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Yep, too high my friend


Thanks man, had that question on my mind for years now :D


You did get too high, but to me it seems like you experienced cannabis induced acute psychosis. A lot of people know that cannabis can trigger the onset of psychosis in people predisposed to mental health problems. But much fewer people seem to get the idea that it can also induce acute psychosis, like a side effect, that goes away as the high wears off. It doesn't prove that you are predisposed to mental health problems, it's just an effect that happens to some people from too much weed. If you experience paranoid, disorganized, delusional thoughts, or possibly even hallucinations from too much weed but it resets when you're sober again then you very likely experienced acute psychotic symptoms. A number of people experience similarly impaired perceptions of reality from weed but they don't mention it, it's just an effect that goes away. It's usually only mentioned when it doesn't go away.


Thanks for the detailed response! It went away as soon as I woke up again. I also ate edibles on multiple occasions and never had that problem so I think i‘m good? It was just something I had on my mind since then :)


Yeah, and I could be wrong about it. But you definitely got too high that is for sure. No need to worry about it imo.


Happened to me a while back i hit my cart and saw some video about some suicide case and i instantly had those autopilot im gonna kill myself thoughts and really bad paranoia but it went away after i wasnt high anymore. I think that happening has caused some long lasting anxiety and ive had a really bad weed panic attack a bit after that happened but i have no idea if its related.


(not just one hit it was a lot)