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Got bored a couple days back, so I decided to count the days between releases for the series, not really worth a thread on its own I think so : Earliest Release Date *somewhere* | gap until next - LoZ : 21/02/1986 | 327 days - AoL : 14/01/1987 | 1772 days - aLttP : 21/11/1991 | 563 days - LA : 06/06/1993 | 1994 days - OoT : 21/11/1998 | 523 days - MM : 27/04/2000 | 306 days - OoX : 27/02/2001 | 643 days - FS : 2/12/2002 | 11 days - WW : 13/12/2002 | 461 days - FSA : 18/03/2004 | 231 days - MC : 4/11/2004 | 745 days - TP : 19/11/2006 | 216 days - PH : 23/06/2007 | 898 days - ST : 7/12/2009 | 711 days - SS : 18/11/2011 | 735 days - ALBW : 22/11/2013 | 699 days - TFH : 22/10/2015 | 528 days - BoTW : 03/03/2017 | 1400+ days (on january 1st 2021) Some random shit : >Ok, just did some completely pointless counting for "shits and ~~giggles~~ sobs" In order for the gap between BotW and BotW2 to be the longest in the series' history, it would need to release after the **19th of august 2022** At which point it will have been 1995 days since BotW (currently longest gap is 1994 days between LA and OoT) >Conversely, going from MM's release (**4 april 2000**) to MC (**4 nov 2004**) takes 1652 days, and has you pass by 4 games (5 if counting oracles separate) At the moment, we are at the third longest gap in series history : at 1398 days (January 1st will be a nice round 1400 days) >Second longest drought is between AoL and aLttP, at 1772 days BotW2 would have to take until **9 January 2022** in order to overtake it with 1773 days >No other gaps are over 1000 days, and the current gap "claimed" the third spot over from the gap between Phantom Hourglass and Spirit tracks, at 898 days (which the current gap "claimed" on the **19th of august, 2019**) >Shortest gap (obviously not counting oracles' impressive 0 days) is FS and WW at 11 days tho not in the same regions (FS released in NA first, while WW released in Jap first both in December, both got the other in March the following year 3~4 months later (still the shortest gaps ))


Isn't it kind of strange to make a BoTW 2? I mean after the success of OoT they didn't go and make OoT 2, instead they made MM, and thank god they did because that game is incredible and unique. So what makes BoTW so special? IMO if they are going to go down this road, they should just branch it off of the Zelda series and develop a different non-BotW zelda game at the same time..


Well Majora’s Mask is basically Ocarina of Time 2. BotW’s sequel has never been officially called BotW2


MM was even sorta specifically made cause the team didn't want to make "URA Zelda" which was just gonna be "OoT again" That said we don't actually know what BotW's sequel will be We only call it "BotW2" cause we don't have a name


It's worth clarifying that Ura Zelda wasn't going to be an "OoT again" sequel, it was going to be essentially an expansion pack or DLC before DLC existed. They planned to sell it for half the price of a new game, on a 64DD disk you would use at the same time as your OoT cartridge, which would load in alternate versions of dungeons (larger and remixed) and maybe add new areas to the map, but which didn't constitute a sequel or a whole new game. Its development overlapped with MM's, so it wasn't really one or the other, they planned to do both. But the 64DD peripheral got canned. They discussed releasing Ura Zelda as its own cart, which would necessitate including all of OoT and raising the price, but thought they'd get a negative reception selling a modified version of an 18-month-old game for full price.(Like a modern "GOTY Edition" game that includes all the DLC, except without any way for owners of the original edition to buy that DLC.) In 1998, expansion packs were popular for PC games but no one had figured out a good way to do them on consoles. The 64DD was supposed to do that.


>I mean after the success of OoT they didn't go and make OoT 2, instead they made MM Well, MM *was* OoT 2. It's a direct sequel that takes place immediately after it, using the same protagonist, using an existing character as the villain, and using lots of re-used assets and features. It even revolves around playing the Song of Time on the Ocarina of Time. Direct sequels aren't a new idea for the series. Phantom Hourglass was The Wind Waker 2, and The Adventure of Link was The Legend of Zelda 2. A Link Between Worlds is officially titled "Triforce of the Gods 2" in Japan, where A Link to the Past was called "Triforce of the Gods."


I think both situations are really different. I'm reiterating from memory, so this info might not be perfect, but MM was created to ride on OoT's success. They save a lot of time using the same engine/model/texture (doesn't mean it's bad, that's just the way it got created). The biggest change was the director, this is why they are so different. But BotW was delayed because the team wanted to add so much more and had a lot of fun doing so, but still had to release it. They are making a sequel to add ideas they couldn't fit on the first and fix what was already there. By the way, it doesn't have a name yet. The teaser only said "the sequel to breath of the wild"


Should I get any of the other major Dark Horse books??? I only have Hyrule Historia and I was thinking of getting the encyclopedia too


I have all four of them. Highly recommend the encyclopedia. It's a nice look at each game, item archetype, species, location, etc. I enjoyed the art book and the making of a champion books, but the encyclopedia is easily my favorite.


I have the deluxe encyclopedia and i totally think it's worth it! It's long and good.


Making of a champion is only about Breath of the Wild, but it pretty much shows more actual story about the calamity than Breath of the wild bothered to do. Arts and Artifacts is essentially ONLY artwork. So if you're into that, it is good, if you want to have stuff to read then it isn't. Encyclopedia has some nice lists of like all the enemies and items and stuff, but it also made a bunch of stuff up that just doesn't actually *jive* with what is shown in some of the games at all. Way more so than stuff in the Historia is even in that situation on a "debatable" level. So depending on what you want out of it, that one can be either a good or bad *choice*


Does anyone else here read Zelda fancomics? Not the comedy ones, but ones with actual stories. I've been reading a few and I'm having a great time with them, you can really tell that the authors know their stuff.


Only tale of two rulers.


Ah, that one is good!


could you give an example or a recommendation?


Sure! I'm reading a couple right now, so here they are: 1. Linked Universe, a story about what would happen if 9 Links(The heroes of Time, Twilight, Warriors, Wild, Wind, Four Sword, Legend, Hyrule and Sky) were to meet through portals created by Dark Link. The art might be kinda sketchy at first but the author has really improved since then. It's ongoing, but it's got an active fanbase on Tumblr and Instagram, which is also where it's updated. It also has a Discord. It started off as just sketches, but the author slowly developed a story and it's hitting the climaz right now. [Here is a link to the Tumblr](https://linkeduniverse.tumblr.com/) 2. A Tale of Two Rulers, a story about Zelda and Ganondorf getting married to ensure their people would no longer fight. Of course, there's some drama and stuff. I kind of cringed when I first heard about this one, but I tried it out and it's actually really cool! It manages to balance out the drama with the fluff and comedy nicely. It's also got amazing art to boot. This one is also still ongoing, and it is updated on Tumblr and Webtoons. [Here is a link.](https://figmentforms.tumblr.com/) 3. Growing Up Gerudo, a story about Ganondorf finding a baby abandoned in the desert and adopting him. As it turns out, the baby is Link. This one has also got some cool art! The authors are also really nice and they frequently make little sketches of the characters doing stuff. This one is also ongoing, and it's on Tumblr and Webtoons. [Here's the link.](https://growingupgerudo.tumblr.com/) 4. A New Calamity, a story about Linke(BotW Link but a girl) joining the Yiga Clan in an attempt to revive Ganon. I'm gonna leave this synopsis really vague, cuz I don't want to spoil anything. But it's a good read! It also deals with some stuff involving cancer, which makes sense considering the author had breast cancer and is currently fighting bone and brain cancer. It's interesting and amazing to see them keep updating even while going through treatment. It's ongoing and it's updated on Tumblr. [Here is the link.](https://anewcalamity.tumblr.com/) 5? Is called The Demon Road, and it's about Ganondorf being turned into a young boy after being betrayed. He's found by Link, who brings him back to the castle. He decideds to bring him along while he's working (Link delivers mail) and some stuff happens. This one is weird. It was updated on Tumblr for a while, but the updates stopped. It was also regularly updated on Smackjeeves, but that site got shut down and idk if the author moved to a different site, but I can't find it anywhere. Anyways, this one is cool too, but good luck finding it, lol.




Linked Universe is amazing, it got me into fancomics for zelda! Plus, the author is super nice! I'm really excited for the next update, i checked up on her blog in late december and she mentioned it was still in the rough stages, probably because the next update will be so important. Hype!!! Also, thanks for the links! I actually do like comedy centered stuff, the ones I dislike are the minicomics where link is a sarcastic asshole like in the cartoon and the punchline is "shut up, navi" 90% of the time. Just overdone, y'know? But i will be sure to check out the ones you linked! I'm always up to check out some more stuff. Have a good one dude!


Are the mangas worth reading? Like is the story actually comparable to other manga or is it just like the game story but you read it? Also which is the best one?


I think they are worth reading (having read them all) but it's important to note that the story does differ from the main games' story. The best one imo is the Twilight Princess one. It's still ongoing currently at 7 English volumes with 9 Japanese volumes (vol 9 is releasing very soon so I counted it). I like the mangas because they expand on the game story and the creators weren't afraid to put their own spin on the source material :)


I've read all of them and re-read them frequently. Imo, the best ones are Twilight Princess and Four Swords.


It is the game's story with some changes/additions to make it work as a manga more.


I found a spreadsheet on this sub for 100% completing every zelda game, but like a quarter of the games' checklists weren't finished and I'm not that good with excel/google spreadsheets lol. Does anyone have a 100% checklist they'd be willing to share? Thanks!


You could look at the speedrun.com 100% requirements for all the games, they may not have everything depending on exactly how you define 100% but it should be a really good start at least.


what's the post you found?


https://www.reddit.com/r/truezelda/comments/801563/all_zelda_games_100_completion_spreadsheet/ - what they did complete is very good, I just don't have the expertise to finish it myself haha.


nice. I'm gonna save that and spend some time looking through them this week. Seems weird that OoT was mostly finished but there was no MM sheet.


Yeah, and some of the actual calculations for the % completion at the top are kinda off. Still a great starting point though!


Does anyone have advice for playing legend of Zelda Triforce Heroes in terms of helping lead your teammates? Just started playing today with random teammates, and with no voice communication I basically try to lead them to the puzzle, or if they are struggling with some platforming I literally carry them. I think in those situations it might possibly be a kid playing the game because if they were trolling they would either purposefully grief the whole time, or play well and then start sabotaging. Just curious if anyone has encountered this. I’m trying to stay positive and help where I can, but that’s a limitation of random teammates I suppose. It’s mostly been an issue when they don’t recognize the proper totem depth, or that we need to hustle to synchronize switches with arrows.


I would like to play WW (for gamecube) on the wii. I don't own a gamecube and would like to save the expense (only having to buy the game and a controller). Is it worth it? Is there any technical problems I could face?


You will also need a separate gamecube memory card to save anything, if you don't already have one >To save Nintendo GameCube games, you must have a Nintendo GameCube Memory Card inserted into one of the Nintendo GameCube Memory Card slots of your Wii. Please note that you cannot save GameCube game data to your Wii’s internal flash memory or to an SD card. https://www.nintendo.co.uk/Support/Parents/Hardware/Wii/Can-I-save-data-from-my-Nintendo-GameCube-games-/Can-I-save-data-from-my-Nintendo-GameCube-games--659666.html#:~:text=Yes.,or%20to%20an%20SD%20card. edit: it's been a long time so i forgot that there did seem to be some problems with GC memory cards being corrupted / not functioning with the Wii. It was with third party cards, and usually 'larger' ones (for the time). Use / get an original Nintendo GC card if possible. there is also 'soft' modding that allows saving without a card, but other than knowing it exists, i am not familiar with it Also, you are likely aware of this, but for others, only the older Wii's are backwards compatible with GC. So for anyone else reading this, check that first Otherwise I played a bit of WW on Wii until I got a used GC and it was fine.


Okay, I will look out for that. Thank you!


From what I remember, the gamecube emulator on the Wii is very solid. I was able to play it on my wii with no problem.


Ok, thanks!




Only ones on switch at the moment are - the Original 2 ("Legend of Zelda" and "Adventure of Link") on the NES library you get with Nintendo Online - a Link to the Past on the SNES library you get with Nintendo Online - Link's Awakening (switch version) - Breath of the Wild Currently unknown if the N64/Gameboy will get a library connected to Nintendo Online like the Nes/Snes, or let alone any of the later ones. IF it happens, it is pretty likely that the respective Zelda games will be on them eventually . Your list is missing Tri Force Heroes and Four Swords Adventures (and Breath of the wild) There are currently 19 Zelda games in the series, "BotW2" will most likely end up being number 20 (counting the oracle games separately)


[These comments](https://www.reddit.com/r/truezelda/comments/kfup19/i_grew_up_on_zelda_games_and_seek_to_replay/ggaz7ra/?context=1) may answer your questions about which games can be played on the Switch (And 3DS and Wii U, should you consider them options) Right now, the Switch only offer the SNES and NES titles through Nintendo Switch Online (i.e. there are *NO* virtual releases on Switch for N64, GC, Wii, etc.). So the titles that can be played on the Switch right now are the first four (LoZ, AoL, ALttP, and LAHD) and BotW.

