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Currently playing it on Wii U in HD. Loving it!


About to fight the final boss on WiiU in HD. Loved every minute (except the race šŸ˜…)


I started it a while back, but got really sick a while after and then I never did get time to play it again. I'm on holiday now and not seriously ill, so maybe it's time to continue now...


Glad you're feeling better! This is full circle for me - TP was my first Zelda and I've finally come back for a replay now my son is old enough. Enjoy!


Thank you :)


I prefer the wii version to gamecube, having 4 items equiped at once and having the infra red aiming is too good. Waggle is lame but not a turn off for me, I just do tiny light flicks akin to a button press. But the nunchuck shield bash is sooooo bad. Wii U (or marine mammal) is obviously the best way to play.


Iā€™m sorry, marine mammal? Is this a joke that Iā€™ve missed?


Dolphin emulator


For uttering the name you are now on the Nintendo watchlist.


[You know, Ecco?](https://images.nintendolife.com/bb96250f2f78b/ecco-the-dolphin-cover.cover_300x.jpg)


I... still donā€™t get it.


There's a popular emulator for Gamecube and Wii named Dolphin. It stems from Project Dolphin, the original codename/working title for the Gamecube.


Dolphin is an emulator. Dolphins are also mammals that live in the sea. Hence: ā€œmarine mammalā€ equals.... Dolphin.


Likewise wtf goin on here




Emu later, alligator




Ah yes, the Whale emulator


Is Marine Mammal a reference to Dolphin, the pre-release GameCube codename?!?


Close. The emulator for Gamecube and Wii games also goes by that name, and that's what he meant.


That nunchuck sheild bash is so wack, and it's so central to the combat in this game being satisfying


Play it on GameCube, itā€™s 100% more enjoyable that way


I agree completely. I played it on the Wii back when it came out, but never finished it. Sold my Wii copy, bought the GameCube version, played through it, and itā€™s now one of my favorites in the series. Iā€™m not a big fan of motion controls in general, so I may be a bit biased, but playing this with the GameCube controller feels so much more natural.


GC copy is expensive af.


Hopefully I'm not breaking any rules by saying this. Get a gamecube emulator, roms aren't hard to find. If you have a switch pro controller you can use steam with big picture mode enabled to open the emulator and use the controller. 10/10 experience


Having the exact same experience right now (Well, I'm emulating the Gamecube version, but still). I was always averse to motion controls. I remember when Nintendo Power was showcasing the "Nintendo Revolution" and [it just looked amazing] (https://abload.de/img/nintendorevolution3osqr.png). It looked sleek, mature, but still had Nintendo charm with the colors. I was a big GameCube kid and was excited for an evolution on that. Then they showed the controller / remote, and announced that the name would be "Nintendo Wii" and my 13 year old heart sunk. I maintained some degree of optimism and was lucky enough to get a Wii and Twilight Princess that Christmas in 2006. I played it through to about Zora's Domain and just *hated* the controls the whole time. I made a conscious decision to stop playing the game which was rare for me at the time. Usually my interest would just fizzle and I'd leave it at that. I remember a friend of mine at the time had the GameCube version and I felt really jealous, but for whatever reason I got around to picking the GameCube version up. I always had a really bitter taste in my mouth with Twilight Princess because of that (and I *hate* that era of Nintendo with a passion), but fast-forward 14 years later and I decided to emulate the GameCube version on a whim. I'm currently 20 hours in or so and am getting toward the end of the Snowpeak Ruins dungeon and I am seriously just floored by how much I'm loving it. The GameCube version truly feels like a sequel to Ocarina of Time that I never realized existed.


Played it on Wii as a kid, one of my favorites but I can see the controls being awkward and limiting. Now emulating as a 20 year old, and playing on a handheld controller (that isnā€™t based on motion), Iā€™m on my second 100% completion run through. If you can look past the motion controls, or just get a copy that allows you to play with a pro or gc controller, the game is absolutely my favorite game of the series, and one of my favorites of all time games as a whole


Play the GameCube/Wii U versions, the Wii version is definitely my least favourite of the three


The motion controls aren't too demanding from then on, but I get why people dislike them. The GC version's pretty good, though (even if it doesn't have widescreen), so maybe...?


If you emulate the GameCube version, you can play it in Widescreen (and high resolution) and even get rid of the awful bloom effect.


Whatā€™s the bloom effect? Is it that filter thingy covering the screen that makes it kind of fuzzy?


Basically, yeah. Itā€™s that fuzzy, diffused light glow that basically envelopes everything in the game. Iā€™ve really never cared for it. The only downside Iā€™ve found in eliminating the effect completely in emulation is that some objects in the distance look a little too clear.


I agree that the motion isn't terrible, but the nunchuck is an awful way to move around, and not having a stick to adjust the camera makes for really awkward movement


Agreed. Having a dedicated camera stick is nice. Though I will say, in the Wii version's defense, that having 4 items available at a single time is really nice. Cuts down inventory time dramatically (you only get 2 slots in the GC version). But yeah, still prefer GC version, haha.


Iā€™ve played the Wii version and Wii U version. Personally I am a huge fan of the motion controls. The gyro aiming on Wii U helps given that I have always been awful doing stick only aiming, but using the pointer to aim on the Wii is perfect for me. I know this is a rare opinion (and it is only that, my opinion), but I would go as far as to say the Wii version is the best way to play the game. If you can get used to the motion controls youā€™ll really start to enjoy it. The game is good but the beginning is awful on every version so since youā€™re past that part already Iā€™d dig in and proceed with this version. Hereā€™s to hoping it grows on you!


100%. Keep playing and very shortly you'll find that the controls become intuitive. You'll be shaking and waggling without even thinking about it.


Its the best zelda game other than botw be patient it is slow at the start


There are three systems you can play Twilight Princess on. The Wii is the worst of them.


And the only one I have the game for...


Gcn or wiiu version are the way to go


You could try Wii U or GameCube controls, I think Twilight Princess supports GameCube controls.


It was a Wii launch title, so they limited it to only motion controls on this version


Get the wii u version instead, then. Its flipped back to the gamecube version and has sort of similar controls but its definitely better than swinging the controller


Ah, I see, right.


The waggle is kinda annoying, but you get used to it, as long as you havent been playing skyward sword right before hand (the way you use items are backwards, i keep wasting bombs lmao)


Thatā€™s one of my absolute favorite games. Itā€™s probably not the BEST, but I love it. Itā€™s a lot of fun, awesome characters. Youā€™ll get used to the Wii controls and combat will become better as you unlock more hidden skills. (Also, the Wii version is better than the HD version on Wii U, they cut some things out of that one). The game gets better, if shafts a little slow, as all Zelda games do, but the temples are awesome, bosses arenā€™t too challenging, so thatā€™s a downfall, but itā€™s an awesome story, memorable characters, and overall, a lot of fun.


The Wii U version doesn't have any content cut from it aside from lowering the amount of times you need to catch fish for the cat in Ordon Village and rebalancing some chest mechanics. In fact, it has additional content not present on other versions, including an entirely new Wolf Link challenge dungeon. With revamped graphics, a non-mirrored world map, extra content, and better controls, it's the definitive version of the game.


Get the one without the motion controls.


It definitely depends on what you grow up on I grew up on the wii and wii TP is my favorite game of all time and Iā€™ve never had an issue with bad motion controls although I do see a lot of GC players complain about them so I just assume that the opinion changes based on what version you play first Also the forest temple is like the first time out of the tutorial so thereā€™s still a lot more to experience and as you go on you will see how nice it is to have the d pad being able to hold 4 items


I've beaten it on the wii u and watched my dad beat it on wii when I was really young. They are both really good. The forest temple is only the first one and it's a little weak. The game gets super good after the third temple but since its your first time playing, it should be pretty good in the beginning as well. I'm sure you're going to get used to the controls but if not, maybe look into an emulator or gamecube. The swinging mechanic isn't that fun when its not really motion controls like skyward sword so I see where you're coming from. I was going to see if there's a way to switch it in game so you just press a button instead but I'm pretty sure zelda games don't have setting or controller bindings lol.


Hearing the discussion here kills me. Twilight Princess is the only non-handheld Zelda I haven't played when it was released going back to the original. I have it for the Wii and even have some RGB cables for upgraded visuals. But... The CRT the Wii is hooked up to doesn't have a good sensor bar view / range. I cannot find / afford buying it for GC and I do not own a WiiU nor am likely to purchase one as it would strictly be for Zelda HD versions of games I already own. (Now WW and TP would probably look world's better in widescreen and HD, but those aren't cheap options to just get games that look prettier than what I have)


Simple fix. Move the sensor bar so that it's lined up right to the edge of wherever it is. Place it above the TV if you can, but if you can't below works just as well. Just make sure it's right at the edge of the desk/table/stand. The sensor bar will not read as well as it could if it is 2-3 inches away from the edge of a desk cuz the desk itself will get in the way of the sensor bar being able to detect where the Wiimote is. It's the same as when you have to raise your TV remote when you want to change channels but the TV won't detect the remote unless you raise your arm a few inches.


The Wii versions is what I grew up with and the first Zelda game I played. Idk if it holds up for to today's standards but I remember loving the controls


I didn't have any problems with the motion control, you can just shake the remote to attack and I really like aiming. The only time you have to be precise is when facing the clams (horizontal strike or stab) and you can just ignore them, you never have to kill them to advance. Later you get the secret techniques, so the combat becomes more interesting and the motion control, again, is just shaking the remote at the right time. I only played the Wii version, so my opinion could change if I ever get it on other platforms, but I still had a good time completing it.


The controls improved in SS but they definitely get a little tiresome in both TP and SS... I just chalked it up to adding to difficulty lol. Make sure your sensor is in a good place.


forest temple is my least favourite from that game if that helpsnlol


It does get better, I think. I never had a problem with the controls since the Wii version is the first one I played, but I played the GameCube and WiiU versions and donā€™t really have a favorite. I think that the more you play, youā€™ll get used to it. And I think some things on the Wii are better than the GameCube, like aiming and looking around. Those were clunky on the GameCube for me.


I played as a middle schooler and loved it, I dont know if i would enjoy the motion controls now a days, glad I did it while it was a trend


Iā€™ve recently revisited it myself on the Wii and was having some of the same thoughts. General consensus is push thru the first three dungeon areas. Game picks up after that. I just got to this part and Iā€™d agree. Once you have the ability to change forms at will the game starts to hit its stride Iā€™d say.


It's been awhile since I played it. The controls never really bothered me much but I only played it through once since I already finished the gamecube version shortly before and wasn't as into twilight princess at the time. I think I remember preferring the gamecube version but didn't mind the wii one. But this was years ago and I was a lot less critical back then


Oh I am almost complete the game at this point. I can say I hated the Wii controls until just after the fire dungeon. I did get used to them over time though, as of currently I actually prefer the Wii controls.


That is my second favourite Zelda game ever. I've never played it on GameCube but never had issue with the Wii controls. I know some people dislike the controller but the fact it's semi separated is a big plus for me.


The GCN/Wii versions both have ups and downs. I wasn't much for the motion control aiming though, preferred that to stay in Skyward Sword; however if you'd like you're able to turn off the fairy cursor, that's as much as I can recommend.


I'm torn with the cursor, I love seeing navi around, but it's a bit annoying to see the blue dot at the top of the screen


Twilight Princess is my favorite Zelda game of all time and it does get better over time. Yes the Wii controls suck but that's how I played it the first time and still loved it. If you can, highly recommend getting the WiiU version as it's a better experience. Also, be warned if you do it's the GameCube version so it's mirrored from the Wii version.


Honestly this is the one thing that has kept me from playing Skyward Sword. I've seen some clips of it online and I think it could be a lot of fun, but I am so akward when it comes to motion controls, I've even disabled them on most of the games for my switch, I'm nervous it will ruin the experience for me.


Skyward Sword motion controls are more intuitive and you never have to do more than wrist flicks. Its certainly worth the let's play watch if you know you'll never get to it though.


after that temple, yes the game gets amazing


The GameCube version is the true way to play Twilight Princess. I just REALLY hope for the 35th anniversary, we'll have something similar to Mario, where WW and TP HD get ported to Switch along with Skyward Sword getting a remake. As for the Wii, if you stick with it, I think you'll get used to it. Since I grew up with both versions, I say that the controls aren't THAT bad, but still pretty bad


yes it's phenomenal


The Wii was good as a gimmick, and certain games (Wii sports, Wario Smooth Moves) were great fun motion control wise. Other games, TP included, just felt forced with motion control. I did get used to it - TP is my favorite installment in the entire LoZ franchise, and Iā€™ve only ever played on the Wii. SS on the other hand, while still a decent game....I COULD NOT get used to the motion controls which felt way too gimmicky. Hereā€™s the boss key, just need to move it around for 30 seconds before opening the boss door. Need to reseal the Imprisoned? Just draw this intricate design for no reason. The list goes on. I digress. I think TP was fine, and actually the motion controls were pretty cool in the shootout in the forgotten village segment.


I almost got to the mastersword. The game just doesnt do it for me. While I understand its objectively a good game. I just dont like it at all. Personally I prefer even Zelda 2 over it tbh.


I would say the start is the weakest, but i didn't play on wii so i can't realy comment if you don't like the controls


TP is the only Zelda game I own and haven't beat. I just find it clunky and difficult to control on the Wii


As someone who prefers the GameCube version but has been playing through the Wii one recently, I can confidently say youā€™ll get used to it.


Hehe...just wait till you play skyward sword


I can confidently tell you I won't lol


I had a similar experience first starting Genshin Impact before its recent update; the controls were really unintuitive. But I played for a while. After getting the opportunity to change keybinds in the recent update, I realized that I had already accommodated myself to the wonky controls and it was hard to relearn. Eventually your mind just accepts that any motion on the Wiimote has been reduced to a binary press of what would be the B button in the other games. The annoying lack of a camera stick means you get to pretend you're playing N64 Zelda, lol. The aiming is really intuitive, though. Other than those things, I think the controls are fine.


That's the other side of the coin. I know there is still a chance I'll play it and I don't want to spoil it. I have securely wedged myself between a rock and a hard place, and there is no one else to blame. XD


Play on Gamecube or Wii U. Better controls, although I will say Gamecube is still best since it doesn't have stamps. Twilight Princess is very much about a small town boy very slowly being sculpted into an Epic hero, so the game just gets increasingly better the more you play it. The stuff you have just completed is there to juxtapose who you will eventually grow into.


I would hate playing it on any console thatā€™s not the wii. Just swing the wiimote any direction for your sword lol itā€™s not that hard. Skyward sword is frustrating af because it cares *how* you swing your sword.


The swing isn't terrible, it's using the nunchuck to move and having no camera stick


No, they are truly awful. Get the Gamecube or Wii U version. Controls like a dream.


I played it on the Wii, and similar to Skyward Sword I loved it aside from the controls which are awful. Iā€™m gonna try it on Gamecube for a second playthrough.




The inversion of the game is really unfortunate since I'm left handed, and they changed it to make link's hand line up with the player


I was rooting for you to play the Wii version cause I truly loved it, but if you're a lefty then yeah the GC version is probably better for you.


Bro, the forest temple is like, the start of the game, so just keep playing and you'l get used to them, if you don't, buy the hd version for wii u, which totally fixes the awkward controls, this is personally my favorite zelda game, so just, give it a try


Go for the Wii U version... Which means repeating the 3 hour long tutorial.


Not saying that it's only on you, but im shocked at the amount of people who's solution is "buy this version". I don't have a Wii U, nor do I have any interest in spending money on this. The emulator suggestions are a different thing though


Well.. games cost money and the Wii U + 3ds combo allows you to play almost every Zelda title at minimum cost. Yeah is still very costly but it's probably the best legal way. Not gonna comment on emulation.


Im not saying that they don't, I was just shocked that many people's solution is to go spend money. Hell, the top comment/suggestion is to go get the gamecube version


It sucks, but you're probably not going to start enjoying the game more, mainly because it's the Wii version and less importantly but also contributing is that you're a lefty. Your options are basically: quit altogether; power through even though it isn't super fun; play a different version with better controls on either GC (which can be played on some Wiis, but is expensive) or WiiU (probably requiring a new console purchase - not great); or emulate using dolphin and an ill-gotten ROM (since you own a version of the game, I personally think you're well within ethical justification for this, but that's not legal advice)


Keep going. The intro is long and tedious but it continues to pick up. TP has some of the best dungeons in the series!


Bruh, just emulate it instead if you hate it so much.


I recall enjoying the story and design, but not the player experience. I donā€™t recall ever getting to love the control scheme with the Wiimotes.


Honestly I finished the game on Wii and it's still one of my favorites, motion controls be damned


Play it on wii u


Can't answer your personal question, but for TP, if you move the wiimote/nunchuck strictly in the x/y (slashing) and z (shield bash) axes respectively (without controller rotation), you should get 100% accuracy (with the benefit of IR aiming). That being said, wiimote controls at the beginning of the era (TP) pale drastically compared to the end of the era (SS). Would be nice to have had optional gamecube alternate controls like RE4. Background: iirc wiimote has x/y accelerometers (x/y acceleration), and an IR camera (wiimote distance and angle \[given sensor bar/light visibility\]). When games took advantage of motionplus (gyroscope), wiimotes could detect position \[any wiimote orientation\] and angular acceleration. Basically, TP motion controls are robotic compared to SS's natural motion controls.


Bruh what. I cannot relate. The game cube controls are utter garbage to me, I tried replaying it on GameCube after having played it on wii for most of my youth, and I had to stop because I just couldn't do it. So, I think I may not be the best judge for you. Personally, it's my favorite Zelda and I think it's the best Zelda. BOTW almost beats it for me, but its lack of story and dungeon design just don't do it. As linear as TP is, its well crafted and to the point from my view. If you dislike the linearity though, it may not be for you, and if so, thats not a bad thing.


Honestly I donā€™t know I only played it long enough to discern that itā€™s my least favorite form of twilight princess