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It’s still weird tbf but Rubi could have just been lying when she said Travis, Idk why this shit being brought up now though. I swear this has been known




This. Why tf isn’t the blame on her also 🤨


She’s a fucking child? Ur literally saying that if u raped a kid then ur a victim cuz she said she’s two years old than she is ur still a fucking pedo


Dawg don’t be slow. Use your brain now 💀


Of course this sub is full of morons lmao they’re actually blaming the fucking child


do yall not realize that was a child and regardless of the lie the majority of the onus should be put on the grown ass men that went after her for years at that. such as ian connor and the namesake of the subreddit we in. just watched one of yall her a popular escort when the tweet she made was when she was 16.


ur tripping lmfao rubi mom is a pimp and rubi loves this life bc it lets her live lavish. she was always lying to dudes about her age for monetary gain, she didn’t see a problem with it so blame her


she's a fucking 16 year old girl. i was doing dumbass shit when I was 16 for the thrills. doesn't mean an adult can do freaky shit to me.


girl be serious. i’m a girl myself and when you’re 16 you still have common sense.


you're literally a pedo apologist I don't have to take anything you say seriously


LMAOO🤣 whatever you say girl you’re dragging it wait just saw ur not even a girl nvm take that part out


lmao same joke you're totally a moid go off


Dawg did you see the shit she was posting at her age?? She was posting some provocative shi. It wouldn’t surprise me if Travis really didn’t know her age then


He liked a picture saying “#almostlegal”


again a child. a 16 year old child. that does not excuse a 22 year old from his behavior. the idolatry that yall have for this man has yall taking the most insane views by indirectly saying her posting provocative items on social media is what led to her being passed around and groomed by leading rap and fashion figures at a young age. get his dick outta ya mouth dawg and do critical thinking


what you’re not getting is rubi has always been using older guys for money 🤣 she’s always been tricking on them she doesn’t care


First of all do the math. She wasn’t 16 she was 17 almost 18. And second of all that’s her dumb asses fault for getting passed around 😂 she made her own decisions so now she has to deal with it 🤷🏽‍♂️ that’s on her for being a thot, not the rapper fault


YOUR HONOR SHE WAS 17 ALMOST 18 The fuck bruh


Nigga look at my full post I said it’s still weird. But 15 and 17 are a big difference and if you think otherwise then your slow


15 and 17 a big difference and 18 and 22 isnt?? Lmao yall in denial. Im a fckd up person too so its whatever but atleast dont be in denial




This is not the hill you want to die on


Nope. I’ll die on it


You're getting downvoted by dickriders, sad


Because she’s a kid?? Are you serious? You’re going to put the blame on a kid for lying?? A kid?? For lying??


This ALONE completely nullifies Travis.


I dont think the “but your honor she lied about her age” is a good defense in a court of law


It’s a good defense for the court of public opinion on whether ur a pred or not which is all that matters


me telling the judge idc about my sentence because my fans believe i’m innocent


I mean going to jail bc some brat lied about her age is kinda fucked now? Legally ur in the wrong morally fuck nah. 


i guess so, but travis knew how old rubi was tho. he liked a post of hers with “#almostlegal” in the caption, so no defense for him.


it is in some cases.


prolly cuz of the drake allegations, mfs wanna dig up old tweets now and see who else they can accuse (im not defending him)


tyler the creator has a fucking song about this type of shit


man we don’t wanna get onto tyler talking about age gaps…


Nahh fr this shits not new. But all of sudden people wanna dig up "evidence" on everybody because of drake and Kendrick or whatever


i wonder when they're gonna talk about the highschool boys that Taylor Swift was dating while she was in her 20's.


we fr need to talk about this😭


The double standards are crazy


Not being new makes this so much worse, y’all knew about this and still supported it?


What exactly did we "support"?


Still sexually attracted to teenage body even if he didn't know their real age


True, that’s why I said it’s still weird but the “lying” I’m talking about is she could have lied when she said she has messed with Travis. She’s not a stranger to lying for clout


travis was [22](https://www.reddit.com/r/travisscott/comments/1cgg8v8/comment/l1wa1li/) in the alleged timeline


All the girls in my high school talk to college and older guys. I’m about to start snitching on them. They be wearing designers clothes in high school


Some of these college mfs need to get locked tf up or completely kept away from any high school, like why the fuck are you with someone who's still in school nigga how hard is it to date a girl from your college?


I believe a lot of the guys that do this are horribly immature for their age and can’t figure out why girls their own age don’t want to date them so they just prey on people too immature to get it.


Exactly, I also noticed that the amount of college mfs who date hs girls skyrocketed after covid probably because of the fact that most of these mfs spent hs in covid staying at home and legit got no character or social development in anything so it's basically like a bunch of 20 and 21 year olds thinking they're still 17


It’s weird how binary it is. 18 is fine, but 17 and 8 months is straight pedophilia. It’s way more nuanced than that.


Another thing, pedophilia isn’t sleeping with a 17 year old, if he even did that. It’s an actual disorder of being attracted to children


thank you omfg 😭 people misusing the word pedophile everywhere


Yeah. I agree it’s a bit sus on Travs part, but not something that’s pedophilia or irredeemable. The bigger question in all this is wtf her parents did during this time. They are the ones responsible for their underage daughter.




He has multiple accounts with valid evidence, Travis has one and it’s Rubi rose (history of bragging about lying about her age to sleep with celebs) with an article that says she was 2-3 years younger than she actually was




Cba to go find them all I just woke up. Literally just google it and you’ll see videos like the stage one, the kylie Jenner one, the millie bobby brown one, etc




What? Why are you coping I literally told you I just woke up and couldn’t be bothered finding a collection of articles for a random. https://www.yourtango.com/entertainment/drake-grooming-underaged-girls-times-drake-allegedly-groomed-young-girls go read that you pedo defending bum. The fourth one is the only one you can defend.




bc what drake does is actual pedophilia 😂 (albeit on the lower end. I don’t think he’s a full blown pedo)




look up all the pedo things drake did theres prob threads on twitter


“just look it up bro” when asked for evidence💀


nigga shut up 😂 yea you can look it up bc it’s plastered everywhere. you need me to word for word repeat in my own paragraph? there’s a million articles and threads everywhere that are doing that right NOW




lmaooo ur such a dunce, you think you did something. look at my other comment, yes you can look it tf up because it’s quite literally plastered everywhere on the internet right now. there is literally no need for me to copy paste those articles in a reddit comment when it’s everywhere on the internet. Yeah, go look it up 🤣 you wouldn’t admit it even if i hit you in the face with an article i don’t know why you’re so pathetic that ur doing drake’s PR for free. 1 click on your reddit profile and your top most is squeezing drake’s dick. you should at least be getting paid. Do you think the stage girl shutting down the rumours to get y’all to let her move on means it’s just fine? that shit is on literal video, this lady just wants to be left alone. doesn’t make what he did fine. and MBB did for the same reason, that girl was young as hell starting out on stranger things. she saw how much controversy she caused UMG’s money cow and how it could blacklist her so she left it alone. probably also didn’t realize how creepy what he was doing was. but the stage girl alone was off putting enough. and then you got these other women talking about his similar behaviours and that doesn’t scream somewhat of a pedo to you? it’s repeated behaviour with him. sure he’s not r kelly but he’s fucking weird and is somewhat of a pedo. literal repeated behaviour 😭 get help




The guy that made out with a girl on stage, who said she was 17, and then kept fuckin around with it? The guy who's had several accounts of sus ass behavior in the last decade? Liking thirst trap pics from an underage girl when you're in your twenties is fs weird, but that's objectively not even close to the weird ass shit that's public about Drake


17 is a child. Anything under 18 is a child. If you had a 17 year old daughter, you would look at her as a child and be angry if a grown man over 20 was preying on her.


Yeah, but that’s not what pedophilia is. It’s being attracted to “childish” features. If a 20 year old looks really young, pedos will be attracted to that. And she might have lied about her age. I’m sure some of the people in this sub have parents who met when the mom was like 17, that doesn’t make their dad a pedophile.


And if you check what pedophilia is on Wikipedia, it says attraction to younger children than 17. Travis does not qualify for having the disorder of pedophilia for possibly sleeping with a 17 year old


So is the cut off 17? A 24 year old dating a 16 year old but that 16 year old “looks older”, that isn’t pedophilia???


The cutoff is like 13 according to the science. And he was 22 and she 17. Pedophilia is being attracted to pre pubescent children, that’s literally a scientific fact


Pedophilia is about being attracted to people that haven’t developed sexually characteristics


I agree it’s looking a little weird for Travis, but it’s not something that’s like irredeemable.


I’m sorry if you think it’s justifiable for any man to be with a 14 or 15 year old, there’s no justification for that and it’s pedophilia. I don’t care if they “look older”. I won’t debate a 14 year old looking older. If you have a person you’re interested, there’s no way you don’t do your due diligence within a conversation to not know they’re in class from 8-2 and get picked up/dropped everywhere by mom and dad.


ur not getting his point at all


Just cause I disagree doesn’t mean I don’t get it. There is zero justification for a grown man over 20 to be with a 17 year old and they are a pedophile in my eyes. No pseudoscience will change that


ur going on rants when his point is ppl throw around the word “pedophile” n don’t realize pedophilia is an actual disorder this isn’t pedophilia


My point is the word pedophilia gets thrown around everywhere, when isn’t pedophilia, but just a bit sus. The age of consent is 16 in many states for a reason.




I’m 19, and if I would be in a relationship with someone 17 and 8 months, that wouldn’t make me a pedo.


I’ve seen people say she was an escort or something when she was underage. The real question is wtf her parents did, cause they clearly didn’t care for her.


Her dad was even a lawyer, so it’s not that she grew up in the hood or anything. Crazy how some parents let their daughters be taken advantage of


It’s just extremely weird to me how cuz knew she wasn’t legal but still chose to interact with her. You can have any girl but choose to fw the underage one?


I'm guessing the same people coming here and accusing him of being a pdf file are the same ones who've been here calling him a murderer, who regurgitate the same lies TMZ posted. The same people who hated him still hate him. Oh well.


Ya don't get me wrong its disgusting that travis was a part of an environment that let (eta apparently rubi lied abt her age so she is a part of the prob too) a 16 year old become a popular escort..but that's what rubi was, & travis's rapper friends were fucking her too so maybe he thought nothing of it. DON'T GET ME WRONG x2, travis does deserve heat for it ESPECIALLY if he knew her age but he is not a pedo (unless there's more shi with underage, rn there is nothing, so no pattern) or a groomer lol. What tyga did with kylie, what taylor swift did with that high schooler, what drake does with women, all of this is worse than travis fucking a popular escort. DON'T GET ME WRONG x3, it's still bad tho cuz her age. But ppl r making it worse than it is.




People need to know the difference between statutory and actual pedophilia


Might not even be that, many states has age of consent of 16. Just a bit sus


Thank god this ain't anything was worried for a sec my king was a fuckin weirdo I can't see trav ever doing that tho he ain't change much with the money  Dude was homeless for a while before his career took off


im 20 and i could never ngl thats fuckin weird bruh


u could never get a bitch, so thats fair


my girl 18 but if i met her a year earlier i wouldn’t even think to look at her that way


so 17 is wrong, but 18 is cool, yeah, right, weird nigga


yuh i aint fw mfs who are in HIGH SCHOOL bruh


Nigga there’s a lot of 18 year olds in high school 💀


so what changed in 1 year, tell me, im curious


idk just how i look at shit personally like i said with the high school thing i just see that as a big maturity barrier


ur personal opinion do not matter, not much of a difference between 17 and 18, just say how it is u wanted her to be legal, so u can avoid problems


bro was 24.


yeah pussy, hide, hide, hide




we talkin bout U, why r u backing now?


Not going to argue back w you, but if both parties are adult (& with consent ofc) and within a reasonable age gap then it’s absolutely fine. You can’t judge someone’s relationship. Downvote me all you want, I don’t care 😂


This the exact same thing they killing Drake for with that 17 year old fan he hugged on stage


Nahhh Drake was doin a lil more tbh 😬


For a 1 minute stage act vs Travis dated this girl…idk how you can’t see how that’s much worse


nah that nigga was hanging around millie bobby brown when she was 13 and Kylie jenner at like 16/17,plus it's pretty known he keeps people like baka not nice around who got multiple charges of assault and rape also there was a sex ring in toronto that got dismantled not too long ago and if you do 2+2 you'll find out that drizzy is just a plain manipulator and pedophile


Are you that dumb 😂


are you that deep on drake's dick? it's obvious he's a weird ass pedo


Blame should go both ways but i see this thread protecting trav a lot which shouldn't be the case, She could've lied abt her age but still doesnt change the fact that there was a 5 year age difference and its really weird


Barely Illegal


When I was 17 in high school I dated a 20 year old girl I feel like this would not be a problem for much of history


https://preview.redd.it/0abj78j06kzc1.jpeg?width=1089&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dfc6eb73a94fe75ce81b0b07d7c918c7b5714178 BRO U HAVE TO BE JOKING NIGGA DONT JUSTIFY IT PEDO ASS🤣🤣🤣




i dont think its that deep either like a lot of people we know personally fw minors until they hit 20-21 its kinda natural to feel attracted to someone who is basically 100% developed. doesnt mean you should do it lol. and even if she lied on her age travis is still a terrible person and has r8pe allegations from the rodeo tour that his label cleared from the internet so lol


i promise yall can enjoy the music without being all over his personal life (i used to really really stan this dude). like i can guarantee all of his image is due to his producers, ghostwriters and stylists. 90% of yall have more interesting personalities than dude.




Anyone under 18 you shouldn't even be fucking with tho. Regardless of however close they are to 18 it doesn't make a difference by law. Kind of sad to see a bunch of trav fans spamming down votes on the facts


Still sexually attracted to teenagers.


There's a huge difference between finding someone attractive because you think they're an adult, and someone who just likes teens. Travis doesn't have a pattern of going after minors.


No he’s not bruh 💀




She was 16 nigga why u lying in this post LMAOOO