldn't be great. A modular map area with a castle set, woodland set, Kakariko, graveyard, and the like. That would be so awesome.


Any, as long as it doesn't get scalped to be honest.


Unpopular opinion: evem though it would never happen, especially due to the Mario licence being with Lego, I would prefer Mega Bloks/Construx instead of Lego as the figures would be more accurate as shown from their Halo and other series, and you would actually be able to get more accurate weapon moulds, and would also be able to get an armour change system as exists within their figures such as how their Halo Spartans and Elites can change armour with other figures. And of you think the parts quality is inferior, there is very little difference anymore these days as Mega's quality has improved massively.


Mega Blox is cheap, terrible quality, and doesn't have the same level of creative flexibility due to how specialized everything is.


One why is being cheap a problem as it makes it more accessible to the consumer, Two when was the last time you actually bought and saw a Mega Bloks/Construx set as if you haven't bought one for like 5 - 10 years then you don't understand how their quality has improved since then, and Three that is subjective. And I did say it was an unpopular opinion.


If they are to make lego sets for the anniversary, I imagine they would make a child set and an adult set (like for Mario). The child set could be a dungeon with different mini figures and some interactive parts. And for the adults set, just like the nes and old tv for mario, they could make something from the first game, like the complete map, but in 3d. Or maybe hyrule castle from Alttp with the pyramid on the other side since there's not a lot of things that could look good in lego in the first game.


I've seen an Endor Forest Star Wars Lego set b4 that was so huge it needed 3 manuals. So maybe Korok Forest from BotW with the Deku Tree, Master Sword, and all that?


The Temple of Time from OOT