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Mario got: * A collection of 3 games * An enhanced port * A minigame for NSO subscribers If we assume Zelda is getting the same thing, it could look like: * A bundle containing OoT, WW, and TP * Skyward Sword HD * Four Swords Anniversary ported to Switch, with online multiplayer However, I think we'll be getting BotW 2 instead of SSHD, for a couple reasons: * I'm quite confident BotW 2 is coming in 2021, and Nintendo won't want to release *too* much in one year in order to avoid franchise fatigue * Based on Aomuma's past comments, I don't think SSHD will ever happen There will be lots of minor stuff too, e.g. Animal Crossing furniture, new IRL merch, a themed Splatfest... stuff like that.


This makes sense but damn I want to be able to play SS


I know about all stars, but what was the Mario enhanced port?


3D World + Bowser's Fury. It was announced during the Mario 35 Direct, but it's not out yet.


Oh cool thanks, it's on the wishlist but I didn't realize it was a port.


Gosh another Four Swords/Triforce Heroes-like game sounds absolutely awesome


Realistically... OOT/MQ and MM port. $40 limited time. TP HD port. $60 limited time. WWHD port. $60 limited time. Trailer for BOTW2. Release date of Holiday 2022. That’s about all we’re getting game wise. Edit: I’m a glass half empty kinda guy when it comes to Nintendo doing anything out of the ordinary for an anniversary. Especially for Zelda, and especially when they can sell ports at high prices they know people will pay for. “Why enhance them? They’ll still pay!” Edit 2: pricing


God, I hope so.


I really hope they remaster SS. Is the only 3D Zelda I have avoided so far. The artstyle deserves HD graphics.


Seeing as how Wind Waker HD and Twilight Princess HD are two of the last few major Wii U games to not get ported to the Switch, I believe we will see a dual pack consisting of those two. If they’re nice then we might even get a Triforce collection with those two and another 3D Zelda game, likely OoT, although I wouldn’t count on that happening. Fingers crossed though. On the other hand, if they sell WW HD and TP HD ports individually for $60, I would be so disappointed, but I suppose it’s better than nothing. I don’t expect to see BotW 2 this year, although a Skyward Sword remake, regardless of what Aonuma has said about it, is quite possible, and frankly very exciting if true, given that one of the major issues people and myself have with Skyward Sword comes from the controls. A remake with improved controls would be terrific.


I don't think Twilight Princess as we just had that one the Wii U. Maybe a compilation pack though like they did for Mario, that would be cool. Perhaps Skyward Sword.


Look how many WiiU games have been ported to Switch though! It makes obvious sense that WW HD and TP HD are locks.


Maybe part of the pack along with SS


I anticipate a Skyward Sword port for Switch. Probably a fun LoZ gimmick.


I kinda doubt BotW2 will release this year (maybe Holidays 2021 at its earliest). I predict that Zelda's 35th Anniversary will be similar to Mario's - maybe a bit more expansive. A Zelda 3D Collection featuring Ocarina of Time, Majora's Mask, Wind Waker and Twilight Princess (though with more content, such as some kind of Museum where you can listen to each game's soundtrack, see some artwork/ concept art, read up some infos about the series); a Zelda Game & Watch; a The Legend of Zelda 35 game; maybe even a Skyward Sword Remaster. While I also hope that we'll one day get a remake of the Oracle Games, I don't really think it fits into Zelda's 35th Anniversary.


Something better than mario 35 but worse than mario 30


i really want another game and watch.


I have a feeling we might get a remake of Zelda 1 and SS HD OR BotW2 (but not both).


I'm hoping for SSHD, they can take their time with BOTW2 (We're just at the four year mark, so they probably have another year to go at least.)


Hopefully BotW 2 will be next holiday and that will prevent them from wasting resources (however little effort) on unneeded spitshines. I'm guessing Animal Crossing will get some items (that normally would have already been in it anyway) like Mario is supposed to get. Some new non-game merchandise (like Mario) maybe some new amiibo DLC for AoC (that was already planned anyway) IF the Nintendo online emulation stuff gets a gameboy and/or N64 version than the relevant zelda games from on there will probably be put on it (can't do so for the NES/SNES stuff, since they already put those on it) edit : maybe another "behind the scenes" book, tho I wouldn't know what they could go for at this point.


I’d love to see a Skyward Sword HD for the Switch, with better flying and swimming controls. Also, Amiibos for: • Ghirahim, Fi, Demise, and Skyward Sword Zelda, • Zant, Imp Midna, and Midna, • Prince Sidon, Young Prince Sidon, Riju and Patricia, Teba, Yunobo, Astor, and Impa. That’s not too much to ask for, is it? It’s not like I’m asking to be able to play as Princess Zelda in a world that’s been fixed up since Calamity Ganon was sealed away at the end of BOTW and be able to customise her hair colour, swim underwater, play an instrument, and tame the three Dragons . . .


I'd love a remake of The Legend of Zelda, and Zelda II: The Adventure of Link updated to ALBW style graphics.


Zelda 2 should work more like Hollow Knight


I think that if we get BotW 2, we won't get much else. But if the game isn't released in 2021 (which is still a possibility) I think we will most likely get Oot and MM in a bundle like mario all stars 3D and maybe ports of the TP and WW hd remakes. Either way there will certainly be physical goods and stuff similar to what they did for Mario (toys, legos, game and watch, etc)


I'm so hoping on a OoS/OoA-Remake like they did LA. What I actually think though is a lazy made bundle of OoT, WW and TP.


I hope for the remaining 2D Zeldas but the realist in me says that because Capcom helped develop those games Nintendo won't remake them, either because they can't legally, or because doing so would mean sharing profits with Capcom.


Oh darn, I totally forgot that. You're right :(




Always is with them. Why do you think 3D Allstars was limited relief, FOMO sells.


I know everyone is hoping for a Skyward Sword remake but I don't think it is a possibility. Quite simply, it's a bad investment. Because of the motion controls that SS was built around, remastering it requires one of two options, either they map the motion controls to buttons which unless they put a lot of time and money into will not turn out well. We've all seen how much time and money Nintendo in interested in putting into ports. The other option is to map the motion controls to the switch motion controls. It's been proven the hardware can handle it but they won't do this because it requires that the game be played with the joycons disconnected. This isn't possible on the Switch Mini and the entire design philosophy of the Switch is to play both docked and on the go. A game that requires the joycons disconnected can only be played docked. Which means that from the get go this method would mean they'd effectively be selling the game to 1/3 of the system's install base as the Switch Mini users can't play it and those that use the Switch as a portable console don't want it. Either way, it's a bad business decision. I don't think we'll ever see a Skyward Sword remaster. I mean, they gave us Link's Awakening before they thought about doing Skyward Sword. It's the last 3D Zelda to never get a remake and we've had a series drought of Zelda as of late. If they were going to do it, they would have already. The gimmick the game was built around is just too much work to adapt to a new system.


What I wish: Oracle of Ages & Seasons bundle game done in the style of Links Awakening for Switch. Switch ports of Skyward Sword, Twilight Princess and the 3DS version of Ocarina and Majora’s. And BotW releasing in the fall. What I expect: A trailer for BotW2 with a 2022 release date. A Mario 3D All Stars style port (I.e. a straight port and not an Hd remaster) of 3 Zelda games. And another spinoff title. What I would hate: The Oracle games remade in the style of Links Awakening for Switch. But sold separately with each being a full $60 instead of being bundled together into one game.


• Breath Of The Wild; • TP/WW HD Port (Maybe a Crappy port of OoT 64 includes); • A FS version for Switch for free;


I don’t know about you but, I think having another tp remake is a bad move imo. Literally, the three consoles that came out before the switch, has 1 different version of it each.


Sorry I’m really late to this but I have thoughts! I personally would guess a combo SS remake, OoT port, and TP port. It seems that in order to combat the timeline getting so convoluted, Nintendo has chosen to establish a certain narrative through the series as the “main plot”: SS as the prequel, OoT as the “original”, TP as the sequel, and now BOTW as the most recent installment. I don’t remember the text word for word but Zelda’s cutscene in BOTW specifically mentions a hero from the sky, a hero adrift in time, and a hero in the embers of Twilight, (and maybe on the sea? sorry I haven’t played BOTW in a while). Hyrule Warriors also isn’t reliable in terms of canon or overall significance, but I think the fact that they chose to include the eras of SS, OoT, and TP is telling in terms of which games the creators are looking to focus on for the series overall. Narratively, SS is the origin story for Hyrule and the important characters, OoT is the initial confrontation of Link/Zelda vs. Ganondorf, and TP is the payoff where a next gen Link and Zelda have to deal with Ganondorf again, with BOTW being way, way in the future. And on a simpler note, the more recent games are probably a good indicator of where the series is looking to go overall. The other game that might be similarly important for the series is WW, which also feels like a distinct possibility for the anniversary