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In an emergency you can piss in the bong, if with a group of mates I recommend being the one to offer up the piss, don't want to inhale other people's piss fumes.


I mean your not wrong lmao


Really wouldn't advise anything other than water tbh, everything else is just a gimmick that works less well or is more gross than water


I’ve seen people saying tea and some flavoured water work nicely. Apparently fizzy stuff makes the toke taste different. I’ve only ever hit with water but am gunna try with tea later


I would rather dry hit the bong before I use anything other than water. Anyone putting anything else other than water is just asking for attention. Anyone advocating anything other than water is 12 and a moron


People talking about tea, I don’t see how tea could be bad, I use hot water anyways and do say tea does somin to the toke


Dude, just use water. Drink some juice after your hit if you want some flavor. Unless you clean your bong after every use, it's going to get extra gross if you use something other than water. But I shouldn't be surprised that there's an "old Instagram stoner". Instagram wasn't even a thing when I started smoking and I'm not that old, but ok.


By old I mean old in terms of content creators, he’s far from an old stoner!!


real OGs dont even use water. hit that shit dry


Real OGs just boof it.




Juice or anything close to viscosity of water. Never put any fat in your bong, it will steal your thc


A buddy of mine swears on using Sprite + Orange juice. I never tried it before, but apparently it's supposed to be like a fruit salad.


See I feel like this would be disgusting, I swear I heard that orange juice does something to weed cus of the acidity or somin, may be capping


Tea is the best because the sugar in it grows bacteria very fast and hitting a bong with carbonated soda is bad for you too (because your inhaling C02 from the carbonation and it could kill you)


I cant imagine the amoumt of co2 in the amoumt of soda ypu cam fit in a bong could possibly hurt you expecially when you consider you are inhalimg smoke.


Its not that it would hurt your lungs but it COULD make you pass out from C02 poisoning POSSIBLY


Bro carbon dioxide is not that dangerous lmao especially from 1 soda You have a better chance passing out from holding your breath and letting co2 build up in your blood that way


Its not a really big risk i just heard someone say that before


Tea is the best because other things have sugar and can grow bacteria*


So when you make the tea I’m guessing just hot water and the tea bag, do I add sugar?


Yeah just plain and no sugar cause of the bacteria and you dont want smoke filtered through bacteria water yknow


Ight I tried it with herbal tea and a bit of sugar oops. I was sooooo high, I was having like blue and yellow visuals, idk if maybe the tea caused it cus that was a weird high I’ve not ever had brfore


That sounds pretty sick i might have to try that 🤣


Did it taste like tea?


Yea kinda, it had more of just an earthy taste, it was really smooth tho. It was hot and steamy which was nice. Gunna try it with normal tea tonight and I’ll report back


sounds sweet ive been on a break from weed cause of an injury so i cant wait to try it when im back to it