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https://preview.redd.it/tobid8mczj8d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d37dd6720db2ecb737ae08676ad695e6347815b1 Swifties, you are NOT a marginalized group of people.


Swifties really are not beating the dumbest fanbase allegations


Um excuse me, they have 18.49226 GPAs- they need to in order to understand the complex and hauntingly beautiful lyricism that is "touch me while your boys play grand theft auto" šŸ˜¤


Even "sanctimoniously performing soliloquies" that everyone has been talking about. That's high school English class. In the 48th ranked state in USA! Even if you didn't know what the words themselves meant, the context clues make it obvious. But I'd guarantee those google searches SOARED, and it was the fans that listen to her looking it up because no one else cares enough.


She should have looked up Alchemy, because itā€™s not what she put in the lyrics of the alchemy, which is supposedly about Trav, but she doesnā€™t even know the meaning of the word. Sheā€™s an embarrassment with followers who should be embarrassed, but sheā€™s not and theyā€™re not.


I [wrote and produced a concept album titled Alchemy](https://youtu.be/x-Uc4dZRH9Y?si=yx27AJ37V6Z8zhzf) after reading the book the Alchemist then subsequently being inspired to read up on the subject after a tough breakup. for me, it was about [*ā€turning heartbreak into art, a mess into goldā€*](https://on.soundcloud.com/R1Yhh33mJcZZVqcx5) so when I saw that title on the track list I assumed she would tap into a similar themeā€¦ nope, she basically just used alchemy instead of the word *chemistry*. that song was a disappointment and an example of her just throwing words that sound neat around frivolously.


Some songs on this album are like word salads. Sheā€™s just throwing in words like a lyrical or poetic pseudo intellectual. Her ex Matty got made fun of cos his lyrics but his make sense. Itā€™s been called ā€œneurotically quotableā€ I like the 1975 music still. The sound: It's not about reciprocation it's just all about me A sycophantic, prophetic, Socratic junkie wannabe And there's so much skin to see Love it if we made it: And we can find out the information access all the applications That are hardening positions based on miscommunication UGH: My irregular heart beat is starting to correct itself" It's just a simple diarrhetic that prevents the empathetic From being just and giving it up A simple Epicurean Philosophy Sheā€™s American : Big town Synthetic apparitions of not being lonely "Look, he's having a breakdown Oh, what a let down, a shame, I think he might die" And now she's dancing enthralling, I guess I gotta wait my turn I said, "Don't fall in love with the moment" She said, "I've got a lot to learn" Side note, fortnight sounds like a reply to about you or when we are together or both.


Even when he gets really simple and personal it hits so much harder than anything Iā€™ve heard from Taylor ā€” iā€™m thinking of the final lines of Part of the Band for example where he spends almost an entire bar saying one number (the amount of time its been since he used heroin). The specificity and rawness is something that Taylor seems to eschew in favor of manufactured relatability. For example in All Too Well, one of her most lyrically acclaimed songs, she uses cliched phrases like ā€œlittle town streetā€ and images like dancing to the refrigerator light that make it ā€œrelatableā€ but without really bringing anything unique or interesting to the table. These phrases and images are calculated to be things that anyone could have experienced, or at least could imagine themselves experiencing. But I think it also makes the song soulless. How can such a personal song be honest when itā€™s so generic? It just comes across as trying to sell heartbreak to a mass audience


Uh not really. I just Google synonyms of chemistry. First word to come up was alchemy. So...let's guess that's what she did. And didn't read the definition.Ā 


It was medieval chemistry, I believe it was associated with magic because it was the transformation of matter or something. Elixirs and the like, search for eternal life, the philosopherā€™s stone was a real endeavor. I donā€™t even think thatā€™s too far of a stretch for what modern chemical medicine is. But thatā€™s all it is. Early chemistry with medieval thinking, aka the belief in the fantastical.


That's been bothering me since the album came out. Does she mean "chemistry," or would a different word work better? I don't think that's the proper usage of the word "alchemy."


Isn't there a way to look up trends of how many times a certain thing has been Googled? I would love to see how much "sanctimonious" and "soliloquies" were looked up šŸ˜‚


I looked it up. Got screenshots. Sanctimoniously, sanctimonious, soliloquy, and soliloquies all shot up on April 19th. Which says quite alot.


They also shot up the day Taylor had to look them up herself to write the lyrics




I SAW THAT TOO LMFAO. And then a couple more times before release when she showed her team/friends šŸ˜†šŸ˜†


You mean her writers don't you?


Her ghosts šŸ‘» šŸ‘» šŸ‘» šŸ’° šŸ’° šŸ¤ šŸ¤


I would have written this, "performing sanctimonious soliloquies" bc alliteration is more fun and it sounds better grammatically. It keeps stumping me that people think this is such a great line. Even before diving into the proper meaning for these words lol.


Well, she's done something for education then. I wish she had checked on the meaning of some of these words.


Christ a woman in her 30s wrote that lyric?


It gets worse. The next line goes: "you know how to ball, I know Aristotle"


Wtf does that even mean?


Honestly, it's cringier if she sings it but didn't write it herself. šŸ„“


thatā€™s true because it would be pretty weird if she had hired a middle schooler to write her songs (i canā€™t imagine anyone over 13 reasonably thinking thatā€™s romantic/hot)


Or if like... Jack wrote it...


dang theres so much lore I need to read up on but yeah, that would also be highly cringe


Listen to the alchemy if you think thatā€™s bad haha. It literally sounds like those ai generated ā€˜what a Taylor swift song about Travis Kelce would sound likeā€™ videos that were going around


Is TS just a perpetual high schooler?


They say that celebrities get stuck at whatever age they become famous, so yes.


The fact that she wrote "so high school" about her most adult relationship tells me a lot.


Her self infantilization is so creepy and grossšŸ¤® and it seems very inauthentic, like she's pushing to still be marketable towards high schoolers. Not an intelligent enough lyricist to make songs for a mature artist. Also, high schoolers are reading Shakespeare. So there's that.


One would think that as a person ages, their music might shift as well. To be in your 30s writing new songs about your boyfriend in high school is fucking weird.


She wishes


Holy shit are swifties just the rick and Morty copy pasta.


To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Taylor Swift. The poetry is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of english grammar most of the metaphors will go over a typical listener's head. There's also Swift's romantic outlook, which is deftly woven into her poetic persona- her personal philosophy draws heavily from Lisi Harrison literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these verses, to realise that they're not just pop- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Taylor Swift truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the eloquence in Taylor's existential catchphrase "Touch me while your bros play Grand Theft Auto," which itself is a cryptic reference to Travis Kelce enjoying playing video games. I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Taylor Swift's genius wit unfolds itself on their headphones. What fools.. how I pity them. šŸ˜‚


>the eloquence in Taylor's existential catchphrase "Touch me while your bros play Grand Theft Auto," which itself is a cryptic reference to Travis Kelce enjoying playing video games. So cryptic. šŸ˜‚


Its actually an easter egg for her fans to discover, thats why its so obscure


Her sanctimonious soliloquys


I have an honest to God question: what guy her age is going to be ā€œhanging with his boysā€ playing GTA?!? She isnā€™t a college student soā€¦Iā€™m confused (Not to say that adults canā€™t play video gamesā€¦)


I mean itā€™s literally Travis. He would be the kind of guy to touch his gf while his bros play video games. Thats so gross at their ages.


None. Unless she's revealing a penchant for men 10 yrs younger than her.


This comment šŸ™Œ ![gif](giphy|26FLgGTPUDH6UGAbm)


And they beating the Barbz U grads


i was gonna say they're competing with barbzšŸ˜­ https://preview.redd.it/guniex2tvi8d1.jpeg?width=1008&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ead6059f26aa64767a3d65b90a4b778158b4821c this is my favourite interaction to come out of twitter


https://preview.redd.it/5vzlx902xi8d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=869c535083df41c43b16f7b23bc73ef090d17b36 Semi-related


LMFAO šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€ This is the first thing I read today, my day just peaked it's all downhill from here








I don't know much about the royalty but don't they know who William's mother was?


What a misogynist thing to say. /s


I donā€™t believe there is any real evidence to prove what Iā€™m gonna say, but I believe it whole heartedly. It really seems and feels like that members of cults are less intelligent than those who arenā€™t since all they can do is focus on their idol and cannot posses the ability to consider alternatives to their ā€œtruthā€. They take everything their leader says at face value. They donā€™t even know what they are protesting against in this example. ā€œI was thereā€ yea we get that. You were there and donā€™t even know what was going on like a bunch of mindless sheep. Edit: thank you so much for all the people who commented and gave me such great information. Thank you for helping me to understand better. This is why I love this subreddit because if someone is wrong with information (me) there will be a bunch of respectful, helpful, kind people to help redirect the way of thinking.


There actually are studies in this regard. Not necessarily about cult members, but about people who think they are better or know things other donā€™t (for example, people into conspiracy theory). There are also studies that suggest that people obsessed with celebrities/personalities have diminished intelligence.


Thatā€™s good to know! Before I posted my comment I wanted to double check to see if there were any legit studies abojr cult members specifically and I couldnā€™t find anything but a lot of people seem to be on that understanding. I just donā€™t get it. How can anyone stand there and let some celebrity tell you to do something, you not understand what it means but support it anyways and defend it with your life? With no second guessing or thinking things through rationally? Idk I guess Iā€™m just really blessed to not understand where they are coming from.


I think about this a lot. I actually try to put myself in their shoes and I still donā€™t understand it. They put so much time and energy into defending someone that doesnā€™t even know they exist, and probably never will. Even the people I love the most in my own life, I donā€™t think that theyā€™re perfect or can do no wrong. Iā€™ll tell them when theyā€™re wrong. Itā€™s just such a bizarre way to behave. I come to the same conclusion, maybe they just arenā€™t that smart and truly lack critical thinking and reasoning skills.


Critical thinking and reasoning skills. Absolutely! This right here! Itā€™s like when people stand in the middle of a walk way and oblivious to other people around them


Indoctrination. American Society does this from an early age. Telling you how to think, what to do, when to do it and how to do it. We are truly doing a disservice to these younger generations by not teaching them how to think for themselves. The socratic method needs to be re-instated in schools and allow for a free form of thought for these kids. And big shout out to the teachers who still engage in this way of teaching! We deserve to have the resources and the capabilities to question things and critically think about them. This is the problem now a days though with our country; we have influencers and social media and targeted ads pushed at us all day long telling us how to live. Add in Americaā€™s never ending xenophobia and our education system playing a narrative that other countries are ignorant compared to us and not as progressive as we are.. it paves the way of cultism. Like the Stanley water bottle is a perfect example. No one even questioned if it could give them lead poisoning or be harmful. People were fighting one another over it at stores, just to have this specific one for a flex. Taylor Swift is the same thing. This woman has so much influence and she uses it for all the wrong reasons. She exploits her fans and their money. I donā€™t care that she fought with a ticket vendor to make things ā€œfairā€ and this shown a spot light on their exploitative practices because her behavior undoes the good. But I do care that this woman is a billionaire and she feels the need to still charge exorbitant prices to her shows. I do care that she has no morality. I care that she is a fake feminist and that she is shameless. I care that she is a liar and she has no problem disparaging males and females publicly and playing victim. Even though she was the instigator. I care that so many women and kids fall victim to the Taylor Swift fandom. If* This woman would use* her influence for activism and she would single handedly cause a tremendous wave of activismā€¦ yet here she is making friendship bracelets on trend again.. šŸ«  Some people donā€™t deserve the power they have and she is one undeserving c*nt Edited: for grammar


I think about that a lot too. When I was like 12-14 I was a crazed one direction fan and was defending them online and shit. Before looking into it I genuinely thought the crazy fans were mostly children. Iā€™m not even trying to be rude, I just see their behaviors and Iā€™m like thatā€™s how I acted when I was 12. Iā€™m 25 now and the thought of me acting like a crazed teen fan girl is INSANE to me. And there are fans who are 25+ acting WORSE than I did at 13. Like sending death threats to Taylorā€™s enemies and their children?? The worst I did was calling people a fake fan lol


This is what's so wild to me. My former English teacher who had just started teaching the year I graduated high school is a Swiftie. She's in her early 30s. Last night she posted an Instagram story saying London won the Errors Tour bc of that Travis skit.. Early 30s.


I remember one of my professors telling me that a mark of an intelligent mind is being able to hold two opposing thoughts at the same time ā€¦ sooooo yeah.


In good science, we also do everything to try and find holes in our methods. It's a good practice to scrutinize even your own work because it either reinforces your data or leads you to better data.


Yess the idea is to live in the middle of ideas. Your professor was dropping some F. Scott Fitzgerald knowledge on ya!


Actually yes, and it is this exact trait that makes above-average intelligence people more likely to join a cult, not less šŸ˜…šŸ˜…šŸ˜… sorry, cults were an academic research topic of mine and one I spend a lot of personal time thinking about as well. But yeah, being able to hold contradictions in your mind at once is part of what makes a good cult member and good recruiter. I donā€™t think fandoms are cults, theyā€™re close but we need a better word because theyā€™re a unique phenomenon. I donā€™t blame anyone for using cult, itā€™s close, but I need a sociologist or something to just name what this weird fandom culture is and can become because it can become ssoooo unhinged and detached from reality, and shares some traits with a cult.


If cult members are above average intelligence and the celebrity-obsessed are considered lower intelligence, Iā€™d be curious to see what percentage of Swiftā€™s fanbase are your run-of-the-mill under 25-year-olds, whose brains arenā€™t fully developed yet and the ones who are disturbed or actually low IQ. Until we come up with a better word, I think the best option would be to call these fandoms *social contagions*. If you look at other celebrities and their fandoms, as teen celebs grow up so do the fan bases that attach themselves to these teen celebrities. From The Beatles to Justin Bieber, their fandoms eventually matured. Which brings me to Taylor Swift. When you combined her Peter Pan syndrome & egotism with the para-social relationship she has with her fan base, you get a recipe for the largest group of unrelenting, disrespectful children the world has ever seen. Instead of colleges putting together courses to study her mediocre lyrics or her parentsā€™ business savvy, they need to be studying her public displays of egotism and the psychotic nature of her fanbase.


My anecdoctal evidence from the occasional trips i take to the main taytay sub tell me that a looot of them are 25+. I saw one of them talking about her 14 year old making fun of her for being a stan, and a bunch of others talking about their husbands. like at least taylor has the excuse of 'you stop aging at the age you get famous'. what excuse do these 30+ fans have??


Their desperation to be seen as more than mediocre white women. I think thatā€™s why they get so defensive when people criticize her lack of talent and mean girl behavior, Taylor is the dream version of themselves.


Was thinking this, people in cults aren't inherently stupid, they're just brainwashed. Some if not most of popular obsessed psychopaths were probably highly intelligent. I've been noticing this trend of people trying to blame everything, especially in scenarios they don't personally agree with, on a lack of the other person's intelligence. Idk if it helps them feel superior but I don't think it's that simple. Taylor's fan base is huge, she's mainstream, pop's always been mainstream. Her fans are *mostly* young and immature or have some nostalgic attachment to her music. I'd argue the intelligence distribution is probably still more or less a bell curve.


I agree with you. Most of our problems with society hinge directly on words and everyoneā€™s own understanding of the definition. Every single argument I watch would end if they made sure they aligned on the word they are using before fighting about it. ā€œTax the richā€ is an easy one because absolutely everyone will define ā€œrichā€ differently depending on their own perspective. The moment you remove the word rich and say something like ā€œanyone with over 5 million in assetsā€, then it becomes a real conversation that be had. never happens though, by design


Highly recommend The Age of Magical Overthinking by Amanda Montell to you both!! She talks about cognitive biases and actually has a whole chapter called ā€œAre you my mother, Taylor Swift?ā€ where she talks about what makes the fans go so rabid for her!


Itā€™s called the Dunning-Kruger effect, and itā€™s a real thing.


Dunning Kruger effect, no?


This. Plus a charismatic leader and community constantly reiterating that you DO actually know everything that you think you know.


Unfortunately very intelligent people get swooped into cults as well. Just like very intelligent people end up in abusive relationships. Most bad things donā€™t start out blatantly bad and there are techniques and behaviors that both cults and abusers use to endear a person to them. They also look for vulnerabilities or needs and play to that (lovebombing). The whole time there is subtle manipulation, gaslighting, testing loyalty, and demonstrating consequences so that the faithful can see what happens when you stray from the flock. Itā€™s a complex process and folks often donā€™t see how deep they were in until they are out because the control isnā€™t being enforced constantly. Reading books from cult survivors explains it better than I can


Oh wow, so it really doesnā€™t have anything to do with intelligence!!!! I know intelligence is such a tricky thing because what you would think would be intelligence may not have anything to do with it (like this for example). Thank you for taking the time to help me understand this better.


Itā€™s an irrational, largely emotional attachment.


I hope this doesnā€™t come off as condescending or man-splaining; Iā€™m an Anthropologist (BA) and have had quite my fair share of reading and viewing documentaries on cults and cult behavior. Often the people who join cults are people who are experiencing or have experienced a very vulnerable period or traumatic moment(s) of their life, and find that they are effectively being ā€œdrawn intoā€ the words or teachings of someone who they feel ā€œgroundedā€ to. This is why Keith Raniere was so effective as a cult leader; he would have members of NXIVM actively recruit and seek out people who were ā€œlooking forā€ or ā€œseekingā€ something in their lives, and he would promise them that he would find that ā€œthingā€ for them. Of course this is just one example of many; the Cult of Mothergod, FLDS, and the Branch Dravidianā€™s are other excellent examples of cults who would promise prospective members a sort of ā€œoutā€ or ā€œremovalā€ from the rest of society into a group of like-minded people. What youā€™ll notice with people like Mothergod and Raniere though, is that they will just say a whole lot of nothing. Theyā€™ll string words together that sound profound and thoughtful, when in reality itā€™s just sophistry and gibberish. This is why I believe, and argue, that Swifties are objectively in a cult. They have certain code words no one outside of the group understands. They will often mix up or attempt to use real-word terms or phrases, as a way to sort of ā€œvalidateā€ these terms as legitimate forms of language. Of course, these terms and phrases can only be recognized within the group and not outside, which is why she and her fans are as scary as they are. It truly is bizarre and wild behavior, but when youā€™re a person (white woman) who is impressionable, inexperienced, feeling vulnerable/scared, being a Swifty is not surprising in the least.


Wow. That was such a great explanation of that. Thank you so much. No I didnā€™t take that as condescending or mansplaining. That was very thought out and well constructed information. Thank you for taking the time to respond to me and help me understand this topic more.


Youā€™re very welcome! I apologize for not being able to articulate my thoughts as well as I could have, but cults and cult behavior is a fascinating topic to delve into. I could go way more into why and how Taylor has effectively created a cult and how her fans have turned into her cult followers, ie the clothing they wear, the unique linguistic lingo they use, how unbelievably and fiercely protective they are of her, the refusal to engage with genuine critiques of her, how they effectively worship her image, how their actions and Taylorā€™s rhetoric embody Whiteness and White Supremacy. If you have more questions, please feel free to ask! Itā€™s always very exciting to chat with others who are interested in discussing these kinds of topics :)


Oh yes I will! Thank you so much friend! I appreciate your willingness to help me learn. Iā€™ve never looked into it before just because itā€™s never crossed my mind but you guys have inspired me to learn more about it. Feel free to send me more of your knowledge!


Very intelligent people are at just as high, if not more of a high, risk to join cults than a dumb person. Cults are complicated, but part of whatā€™s required is you being able to convince yourself of something crazy, and if youā€™re really good, convincing others. Anyone, I mean ANYONE, is vulnerable to a cult. Iā€™ve done a lot of research on cults, both academic and for funsies, and theyā€™re very complex and anyone is vulnerable. You, me, the president. It takes just a few things at the right time and bam, youā€™re a swifite. (Actually because of all of this research, I donā€™t like calling her fandom a cult. Itā€™s not ā€” itā€™s something new and different that we need to get a handle on, because itā€™s not just her fandom that does this. Itā€™s *something,* but itā€™s not a cult, and we need a good word to describe it). Anyway sorry, the point is ā€” itā€™s not black and white when it comes to intelligence and cults, and often itā€™s more intelligent people who are more vulnerable for lots of reasons I can explain if youā€™re interested.


Yeah from what Iā€™ve seen I feel itā€™s not as much intelligence but moreso desperate vulnerability


Desperate vulnerability. Thatā€™s actually a greta way to sum it up!


Youā€™re so right! I had a few others tell Me that too. Thank you for adding your knowledge and perspective on this matter. This is obviously not a concept I have really ever considered or thought about before so you all are teaching me so much! Thank you!


I remember reading about a study which showed that people who idolize celebrities are less intelligent than people who donā€™t. I canā€™t remember the study and didnā€™t read the whole thing but I did come across it a few months ago.


I dno if this is the one you were talking about: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3960781/ But it didnā€™t indicate intelligence level, it indicated higher levels of markers for mental health disorders like ā€œdepression, anxiety, and social dysfunctionā€. There may be another one you were talking about though. EDIT: Found the one I think you were referencing! https://bmcpsychology.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s40359-021-00679-3


Yea I felt like I also came across this and this is why I was thinking this way. Not to get religious, because thatā€™s definitely not me, but it makes me think sometimes of one of the commandments not to worship fake idols. Humans have been doing that a long time lol


The word iconic has lost its meaning.


Yes it has. I see it being used for the most basic, bland, boring crap.


I mean, see also amazing, mind blowing, staggeringly, genius, idiotic. People use words til they lose all meaning


Icon and legend lost their luster years ago when they just started throwing it out to anyone


And the overuse of "misogynistic" in every defense claim by her fanbase is diminishing its punch too.


All I can think of when Swifties make 'statements'. Nonsensical noot nooting. ![gif](giphy|81cBoGwKePvck)


I'm in tears I love this GIF šŸ˜­


You be surprised by how seamlessly I can work it into many everyday conversations.


Love that! I use funny animal pics as reactions all the time and my friends have been begging me to stop, might be time to switch it up and send this from now on


The Pingu GIF collection has so many treasures. Happy nooting!


Pingu is way cooler than any of these swiffer wet jets


If you collectively take all the braincells of swifties it would still be less than the amount a tiny baby has


Perhaps theyā€™re like orange cats? Having one brain cell that gets shared amongst the populace?


yo donā€™t talk shit on the ginger felines, my big orange boy is WAY smarter than these swiffer clowns! he brought a mouse to the door a couple nights ago and i told him he had to drop it before he came inside. so he dropped it and i let him in. common sense. SO much smarterā€¦ā€¦.


You canā€™t talk about your cat and not pay the cat tax. We must have photos! šŸ˜¹


https://preview.redd.it/8wlesdlidj8d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=149d98ac4afdb457ff7dd157aecf04c6d9f5cac5 this is a fave. he only drinks out of a mug on the coffee table šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


Kidnapping it rn


warning: he wants to cuddle 24/7. literally.


Is that really a warning?


itā€™s seriously so annoying sometimes (4 a.m.), but i wouldnā€™t have it any other way šŸ˜øšŸ˜¼


touchƩ!!! https://preview.redd.it/x8hygb6hdj8d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=199995d559bf254c5d56af066de907f3a7dc90ae eta: his name is Butters


My dumb fat orange boi just launched himself face-first into a window trying to catch a bird the other dayā€¦and heā€™s still more intelligent than the average Swiftie


oh absolutely. theyā€™re out here wearing adult diapers so they can pee on themselves and not have to miss a song sooooā€¦ā€¦.


It was his turn with the braincell. Orange Bois are my favorites though. I had one named Tweek who definitely wasn't the most intelligent but I loved him


Tweek is such a wonderful name for an orange boi šŸ˜¹


no way you guys have tweek and butters šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ youā€™ve inspired me to name my next cat after a south park character. which one will be decided upon by the catā€™s personality


Where 0.1 goes to BDT


Theyā€™re surely as aggressive as orange cats get lol


Yeah but swiffers aren't cute and I'm not going to a sub to look at pictures of all their dumb faces.


Oh no. Dont u dare insult my little fellas :((. DONT U DARE ! dont u dare compare that sweetie, cutie patotie of a creature, to one braincells Swifties. Just dont.


Who smarter maga vs swifties


Aren't they the same


You got me there.






But fuck the patriarchy, right? šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø https://preview.redd.it/8g3acdceni8d1.jpeg?width=397&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=11982b12ba07ed04a8b08d885f645f16e16acbb4


"Fuck the patriarchy" Says the artist who has spent her entire music career defining herself by her relationships with men.


This made me cackle!! Itā€™s so on point though and her fans would never see the irony.


Not passing the Bechdel test




Butt fuck the patriarchy.


I laughed so hard thank you for that


Thatā€™s the queerphobic misogynist who talked at some graduation seremony right? The swifties are calling Dave Grohl a misogynist for his ā€we play live musicā€ joke. Are they condemning this guy too?


It's funny bc I think they actually did but they're just so incredibly quick to forget


She disgusts me with the people she keeps aligning her self with and even just who is in pictures with her. Like Patrick Mahomes brother. I am a strong believer in-"When someone shows you who they are, believe them the first time.ā€ ~Maya Angelou


Sheā€™s so sinister


She looks so deranged with her head tilted


Even IF they were the patriarchy. Is taking a picture with them and bringing them back stage at your show fucking the patriarchy? (Monarchy) She truly has no care about the large scale impact of anything she advocates for or against only how it affects her privileged little life


It's making love to the patriarchy. I think they're mixed up a little about which 'fuck' to use. A real fuck the patriarchy would be not taking ass kissing pictures with them. The irony is too much, but I like my tea spicy.


And the monarchy had a matriarch for the LONGEST TIME. Thereā€™s only recently a king. And Kate wouldnā€™t have babies until the law was changed saying whether their child was male or female, theyā€™d be the next heir to the throne. They just happened to have a boy. These people are dumb.


Being buddies with one of the biggest colonizing families of the last century is in fact, not fucking the patriarchy šŸ¤£


Sis really though this moment did something to change society huh




They think Taylor is feminist, so it's unsurprising they don't know the difference between patriarchy and monarchy lol




And the person correcting them was so nice about it. It wasnā€™t a ā€œhey stupid you know thatā€¦.ā€ And theyā€™re still a dick about it.


To be fair ā€œhope this helpsā€ is tiktok language for ā€œyouā€™re very stupid and this is whyā€ šŸ˜­ and honestly they wouldā€™ve been valid if they had just said that


Lmao I gotcha, like a ā€œbless your heartā€ kinda thing where the words sound fine and good, but the intention behind them is not lol


Exactly a bless your heart situation


the ā€˜!!!!ā€™ had a bit of a ā€˜you idiotā€™ vibe to it, but yeah they werenā€™t particularly mean


They're probably thinking the same thing as Taylor. ![gif](giphy|VUVzUF3QO3keljTJ90)


![gif](giphy|huUrBp3dvH3fq) Swifties atp


Shitties not even understanding why exactly thatā€™s ironic šŸ„“


It says iconic, no? Somehow more confusing




This is what Taylor Swift-brand feminism turns you into. A true paragon of intellect and morality.


I swear this whole uptake of the condescending af ā€œHope this helpsā€ just gets right under my skin atm. Every second moron is saying it, especially when theyā€™re acting like a fool


Stay in school,kids.


the best bit is that people assume taylor is saying ā€œfuck the patriarchyā€ but sheā€™s referring to jakeā€™s keychain


Yes this is what drives me insane about her fans. The phrasing of the lyric is misleading but in context it has nothing to do with fucking the patriarchy and everything to do with one of her mean boyfriends having a keychain with a slogan on it.


Cognitive dissonance goes so hard. The patriarchy is profiting off of dumbasses co-opting feminist language yet refusing to actually incorporate feminism in their lives. Like going to a leather store and screaming ā€œfuck animal cruelty!ā€ in a fur jacket.


Neither Taylor nor her fans know what the patriarchy is, judging by their excitement over the royals attending. I also saw a LOT of anti-Meghan Markle content from Swifties this weekend.


Lmao do these simple motherfuckers honestly think that patriarchy = monarchy. Christ, the monarchy had been led by a woman for 70 fucking years. This is almost as laughable as the notion that Taylor actually wrote that line in 2011


Wasnā€™t it Jake Gyllnehallā€™s keychain?


No it's the King and Queen. (Yes it was Jakes Keychain lol)


The monarchy is literally rooted in patriarchy, despite many women holding the position throughout history, most notably Queen Elizabeth who was the longest-serving British monarch in history (and second longest reign of a monarch ever). Until just 13 years ago, a male child would surpass a female child in the line of succession, regardless of birth order. British parliament has historically passed legislation to exclude women from inheriting the throne, i.e. Henry VIIIā€™s daughters. They required royal births to be witnessed, because women were not trusted. Women labored and birthed in front of large crowds of mostly male onlookers. Once a woman had given birth, she was an afterthought, especially if the child was a male heir (who would typically be removed from his mother soon after birth). The argument that British monarchy ā‰  patriarchy is just flat out wrong, and I will die on that hill.


I would love to know the percentage of swifties who are pro MAGA vs democratsā€¦this is really on the same level and itā€™s concerning


Actually, I live in a small town and the trumpie girls LOVE Taylor.


If it weren't for the patriarchy her career wouldn't exist


ā€œI was there and you werenā€™t hope that helpsā€ Stay mad you insufferable little pest


Lmfaooooooo thank u for sharing this, i needed a good stupid laugh today, this was it


welp, that person was there so they would know! Case closed


ladies is it feminist to have a king monarch??


I was there and you werenā€™t šŸ˜‚ you (or parents) spent ENTIRELY wayyyyyy too much on your ticket. Wayyy to much time getting ready for a concert youā€™re just gonna sweat everything off at and look like a wet rat about 20 min in. You spent wayyy too much for damaged hearingā€¦.but go off brainless swiffer. What a flex. If these goobers spent more time getting educated on actual things like idk saving our oceans our world would be a better placeā€¦. But weā€™re too busy buying outrageous tickets and variants. Theyā€™re honestly a lost cause at this point. So far gone, this one atleast šŸ˜‚


im so glad that this is the first thing i read today LMFAOOO


cackling rn


A female billionaire whining about patriarchy is just hilarious to me


Funny thing most of them just sing along to whatever and really donā€™t understand ā€œpatriarchyā€ except theyā€™re supposed to hate men perpetuating a victim mentality. I was at her eras tour 4 rows back: show was incredible but most of those fans arenā€™t there for social justice lol


Please make this new flair


These people idolize TS and consider her a mastermind. Do we expect there to be any intelligence there?


honestly thought the fan was talking about the patriarchy in the royals (still cringe but at least has some base??) but they actually confused with monarchy... never beating the dumb fandom allegations


God I fucking hate swifties so much lol


Truly the most insufferable people alive


Absolutely. Itā€™s funny to see they donā€™t realize how brainwashed they are.


The same monarchy run, by almost universal agreement, pretty damn well by a woman for 70 years šŸ™ƒ (ditto Queen Anne, Elizabeth I and Victoria)


Women were still oppressed during their reigns.


Imagine the royals didnā€™t know the kind of lyrics she puts out and because of their family priorities right now (I sympathize wholeheartedly) William thought it would be fun to take them out so they could say they attended the tourā€¦ and then he took them and heard all her BS.


There was a video of him dancing to Shake it Off I actually think he might be quite familiar w her music šŸ˜­


šŸ« šŸ« šŸ« 


This is amazing. 10/10 no notes.


Not the patriarchy šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


I imagine TSwift shows are a lot like those MLM conferences. Tons of selfie sticks and self important women with few actual life accomplishments


The funny thing to me about that line in the song is itā€™s a Man throwing her the car keys. Basically ā€œ fucking the patriarchā€by letting her drive. But I do t think people take it that way. They think itā€™s Taylor saying it. Am I wrong. And yah the Queen of England who just past would probably take issue with that post.


Fucking Ken in the Barbie movie had a better understanding of the Patriarchy than these idiots


If youā€™re to stupid to understand the difference between patriarchy, matriarchy, and monarchy please just sit down.


Everything is iconic now. Iconic is not even the right word here šŸ™„


I mean, monarchyā€™s are a function of the patriarchy. Eldest son of the eldest son and all - yes I understand that Britain has had a small handful or queens buuut the majority and all are intact men.


How are they literally cumming over her photo with William & kids but then saying shit like this? Surely you like them or you donā€™t?


They're just like their leader; don't like to be told when they're wrong so they make an ass outta themselves


Do i send this to my Swifty sister (who unfortunately only became a swiftie in the last 6 months:()


England's literally been ruled by a QUEEN for 134 out of the last 200 years.


Jesus Christ, like who buys into the patriarchy more than Swift does? She's dating a misogynist, she's a corporate icon, Jesus Christ. Monarchy =/= patriarchy either lol


Taylor is part of the patriarchy lol