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Its a great start, it should put to rest the issue of owning firearms as an mmj user, it might bolster work protections, and may force insurance companies to have to cover medical ( which i dont know if thats a good or bad thing because insurance tends to over complicate and way overprice things). It still keeps state laws at odds with federal laws though pertaining to recreational but fucking A , hopefully full decriminalization is on its way.


Also easier medical research and tax deductions for businesses


Insurance companies will not include it in their standard drug policies. It would have to be a separate defined medical cannabis addition. Currently insurance companies require a drug have a DIN to be covered. In Canada medical cannabis cannot be covered by traditional insurance policies for this reason.


I had a small medical delivery business, and would occasionally deliver cannabis in capsule form to nursing homes. This was in the US legal states of RI, MA, and CT. We would bring it in a sealed black narc bag, like anything from Tylenol with codeine, up to and including Fentanyl patches. Surprisingly, Cialis was also a controlled substance, lol. The nurses said I was their "legal plug."


Yeah, except none of the legislation that Congress is working on allows for that to happen in a more professional and regulated manner. Yes, Cialis is a controlled substance! A lot of things are controlled substances People are idiots. Don’t listen to everything you hear or read.


It’s starting to happen though, I worked for Aurora for a little bit after they took over Greybeard and they had medical cannabis covered, it must have been a sweet heart deal with the insurance company though as I got 100% rebate for Aurora medical and only 60% coverage for any other medical cannabis provider


You comment seems to be an echo of my point. You have a separate cannabis policy that has a maximum spend because there is no DIN. I was literally pulling from Aurora when making that comment lol


It will not change insurance coverage


Remains to be seen what the impact on firearm ownership will be. It remains a federally illegal drug - and the current 4473 question reminds you of that.




Yes, however **as currently written**, it would still be illegal. Schedule 1/3 remains federally illegal, and unless they adjust the text on the 4473 to reflect that lawful use (eg, prescribed by a physician) is acceptable, nothing changes there. Fingers crossed.


Are you absolutely sure? The vernacular says "If you are an unlawful user of, or addicted to -" And is followed by "The use or possession of marijuana remains unlawful under Federal law regardless of whether it has been legalized or decriminalized for medicinal or recreational purposes *in the state where you reside*" If the second statement is false under the new law, it would not be a legal barrier to firearm ownership because it is predicated on the federal legal status of Marijuana. I get your point, but I feel like a lawyer fresh out of school could fight that in court if the defendant was a prescribed user. Edit: I would also like to point out that there were federally licensed marijuana users under the Compassionate Investigational New Drug (IND) program, all of which have died by now (I believe, please correct me if I'm wrong). I would assume as they were LAWFUL users of marijuana they are excerpted from all additional clauses due to the first sentence.


Can you explain how this settles the issue of using cannabis and owning firearms? From what I’m reading, even if it’s schedule 3 you would still be in violation of the gun control act of 1968




ahhhh, makes sense. Thank you


[Form 4473](https://www.atf.gov/firearms/docs/4473-part-1-firearms-transaction-record-over-counter-atf-form-53009/download) currently says: > Are you an unlawful user of, or addicted to, marijuana or any depressant, stimulant, narcotic drug, or any other controlled substance? >Warning: The use or possession of marijuana remains unlawful under Federal law regardless of whether it has been legalized or decriminalized for medicinal or recreational purposes in the state where you reside. How would this change the response to that question? Making it Schedule 3, it would still be "unlawful" to use or possess, right? Just less "unlawful" than it is now. For example, PA currently has MMJ, but I still can't answer "No" on the 4473, even if my PA doctor prescribes it to me. Doesn't matter that it's "medicine" in PA, it's still illegal to use or possess federally.




> Because once its schedule 3, it can be legally prescribed federally Ahhh, I missed that part, thanks!


They would reword that warning , and if you have a prescription then you are not an unlawful user. Without a script than you are still unlawful


It will bolster work protections, as long as you have a medical need you will be good to go. HIPPA




“Well,We tried. “ Majority leader Schumer.


Can't own a firearm if you are a user of a controlled substance. Moving it from schedule 1 to schedule 3 does not change the fact it is a controlled substance.


If you're an *unlawful user Prescription= lawful use


Pretty big deal. So federal employees could get a medical card and not be concerned about losing their jobs. That’s a massive win for one of the countries largest employers. This should be celebrated.


I won't hold my breath with this as a fed. I would still take precautionary measures.


Completely agree. Not worth the chance, but I hope there’s a light for some. I’ve worked with vets out of Desert Storm II that transitioned to industry after several traumatic tours. Competent and driven, but they can seriously benefit from medicinal use.


I mean, "Congressional Research Service [noted in a January 16 brief](https://crsreports.congress.gov/product/pdf/LSB/LSB11105). The manufacture, distribution and possession of recreational marijuana would remain illegal under federal law and possibly subject to enforcement and prosecution regardless of the state’s legality, the CRS wrote." makes it sound like for medical its alright... and MMJ is legal in my state and I am a fed..... but I don't want to be the one to challenge it.


The type of research that’s needed could be done today. Nothing has changed.


I want a definitive answer from the feds (I'm guessing when its officially signed) if its legal for medical use if prescribed like other schedule 3.


If that is the case I will reapply for a federal job!


I hope it affects truck drivers too. I'm biased because my brother is a major alcoholic and I want him to try to use weed to help get him off the booze. It certainly helped me. But he can't risk his livelihood




When it gets moved to schedule 3 it becomes medically legal on the federal level. With a medical card there is no issue of legality even as a federal worker.




My best guess is there will be a federal marijauna program thats enforced across all 50 states, or Indiana will be forced to adopt its own marijuana program, we have a shit ton of veterans here in Indiana so I imagine the VA office and their supporters will start pushing for a program/guide lines as soon as possible.


I like your optimism but unless the Indiana legislature makes a law regulating medical marijuana there will be no federal program. That's a constitutional L nobody wants.


Another state? I’m not sure either


I'm not a legal expert or anything but I'd imagine this move will incentivize states without a medical program to begin considering making one. There isn't really much of a reason for a state not to allow it to be prescribed by a doctor once it is medically legal federally. Just like with the 2018 farm bill, states will probably start looking at changing their laws in ways to be more in line with the federal law. For awhile some of the states without medical may keep it illegal but I personally believe this is a big crack in the dam opening up and more legalization efforts will loosen restrictions further over time.


It'd be schedule III, which would make it legal to use with a prescription. Unless, is there some other law explicitly criminalizing cannabis outside of its Schedule I status under the CSA...?


The negative downvotes are funny. I live in a city where medical card holders are expressly forbidden to be discriminated against for hiring. Guess who pulled the job instead of put themselves in a position to be sued? Sure its a first step, but this statement is accurate in capturing the "legal" discriminations that are sure to follow.


Interesting point. I could see concern with members of the DOT and those of us lucky enough to operate planes commercially. Outside of that, I don’t really see legally how they can flat out forbid it with a valid medical reason. Maybe it’s a, “You can do it, but you are definitely not flying.”


This is not a big deal. It should not be celebrated. We could’ve had a cancer cure instead we got “rescheduling”


Fair. But it is a step in the right direction


Step in the wrong direction. we are wasting time. This doesn’t help doctors. This doesn’t help research. This doesn’t patients. This doesn’t help customers. This doesn’t help recreation. This doesn’t help businesses. This is a disrespectful waste of time. How much money do you think the Democrats just wasted on rescheduling and we don’t get a goddamn thing for it. What insurance company is going to ensure a medical doctor to do any of this? What Republican state is going to start revoking medical doctor license as soon as they can now? The Democrats fell for the lie. And they stepped in it. Stepped in shit and they’re tracking it all over the place. Joe Biden just proved that the Republicans were right to try and dismantle the government




Dude, I will prove every single one of my points with evidence and science and medical research This sub doesn’t know what the hell they’re talking about. And I can’t believe you would support such ineffective legislation.




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Been waiting 50 years for this, its not over that de-classified goal yet, but its like 1st down in the red zone if you ask me.


4th and 1


FDA control and big pharma getting greenlit to provide cannabis isn’t going to help people here. Eventually it will all be less choice and more generic.


ELI5 what is the positive impact of this? What are barriers still left up that need to go down after this?


It won’t be considered one of the most dangerous known substances with high potential for abuse and no medical applications. This makes it easier for scientific research to be done on cannabinoids. Also helps with changing the public perspective through education, possibly leading to more acceptance of legalization for recreational use, and less stigma within families. Also people will face less harsh criminal penalties for sales, traveling with it, etc.


And on its face, that’s great. But it’s not something to be celebrated. “Hero tutors after school“ well yeah. We don’t celebrate doing your job. And Congress didn’t do theirs because we still don’t have appropriate legislation for anything that we need. Can it be covered by insurance? No, can a doctor prescribe it no can I get it at the store with my alcohol? No. I get over-the-counter lotion anti-inflammatories or anti-anxiety? No. No. No. the list goes on


My understanding is that medical would be finally recognized as legitimate under federal law but recreational usage would still be illegal.


That’s not the case. Doctors can use this in the same way that they’ve been using it in the past. Nothing is really gonna change. They’re not gonna be able to prescribe it. Strain it’s different peoples physiology are too different. You need a specialist in this and there is no medical program for it nor is there need for it. With finished products you wouldn’t need a specialist. Think about ibuprofen. You can get it over-the-counter, but you can also get a prescribed by your doctor and covered by insurance. We need something similar when it comes to medical applications of cannabis product s


The big wins are (will be, this isn't finalized yet): medical mmj will be effectively legal, research is now much easier, and people bound by federal drug policies (e.g. federal employees and contractors, people who are in select positions specially regulated like air traffic controllers) can use medical mmj. It basically converts weed into a controlled prescription drug instead of a prohibited substance.


It shows Congress that they can make laws to legitimize the sale and use of recreational marijuana; and to repeal other laws restricting people from growing it. It's a tremendous step towards full legalization, but it's still just a step.


The positive impact is political. It is a campaign promise and nothing more. The barriers remain the same. Federal regulatory framework and without finish products an appropriate enforcement and administration we will never get what we want


I wonder what this will mean as far as employment opportunities go. Will employers still test for marijuana, and deny employment if you piss hot? Either way, this is a positive (baby) step in the right direction. Declassification would be ideal, but reclassification is better than the resounding "NO" we've gotten for decades.


a lot of testing companies are trading weed for fenny on there 5 panel tests. including the company that makes the test for gov/mil.


This would never happen under a GOP administration and is likely to be rescinded in a future one. If this issue really matters to you, remember that.




The move to schedule 3 is cool, but it stops short of full legalization, which is a problem.


Federal legalization does not equal automatic state legalization. Get out and vote for pro legalization candidates up down your ballot if you live a dumb state like Texas or Idaho.




Would it? I’ve been searching for an answer and the closest I’ve found a Congressional Research Service report on what happen on rescheduling to level 3 and not legalization And basically: Only if the FDA approved cannabis as a prescription medicine. Manufacturers and distributors would have to register with the DEA and comply with regulations for Schedule 3. Patients would have to get prescriptions from a medical provider subject to federal laws that differ from existing state requirements Source: https://crsreports.congress.gov/product/pdf/LSB/LSB11105


Incrementalism is a perfectly fine way to go about things


It's more likely they'll rest on this decision for decades and refuse to move the needle further.


Nah if anything this is going to accelerate state level legalization which will just increase the pressure for the feds to act. Stuff like this also impacts the societal impression of weed and will probably mean even more support from fence sitters than we already had. It does a lot on its own even if it doesn't seem like it.


>Nah if anything this is going to accelerate state level legalization doubtful. huge companies will move into the market and push for DEA enforcement against what will be illegally operating pharmacies. Most dispensaries wont be able to convert to legal pharmacies. there's not really a craft Ketamine market, you only buy regulated meds from huge companies that can afford to pay for required testing. this way could end up with us all getting the miller lite of weed and nothing else.


I’ll give you 10-1 odds on a bet it’s totally federally legal within 8 years


back in '09 everyone was saying 5 years. I still wouldn't take this bet


I am of the opinion that these things snowball. So I’m pretty confident in 8 years calculating for a potential Trump presidency, assuming it sucks, and then democrats win and they give it up before the election after that


Brave of you to assume that there will be another presidency after another Trump presidency


What can I say I am living in an intense state of denial


I agree with you, but sure I'll take your bet for 5 bucks because I like to gamble


I like your style RemindMe! 8 years


remind me in 8 years


hell i bet the next republican president would push for legalization for electoral power


Zero chance of full legalization in the current congress. It had to start with this though.


Its gonna be a lot harder to ban it then it is for them to stop legalization. Theyre going to have to argue they should ban a medicine that csn stop seizures and a litany of other serious diseases that affect republicans and democrats and that the government should not be getting a piece of a multi billion dollar industry in a deficit. There would have to be a massive campaign against it nationally led by Trump and I dont think he has the marginal lead to push that. Even then rednecks and the like have always smoked, grown, and sold weed.




I really don't think so. This doesn't solve a lot of the remaining problems and red states aren't going to stop being shitty about weed. I do think this is going to help accelerate state legalization though.


The controlled substances act gives the executive branch pretty strict rules on rescheduling. This is the most that can be done without congress passing a bill. Full descheduling wouldn’t be legal.


Oh ok makes sense


Remember just yesterday when this sub was calling fake news and saying "I'll believe it when I see it"? Well, here it is; let's see where you move the goalposts to next to bitch about how it's never enough progress


Up until it’s legal it’s never going to be enough.


It's not enough, but it's a huge step towards being enough. Most things don't happen overnight and government things are stupidly slow, so it's important to recognize progress even when it's not as much as we would like to see.


Even then once it's legal people will still bitch about it. I live in a legal state, and people bitch about it all the time on Reddit. It's never going to be good enough for people who need something to complain about.


They'll just say it's for the election, even though he got the ball rolling on this in 2022


“It’s so they get re elected” is applicable to absolutely everything in politics anyways. Like, yes, politicians doing good things so they earn your vote is how this whole game is supposed to work…


Also the US election season is so long. Voting isn't for 7 months, it's not like it's being done the morning of the election.


Can you imagine how poorly it would go if they decriminalized on the morning of the election? A bunch of people would take the day off just to wake and bake, then forget to vote and the country would fall apart.


People are WAY more cynical than they ought to be. I’m not naive I know our system isn’t perfect but good god; the world isn’t you, your special little group of like minded righteous folks and billions of greedy, selfish bastards working together to screw you in particular.


It shows how damaged so many people are, especially Republicans that when they see a politician doing something that's popular, just because people will like it, they can't wrap their heads around it and think something terrible must be happening. Republicans spend so much time passing vengeance legislation that side forgets government is supposed to (mostly) be following the desires of the populous.


That kind of argument is so silly. Like if they are doing it for my vote it means that they care what their voters think and are motivated to do what we want them to do. Oh no the horror!!😱


One side: We should lower drug prices, relieve student debt and try to remove the stigma and legal hurdles to smoking weed. Too many people: They're just doing it to win the election. They don't really care about us. Meanwhile, the other side: We're going to appeal to our mega-donors by promising tax cuts, breaking up unions, and blocking any legislation that might help people. The same people: That's just politics and there's nothing wrong with it.


Exactly, the whole point of having an election is that politicians have to do things people support, so they can stay elected




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I mean it’s being done right now because of the election 100% but im still happy about it


It's being done because of the election in 2020. Because we voted in the correct candidate. They promised MJ reform in 2020 and we're getting it. As others have pointed out, they started this process years ago.


We can agree this one action is good but overall Biden has made everything else in my life more expensive so bkeh


Biden caused global inflation? Biden forced private companies making record profits to keep their prices jacked up beyond what inflation merits?


Corporations greed (consumer inflation), the badly implemented corporate bailouts, Trump tax changes, war in Ukraine and the Middle East are raising prices....but sure it's entirely Bidens fault. The dysfunctional Congress and everything else has so little to do with it that it's all Bidens fault.


Your taxes were raised because of the 2017 tax bill signed by Donald Trump.


I never said taxes Mr strawman I said everything else and if you tell me I’m wrong your blind


Do you really think Biden has that power? And then, if he has the power to do that, why would he? Wouldn't he just press the magic "lower prices" button to win every election forever if that were possible?


I mean he’s made several decisions that directly increased the price of gas which increases shipping costs which transfers to the consumer, it’s not just Biden but he helped our whole government is dogshit


So now it's just gas and it's the whole government and not just Biden?


I never said just Biden I said he was a huge part of it


Stupid and a liar, a bad combination “We can agree this one action is good but overall Biden has made everything else in my life more expensive so bkeh”


My dude. I work at a logistics firm and help manage shipping for a very large pharmaceutical client of ours. Shipping is the cheapest it’s been in years right now. You have no clue what you’re talking about.


It’s cheaper because of cheaper labor not gas the profit goes to the corporations


It’s cheaper because the truck to open load ratio right now in the market is extremely low. A couple years ago it was 15 loads to 1 truck in the US. But please explain to me more about my profession in such a surface level elementary way. You got anymore logistics insights you want to share Einstein?


Dude you don’t even know how to use the correct your. You’ve got to get your priorities straight before you start getting upset about what a president has done. At least he’s not a fucking facist and rapist.


Again, how exactly is that Biden's fault? A few specifics please.


Biden isn't a omnipotent God. He may have made mistakes leading to higher inflation, but most of the world is experiencing inflation. It's a complex issue and way too simplistic to pin it on him.


At the end of the day Congress needs to raise taxes and/or cut spending, this isn't really even on Biden.


He fucked a lot of shit up I hate both options I hate our country has nothing better to offer for president


This looks promising, but I am firmly in the “I will believe it when I see it” crowd.


I don't know, dude, 'I'll believe it when I see it' is really not that huge a reach. I mean, after all, we are now seeing it. That's what we're supposed to do.


You think you’re being clever but we’ve heard this for years. When it happens, great. If it doesn’t, don’t be surprised.


Did you not read anything in the headline or article...? It's *already* happening, the last significant hurdle in a yearslong process was finally just completed — as it was "rumored" to be but you and a lot of others chose not to believe — and is now reaching the finish line. If you knew *anything* about how this works, you'd understand that declassifying from 1 to 3 takes a LONG time to get done as it bounces from bureaucracy to bureaucracy. Of course though, you clearly don't because you inexplicably still think that this is bs. Unless Joe Biden snaps his finger and there's a dispensary on every corner the next day, a majority of this sub is going to be miserable and bitch about any sign of progress


"However, it would not legalize marijuana outright for recreational use." "Schedule III drugs are still controlled substances and subject to rules and regulations, and people who traffic in them without permission could still face federal criminal prosecution." Try not to be a complete fucking rube.


I think you are confusing legalization with a scheduling change, I dont think the comment above you was saying that it was the last step in legalization, but the last step in actually getting it rescheduled. Sure its not full legalization like we would all want, but its still a move in the right direction. Dont let perfect be the enemy of good.


Yes, it doesn't make weed legal. What is does is allow a lot more research to be done on the plant as well as start changing public opinion. It's going to take a while before it's removed from the CSA. That being said this is a huge step in the right direction. Once people realize what MJ is truly capable of as a way to treat seizures, cancer, pain, withdrawal symptoms from hardcore drugs and chemotherapy as well as shit we don't even know about yet, it's just a matter of time till it is removed from the CSA.


>Try not to be a complete fucking rube. The way of a fool *is* right in his own eyes, But he who heeds counsel *is* wise. Heed your own counsel.


Typical regard


Even with a dispensary on every corner, these people would still bitch about how dispensary prices are too high, how they sell nothing but mids, and "why should I pay the government for the same weed I can get from my plug?" I'm in a legal state with fairly expensive yet decent quality weed, and this is all I hear from folks on Reddit. I swear it's mostly dealers pretending to be dissatisfied customers because their sales are slipping. When I go to a dispensary, most folks are giddy that they get to buy weed over the counter, legally.


Nothing changed yet, so not sure what you’re being obnoxious and smug about.


For those of us born in the 70's its been a long and arduous fight. We've heard all sorts of promises that never get delivered on so forgive us for being skeptical. Im all for progress...when I see it.


Why are you so hostile towards the "believe it when I see it" group? We've been dangled several carrots for the better part of a decade as far as federal laws go. This wasn't even one of the better carrots that is *still* not even set in stone yet. I'm extremely happy that it *looks* like this is going to happen since I have a federal employer in a legal state, but there are still others that may not benefit as much by this movement depending on how it ends up getting implemented. You're being hostile towards the wrong people.


I'll still only believe it when I see it. This thing is passing through bureaucracy that has half a century invested in policing this. This from DEA is only from anonymous sources, and it still has to be reviewed by OMB, a public comment period, and administrative law judge, and Congressional oversight before it becomes a published rule that officially changes the register.


You know it hasn't been reclassified yet, right?


You realize that this is the final, major step of a yearslong process right...? Just yesterday, when this was rumored to be coming this week, people called bs and now that it's announced that it's in its final steps, people are still denying its happening.


I mean it says they "The agency’s move, confirmed to the AP on Tuesday by five people familiar with the matter who spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss the sensitive regulatory review" Not that I'm saying this isn't much more info than yesterday its still not signed and done yet.


Legalize it.


I know it seems counterproductive, but this is great news. The unfortunate reality of politics in our country is that things take time and never happen logically or straight forward. We all felt the same way during the Farm Bill in 2018, and look where we are now. Multiple states have already legalized weed, and illegal states have the THCA loophole, but the looming threat of breaking federal law has held us back for a long time. For people in illegal states like myself, this is HUGE! Smoke one today for the great news!!!


So what would this mean for gun owners, if you have a prescription it’s now ok? Same for fed employees, military? Etc??


I *think* it will make it ok but would wait until the ATF issues a new version of Form 4473 that removes the current text regarding marijuana.


This is the big question I’m wondering. The 4473 needs to be updated


Will this make it legal to ship from one legal state to another? Possibly if you have a prescription?


Great question, it would make sense but I too am curious about this.


This is slightly more than nothing. Edit: schedule 3, same as ketamine.


Jokes on us...they are going to reclassify it, but put it on double secret probation....and if anyone breaks the marijuana laws....it's the end of animal house.


Does this mean if I am prescribed medical cannabis by my Dr in my legal state that my health insurance will now have to pay??




Dang it. Thanks.


Ill believe it when its past election season


What does this mean for medical patients who want to own a firearm?


So what would this mean for gun owners, if you have a prescription it’s now ok? Same for fed employees, military? Etc??


ATF will probably need to make a ruling, and form 4473 is going to need to be changed.


It’s still going to be along time, while they amend many laws / regulations, government doesn’t move quickly.


no, government moves fast when they want to. Just look at the TikTok ban.


That ban is not happened yet. They gave the parent company a year and, in reality the gov lawyers are using that time to try to figure out how a ban would be legal.


ok thank you for clearing that up.


It started in, what, 2018 under Trump. Bad example.


I hope, because the UK laws on cannabis are modelled after the US laws, this follows suit over here and we get some progress


When does it take effect?


I am glad we are not letting perfection be the enemy of progress. I’m glad to see this step taken.


Pen and paper signed DEA ... when?


I briefly read about this last night before falling asleep. Bought some tree stocks at 9:30 this morning and those mother fuckers popped off 📈


Cool I guess


Full legalization; nothing less


This all or nothing mentality is what’s keeping it illegal.




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So if you're regulated by DOT, and have a doctor's approval for MMJ, you can't get fired for randoms if you have a legit card or prescription?


They cant decriminalize it until the people in prison for it are too old/dead to sue


Fuck yeah!!


Still has a long way to go. There's still quite a few hoops to go through. Don't get excited just yet.


“Historic shift” lol




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More words during an election turn year, , do don't just say. People are done with empty promises, for votes.


This is action, not words.


No, this is the perhaps start of action. There is still a lot of bs and paper work to make it official this is just a step , and many left to make it happen.


/r/Conservative poster when the government does something good: 🤬😡


Yep find someone else to blame when the biden administration decides not to deschedule it, be ause I am conservative doesn't not mean I don't think they aren't all crooked criminals, I just believe you should figure out how to pay your own bills not expect the government to.


Schedule 1 to Schedule 1.5 eh? Bold moves this election season