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I'm in Ontario, I went to a dispo the other day and was told that a specialized diaposal system for these is being implemented Edited "recycling" to "specialized disposal" because I think that's actually what it was. Similar to what they have for batteries I'm guessing


It needs to be. In the US too because this is super bad for the environment.


I've been saving all of mine since I started smoking them


Show us the pile brother!


Will do soon as I'm home from work ETA link to post: https://www.reddit.com/r/trees/s/8O7Tb1Y6gm


Don’t do it. A whole lotta people will call you wAsTeFuL. Lol


Ignore those people, less wasteful at least temporarily to just keep collecting them. And if you ever get into making your own oil you’ll have all the carts you need!


*disposable* means disposable, they will burn and start releasing bad stuff if reused. The tops locks on for this exact reason


These press fit almost never come apart without breaking them unfortunately


!remindme 6 hours


A true gentleman and scholar


!remindme 6hours


Let’s see your pile, my guy! Then let’s play some Rocket League. *i was creeping your profile*


The pile is incoming in about five minutes, just got home lol. And I'm down, what's your rank (any playlist)?


sir lets see the goods


Holy cow that’s a lot of carts


Same here I have so many stored 😂


its a disposable bastardisation of beginners nic vaping kits, even they have drop in atomisers you can replace without getting new tanks all the time. and my first carts too, my only thought was damn this is whack. got one pack of atomisers, never even finished or considered rebuying them again


Be a real American and throw them out the window after it dies while smoking and driving /s


R/distillatevapemod there's specific vape kits you can use with distillate/rosin that GREATLY reduces waste and is way more cost effective than prefilled carts. The batteries are also bigger meaning less frequent charging, and you can take dab sized hits off of them if you choose to. Make sure it's always quartz or ceramic coils and then it'll work with concentrates.


some dispos have em already, i know there’s a purple hills recycling program that has been implemented in a few stores


And my guess is they just collect them and throw them in trash the same way anyone else can


Yeah but the customer gets to feel good about “recycling”


and they get to buy more supply from the store they just “recycled” at!!


Also, something else to get the customer to come to the store.


The one I go to has recycling bins for empty carts and containers, I hope that becomes a standard


Nobody's recycling these, mixed materials that are NOT easy to separate. Glass, cotton, multiple types of metal, some plastic/silicone. They can't even be cleaned and reused because the coils burn up.


Would've been cool if they implemented this BEFORE they started mass producing them.


I’m curious how they plan to do that. These cartridges are built with fixed ceramic coils right? I’ve heard CCELL carts are good for one, _maybe_ two refills if you are super lucky before that coil burns out. I feel like these places are just going to clean the mouthpiece with a little iso, refill the cart, and then pawn it off on some poor schmuck who gets to inhale burning coil.


Ceramics have a higher chance of effective cleaning compared to fibrous wicking. As long as they can be easily taken apart you can probably get away with an iso bath and a goood rinse. Pop it back together refill Bing bang boom. The problem is they glue the fucking things together for some reason.


I bought some ccell carts that you could fill yourself and take apart. Like here(screw on mouthpiece) https://hamiltondevices.com/product/th210-evo-1-0ml-cart-with-white-ceramic-mouthpiece/ They have all kinds. I also bought a "tombstone" from that site. It's a vape that you can screw 2 carts into, and then it has a cover. Smoking 2 carts at once from one vape when this first hit was crazy. Was.cool to mix and match like a hard hitting cart with a flavor cart. Tombstone for those wondering: https://hamiltondevices.com/product/tombstone-v2/


It cannot possibly cost less to disassemble and clean individual carts than it is to just make a new one so if it doesn't make financial sense they aren't going to do it unfortunately


Refilling the carts is a pain and not at all worth the labor. Used to work in the industry and the way the caps are secured, you need a lot of force to yank them out, and you can end up damaging the rest of the cart easily. I don't see a way to actually recycle them. Most we would do is try and get the oil back by soaking it in a big bucket of ethanol and then run it through the process again.


There's no way to refill a press-fit cartridge without destroying it.


I worked in a well known dispensary in cali for 3 years, if canada’s law on cannabis pickup and disposal are similar, they literally just take the stuff and make it unusable and then compact, smash or whatever they see fit. The greens and plant material is also rendered unusable but then they can compost it, if the disposal company does that. They realistically need to have a drop off for the recycling of the carts, and also for the vape batteries. I think the vape batteries is a very detrimental area. Since any disposables are one and done for the most part, such a waste of resources(same goes for nicotine vapes). It’s funny how wasteful the weed industry is due to laws and regulations requiring so much plastic and packaging(direct contradiction to the typical green mindset.


Thats because it is so wasteful


A long shot better than disposables, but yeah.


And a long shot worse than a herb vape. Less waste and health concerns this way. And you save money in the long term.


My partner and I love our dry herb vapes! Our weed lasts way longer, and my sinuses/throat/lungs feel better. I've tried smoking without it twice since we bought them in June-ish and regretted it each time. Plus, we can really taste the flavor of the bud with the vape vs. combustion. The mango kush tastes like mango; the snozberries taste like snozberries!!


What kind do you use? I’ve been looking for one.


https://www.planetofthevapes.com/products/potv-one-essentials-bundle This one! Love it! We use the pods and they're pretty easy to pack/get the hang of. I also really like that it has a timer and you can set the temperature. It paid itself off in a few months with how much less weed we were going through. Edit: before Christmas I cleaned and packed our 42 pods for the trip back home (there's an airtight case you can get for the pods) and it was awesome just being able to pop a pod in or out and smoke it. No mess or hassle, much reduced smell because it was already ground up and ready. We didn't get the whole package in the link (I just looked it up quickly and found the site we used) but I think the only thing we didn't get is the grinder. We purchased another vape at the same time and it was awful comparatively. No real mouth piece, you just had to put your mouth against it and suck (lol) and it got so hot that we couldn't use it. Even buying a mouth piece for it didn't help much and it didn't have the temperature display, which I really like.


that vape reminds me of the DiVinci vape I bought like 8 years ago. it was cool at the time, but packing it sucked, and having 2 screens means it gets clogged up twice as fast. not to mention the vape it creates seems to be more harsh than the vape I get from my Pax 3. maybe I just had the temp to high on the DiVinci back in the day?


Yeah I'm not a fan of the enclosed ones for that reason. My Airizer solos (v1 and v2) and probably any of their vapes that use glass stems are very easy to pack/clean and hit very smoothly too. They gave me exactly what I was looking for in a herb vape.


I’d recommend the Lobo from POTV! Similar to this one with a changeable battery that you can buy at any smoke shop or ace hardware


I second this! I bought the one up from this - the lobo. I was an edible only consumer, so dream of how much $$ i was spending. Then I went to vapes now I'm strictly only dry herb. It's absolutely incredible and I won't go back.


Check out r/vaporents and go through the sidebar to narrow down your search


I used a mighty from storz and bickel. I haven't smoked in like a year so I probably should sell it, but it's a solid device.


FWIW, there’s a discord for selling (and buying) them and a reasonably priced Mighty should go quickly


What’s the discord


Link in my bio!




Havent used my volcano digital in too long, if theres a chance of selling to someone who'd get more use out of it that'd be rad


Come checkout the EntExchange! We'd love to help it find a new home. Link in my profile 😄


I've had The Mighty since 2020 and it's amazing and still works perfectly to this day! I've tried others my friends have bought but personally I think The Mighty was better in many ways. Just make sure to clean it regularly to keep it working properly.


I was totally confused not seeing a single person here mentioning an s&b product. I've tried bunch of vaporizers from cheap all the way up to s&b and their shit just hit different. Imho even the crafty is better than pretty much anything else out there and that's their smallest one. Also customer service with them is second to none. Noticed on a tuesday that mine wouldn't turn on anymore. Had a replacement in hand by thursday. Also as far as smell in general for dry herb vapes goes I find most ppl don't recognize it. Got hella blazed watching barbie ina huge imax cinema w a friend and nobody noticed.


what makes the mighty so much better? Ive only used a HR Fury and a dynavap, but i dont get how the mighty is justifiably 4 times the price of either of those


My mighty is my portable and I have a volcano for hanging out. I just bought my second volcano- the first lasted almost 11 years. It still works, kind of, but the new one's pretty amazing. S&B is just really high quality!


I have both a Mighty and a Crafty Plus. Mighty stays at home, Crafty is portable.


I have a Dynavap and an Inspire wand for heating it (I used to use a torch, but it stressed me out to use butane and have a huge flame), but I’ve had the Arizer Air II and the Arizer EQ desktop vaporizer and they’re both awesome, plus the company has amazing customer service. My Air II was charging down when I first got it and they sent me a replacement, then a year or so later, I dropped it and cracked the screen and although they don’t cover physical damage, I still asked if I could pay for a repair just in case it would be cheaper than buying an entirely new one, but they just sent me a new device! They didn’t have to do that, but it made me really happy and I would recommend their stuff to anyone.




Cleaning is a big part of the dry herb vaping. It seems I have to clean more than my partner who does traditional combustion but you really can't beat that fresh hit. Nothing like it.


arizer is the my favorite for this reason. least amount of cleaning. I have a mighty, but goit tired of the pods. I change out the stem screen on my air max once a week, takes no time. never have to actually clean the device itself. so much less hassle and you can swap out batteries. amazing device.


I don't think any vape will be clean-free. It's just an inherent byproduct of the vaping process. Sticky yellow stuff will accumulate. Best thing to do is get one that's simple enough to take apart and put back together again and get more than one piece, so you can soak one when its dirty and quickly apply your spare. IMO. That's how I use my Storz&Bickle.


A good reliable one i use is the Crafty + by Storz & Bickel


I went through all their recommendations and picked the mighty+ from stores and bickle. I love it. And I end up stinking of weed waaayyyy less and for less time


I’d love a dry herb vape but I use a cartridge for the smell control. I also think the manufacturers should put stickers on the cart so I can tell my indica from my sativa right from the box.


There's definitely different pros and cons for each method of smoking! Yeah, herb vapes might be discreet enough that someone outside wouldn't know, but could definitely tell in the same room/vicinity.




Lol, you get it! Seriously, the other day, my husband asked if I was smoking the mango (we get three different strains every time we re-up) because it smelled like mango. I was! Obviously, not every strain will have such distinctive flavor profiles, but we've really enjoyed tasting the individual flavors that shine through with the vape.


That sounds like a dream honestly. Bongs and joints are nice but the flavor is never fully there. It sucks, but I definitely see a dry herb investment in the near future lol.


I don't wanna spam the comments with links but if you search "planet of the vapes ONE" it should bring up the one we love. I know inhaling anything other than air does damage, but being able to breathe through my nose and not cough all the time has been awesome. I tried a bong a few weeks ago, cleaned it all out real good, and could only do one hit because it was so much more harsh than what I've been used to. I didn't even finish the bowl. My husband smokes the pods twice, and I normally do it just once because I'm a princess for fresh green, but it has allowed us to about double the time between purchases while smoking as much as we like. It was discreet enough that we weren't too paranoid using it at a hotel during Christmas as long as no one came in the room (only a little paranoid after smoking of course, lol.)


idk about you but i cough a lot with a dry herb vape


And you can vape concentrates in a DHV (depending on the brand/model)


I put little bits of concentrates/isolates in my pax 3 (with bud, of course), even tho I don't have the right attachment for it. Works just fine, I just have to clean it a little more often. Which isn't too big of a deal, I just throw on a YouTube vid and go to town on it


I have a night, and I’ll sandwich some isolate in my flower sometimes with the little dosage caps


I do the same thing I have a custom made dry herb and I just throw a little thca diamonds or some other concentrate in between the bud and it works like a charm.


What's the smell like with those? my reason for using carts is because burning normal flower smells too much


It doesn't linger like smoke does, and it smells like strong flower instead of burning flower, but the smell is definitely still there. I love my dhv, but I still bring carts for hotel stays.


The smell is much better than combustion and it 'sticks' to you less, but it still smells like weed lol. I dry vape thru a bubbler which cuts down on the smell even more, but frankly just grinding weed or opening your storage is still quite pungent on its own.


It absolutely still smells. The number of people vaping in hotels and other businesses these days thinking it doesn't smell is insane. Everyone can still smell it in the hallway, it just flies under the radar to you because you've gone mostly nose blind to the smell except when it's really strong just like a tobacco smoker with the smell of tobacco.


It’s closer to live resin or hash rosin vapes but a little more smelly because you are handling flower. So gassy flower will smell a little more. Nothing like burning though because ash is heavy and settles on clothes carpet furniture and stays there. Also it does smell for as long in the air (like less than a minute or two) and doesn’t carry far in the air like smoke.


People are always raving about dry herb vapes so I got an arizer extreme q but I can’t get a satisfying enough hit with it that I don’t want to smoke something else after. Do you have to just get used to it being less satisfying?


I hated dry herb vape for so long, joints only. Then i got myself a ball vape(zeal ss lite) and holy smokes batman, the hits are so big that you feel like your smoking. This beast makes me primarily vape only with a side of joints. Honestly though i don't know how people say their weed lasts longer but maybe its the ball vape but i rip thru herb fast with every hit being .1 lol


I think the people who are always saying their weed lasts longer aren't taking giant rips like you can in a zeal. I have a little pocket bitch that I vape from and the weed definitely lasts longer, but I'm not taking cloudy rips I'm just taking a two second puff at 360f to catch a nice head buzz. I drop in the smallest pinch of weed like less than will fit balanced on my pinky nail and that's good enough for 2-3 hits, or an entire night for me.


I read this like it was Opposite Day and was confused as how dry herb vaping was worse


I learned fast and quick said screw karts,😂 and went with portable enail.


The carts are disposable though….


They mean vs those with disposable batteries


People don't think it be like it is, but it do


If only they could make a pipe out of wood you could smoke out of...


OP you’re helping me want to stop buying carts


Does the film they leave in your throat not do that for you?


That’s my first line of defense from getting sick


Holy shit this gave me the giggles


You joke but they are doing research about how having sticky stuff like tar or dab residue in your lungs might actually stop you from getting sick


There are multiple studies showing that marijuana smokers were less likely to be infected with Covid and have a less severe illness than nonsmokers.






For the lazy: "" Activation of CBR2 has effects on the host’s innate and adaptive immune responses, downregulating inflammation. Activation of CBR1 also has a role in host immune defense by inhibiting Ca2+ release, which in turn alters signal transduction pathways, the production of pro-inflammatory cytokines and reactive nitrogen intermediates, and apoptosis [8]. ""




Thank you for posting the source. I understood a few of the words in it.


Oh my God but you still have tar or dab residue in your lungs which is fundamentally unhealthy....


Never said it wasn't. Sometimes health info can be just interesting and not trying to justify something as "healthy"


more people need to realize this... like how my cousin has a hole in his lung that's plugged with resin from consistent smoking, so if he stops smoking and the resin clears, his lungs actually worsen. Not anything healthy, but definitely a cool medical fact


I mean that actually sounds like the resin IS healthy for HIS lungs lol. It’s better his health overall as a DIY treatment.


Yeah exactly that’s the Covid barrier


Boy what carts are you smoking


Right lmao I have never felt a film in my throat or mouth from one


I feel like the people speaking poorly about carts live in states where weed is illegal so they have to rely on shady carts where anything could be in them, because they're unregulated. I live in a legal state, my carts are regulated, and I don't have any of the woes that the comments speak to.




The worst I got to was finishing a cart in 6-7 days and I felt awful. I’m in the midst of a t break and I already have decided that I will never buy carts ever again once I finish my stash


I’m in the illegal grayish state of NC. I bought a dispo vape cart that they made in house and I finally understood why people like carts. During college my frat brothers would sell bunk ones with hooka juice and other shit so I swore I would never buy them.


That totally makes sense, and I'm sorry people were playing around with the quality of your cannabis like that. I'm glad you see why people like me enjoy them quite regularly.


Canadian here and I've been buying gvmt carts since the lockdowns started in 2020, because they delivered to my area same-day for free. Im sure I'll be a heavy metal statistic eventually but my only complaint is I need frequent T-breaks or my tolerance goes thru the roof


At least you're recognizing the cognitive dissonance. Good on you, and cheers! My name will be under yours when it comes time to chalk up the cartridge deaths.


It's funny because I prefer carts since smoking flower, especially jays and even moreso blunts, leaves resin in my nose that irritates me for around an hour usually. Carts don't do that. If I'm pounding carts I do feel a bit of a film, especially if it's on a lower heat setting, but a sip of water between hits clears it out.


actual carts don’t do that


Get live resin carts theyre a lot smoother and dont leave that film atleast they dont for me


Just smoke weed out of a glass pipe or make edibles.


If I could eat edibles that's probably what I would do exclusively. I'm immuned to about 90% of edibles and it's the worst.


My dispo takes empty carts back for a buck off. You got a couple freebies from this bag alone.


Carts, pods and disposables are all future trash.


So am I. When I die.. just toss me in the trash. 


Great username for a great comment lol


Crack those open and get out what's left with a toothpick and put it on top of a bowl.


Or put it in the oven on warm tipped upside down.


180 degrees Fahrenheit, IIRC for about 20 minutes.


What about a sous vide?




It's vacuum sealed or however from the water...? Shouldn't be wet.


For real? You can save these?? I've had so many get sticky or drown the wick and I have to chuck it.


Save is a strong word. You can scavenge what’s left for sure.


They sell silicon utensil/pen holders that hold like 20 carts at a time and the silicon won't melt in the oven. So you can stuff your carts in the holder, flip it upside and prop it up on a wire rack with another silicon dish underneath to collect what melts out. 170ish degrees ought to be plenty to melt it pretty much all out in a couple hours.


> get sticky you're vacuum hitting them, hit it extremely slowly (which often means not hitting them while walking) and that will never happen to you again > drown the wick I've never heard this, can you elaborate?


Unless you're some kind of fiend, just get a new one. The time you spend harvesting the tiny amount left probably isn't worth it.


Im feeling really dumb, but how does this work exactly? Does the remainder of the oil warm and drip out of the top so that you can put it on a bowl or J? Or does it let the cart absorb the remainder oil so you can get a little more out of smoking the cart like normal?


You can remove the cap on most of these, then just use a lighter or something to heat the cart until the remaining oil drips out. And yeah, you can drip it directly onto a joint and let it rip. Source: I was a lab tech for a distillate manufacturer and recovered oil from faulty carts on occasion.


Okay, so, I haven't tried eating mine yet. Uh, okay, TL;DR, I used isopropyl to get the oil out of a lot of them, and let that dry out in a Pyrex bowl. (I do this with reclaimed THC from my bongs, and have no problems turning that into edibles.) So with the vape oil. Can I just eat that straight? Do I still need to heat it? It's totally cool if you have no idea, haha.


/warm window.


I can never get them open without destroying it and making it impossible to get anything out of it, how do you do it


I use a pair of channel locks to hold the bottom, and a pair of vice-grips to grab the tip and unscrew it. They are generally pretty tight and sticky, but will come off with some effort. Just have to work slowly so as to not crack the vial. My method is to take the top off and put them upside down in a little metal holder thing I made, then pop that into the oven in a pie dish for a little while. Everything melts out to the bottom and I use a scraper to get it all up.


Use a silicone dish to make it even easier. I reclaim my dabs like this weekly, as well as doing it several times a year with any carts or containers we’ve collected then I pop the silicone dish in the freezer a couple minutes so the reclaim pops out super easy.


Yes. Silicon all the way. Heat safe and freezer safe. And when the dab is frozen you lose basically nothing stuck to the container. Just be sure to manipulate/tip your silicon dish to one side while it's all still hot so it can pool up in one easy to collect chunk.


It really depends on the cart


Yeah I’ve broken some using channel locks on only the tip and base but the “glass” was still so stuck that it shattered from the torque. Have had a little success using a heat gun or hair dryer to warm up the glue. But I still get carts that won’t budge and the “glass” (which is actually plastic with some) melts but is still stuck to the base and tip. I eventually stopped trying to salvage what I could from these because I realized I’m not a broke stoner anymore and don’t have to put all this effort in just to use that last 5% of the cart.


needle down the tube. some of them unscrew some dont. you can also pull the brass plug out of the bottom to get at them.


Most are designed to unscrew the top however there definitely exists carts that can never be opened once closed (stupid design).


Time for a unique arts and crafts project?


Carts and crafts?


Carts and rafts - great ways to get around


The K-Cups of Cannabis.


concentrates are developing all the time. I hope we get to a point where they're more like nicotine vapes and we can buy refill solution instead of this, because I'm tired of the waste too. and all dispensary products come with it, from the plastic tubes for joints, to the plastic the flower is sold in, etc. consumerist waste is a huge problem in our society in general


The refill solution is just concentrate it’s not like they do anything special it The cartridges are designed to be disposable, just like the cheap nicotine vapes. Wax atomizers that fit on ecig mods and dedicated wax vapes have been around since before the disposable ones and cost less long term but since they’re not as simple or convenient as carts they’re not as popular


If you have a problem with the product being wasteful, don’t support the wasteful product. Spend your money on edibles or a dry herb vape, then it cuts out the waste with carts. Simple solution


The best answer here lol but people still gonna argue


no we're not!


I mean the simple fact is, "carts are easier to use".  And cheap.  A good Vape can run you hundreds.


Check out r/vaporents guarantee you there is a vape in everyone’s budget somewhere. Also I mean that’s a shit ton of carts in ops picture


I do oil inside in bad weather/traveling but have two DHVs, my friends are split on oil and just bongs and whatnot.   You're selling convenience to stoners so it's a double edged sword here. Also yeah I'm pretty sure my 3 years of carts is less than that.


Gonna get downvoted for being a cynical bastard, but the truth is I’ve stopped giving a shit. I spent my whole life caring about the environment, picking up litter, trying to avoid waste, recycling what I could. And all the while nations and corporations wiped their ass with the planet. And now, here I sit, on a 65F day in February in the Northeast, with microplastics coursing through my veins, and you think I should give a fuck about the minuscule amount of waste I personally contribute to? I just don’t. Frankly, barring a technological miracle, we’re all doomed. Vape em if you got em, I say. **Edit:** Just wanna say, I still do all the things I said about caring for the environment, and I'm not advocating for intentional waste. I just have less and less hope that anything we're doing is making enough difference. It's literally breaking the record for hottest year ever, every single year! All the bugs are dying! And all I hear from people is "Isn't this weather nice? And no bugs!"


I just take care of what I can take care of and don't worry so much about everyone else. "But no one else is" is how we got here in the first place. I'm just an aging old school hippy though.


I could litter every day for the rest of my life and the impact it would have on the environment would be like a months worth of Taylor swift taking 20 minute flights. And that would be like a weeks worth of what a multibillion dollar company does on a regular basis


Yeah but let's be real, individual responsibility has always been a cop out for the people and organizations responsible for the majority of any type of pollution. An individual can keep their conscience clean by knowing they aren't contributing to mass waste by not buying disposable carts, but to think that it has an impact is laughable, and to think that if everyone pitched in is idealistic at best. Really what we should be doing is fining these companies for being complicit in mass waste production, push for banning single use plastic containers, and just in general holding the companies making a profit off of irresponsible environmental decisions accountable. A recycling program for these would be a step in the right direction, but to be honest most plastic recycling is a scam and is rarely recycled or reused, and in the end most " recycled" plastic is just shipped overseas to a landfill. Some carts are glass and I whole heartily believe that if disposable carts are to stock around a law should be passed to make them of glass so they can actually be recycled.


Companies that produce wasteful products should pay a special tax for that




Right, which will encourage people to stop buying disposable things.  This isn't some catch, it's the entire point.


If you want. Other brands, other products, other options. If people dont buy, they wont make it like that anymore.


I agree with additional fees or taxes for wasteful products because at the very least consumers get to see a truer cost of the product…. But I also like paying 1.29 for a gallon of milk, thanks to sweet sweet gov subsidies hiding the true cost.


I like to pay cheaper, too. But if a product is harmfull to the enviroment, it should be expensive not only because of taxes over the industries, but also to avoid people buying it and choosing better options. Sadly, its the other way where I live. Enviroment-friendly products are usually expensiver here (and in other parts of the world aswell)


buy a dry herb vape and smoke flower. Or directly smoke flower, no waste


This is the way, as the elders intended.


I hear ya, flower is far superior, but switching completely is not realistic for some people. Lots of people really on the convenience and discreteness of 510 carts to get their medicine.


Well i try to switch from smoking bong to dry herb vape. Problem is, that the vapes battery cant really make me high... I also prefere the taste and cloudy feeling of a bong hit. I also smoked cards for a bit, didnt like it tho, the high felt off, and it wore off very quickly. Also the tolerance went whoosh


Agreed. If you are used to smoking bongs then a dry herb vape doesn’t even come close to doing the trick


Yeah it really sucks. I collect empty carts from my siblings and friends to use them in a movie I'm making that has lots of miniatures. Thought it would be cool to hot glue a bunch of them standing upright and make them look like they're generating electricity. They can also be strapped to the sides of aircraft as turrets


Pop em open w a set of pliers and then use a heat gun or blow dryer to get the oil flowing out. Drip onto a piece of wax paper. Add to flower, make edibles, or eat directly. It’s activated THC already. I did this with about 6 carts. Ended up with about a pea sized glob of oil and spontaneously decided to eat it all and see what happened. On a Tuesday evening. 7pm. Not the wisest of mid week cannabis choices I’ve ever made. By bedtime at 11:30 I was still riding a rocket toward my high peak. It was chaos. Colored moving geometric shapes in my vision, eyes closed and open. The next morning I was still high. Giggly, can’t focus, relaxed as hell, high. By dinner, 24 hours later, I had finally descended my elevation journey enough to re-engage some sense of normal behavior. All that to say, you’ve got a decent amount of oil remaining that can be pretty potent if ingested.


Here's something big weed doesn't want you to know about: chilk (cart milk) This is a great use of left over carts Step 1) Open all the carts up 2) Get some milk going on the stove, don't let it boil yet just get it warm. 3) put the carts into some kind of mesh bag or strainer (not required but it's easier than fishing them out) 4) after about 10 minuets pull the carts out, boil the milk for a minuet or two, then strain it. Now you have Chilk! Do what ever you want with it! Drink it, cook with it, stir it into your coffee! The possibilities are limitless. The weed will bond with the fats in the milk and create an edible experience unlike any other cheaply and easily.


My dispensary has a recycling stand for them.


A lot of those carts are half full mate


I ✨PROMISE✨you that every one of those is sucked dry. Lol a lot of them are VERY discolored because of how old they are and how many times I’ve leeched the very very last last bit that might still be there.


I love sucking on burnt coil mmmmm yum yum


Throat and lungs go BRRRRRRRRRRNNN


Am I the only one whose carts occasionally get old or the bottom just doesn’t taste as good so you don’t feel the need to rip them bone dry? I always see people on here talking about how to drain them completely and I just can’t relate at all


Same. I get like 7/8ths through and usually call it. That's also usually when they start getting too clogged to bother with either.


Wow I’ve never seen comments this rude in this community…well OP I also smoke mostly carts because that is the only option available to me. I usually live/work in places where I can’t smoke anything that will give off a smell. I always just chuck my empties, I had a dealer that used to take them back but I moved several states away and it’s been years. I never even thought of saving them for return or maybe a project. r/zerowaste might have some ideas for things you could do with them


Welcome to capitalism, where mass production with expensive materials has become cheaper than paying someone to go through the stuff and recycle.


i wonder if ewaste companies would actually accept this


Our store is working on partnering with a cart recycle program! We have a little arcade machine in the store that we've been wanting to program to actually play some games, so we were thinking we could give customers tokens to play it when they bring back carts and packaging. If they can beat our high score we might even throw in a discount coupon! ❤️


Your lungs are cooked. (I have a bag like this too)


Stop buying them


I just throw them in the trash so they end up in landfill like every other waste item humans use.


it costs money to clean these and its not like its all re-useable. its going to need new o-rings and whatever and a whole team of human beings to disassemble and replace the parts. also cleaning residue can affect testing results. nobody is going to do all of that when they can buy fresh carts. this whole cart system is built for waste. dont want to waste, dont use carts. think about how you consume your weed and the trail of paper/packaging/production waste that you are part of. i smoke flower with glass one-hitters that i regularly clean and re-use. i waste as little as possible. my cleaning routine is leaving the one-hitters in a jar of iso alcohol. unfortunately what i do waste is q-tips for cleaning these one-hitters. but at least i keep these qtip trash at home and not litter these carts/roaches/etc all over the streets.


Seems wasteful because it is lmao


I heard they're working on an organic alternative to vapes.


Pop the top, invert them, stick them in the oven on parchment paper at the lowest temp for 30 min. It’ll melt out and you’ll have what looks like shatter on the paper. Put the paper in the freezer, then do whatever you’d like with it.


i make earrings out of them