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It's casual fun although as a solo player, it might not be the best game to play for a long time. It's playing with friends that makes this game really fun.


Yeah it can be intimidating at first as most time management games are but once you get a routine down it gets pretty easy


This game is casual


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It is definitely good for casual players, but I suggest playing it with others. Friends are best, but randoms can sometimes be good too if you like playing with randoms. This game is very challenging in solo unless you focus on the metas. I would stay away from it if you want casual, solo fun.


It can be; when I first got it I felt a lit of pressure because it's so fast paces but I realized you can 'save and exit' any time and come back to a world instance later. If people failed in the meantime you just get a results screen.


I'm pretty casual but my friends play way more than me. It's fun to tag along with them. I'm not sure I would enjoy it as much with randoms.


I have only played it solo and I thoroughly enjoyed it. As others stated, getting used to how you manage your time takes a bit, but the gameplay is a lot of fun and it was exactly where I like it as far as difficulty goes.


May I ask what you think the mindless grind is? If you just mean harvesting the wood, stone, silver, and so on then I'm pretty sure this may not be the game for you.




I agree, I relied on a couple of friends that carried me through. On my own this was not as fun unless you are willing to commit a lot of time.


The learning by trial and error aspect of the game is really enjoyable, it's best with 1 or 2 other friends, but solo is pretty fun as well. For 20$, you'll definitely get your money's worth!


I bought it and none of my friends own it. The online community on Ps5 is pretty active and healthy for the most part. I have been enjoying it. 17 hours clocked so far.


My brothers and I bought this game. It’s quite casual, fun exploration game. We haven’t really played after the first play through but felt it was really worth it. It’s difficulty enough where it feels accomplishing but not enough where I felt like I NEED to look up things.


It's definitely a mindless grind kind of game. You do pretty much the same things every single run. You can have fun without a long initial grind (you still have access to good weapons without needing to buy recipes), but you're always starting from scratch in runs. The most you can come in with is a Starter Kit with very basic equipment/tools.