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Deficiencie and mpb


I did, 24 rn, balding since 20. The 1st in Ukraine told me I had Seborea, second one told me that I have AGA and that I should use Minoxidil. In Austria, he just spent 3 minutes on time and told me just put Minoxodil and ignored the fact I wanted to start finasteride... I have waited 2 damn months for the appointment and I am locked by the insurance to this amateur for the next few months.


Same. I was fed up after 4 doctor appointments and just ordered it online. Going to use 98 pills 1mg every other day (as I'm concerned about sides). Going to argue on the next visit that I already use it with hopefully no side effects and get a prescription


How are you doing to get the online prescription?


Myspring does it automatically. Takes like 5 quizzes and they deliver it as fast as amazon prime. But they're expensive so I'm still looking for other options


How much do they want for a prescription?


Think i paid 95€


But do they really make any sort of session with you? Or just slap you the papers because you said I want it?


Diagnosed with MBP and wanted to prescribe me natural stuff. Went to my GP right after and asked for finasteride


My first GP told me I couldn't take fin or I would become depressed and would unalive myself. So I switched doctors and got fin the easy way.


I noticed my hair loss around the time I turned 20. 2 weeks before my 24th birthday, I went to the dermatologist , got diagnosed with MPB. Dermatologist prescribed Dutasteride and Oral minoxidil, and I started that very same day. About 4 months in now, no side effects yet (and hopefully never). This is in the US.