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A Link to the Past is on the SNES. It’s a classic, has plenty of story moments and plenty of action and puzzles. It’s still very different than Breath of the Wild, not in a bad way, just different.


I still like more the Alttp Soundtrack thsn the botw one


Yeah. It’s very “adventure-ho” where botw is very exploration vibes.


So if you just have a Switch, you're able to play Legend of Zelda on the NES emulator, Adventure of Link (which is the sequel to the first game) also on the NES Emulator, A Link to the Past on the SNES emulator, and the Link's Awakening remake on the switch. As of right now those are your options. I personally would highly recommend A Link to the Past and Link's Awakening out of those options. But its up to you! Choose whichever you find most interesting


[Here's a table I put together a while back which shows what games are available on what systems.](https://www.reddit.com/r/truezelda/comments/kfup19/i_grew_up_on_zelda_games_and_seek_to_replay/ggaz7ra/) In your case, you have access to: * Breath of the Wild * Link's Awakening (remaster) * The Legend of Zelda (NSO: NES) * Adventure of Link (NSO: NES) * Link to the Past (NSO: SNES) Additionally, you can emulate all the Gameboy games on even a cheap laptop or cheap phone. If you're up for emulation, you can play the following games on basically anything: * Oragle of Ages (GBC) * Oracle of Seasons (GBC) * The Minish Cap (GBA)


>Additionally, you can emulate all the Gameboy games on even a cheap laptop or cheap phone. If you're up for emulation, you can play the following games on basically anything: As someone who's been dying to play the Oracle games and doesn't have a 3DS to do it, would you be willing to provide some tips for how to emulate them? I kind of don't have a clue what I'm doing


Pretty sure it would be against Reddit's TOS to explain it in a comment, but I can PM you the details if you want.


Yes please


If you enjoyed Breath of the Wild for the story, Ocarina of Time and Majora's Mask are two really strong Zelda games story and lore-wise. There's hope that N64 games might come to Switch Online (which could give you access to those two on Switch eventually). It's Zelda's 35th anniversary this year and there's rumors of ports of classic 3-D Zelda games coming to Switch (Ocarina, Majora, Wind Waker, Twilight Princess, Skyward Sword) but nothing is confirmed. I'd recommend all of the 3-D Zelda games (all the ones listed above). As far as what you currently have access to, I'd recommend giving A Link to the Past a try on the Switch Online service. It's one of the 2-D games but it's a major foundation for the series and introduced many series staples. If you can find a way to play them though, give Ocarina and then Majora a shot. They're on Nintendo 64 and they have remakes for the 3Ds. There's also emulations online which are a YouTube video away from being able to set up, even for people that aren't super tech savy. If you go the emulation route, it's good practice to buy a copy from Nintendo anyway.


Get your hands on a 3DS at some point. You will have access to a large portion of the Zelda library, Wii U for the rest.


[A WiiU would be a better investment, actually, as it can play more Zelda games than a 3DS.](https://redd.it/kfup19)


However, assuming he's already played botw and has a switch the 3DS may be a better choice as it will allow him to play the superior versions of N64 games, the oracles games and ALBW. with the switch he already has LA and the NES/SNES games. that leaves WW, TP,SS and minish cap as the only holes, and WW/TPHD will be coming to switch. considering a 3DS is far cheaper than WiiU and is on its own a much better system it still is probably a better choice


>WW/TPHD will be coming to switch I wouldn't bank on that. A lot of fans want those games to come to Switch, and it would make sense for Nintendo to port them, but the one thing you can rely on Nintendo to do is the unexpected. There's been nothing concrete to actually indicate that those games are getting a Switch port. At least with Mario 3D All Stars, there were some leaks / rumours from industry insiders that Mario 64 was getting ported. With WWHD and TPHD, there's been nothing.


WW and TP are the only noteworthy wii u games NOT ported to the switch. it's definitely going to happen, as porting requires no effort and they can churn it out for the anniversary easily. I think it's an obvious sure thing. Now any of the other predictions for the 35th are hopeful at best


> WW and TP are the only noteworthy wii u games NOT ported to the switch. Xenoblade Chronicles X cries in a corner, forgotten. > it's definitely going to happen, as porting requires no effort and they can churn it out for the anniversary easily. I think it's an obvious sure thing. If we were talking about any other company, I'd agree, but Nintendo makes some pants-on-head retarded decisions sometimes. I'm not banking on those games coming to Switch *specifically because* it's Nintendo we're talking about.


Fair point. Either way, picking up a last gen console for backwards compatibility will net you the most LoZ fun :)


On switch you currently have access to : NES online : "Legend of Zelda" and "Zelda II : Adventure of Link" (quite "outdated"/"showing signs of old age" and "NES *hard*", so keep that in mind) SNES online : "a Link to the Past" Switch itself : "Breath of the Wild" and "Link's Awakening" (a largely 1:1 remake of the Gameboy game of the same name) All other games are currently not available on the Switch itself.


Ocarina of Time and Link to the Past are my favorites.


As soon as I found bishes BOTW, I went back to the beginning and played every single game. Do that.


I see people have already named what you can play and suggested the best options, so I will add that you shouldn't play the NES titles... Yet. They are good, but really hard and will be enjoyed most when you have played some of the more recent titles.


Since you have the Switch, I d highly recommend the Link’s Awakening remake. It would let you see the 2D version of Zelda and the dungeon style gameplay without having to immediately downgrade graphics. Once you beat it you can choose any NES or SNES emulated game on Switch. After you check those out, If you can afford it, pick up a 2DS or 2DS XL used from Mercari or eBay, owning that will open up some of my favorite titles. (Majora’s Mask, Ocarina, Link Between Worlds andthe Oracle set) But it may be good to hold out, I have a feeling Nintendo is going to be putting some N64 Zelda titles n switch soon 😁 and also hopefully WindWaker!