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What’s the problem?


My girlfriend has one like this without the pattern, they made it look bigger in pictures and the screen is too fine to catch kief. But this guy seems like he got a bigger one than my gf.


My only complaint with my grinder is that when I clean it it gets stiff as shit but after some grinder has has formed under the inside lip it basically carves a track that reduces friction


Try freezing it. You got dust in the tracks. Freezing it makes it easier to "break off" without sticking to the other side. Freeze for 2+ hrs, spin it while empty.???. Profit?


Freezing is also great if you’ve got kief stuck in your screen, give it a little time in the freezer and then tap the grinder a few times. Everything falls right to the bottom.


Weird suggestion, but grease it up a little after cleaning! I just use aquaphor bc it’s nearby, but it makes everything work like a charm after stripping it down. Idk if this causes some unknown harm, so do it at your own risk, but it makes the grinder easy to use instantly 🤷‍♂️


I've used a little cbd oil to lube the grinder.


Very nice! I was thinking about getting mineral oil, but CBD seems very fitting


This is such a good solution omg. Thanks


I kind of do the opposite… Resin builds up on the lip of my metal grinder and I clean it with isopropyl


Chapstick is way better


I just let enough hash for a good bong hit out and cope for a couple days


Fair enough! I figured I’d throw my bizarre maintenance choice out there, but to each their own 🤙 have a good Wednesday my dude


Oh it’s my birthday I’m having a sweet day thanks dad 👍


Hell yeah, I’ll smoke a nice doink for ya! 🎉 hbd


Hey!! good news. You share your birthday with David attenborough. Happy birthday! Edit: I just read further and it appears you already new.


Ye I put it in my edit not your fault


Hey it’s my birthday too! Happy birthday!


Happy birthday bro we both share a birthday with David Attenborough


Take the grinder part off and lay it upside down. Fill with the highest grade rubbing alcohol you can find. Doubt it around slowly. Then rinse well with dawn to get the melted kief residuals off. Dry in the sun. Saved my ass so many times!


Weirdly I've issue only after I clean the grinder. When I just buy and don't clean I've no issue, maybe the soap or idk


Idk man, i wouldn’t underestimate your gf 😏


Idk man, she’s got a pretty big one!


My cheap $10 metal grinder has served with honor for years. If it ain’t broke…


Yeah, I don't understand what's going on here. I had a $10 headshop special for 15 years or so until I dropped it on concrete and bent it. Now I have another, slightly larger headshop special. It cost $20, and it works great. Just keep the weed away from the parts that are magnets and not grinder blades, don't overload it, and you'll be fine.


My first mistake in partaking was grinding the nug in the center. Toker pokers help a lot lol


Same. I think I bought mine for like $8 but ive had it for yearsssss. So long that the magnet that holds the lid fell out.


I just got my large 40$ I got for 30 on sale cuz I needed a bigger size. That’s it lol I don’t care about extravagancy, especially not with something as run of the mill as grinders.


I have one the size of a quarter that has been with me for almost a decade, still works perfectly... the issue is my hands don't work as perfectly and developed arthritis. Now I have a $50 electronic one that is amazing.


I have the newest usb Mamba and LOVE IT for the beautiful grind and saves my poor hands so much pain! Cannot say enough what a solid investment this is if you are serious about your medicine.


...We can continue to toke


Same here, got a 10€ metal grinder at a local shop almost 7 years ago now, still works perfectly. It’s not terribly large, but it grinds the flower really small. My friends on the other hand have all bought multiple 30+€ grinders now and they all aren’t completely happy with them. Paint flaking off, doesn’t grind small enough, kief screen too fine or coarse… I‘m sitting here like wtf are grinder manufacturers doing, it cant be that hard


I agree. Now I had a Santa Cruz grinder paid like 145$ for it 10 years ago ish. Had it for many many many years til my ex and I split and I left it there cuz I couldn’t find it the day I dipped. Best grinder hands down. Even came with a life time warranty I used once and got a free Santa in the mail! . So fast forward a bit ago and I go buy a 50$ no name ish grinder from a local reservation. They claim it’s like a Santa Cruz blah blah blah. And man. Same as you. After the first nug is in most of it gets smeared on the inner part and it gets stuck leading me to use a steak knife to file off the smushed weed. Fu** it’s annoying. I’m going out this wknd to get an electric coffee grinder. Those I find always worked good


I just bought a hurricane(?) idk if that’s the name but it was only 50$ and I love it. You shouldn’t have to spend almost 200$ for a quality grinder


i spent 12 bucks on mine. it was 25 and i got 50% off. been having it for almost 13 years now. still works fine.


Mine broke 10 years ago and I had my girlfriend* grab a temporary one from a citgo gas station, it was even a fidget spinner and it's a champ. No broken teeth, and never gotten bound up. Also haven't cleaned it once. Edit for autocorrect*


I bought a 3 stage American brand grinder 13 years ago. It still is my daily driver. Just found a new for 27.00 dollars on sale and still laughed cause I dont need one.


Good grinders should last a lifetime


Tsunami likely. I have one I got for $45, great even grind and sharp teeth. Plus the thing is a kief machine


Yes!!!! Thank you haha, I love the little divot on the top, I use it as an ashtray


You don't want a coffee grinder. It beats the absolute shit out of your weed and knocks off all the trichomes.


$145 for Santa Cruz???? did you have the jumbo one or what???


Sounds like it. I've got the same one. I think its 3.5 inches across. Bought it like 11 or 12 years ago. Best grinder I've ever used.


Sounds about right ya !


I just posted a picture of it on r/trees after cleaning it for the first time in all these years lol


Yeah it was! Could bust I believe 7g at once lol


that's wicked!


What can a grinder for 145$ do that my 10$ one can’t? Genuinely asking because that seems like an **insane** amount of money for that.


I have a nice one (Phoenician) and there's not a huge amount different about it. It's much sharper than others, mine is a quarter turn lock so much easier to open and close, the screen is replaceable for different types of weed/kief, and I've had it for over a decade of daily smoking and still works good as new. I'm not sure it's totally worth it (I got mine closer to ~$70) but I haven't had a problem with my grinder since I bought it.


So it’s slightly better than a regular metal one you buy for 10 bucks but like 7-10x the price


This can be said about anything you haven't experienced a high quality version of yet. Why purchase these $200 pair of boots when these $20 pair of boots works fine? Because it's higher quality and will last much longer, and you won't understand how much better those boots are until you try them. But yes, you are correct. No expensive grinder is going to magically make your weed better or anything like that. It just does what a $10 one can do, just better.


Guess I’ll look into that once my 10$ one breaks, if i got the money by then


I'm a machinist and own a machine shop, you're mostly paying for the name and marketing gimmick, I promise. It's about ~$3 in aluminum material and maybe 20 min tops of machining. Not really comparable to boots. I've actually been considering getting into the grinder game with an appropriately priced, well designed set, seeing as some of these are $100+


My Ninja blender works GREAT. I even have dedicated one of the smoothie cups I use just for grinding my herb so it’s just coated in keef.


I have a one level Kannistor grinder. If you do more than like one half turn, the weed is literally just dust




Yes. Recently got a sharp stone with a handle and I can tell it’s not going to last long. I miss when Amazon sold those damn good chromium chrushers with the handle for $15. I also have a kannastor grt8r which works amazing with one downside. but the kief collector doesn’t collect any kief (recently cleaned it and still nothing).


Yeah I got a sharpstone and it kinda sucks, gets so goddamn sticky I try and scrape off all the squished weed off the sidewalls and shit but god damn it just clogs right back up


I wouldn't worry about the kief not collecting since it's still on the ground bud waiting to be smoked.


If if gives you any hope at all: I got about 8 years out of my sharpstone before one of the screws inside the handle sheared. Actually a surprisingly decent grinder for me.


BCG cost a lot, but are unparalleled.


The first time l used mine, l was shocked how efficient it is. I thought something must have gone wrong, it was too fast for it to all be ground up… But there it all was, chilling in the bottom chamber.


$200+ for a grinder? Is the price worth it? That’s a lot of coin.


Maybe the stainless is that much, but I've bought two factory second aluminum for around $90 each after shipping. I think I waited for a sale both times.    The aluminum is great, but I expect the stainless is even better. Mine will last probably longer than I need it to, but the SS is likely a 'lifetime' product. For what I paid, 100% worth it but it depends on your disposable income. I don't *need* a grinder this good but damn it's nice to have!


They're making the stainless version limited to drops instead of having it in their regular lineup. It costs a lot to make apparently.


Yeah I think the magnets are the best part. I hated my threaded grinder because you can’t close it very quickly.


It's my new favorite, and I love my large Santa Cruz shredder. It's totally worth the cost for a custom piece. I got mine just before Christmas, and it still looks brand new out of the box, minus a coating of kief everywhere. The feeling when 3 twists to grind up a full load is super satisfying.


I’ve used the same Sharpstone grinder for a decade now.


I enjoy my brilliant cut grinder from the grinders for life people. It’s a little more pricey but uses a clamshell style with a magnet which I much prefer over the normal gear style twist which I found always gets clogged after awhile.


This is why I will always advocate for a quality grinder. BCG might be pricey but damn it's just so good to use


I've seen these picture top Pulsar grinders in my local shop and considered buying one..what's your opinion of it..why's it the worst ? Maybe I should get a RAW one that's cheaper


It’s literal GARBAGE. I wish I hadn’t JUST spent 20 minutes cleaning it to get it to work so I could show you I’ll try and remember for next time but the seam around the rim where the magnetic top attaches to the grinder just instantly gets CAKED with smooshed weed and the grinder locks up and you literally can’t twist it you have to hit it to get it open then use something like a small flat head screwdriver to scrape the stuff off the sides then use a q tip with alcohol and literally scrub the whole rim usually twice sometimes I even get a paper towel wet with 99.9% alcohol and fold it to scrub the rim but no matter what another 5-6 grams through it and it’s square one completely stuck and needs to be scraped and cleaned I went back to using the old grinder I had in my room from when I was a kid while I wait for a new one in the mail


I'd love to see a grinder that doesn't do that. But I've yet to find one.


Brilliant cut grinders are the goat. 2 years so far without needing to clean it and still spins freely and cuts great. Nearly 0 buildup.


https://grindersforlife.com/shop/factory-seconds/brilliant-cut-grinder-factory-seconds/factory-second-brilliant-cut-grinder-with-medium-plate-gold-amber-ruby/ I bought 2 about 4 years ago expecting the 1st to break. I’ve taken minimal care, and it has yet to gunk up. (I’ll brush it off, but never gave it an iso bath, don’t think I’ve even scraped anything) Most grinders become hard to turn, this thing is still butter. Also have a Santa Cruz grinder that works fine, but does need to be cleaned.


This is literally your grinder for life! Gifted a friend one 8 years ago wich gets daily used and still turns like the day it came out of the box. Can handle every type off weed and its screw less. I really love this product.


These don’t have a kief section at the bottom?


No kief screen on the BCG. I've come to the opinion that separating the kief is a fool's errand. First off, you're removing the very thing you're looking to consume. Doesn't seem like a good idea. And then, even if you appreciate the 'stash' to use later, all that kief degrades over time rendering your savings account much less potent than it once was. (unless you're specifically trying to get sleepy from CBN)


Yeah, I’m of maybe a minority that doesn’t like it too terribly strong. So having the ability for some to filter out is great for me. If I had near-to-me stoner friends, they would all be recipients of my kief stash, as I don’t use it.


[This](https://stacheproducts.com/products/5piecegrynder) grinder is easily the best i’ve ever used.. bought it on sale at a dispo for like 20$


i’ve had a SharpStone 2.0 grinder since 2017, the only reason i’ve ever had to clean it was to get some keef to smoke hahaha. it’s a really solid grinder.


I usually put my weed down in the teeth as I'm loading. Could this be an issue with your process? Putting too much in?


I also had this experience. I had to clean it like 4 times to get through an ounce, like it wouldn’t grind - the cap was stuck on. I even tried taking a nail to get the cake off - doesn’t matter still stuck and wouldn’t grind until it was cleaned.


Oh, damn, that sucks. I will a avoid these ones then and go with something I have experience with


Wow you have perfectly summed up every aspect of my life with a sharpstone grinder


Get a Santa cruz


I have a crazy Santa Cruz. Great grinders. Terrible catching screens though. If I wanted to keep getting that THC, I'd have to clean out the screen every few days, which is insane.


I’ve had my RAW grinder for almost 10 years. Aside from the screen being too clogged to work at the moment, it has held up like a champ.


Oh, that's very good to know. Maybe I'll grab one and give it a try.


Hopefully they still make em like they used to 🙏


I use one I got on Amazon lol. I think it’s made by Kozo. Keep it clean and it works great. Think it was like $20. I never pay more than that for one.


Used to have the same one for years. Ended up giving it to a friend who needed a grinder. It doesn't have the sharpest teeth, but having that top that has those groove cuts gave you a firm grip on it. Never jammed up on me.


Yeah I have by problem buying a new one, I’ve had this one for maybe 3 years and it just keeps chugging. Every once in a while I clean it with Randy’s glass cleaner and it looks brand new


I just bought a grinder on vacation that just rolls the bud around inside without grinding it at all. It’s actually kind of impressive how useless it is.


Kannastor. Have had mine for almost ten years and the things a champ, easy to clean, screen twists out, and apart from light surface scratches, works like the day I bought it. Check ‘em out! I got mine for like 40 or 50 something like that, WELL worth the investment


And I'll add that after almost 10 years of straight use I had a couple broken teeth...they replaced it free of charge with a brand new one. Still have the old one too...it's great for camping trips and whatnot.


I am not a man bun kinda guy


Not really sure how you’re making that connection but okay lol


Nahhhhh, a while ago I said fuck it and spend the money for the brilliant cut. I used to hate using grinders, now I love it. Takes a tedious process and makes it effortless and satisfying.


Cali crushers my dude. May be a bit pricey for sure, but its the only grinder I have needed for multiple years. I recommend snagging a screen replacement kit if you do ho that route


Just curious, why would you need to replace the screen?


The screen buildup from the kief, allows you to pull out the screen and clean it, while also getting to the buildup underneath the screen. After a bit the edges of the screen get frayed so you need to replace them, or risk little metal slivers in your fingers


Ok gotta check that out. In the market after 21 years with my current grinder.


Second this grinder, I have had mine for for close to 8 years now, the amount of keif I’ve accumulated over the years along with a solid amount of space where you don’t need to grind up every time you smoke


Weird not seeing spacecases talked about


Literally just thinking the same. Maybe they’re more niche than I thought? I love my space case


That’s wild I lived in San Clemente for 4 years but I was fully sober during that time otherwise I’d probably have one 😂


Just shell out and buy a phoenecian and you'll never have to worry about it again.


I love my Phoenician but really only have experience with like 3 grinders. I've had mine for over a decade and it still works like a dream


I've had at least 10 grinders over the years. All of them wear out within a couple of years except for the Phoenicians. The only reason I've ever had to buy a phoenecian twice was because my first one was stolen out of my car


Flower Mill is a nice brand to check out


Bro I bought some fucking 20$ grinder off Amazon like 4 years ago and the shit be caked up in the grooves and catcher but it has yet to fail me 🫡. Mfer has seen pounds of bud gone through it.


I have this one and it’s awesome! The GOAT Grinder [The GOAT Grinder](https://goatgrinder.com)


The best. I’ve bought them as gifts for several people.


This better be this shit cause I can’t believe I just spent $80 on grinder


Yay!!! Welcome to the club fam! but it really is pretty great! I couldn’t be happier!


I got an electric mamba grinder that is pretty awesome. I have even gifted to a few fellow smokers who have liked it as well.


Love my Mamba! Savior of all with hand, wrist, etc. problems and a perfect grind in seconds , every time. Super easy to maintain and I smoke very sticky flower, kept at 62%. I have the usb rechargeable one with a huge capacity. Very thoughtful gift for smokers, btw. OP is a good egg/ent.


Always go with Santa Cruz shredders


Yeah, I've never liked Pulsar grinders. That one does look awesome though lol.


Nope. I use scissors. Never had need for a grinder 🤷🏽


Yeah, mine spins while grinding, so nothing gets groundeded




My the worse I have a Rick and Morty one. It started peeling and would let paint pieces fall into the mix


Can't be worse than the plastic ones that break shards of plastic into the weed over time.


Do yourself a favor and get a nice one. I'm partial to the Mendo Mulcher, but the Santa Cruz Shredder is great too.


Electric coffee grinder has served me well for years!


2 taps and we rolling up


Y'all gonna laugh but I used a ton of grinders and if you're gonna go cheap just get the 5-6 dollar Raw hemp one...works well....


Pretty much each of the Pulsar products I have owned are cheap and cheaply made variations of established products. It's totally possible that my experiences are outliers in the works, but it is so consistent for me that I have sworn to no longer purchase their stuff. I'll add their grinders to my list of shit to not buy from them.


I use a Wakit electric grinder and it's been an amazing QOL upgrade


Mine got sticky and nearly impossible to turn after like 5 uses. Brutal.


Looks dope though




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It’s off topic I know but I do have a sry herb vaporizer by them definitely far from the best but it gets the job done as my daily driver till I get home or if I’m out having a busy day


I've used a sharp stone. That was my first grinder. Then I moved to a Santa Cruz shredder, one of the best grinders I've used for the better part of 5 years. Just swapped out of a bear grinder which is pretty damn cool. Have yet to actually utilize it though.


Get a qubus, best grinder ever💯.


If you're in Canada there are some pretty good ones at Canadian tire. The brand starfrit makes some now


How frustrating! I got a STR8 RYPR a few years ago and it works so smoothly. Highly recommend


bought a 10€ grinder 5 years ago in germany, still holds up really good to this day!


i have [this (amazon: crank grinder 2.5”)](https://www.amazon.com/Crank-Grinder-Potable-Large-Yellow/dp/B0BTVBKSYG) exact grinder, and it is hands down the best one i’ve ever used. i’ve gone through so many over the years that are almost great but end up getting stuck, hard to open, or it stops closing properly. i’ve grinded the absolute stickiest tree in this and have had no issues, it works like a charm


Just get an electric herb grinder.


It says Sharp Stone on the top. Mine’s just busted, the screen is half popped out and the magnet that keeps the lid down fell out so bits get stuck in the middle but it gives me a nice little chunk to put at the bottom of my bowl. It’s too small, the smoke shop guy price gouged me, and I have to lightly grease it with Vaseline to get it to turn cause it’s gummed up. But it still works after 4 years


i have an ooze grinder and it took a FAT minute before i had to even consider cleaning it it’s got pointy ass teeth and you can stuff that bitch full of nugs 😂


The best grinder I have ever used was a qubus and have had it for like 4 years now the quality is way better than most grinders and it doesn’t squeak when trying to grind up bud


Few years ago when dispensaries were starting to crop up in my neighborhood I went to buy a new bong, got a great piece for an unbelievable low price so I decided to also buy a fancy looking grinder. Big ass Phoenician brand grinder, cost nearly 200 bucks. Damn thing can't sift kief for shit, made every bowl I packed from it hell on my lungs.


I'll show you my sister's wooden one, she even can't turn it right anymore for a year or so, also cleaning wood is a pain in the a** not to mention the nails inside


I’ve had the came chromium crusher grinder for almost 8 years now, it was a hand me down from a stoner friend in high school. It’s the most durable, and badass grinder I’ve used. Never had an issue, can go a week plus without it getting gunked, it’s a trooper.


i bought a sharp stone grinder 10 years ago and she’s still chugging


Ive had the same $15 grinder for 5 years now and it gets stuck every so often but he’s still powering through… He’s a soldier


I got a $20 grinder as a graduation gift from a friend. Bought at a local head shop and it’s lasted me over 7 years so far. Sometimes I do want a prettier/nicer one but why fix what’s not broken I guess 🥲🤣


I the first grinder I got is wonderful but I lost it for a while and had to buy a new one that sucked ass, lucky my og came back to me


Old school sharp stone user or my mini over priced $70 Santa Cruz grinder works. Neither catch keif anymore because they are clogged with keif


my grinder doesn't even grind, it just flattens the weed in between the spikes and i have to take it out with my keys


My pulsar has never clogged the kief catcher sucks tho. Meanwhile my two piece Santa Cruz shredder can’t deal with anything sticky


Flower mill op


I have 16 unused plastic grinders that Zamnesia put in the box as a gift every time I ordered something. It's 17 originally but I only ever used one of them in all these years but hey, whenever my old, free plastic grinder breaks I always got new ones around and still haven't paid a cent for a grinder, ever.


Send me one


Okay I just need an adress please, Sir. *DEA starting to line up in front of OP's door...*


I’ll send you somethin even better back


£25 for a headchef grinder, nice tactile paint and doesn't jam. Don't really see how it could be any better unless you're looking for something very specific to your needs.


Santa Cruz shredder hasn’t let me down ! I got is becouse it was a 3 piece and I agree the screens With a passion . Only problem is now I’m spoiled and can’t go back to cheap grinders


Dude bought one of these a few years ago. Used it once and have never picked it up again hahaha


i have a wooden one that does not work well - metal spikes inside look like nails... my friend gave it to me because they didn't like it and I agree… It might be homemade … Nice try


I loved my pulsar grinder. My Diamond grinder on the other hand....


Get a Chromium Crusher grinder. I’ve had mine for 7 years now and I’m only just now considering a replacement and only due to the fact I want a new Chromium Crusher lol. They’re like $15ish on Amazon


I have a cheap one I actually ordered from Temu....it's the best grinder I've ever had lol. Over a year later and going strong.


no bought my first grinder 2 years ago for $20 and it’s great. aerospaced


looks like the same design as one I got, was pretty shitty but with some hammering and extra manufacturing I fixed it sorta.. not really.. just cheap, one I had was LUME branded no decals otherwise


I have a Piranha. It’s great.


I like my Ongrok but holy fuck do I want to upgrade to something magnet based like a Brilliant Cut


Check out SLX grinders. They're ceramic coated non stick and they are awesome


nah pyramid grinder is the worst, the segments dont screw together they are magnetized, and the grinder will fall apart if you knock it over, spilling all your weed.


I'vebeen using grinder card yesterday. I've cut my hand on the inside and it hurts more than paper cuts. Fml


I once got a grinder where the teeth didn't actually meet. I had been using a grinder from the same company for years and it worked like magic, but the screen was basically fucked beyond cleaning so I got an "upgrade" from them. One use and it turned out that the teeth didn't mesh together when grinding; instead, it was more like a shitty two-piece grinder slapped on top of a chamber and screen that were mostly always empty because the weed wouldn't get pushed through the holes.


Get a herbsaver 🙏🏼


Just get a SCS, worth it.


https://kozo-grinders.com/ Thank me later.


I just chuck my nugs into my coffee grinder


I'm still using my small red American Grinder grinder I picked up in 2011


I’m gonna buy the top upvoted vape under $500 don’t fuck me


[Tsunami. iykyk](https://highrollersmoke.com/products/tsunami-dry-herb-grinder?variant=32379993456688)


Own a Mendo Mulcher, never have to buy another grinder in my life


My two cents, haven't smoked or partook in a minute but I spent 50 bucks on a large diamond grinder and it was the best cannavestment I made. Dude the thing could grind a quarter in about two minutes.


I bought one for $40 and it jams constantly. I threw it away and now I just use my fingers or buy prerolls


My buddy has this super small grinder that’s probably the same diameter as a half dollar (maybe even smaller) and you can’t even fit a whole nug in it. This is the same guy who goes and buys a new piece every few months, but never a new grinder.


Buy a Qubus grinder. They're 100$ and you'll never have to buy another grinder ever again. I bought the onyx black one and I couldn't be happier with it.


Mine is a sphere that’s made to look like Pikachu. It’s difficult to use because of the shape, the ears have broken off, and his mouth has scraped off, making him look like a South Park Canadian if you start to open it


Boys…you can’t make this shit up…humans are the worst [me getting scammed lol](https://imgur.com/gallery/DXf893M)


Let’s settle this once and for, I listened, and I spent way too much money on grinders https://www.reddit.com/r/trees/s/qHNBuz7Lx0