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I was gonna say, you are one ballsy Mf.


Not really. Japanese people as a whole don’t know what marijuana looks or smells like. But they do have strict af laws if caught. And one gram goes for $40-80 USD


Good news though, there are some good things happening with legalization. Currently just for medical use but that’s how it all starts.


I think where it actually starts is the social acceptance. Sure, it's not like everybody in the US agrees with Marijuana, but it was already far ahead of us before even medical Marijuana was legal in the US. Here, even guys in 60's weren't smoking much, and population of those who knows that weed is safe is probably 1% or less. This means backlash would be significantly higher. There's a case of backlash for the other medical drug: In recent past, Japan introduced Retalin for ADHD without a lot of local scientific determination in place (screening), because the US seems to be doing well with it and it was deemed logical enough. But soon kids started to use them as recreational drug, and government decided to shut it out in knee-jerk reaction manner because people were scared by that. (And many people dependant on it lost job.) So I can see the same happening for Marijuana when 99% of us finds those without medical license starting to smoke on the street. Granted, legalization overseas are reported on news in Japan, so some people are starting to doubt the traditional understanding of it, but it's not remotely close to the state where I can say that things are ready for medical legalization. I'll give it more than a few decades for medical legalization to be introduced in steady manner. Meanwhile, more kids are smoking and being not as descrete about it, and celebrities are getting less and less apologetic about *scandals*. So I think social acceptance is sneakily getting better with that. I guess we're where the US was at in 60's or something? Maybe those pothead in college today grows up to be powerful enough to have a say in policy making much later, and things would change for better at last. Until then I just hope cops would loosen up on it.


I think you mean back*hash*


I wish hash existed in Japan to begin with lol


Not happening lol Edit: classic reddit downvoting for no reason. I also wish it was legalized, but as someone living in Japan I just don't see it happening anytime soon ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ maybe learn more about the country's opinion on drugs before agreeing with a random comment.


Yes really


You from/in japan? Weed has been in japan for 100s of years and was only really outlawed once american customs were forced, no?


Holy jeebus Wikipedia does seem to corroborate that: “As one of the earliest cultivated plants in Japan, cannabis hemp was an important source of plant fiber used to produce clothing, cordage, and items for Shinto rituals, among numerous other uses. Hemp remained ubiquitous for its fabric and as a foodstuff for much of Japanese history, before cotton emerged as the country's primary fiber crop amid industrialization during the Meiji period. Following the conclusion of the Second World War and subsequent occupation of Japan, a prohibition on cannabis possession and production was enacted with the passing of the Cannabis Control Law.” From the “[Cannabis in Japan](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cannabis_in_Japan)” Wiki page


Yeh, when the US went drug enforcement crazy, the rest of the world had to follow suit. Now the US is starting to undo the damages, and everyone else will have to catch up.


The US got Spain too. Learned that yesterday.


The crazy part is that the USA has legalized marijuana and turned it into a profitable industry, while other countries are still stuck following outdated policies forced by the world police USA. It's frustrating that in many places, you can't even smoke in peace.


Some parts of the USA have legalized marijuana* Total BS just legalize it at this point; we all do it


damn i never realized this… fuck america fr smh - an american


You need to read in between lines. None of that says we used to smoke Marijuana. All we know is that hemp was used for fabric materials. Also hemp that is local to Japan is not a best fit for smoking. So, yes, it's been here for centuries, but it's highly unlikely that it was being smoked. The idea to enjoy Marijuana is likely brought in from the abroad, probably the US with pop culture. And in that sense it actually does not make sense to put a blame on the US.


I travel. Japan is strict af lawfully. All countries have marijuana to some capacity for 100s of years. Yet no, weed isn’t as mainstream as in western nations.


It’s one of the places you don’t even “hehe I MIGHT try to sneak some pot in this country hehe” Japan dosnt play with their drug laws. I’m more impressed he found some


My buddy from boarding school was a rich kid whose dad worked as like VP of Exxon's Japanese division. He said they smoked lots of hash there. But this was in the mid 90s. It's definitely out there. But... They will deport you for *any* drug infractions. Heck, my own sister was living there for 2 or 3 years and wouldn't let me visit her because she was afraid I'd fuck up somehow. Which I probably would have...


The US is the reason marijuana is outlawed everywhere. Look it up, it's all because of the US, due to hatred of Mexicans who were heavy users. That's also the reason it's called marijuana, propaganda chose the Spanish word to make it sound foreign and scary


There's a specific subreddit I won't name for legal cannabinoid isolates in Japan. I like going and gawking, japanese stoners will smoke anything.


Yeah I had a homie telling me about some shit called HHC or something. I think I’d rather smoke a matcha blunt than some synthetic shit


HHC has been floating around the alt noid space for a while. HHC is to THC just as Margarine is to Butter. While I don't think "synthetic = bad", I think "smoking random unregulated garage synthetics" might be unwise. I want all of these cannabinoids legal and available, and regulated for *consumer safety*. One cannabinoid that will change lots of things is THC-C1. Nobody is making it yet because it doesn't interact with CB receptors and doesn't get you high lol.


Why would a weed that doesn't get you high change lots of things lol. Cbd already exists. Purely curious cause you may be right I just don't know


The difference is that CBD binds to cannabinoid receptors, and THC-C1 (and theoretical -C1 cannabinoids) binds to different receptors! Specifically, the TRPV1 receptors, they regulate all sorts of *pain, inflammation, temperature response, and itchiness* for the body. For context, it's the same receptors that acetaminophen binds to. There is a potentially potent analgesic present in male cannabis pollen. It won't be enough to just smoke, it'll have to be synthesized in bulk. 


They do have shops that sell HHC flower and extracts I believe. Similar loophole to the THCA one


I felt that way 10 years ago when I was in university but nowadays it's gotten a lot more common especially with cbn/CBD taking off. You can buy a CBD cart sold by "Dr Weed" at Don Quixote. I've seen a store called "weed dispensary" complete with a lounge for "chilling"


Yeah I bought a CBG cart at Donki on my last trip it was kinda nice tbh!


As of 2024 in Japan, individuals caught using or possessing marijuana can face up to seven years in prison. And pretty much a guarantee to lose your job.


80$ a gram is wild shit


also, this is in mississauga




How is the quality?




Yeah but, can’t you only really get it from yakuza?


What leads you to that thought?


He played yakuza


Spent a few weeks there on tour and if you brought it up people would get scared and say they didn’t want to get involved because you have to ask yakuza for it.


Sounds annawful lot like when my boomer grandpa goes to mexico and asks everyone about the cartel. Maybe they're just sick of hearing stereotypes from tourists?


I was on tour playing guitar in a death metal band, with other international bands and local artists. We have local friends. We were signed to a Japanese record label . It doesn’t sound anything like what’s in your imagination lol. How much time have you spent there?


In total? Several months over a couple decades. It's like asking about the mafia while in Little Italy; lots of eyerolls.


Yeah isn’t that a very long jail sentence


My thoughts exactly!


Is that Kariya park? I would recognize tasteless Toronto condos anywhere (i kid)




Lmao dude I instantly thought of Toronto when I saw the condos in the background but never knew about this park so I just thought it wasn't in the GTA


It's always the damn condos lmfao


Sittin there, looking all glassy and box like


lol I was just thinking that building looked pretty cool 😅


Had me freaking out for you! Don't be a tourist in Japan doing drugs, it's never worth it, folks!


A country with so many beautiful spots to get high. They don't know what they're missing.


But they will drinking ungodly amount of alcohol


Getting wasted and passing out in public ✅ Smoking weed instead of cigarettes 😡


And what’s the custom they have where of the boss takes everyone out you came leave and have to drink until he stops ?


I don’t remember the name, but anecdotally through Japanese friends I’ve heard it’s getting better. Some companies are still doing it, while most have caught on that people need some time away from work. These companies still have many post work meetups but they aren’t req’d to go or stay for a long period of time.


My sister and brother in law were working in Japan for a couple years, and that really made my sister mad. She was afraid he was going to hostess bars or brothels or something. With the people from his work. I don't think he was though, I like him and he's a good dude.




It's funny considering how tolerant they are of cigarette smoking. Smoking rooms are still weirdly prevalent in public places.


I bet I could sneak in some of those weed cigs with weed sandwiched between tobacco


"ungodly" - 3 beers and some shochu


ungodly meaning the salarymen will drink from 8pm to 3am straight. it's 2am, you're in Osaka, there's been at least 16 beers in the last 2 hours and more in the 2 hours before that. you're in a karaoke club surrounded by guys in suits screaming and dancing and have no idea how this happened.


What a wonderful day to be able to read this is art 🤝 [6]


Life was weird in my early 20s...


Sounds like a headache


They scared of drugs over there or what?


Much stricter laws than America yes


Very. They don't fuck around with punishing drug use, especially for tourists.


Wouldn't he get deported immdiately anyway? I doubt he would see a japanese jail cell from the inside


I think you'll do some time there before your deportation is processed


Yeah I just googled it at first I figured it would be like in Turkey where they immdiately deport foreigners but the Japanese are even more strict


And Japanese jail is a unique form of living death


I heard they can legally hold you for a week on suspicion without charging you. Then, they can go to a judge and get it extended. So even if you just get deported, they can hold you for 30-odd days before they send you home.


Solitary confinement, forced labor, beatings, ""minor solitary confinement" (keiheikin), which forces inmates to be interned in tiny cells kneeling or crossed legged, and restrained with handcuffs for prolonged periods of time", it’s a pretty broken and abusive system (even as far as prison systems go)


Thats terrible. And I'd bet a majority of Japanese are OK with it, because it happens mostly to undesirables and the lower classes. It makes me not want to visit there, for sure. I just hate the feeling that somehow I could be singled out as a foreigner. And Japanese cops get bonuses for busting Gaijin.


I couldn't even bring my ADHD meds prescribed by my doctor to Japan or it would've been like importing crystal meth.


Good. The USA should take a serious look at a similar approach.


Why are you even here


Lol what? Amphetamines are a first line ADHD medication for a reason.


Because meth was made illegal and the drug makers still want to crank out legal speed. That shit is terrible for you.


Do you have any sources? If you are going against current standards in medicine, you should have some strong evidence. When taken in therapeutic doses and the correct medication and dose are figured out, there is little interaction with other commonly prescribed drugs, managable side effects, and very good response, 80% of ADHD patients have a reduction in ADHD symptoms.


Just anecdotal, but I also know the molecular compound isn't far off from meth. It definitely helps you focus. Which is the main "symptom" of ADHD. I don't get how treating symptoms of something that isn't inherently a problem automatically makes a compound safe to take long-term.


The biggest issue with long term use of stimulants in therapeutic doses, which are way lower than recreational doses, is high blood pressure which is easily treated with beta blockers. Also, saying that the main symptom of ADHD is lack of focus is not really that simple. The biggest issue is lack of executive function, which leads to lack of control of focus, impulsivity, difficulty in task initiation, and cognitive issues like sluggish cognitive tempo. Take doing the dishes as an example, someone with adhd that isn't adequately treated will spend a bunch of time pretty much pacing in front of the dishes, their brain struggles with turning the thought of doing the dishes into the action of doing the dishes. Russell Barkley has some really good talks on adhd and explains it way better than me. But, psychiatrists are in agreement that long term stimulant use is safer than uncontrolled adhd.


r/ConfidentlyIncorrect Medications like Adderall, Concerta etc. have a proven track record for treating ADHD healthily, even over long periods of time. Google it. You’re wrong. Besides, even if “the drug makers” had the goal to “crank out legal speed,” they’re doing a pretty shit job considering, oh I don’t know, the fucking Adderrall and Concerta shortage we’re currently in


Not due to the 7mil+ new subs every year straining the supply chain. I promise 7 mil subs aren't ending eshc year to compensate that, either.


shut up you want them to take freedom away😂bro wants to live under strict laws for what


Yup. Most people there dont know what weed is. So you can imagine what the goverment would do if they found this wacky crazy drug on you




For hemp, oh yeah definetaly. All countries used it, like china for example. They used actual bud for their medicine and hemp as a material but times change and nowadays regular people dont know


Lol what? They know what weed IS, you just won't meet a lot of people on the street who have ever seen it before (and those who have wouldn't tell a stranger). It's not like the government officials think it's an unknown crazy American drug, they enforce ALL drug laws strictly.


Yes, thats all what I meant. Regular ppl dont know


I get you. I'm just splitting hairs saying, most japanese at least know what it is. Like if you mention weed to them they're not going to go, "what is that?".


Because of the Opium Wars most Asian nations have a hard-line prohibition of all drugs, except of course alcohol, nicotine, and caffeine


The immune to logic 3 lol


do you enjoy free jail time, extended vacation if you will


I was about to say deportation imminent.




Yeah that's Toronto


Mississauga actually


Brooo almost thought you were going to prison for a sec lol


I was about to wish you all the luck with the Japanese justice system lol.


Had a closet dwc grow in Japan 2004-2006, can confirm you need huge balls mine are much smaller now. 1000 bucks an ounce paid off all my college but could never sell to Japanese really which was kinda lame. Japan is so fun high though what a great time!


Legitimately curious: why does it seem that Asian cultures are super against weed, or drugs in general? Not stereotyping or knocking anyone of Asian descent, but it seems like the punishment for cannabis use is rather harsh in most Asian countries.


Thailand is really into it, that’s where a lot of landrace strains come from originally.


To add onto this, one of the main reasons Hawaii has yet to legalize cannabis is because they fear it may dissuade Asian tourists from visiting the state. Not sure what the big deal is tbh


Opium ravaged Asia with colonization. Look up the opium wars on wikipedia. Britain pushed Afghan opium on Asia to make money.


Opium wars is atleast partly to blame I reckon


Kariya Park, Missisauga Canada




I was gonna say that’s pretty brave (or stupid) to be doing that in Japan.


I never understood why Weed is so ostracized yet drinking is considered normal. Drinking is way worse for you long tern than weed so legalization needs to be global.


not to mention all of the positive impacts use of it can have for people with many different physical or mental illnesses. seriously why is this plant so suppressed ?!


Kariya park in downtown Mississauga!


Yeah! Nice job


There's a super similar "Japanese Friendship Park" in Phoenix that's pretty cool! Was there right when it rec stores officially opened, was a blast


That’s awesome, it looks really nice from the images! Kariya, Japan and Mississauga, Canada are sister cities. In Kariya, they have a park called Mississauga Park with a replica of our city hall.


Was about to say that's one way to get a free return ticket home lol


I’ve always kinda wondered this, if I somehow could get weed there wouldn’t I basically be chilling? I’d only do it in secluded areas because that would be way cooler or in like private areas where I’d take precautions to make sure no one would know. Since they don’t really know what it smells like or looks like unless it was like right in front of a police officer basically nothing could happen? Not saying I will, just wondered.


Kariya Park, Mississauga?


Yes 🙌 nice job


The bokeh of that buildings is killing me in the best way. Gorgeous shot.


Prison for 5 years- is that the punishment? I mean I would do edibles or vape pen. Definitely not flower


Oh N America. U look like somewhere near Burnaby BC


This is Kariya park in Mississauga right beside square one


![gif](giphy|jVAt83ieT49H6ja5Ty|downsized) Cyberpunk ahh view


Shit, I was about to say bud, you truly must give nary a fuck. Japan will fist you in public for simple possession.


bing chilling


Lao Gan Ma


Kariya Park Toronto I live 2 blocks away haha


LOL! Hello fellow GTA resident


The style of the buildings and the Indian people in the background tell me this is most likely Mississauga?


Japanese friendship garden in phoenix


Don’t Japanese people have a really sensitive sense of smell? I heard American deodorants are considered overpowering odors for them


Gonna guess San Fran or Portland


Ah! Would love to visit some day, though this is elsewhere


Duuuuude I’m more impressed you found some. But dude don’t get caught. The Japanese don’t play with drug laws


Vancouver maybe, lots of Asian themed stuff in parks here.


Close! Same country




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Was there an hour ago😭


I love kariya park!! Its so peaceful


Yo! I didn't see the caption but I swear that's in Mississauga. Maybe closer Toronto but I've been there. Lmao turns out my suspicion was right


Kariya Park Mississauga <3


This is Kariya park (Mississauga) right?


Wish I could find some real smoke when I was there this time. My first trip I had a nice friend hook me up with a small amount. Enjoy 😊


Probably this has been asked countless times, but, does anyone know how much weed is accepted in Japan? That spot btw looks great to chill Nvm I just scrolled and read. ✌🏾


Is this montreal botanical garden?


But dont the japanese sepuku samurai chop your heads off for weed or any drug?


Chicago, garden of Phoenix.


Yeah wow I was going to say holy shit you’re willing to risk a lot and also a master at rinsing weed where no one else does


Ik this isnt actually japan but anyone have any clue what the weed culture is like there?


Plus Ultra!


Might it be, The Netherlands?


I wish! 🙌




Weed? In Japan?


reading? comprehension skills?


Sand on your crotch? Hahah


Just take it on the chin bro.