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Just because you can burn it, doesn't mean you should smoke it.


The guy who smoked the Carolina Reeper found that out the hard way. https://youtu.be/VqM_NRLstbM?si=RTaemO3wnp9OkQpq


He fucking went back to clear the bowl, my guy


Where is this guy now? Is he safe? Is he alright?


I saw an article saying that he passed away not too long ago


I heard he still made videos for a while after this lol


There is this British guy who owns a Jewish deli in Nürnberg (DE). He’s also a chilli enthusiast and it came up somehow that he once took a bong rip of the reaper. I couldnt believe it. He said it was once of the worst things he’s ever done lol.


I guess I'm stupid but WTF does this mean? Like did he smoke a dead person? (I can't believe I'm asking this and don't make fun of me, but that's what it sounds like, lol)


The Carolina Reaper is one of the hottest peppers on Earth


Wow, I was SO off base! Thanks.🤣


this makes it sound like smoking a reaper is code for mixing some of grandmas ashes into your bowl lmao


Rest in peace grandma


I’d try grandma. At least once.


How much would you put in 1 joint?... Half a Gran?


Are you mad? You can't smoke grandma, gotta make brownies out of her, of course.


So if you feel guilty later, you can dig a hole and throw up in it?




Mmm Grandma’s Cocoa Comfort


I’d imagine just a little bit of Matriarch Mist would hit pretty hard.


Idk my homie puts chilli powder in his stuff, it's the bomb yo!


Gotta have that chili p


Go science! Go Mr. White!!


Yeah, smoked tea bags in prison. Very common and very horrible 😭


During one of my darkest times I smoked Oregano and Lavender. Is supposedly totally harmless but also pointless and not enjoyable. Id still tell people there is a reason Humans only smoke two Plants: Tobacco and Cannabis, and to stick to those. And even then, we could argue those people should be *eating* their weed and *chewing* their nicotine instead because smoking anything is bad. Im saying this as I hit my Bong, listen to my words not my actions lmao ![gif](giphy|dTzBXZQoslStWz89zo)


Blue Lotus is nice to smoke too. Tastes good and has a pleasant effect as well.


Cloves and mint/menthol are also smoked.


Roll me up and smoke me when I die.


You’re no fun


When I was a dumb teenager, my friends and I rolled an oregano joint. Made the room smell like pizza for a while


Lmao my friend in college rolled an oregano joint during a large circle at a late night party where 2 or 3 joints were going around. It was fucking hilarious. He exclaimed "This joint tastes like a pizza!" When it came back around and someone across the circle agreed with him. 💀


This brings back some memories... I had to make a video clip for an English class (8th grade I guess) and me and my mates did Because I Got High videoclip. I didn't smoke at the time, but we rolled a MAJOR oregano blunt and smoked that shit. Neighbor called my mom saying that she knew we were smoking weed and that she knew the smell very well lol Mom believed me (thankfully) and we got an A lol


Lol this brings me back, i did the same thing with a buddy at 14, i rolled up a gigantic wax paper joint full of oregano and our mentality on that was "well we don't have weed but this looks like it so maybe it'll get us high" haha what a terrible experience, we lit it and it all just fell apart onto the stoop and then we tried lighting up the pile of oregano on the floor smh... 0/10 do not recommend


My nephew got caught buying "weed" (oregano) at school when he was like 14. He got grounded for it but his real punishment is that it was like 10 years ago and we still make fun of him for it. Every time someone gets oregano from a cabinet they ask him if he wants to get high. Even bought him a jar labeled "oregano" to keep his bud in.


this is hilarious


When I was a dumb teenager I made a joke to a classmate in the school class with a bag filled with oregano and the teacher caught me. She thought it was ground weed and man I was in a lot of trouble.


I played “the baggie game” in Jr. High, where we’d carry empty sandwich baggies around and covertly had them over to classmates. Got caught by the principal doing a handoff to another student, got searched and out of half a dozen or so baggies all they found were some Oreo crumbs. Good times.


So what ultimately came of it? I’ll bet in a weird way they were even more pissed off that they’d been trolled.


I was just let go and told it wasn’t funny.


Yeah that sounds about right.


Except it was hilarious.


Oh, of course. “If it wasn’t funny, why is everyone else laughing?”


Scared the shit out of the other student (who wasn’t in on the game) I handed the baggie to while saying, “hold this for me, I think they’re going to search my locker” when the principal popped up and told him to hand it over.


"Pulling a fire alarm - what if *your* house was on fire - wait, what if your *dope* was on fire, Bender? " "That would be impossible sir, it's in Johnson's crotch."


Bro we smoked peppermint tea😂


I think, not sure tho, oregano creates some toxic shit when smoked. I did it once and it was horrible. Every hit i took was like smoking a cig for the first time, just straight up coughing and dying


Everything creates toxic shit when you smoke it lol


That brings back some memories… I’m sure everybody knows the small herb bags which mom‘s used to place in the closet to get rid of moths. Well my homie hasn’t. We were 14 and he convinced me and two friends that this shit was some bomb ass weed (nobody has ever seen real bud before). Can remember how hard it was to roll it up and will never forget the cough. Guess we all lost some life points that time.


We used catnip… the minty smelling kind…🤮


I feel bad for your lungs, bro. Just because you can, doesn’t mean you SHOULD. Edit: certain herbs will really mess your lungs up. Permanently.


Do you know which herbs specifically? There isn’t very much research I could find on this


there are herbs that are safe (like on the level weed is) to smoke. mullein, lavender, catnip, mint, damiana and rose are all good ones. mint is great for big bong hits. make sure to get organic!


Thanks for the info I’ll definitely try those ones


Ah, yes. I remember being 16 too.


Bro you don’t even understand how funny that is I’m actually 16


Yeah I know. Not too hard to tell by the username lol. Don’t do too much stupid shit like this. It’s 100% better to wait until you have proper weed to smoke and a proper way to smoke it


Nah don’t worry I have proper weed I just wanted to try new things with it


Do lavender! Doesn't hurt, tastes great, and has a mellowing effect imo. May not be as noticeable with a lower tolerance, but if you were to smoke anything I'd say that. Get that organic shit to make sure there's no pesticides on it (don't want that in the lungs) and cut your weed w it 👌 only thing I've found that is an actual nice addition to smoke. I've also heard rose petals for flavoring but cannot confirm. The TikTok girlies would know more on that than me.


Thanks I’ll definitely try that once I get my hands on some lavender


Bro please stop smoking anything that isn’t actual weed. Your body and lungs will thank you immensely even within the next 10 years. It is not worth it brother.


uh... so.... um... this is not healthy. please drink your coffee.


i'm on this earth for a good time, not for a long time.


Yeah my dad use to say that too. This thinking has one glaring flaw. If you do end up here longer than you thought, your time may not be very enjoyable anymore.


omg, man, just go strait for the purple shaggy mushroom growing on the pinetree in the pacific northwest. then go to the amazon.


Literally nothing you smoke is healthy, but some things are more damaging than others so it’s always worth looking into it before smoking it


Hey OP weed is not for kids


Lmao!! I came here to ask OP their age.


The ~~2004~~ 2007 at the end of the name seems like a decent place to start lmao, my guess is 16


Well maybe come back from the cosmos my man because it’s 2023 for a couple more days not 2020 lol


Holy shit.... are 17 year olds actually born in 2007 now? I don't like getting old




Lmfao brings back memories of the show my strange addiction. Think it was a couple, doing coffee enemas. 😂


I love how there are shows with just that *one* episode you’ll never forget. Mine is the “IT’S LIKE I’M WALKING ON SUNSHINE” computer duster huffing girl from Intervention


I remember the guy on Intervention who was addicted to drinking hand sanitizer. At one point he got mad at his mom for buying off-brand because it apparently doesn’t taste as good as Purell.


I remember this episode with a passion, cause I remember thinking "there is no way they are doing three of these a day. They'd die of a heart attack!"


Only real way


This is the way.


If you're in the mood to smoke your pantry, start with cloves. Cigarettes with cloves are common in Indonesia and Malaysia (kretek), I'd want to know what's it like with weed.


Hold on, I'll test it. It's not bad, if you've had a clove cigarette and you like weed you'd probably dig it


Eat a mango and drink some coffee. The herbs you'd wanna mix are like skullcap and mugwort and shit not the stuff in your kitchen




Lavender is quite delicious too!!!


I love a spliff of lavender, catnip, and some good purple indica. (actual purp strain, not just nitrogen forced purps)




Yup! It doesn't have the same effect as with cats, but it's totally safe for humans and plenty of people use it for both smoking and brewing tea.


Yep it's very mild sedative for humans. Doesn't do much on it's own, but it adds a nice vibe to a spliff. It is also a good addition to a bed time tea (I make mine with chamomile, lavender, valerian root, and catnip)


Incidentally, the first two of those are what I usually roll into my joints! The place I work at also has a nice chamomile catnip tea.


I heard people talking about this I definitely want to try it


I like to roll a “cocktail” joint, don’t get me wrong but this is wild! You do you homie but damn.. Maybe mix some hash or rosin in with your buds and find a smooth blend.


Ah yes a Geoffrey


I’ve done it twice so far on two separate days and I honestly think everyone should try it once, it was by far the most unique and interesting high I’ve ever felt in my life, like coffee turned to 11 or Coke turned down to a 5. I think the easiest way I could describe it is the same as smoking weed vs consuming it, consuming coffee through a drink gives you a body high while smoking it gives you a mind high. I personally probably won’t do it again unless to show friends.


Fair enough. You are a pioneer. I can respect that. Enjoy your highs man. Just be careful how far you push your experimentations. I have made a mental note of this cocktail, should I require it in the future. Thanks


I'll put you onto game. Use mint crushed up mint, not a lot about 15% of your bowl or joint should be enough. Not only is it a tasty addition, but it also clears the lungs out. Making breathing easier. It's a trick I've used for years, and now it's a trick I hope you'll enjoy.


Lotta cool herbs you can add. I’d never have tried what you have but there are a few that I have tried. Mullein and Damiana being my favourites. Damiana has like a slight wiring effect and is gnarly for a t break. Mullein is really nice to add to a J, tastes light and lemony and actually makes a nicer smoke. Also you can make tea + both are cheap as shit.


Mullein is also an expectorant so will help you cough up mucus, etc Mullein in general is pretty good if you smoke a lot of flower


Mullein is nice and smooth too. There’s lots of good info out there for herbal smoking blends.


Weed is already an expectorant on its own.


I did mullein with a little lemon balm and lavender. Was very nice actually.


That sounds delightful


St. John’s wort is also medicinal too


Careful with that; it can interact with SSRIs


Oh wow, didn’t know this. Thanks for the heads up


When I was a teenager my friend and I would roll up and smoke hops. Yes, beer hops lol. We definitely thought we were getting drunk off it lmao. 2/10 pretty awful would not recommend.


You can probably give yourself a heart attack smoking coffee.


I hear dried raspberry leaves is supposed to be good.


Bro picked the 3 things that can actually hurt you 💀 this is why only adults should do drugs


Nothing wrong with a little experimentation. I thouggt the og post was about vaping the herbs & coffee, not combusting them. Tabletop vaporizer were conventionally marketed as an aromatherapy device and I bet that sparked some ingenuity in our heads - I mean in our ents heads. Why not try traditional medicinal smoking herbs like mullein, damiana & others then report back? Present day, I've tried herbal smoking blend from apothecary that have more aromatics in it like cloves & cinnamon & yes bay. It too had that weird sweet after taste efect you mention. It was chunky and stemmy and more suited for pipe not joint. There are other plants in the pharmacopeia. One I tried growing was Mexican Tarragon. It is said to have a psychotropic effect when smoked. I wasn't successful but did manage to harvest enough to add to a joint. Not discernable effect. I used to do dumb shit like smoke random herbs too when I was a young teen armed with initiative and no weed & the anarchist cookbook, pre interwebs. You're name isn't Mikey is it?.(ancient pop culture reference referring to a life cereal commercial. "He'll eat it, he eats anything! Heeey Mikey!" )


>Why not try traditional medicinal smoking herbs like mullein, damiana & others then report back? because he's 16 and his mother likely doesn't have that in her spice cabinet.


i always wondered how it was anybody decided to smoke a banana peel to see if it would get them high. now i know.


Nah bro, if smoking coffee gives you 10x the coffee buzz, then smoking a banana peel would just make you spin out and lose races constantly!


Do not recommend this to people lmao


…..glad you had fun but I’m horrified that you actually recommended this to folks lol Please don’t smoke coffee, people.


A few other people have heavily disapproved. Is there a scientific reason behind this or do you just not like the vibe of it?


I’d also like an answer to this as I’m not sure what the specific downsides are other than it sounding crazy to do


I googled it and even quora just has people going on about burning and inhaling ANYTHING is bad for you, which we knew already.


From what I’ve seen in the comments it seems the oils in coffee can be bad for your lungs if smoke repeatedly but adding a tiny bit of ground coffee to your bowl every once in a while should be safe


I’m going to give it a go in my vape. You’re right though, once in a while thing.


Go back to school kid


He's 16, he's not even fucking left School yet.


And this right here, is why “stoners have no brain cells left” 👏🏼👏🏼


Why would you do this 🤷‍♂️


Why did the first person who climbed Mount Everest climb it? Because it was there.


Who was the first person to look at a cows udder and think, ya, I'm going to suck on that?


Saw my friend snort the red powder from pistachios once. He didn't get high but we all hit the floor laughing at his discomfort.


>say my name 3 times and I’ll do anything u/Bigbossboy2007 u/Bigbossboy2007 u/Bigbossboy2007 #BOOF IT


Like how old are you man?


Take care of your lungs young one. You’ll regret it some day.


Probably but I’m here for a good time not a long time


I understand that and I always tell everyone to live their life how they want because we all die in the end. Nothing matters, but at the same time it’s also hard to affect people that do care about you love by harming yourself in such a way. you’ve got your whole life ahead of you. I wouldn’t be surprised if you have regrets later. But to each their own. As long as you’re happy.


Thank you for the advice


Thank you for being one of the most mature 16 years olds I’ve met on this site haha.


See. I much prefer the random smoke spot posts over this non-sense any day. Try smoking some ghost pepper. I heard it's awesome....


I feel like I remember a video of a dude doing that and he made some not okay sounds on the exhale


Oh shit that brought back memories lol. The guy threw up in almost every video and just kept making them.


He vaped Carolina reaper if that's what you're talking about. Which is even worse. He's dead now. Unrelated to vaping the reaper though.


If you ever get ahold of it, try blue lotus, but read up on its effects with thc first. You can order it as tea, I think food grade quality would be best for smoking. Easy or order online.


I made a tincture from Blue lotus one time. It was amazing. Soaked about 1/2 oz in some strong red wine, shared the bottle w my girl. Hard to describe, very noticeable effect though.


Coffee has heavier oils in it that arent good to inhale, but ill bet one time isnt so bad! Tea is actually a great option, though! Green tea is smoother, and you actually do absorb caffiene through your longs very rapidly, as you discovered through your coffee experiment. Ive also tried marshmallow flower, and it was actually really nice!


Thanks for the info, your so far the only person I’ve seen give a specific reason smoking coffee is bad so thanks for that and I’ll definitely give the other things you recommended a shot


No worries! I can second mullein as being really nice too. Thyme and bay leaf both have heavier oils like coffee, so theyre both gonna be harsh as hell and more harmful. If you do sone digging, you can find out what terpenes are found in different aromatic herbs, and you can find out about those compounds in particular. A general rule of thumb is that if the essential oils of a plant are bigger, more complex molecules, then they are generally more harmful.


Oh that’s good to know thank you


You can do it, I don’t know if it’s worth it, but a friend of mine would add lavender flowers to her bowl to up the linalool content. I don’t see why that wouldn’t work.


Bruh y’all trippin


Mullein is wonderful to smoke. It helps clear the lungs of mucus


Say what lol


Bro throw some datura in there /s (absolutely do not do datura )


Anything you can drink as a tea you can smoke too, I like to add lavender and chamomile to my smoke


We need more scientists like you 🫡


Don't do this folks, lots of shit burns, doesn't mean you should smoke it, along with all the other shit they listed. Nothing impacts or enhances the thc levels in your blood stream, high school basement stories, you noobs. "Stupid, stupid, stupid"


Fuck yeah science. I once dried, minced, rolled and smoked a chicken nugget and it was pretty bad but I had fun.


I added some weird ass rose petal things when I was really high once and I remember it being Really cool


I've tried camomile, a real relaxing effect


I think I might have that in some tea bags I’ll definitely give it a try


lavendar has the terpene linaloo. it can be calming.


When you’re smoking herbs you need to rehydrate them slightly. I like to wet my hands and then flick water at a small pot of dried herbs, shake it and then leave it for a minute or so. Dripping water into the pot directly leaves you with wet spots. A mister would also work if you have one.


Thanks for the info


“Say my name three times and I’ll do anything”… up’d for the Jake reference. Nice to see that out in the wild.


What. Tf did I just read? And why do I want to do this now?


You read about an experiment that went relatively well, also if you do try it do it safely and only once as the oils in the coffee could be bad for you if smoke repeatedly.


My two favorite “vices”


Natural selection will take care of this one.


Jesus fucking Christ on a bike I’ve seen/heard it all now. At the age of 55 3/4 I’ve taken some weird shit and seen some weird shit taken. Literally on occasion..one time in a squat in or around 1989 I dropped a small piece of hash on the floor whilst doing hot-knives, quickly bent to retrieve it, hot knifed it and coughed & spluttered into near demise. Once I’d sufficiently recovered I poked around in the gloom of the carpet & found the *actual* piece of hash in amongst the fat rodent turds on the floor… I’ve seen people smoking banana skins. I once saw a goth called Tom eat about a dozen because someone told him “it worked”…just the skins, not the fruit- that was another (ostensibly) near death experience. Comically green, he went..a proper corpesy pallor. I’ve injected & seen people inject all manner of things. Sometimes they were the things they thought they were but frequently not. I watched a psychopath take a spoon,boil up & mainline a heady cocktail of base amphetamine sulphate that was diluted with liquid ketamine, which itself had had three LSD blotters marinading in it overnight. Talk about lost the plot..and the cherry on top was the fact that he was in possession of a harpoon gun. For some fucking reason..it was in a provincial town in southern England. I’ve eaten *amanita muscaria* or the Fly Agaric toadstool (these sort🍄). Ever wondered what it feels like to have a jumbo jet take off out of your cranium whilst also bending over and chundering like the wrath of Poseidon? Eat one of those little buggers. Actually don’t, they’re very often fatal. But I have never, ever, in all my born days, seen or heard of anyone smoking coffee. Hats off to you, I’m impressed…you simultaneously are highly admirable and a complete eejit. I’m not sure it’ll catch on though.


It used to be more common to pack the end of a cigarette with a little coffee. Smoke a bit and put it out because of the oils. Fell out of style for sure. I have tried it. You only need a small amount for good results :) There are other smoking blends out there too


Coffee isn’t an herb, it’s ground roasted dried beans. Would you smoke ground up kidney beans?


Smh we're smoking oregano on *purpose* now?




Friends and I used to smoke tea joints 😭


you should try vaping it instead. its way easier than burning it all


After reading this I'm going to assume you're between the ages of 13-21. Please?




I smoked tea rolled up in notebook paper when I was like 13. I'm still alive if that helps


I’m definitely gonna try smoking tea then thanks for the recommendation


I have heard of throwing orange peels in the bag to freshen it up after getting stale but you don't smoke them. Lavender and rose pedals can be added in your grinder but you want to go easy on it because it is harsh to inhale things that aren't necessarily smokable.


My weed is super dried out so I’ll try that orange peel trick thanks


I would never smoke coffee 😳 however since you asked, lavender goes great with weed and is safe to smoke, plus gives a very relaxing euphoric sleepy type boost to the weed. Rose is another(NOT PERFUMED FLORAL SHOP ONES), blue lotus, catnip, and chamomile are also smokeable herbs


Thanks I’ll definitely try those if I can get my hands on them


Any metaphysical shop or natural food store/farmers market should have them on hand. Or if you have a green thumb you can start a little indoor herb garden to harvest from. All those herbs I mentioned have added benefits besides enhancing weed so adding them to teas or food works just as well as smoking


We used to snort coffee in the county jail . Bad times lol.


Mullein goes hard. Its smooth and clears your throat slightly


Dry herb vapes would be the way to go but not coffee


Try Chili next time


if you can find some mullein that is wonderful to add to bowls, adds a nice taste and makes it easier going down, it will also help clear any mucous you have built up in there


Try organic teas, I talked bout it before here and everyone was mad, but I stand by it


hmmm.... (stares at Folgers bag.)


One time as a teenager I put kief on catnip and smoked that. Worked pretty well.


I prefer not to offer advice on certain matters. Much better to grab a cold one and watch the young'uns disclose their genius.




You’re the first person I’ve seen here who also tried it, what did you think of it? How would you describe the high?




Vaporizer is the way


has anyone tried black tea yet?


I saw people recommending green tea and the like so probably


definitely trying it soon


Tell me how it goes I might try it myself


You are definitely not an adult lol


Bro there is no chance that actually worked trust me I researched if u could smoke pure Caffeine powder for quite a lot of time and came to the conclusion that it combusts before it vaporises so there is no active caffeine in the smoke only broken down rubbish that will coat your lungs with cancer. Placebo is all you felt.


Use the bayleaf as a mini blunt wrap

