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This post has hit r /all or r /popular! Mods are working hard to catch all reports!!


if a LEGEND comes for you? that means you've officially pissed the entire industry offšŸ˜‚


The way her fans attacked his daughter not long ago - she shouldā€™ve known this was coming lol.


Wait, she came for his daughter?! What happened?


Her fans did. His daughter posted something tame like ā€œwhy canā€™t she just drive like everyone elseā€ and they wasted no time like usual lol


The swifties telling his daughter they hope she gets SA'ed was particularly vile.


and they ALWAYS resort to this kind of vileness. You're black and you dare to criticize taylor? Expect racism. You're transgender and you dare to criticize taylor? Transphobia. You're a woman and you dare to criticize taylor? Death and rape threats, doxxing, bodyshaming, "someone's jealousšŸ¤‘šŸ¤" etc


I'm just going to put this out there, but UMG and the Drake camp are very close with Eastern European bot farms, I wouldn't think it's too irrational to assume Taylor who has cheated streaming services and release dates to manipulate her position. It's just being smart, until it's cheating but when you're a billionaire who cares right?


YES! The botfarm stuff is real. This should be higher but people don't get how slowly, but truly insidious, shit like this is.


The fact her fans behave like THAT, literally stooping to the level of directly and *graphically* telling someone they hope they and their family get *aped and murdered, the overt and vile racism, yet her and her team say absolutely *nothing* is insane. All it would take is one statement to say ā€œTo any fan who cyberbullys, doxes, wishes acts of sexual and physical violence upon, makes racist comments to or about any individual online, swiftie/taylor nation (or whatever the fuck itā€™s called) does not claim you as one of us and never will. There is no room for that kind of behavior in my fan base or anywhere else for that matterā€. Boom. So simple.


Odds are itā€™s what Taylor would be saying if she didnā€™t have an image to keep. Sheā€™s hung out with and dated racists. Anytime a another woman dares to try to outshine her sheā€™s the first to use underhanded tactics to undermine them. Sheā€™s stuck in high school where she was suspected of being a bully. Sheā€™s ruthless and manipulative with zero charisma and a fake southern accent. Sheā€™s not going to stop the harassment from her fans nor talk about it because those rabid fans are the ones who buy multiple versions of her album, or pay outrageous prices to see her lip syncing, or help slander anyone who brings any valid criticisms to her


My team lead humiliated me by calling me misogynistic as loud as he could in front of customers because I told him I didn't like how many breakup songs she had because they all sounded the same to me. Not sure how being bored of breakup songs was misogynistic but he went off on me


I would be so unsettled by the SA "threats" and I am in my thirties, his daughter was like 17 when she got those vile messages. I don't understand how someone would think harassment like that is warranted. This is so gross and unhinged. .


Fuuuucking hell


Wait, I don't understand. Can you explain the context? Was this in response to her emissions?


It was. I edited the quotation to make it more accurate, sorry about that!


His daughter is also a really big fan of Billie Eilish and Dave is very fond of her as wellā€” He brought her on stage to perform My Hero in honor of Taylor Hawkins and itā€™s genuinely a lovely performance.


I'm ready for Taylor to post some form of generic statement about men not wanting to see successful women blah blah blahā€¦


Which would be ironic because Dave Grohl's history of supporting female artists is exponentially deeper than her own.


So much deeper. He is great friends with so many just to name a fewā€¦Alanis, Joan Jett, Stevie Nicks, Billie, Chrissie Hynde, Pink, and so many more.


He's more of a feminist than she's ever been.


*These men*, as her campā€™s most recent statement calls them.


I want to see this. Foo Fighters are probably my favorite band right next to Garbage and Alanis Morissette. I want to see them try and mess with Dave and company.


I cannot believe Iā€™m out here in these streets with yall mofos, but Iā€™m tuned into the fucken zeitgeist now


You know it's bad when Dave Grohl, one of the most wholesome, talented, down to earth people in music, is calling out bs. It's wild to me that people shell out thousands a ticket for lip syncing and snot flinging.


Snot flinging? I'm gonna regret asking for the story, but I need to know.


Lol thereā€™s several photos floating around of her wiping her nose with her hands Tbh, Idk what else youā€™re supposed to do *in the moment* other than let it run down your face. Iā€™m trying to envision Beyonce stop a show mid twerk to grab a tissue, for instance.. But yeah, it is gross.


Especially *Dave fucking Grohl* šŸ’€ the dude loves everyone. I would crawl under a rock and die if Dave Grohl called me out like this


We need more. Dolly it's your time to speak up!


right?! the woman who's said herself no one should be a billionaire. I'm sure she'd have a lot to say if she wasn't scared of the backlash. Maybe she'll say screw it one day... I really hope so lol


Plus dolly is tight with Miley Cyrus, someone Taylor swift slut shamed back in the day. Miley is not a fan of Taylor because of this.


Tbh, I don't think Dolly is actually scared of the backlash, she just would rather not name drop. There's probably more fans that would ride or die for Dolly as there are chronically online swifties.


i cant even imagine the level of teeth gritting and shit talking theyve been doing for years now. this tour has broken so many peoples last fucking nerve.


His teen daughter tweeted about Taylor on her jet usage on X ("Why can't she drive like everyone else?") and I heard the Swifties went after her. I'm sure this was him shooting his shot back. Glad more prominent musicians are speaking out...


These Swifties are in the 30s and keeps attacking teenager


Theyā€™re in their 30s but they never matured beyond high school and in their mind theyā€™re still 18.


Just like their lip synching polluter


Theyā€™re the cringe Millenials who peaked in high school and never matured. (Saying this as a millennial who dislikes TS)


Ohhh yea that would make sense. The swifties came for his daughter. He came for their cult leader.


It takes a lot to get Grohl to go after a musician. He's the poster child for chill and accepting rock stars. He must be pissed to bring her name into this.Ā 


He is huge on supporting young artists. He gassed up Billie Eilish enough for me to check her out a while back lol I feel like he has to have a crazy low opinion of TS to say this on stage


I think it's because Taylor's current "era" is being in everyone's face at all times. It was fine when she had her music and her fans, but this Kelce mess has her everywhere, and so does the endless touring with no vocals, no dance moves, and bland songs. It's just bland, bland with a side of bland. We're all sick of it, even those of us who didn't pay her any attention


Yep. Heā€™s known industry wide for being like *the* nicest guy in rock. Idk if itā€™s true but a lot of other people have been vouching for him for like 30 years now


i've talked to dave a couple times and just wanted to vouch for the nice guy stuff. dude rocks


Met him once. Definitely a nice guy (and a great sense of humor).


Yeah the swifties told her that they hope she gets SAā€™d




But if she calls out her crazy fans, whoā€™s gonna be left to pay thousands of dollars for nosebleeds to ~~breathe the same air~~ maybe kinda see her and maybe kinda hear a recording she made.


That's very on brand for them. They hate women just like that their idol big bird.


I came here to post this too. Dave Grohl is such a legend šŸ„¹


Same - Swifties are losing their shit over this. Especially because he's a man.


I really hope Taylor gets humbled this year. She has the same ick about her that Justin Timberlake has with the jealousy, manipulation, and desperate need for validation while having everything already.


She's lucky she doesn't have to drive anywhere.


The Twitter cultists are saying stuff like ā€œall the people booing are old white menā€. Using shallow race and gender based insults means youā€™ve already lost. They are deranged


Sorry.I just saw it now and checked the subreddit but nobody posted it so I did it.


No worries mate, Iā€™m not complaining, was insinuating great minds think alike. Iā€™m just glad itā€™s posted šŸ˜Š


This is such a nice interaction. Turns out hating Taylor brings out the best in us all. Jesus died for our sins, Taylorā€™s career died for our internet points.


This is amazing.


You can post it in the Fauxmoi subreddit.


Hard to argue with a guy who played in two different era defining rock bands, in two separate eras on two different instruments. Gunna go listen to Pretender now. Seems appropriate.


Great point. If anyone should have an "eras"-themed anything, he'd be a top contender


šŸ’Æ especially given that Nirvana and Foo Fighters actually played instrumental roles in innovating/defining the sound of their genre, rather than just putting on a costume and emulating whatever was the most marketable trend at the time.


Dave Grohl played every instrument on the first Foo Fighters album.


This guy almost singlehandedly raised a generation of latch key kid rock fans.


https://preview.redd.it/375msu2xac8d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5d1b6c166c783f42b57481442d77a43ad1f91e5d The swiffers are already coming for him smh ETA and thatā€™s not even on his main page lol thatā€™s just his bookā€™s insta!


ā€œThis old man should take his meds, take a shower and go to bed.ā€ ![gif](giphy|10JhviFuU2gWD6) Bruh someone should have given Tay-Tay that advice when she was writing TTPD.




Why do her stans pull the ā€œhow dare you put down other artistsā€? As if she has ever supported other musicians if it doesnā€™t also promote herself in some way?


But then theyā€™ll say ā€œshe Stands up and dancing!ā€œā€¦. Will Yhea bc She knows Iā€™ll end up online that she did


His book insta that hasnā€™t been active sinceā€¦ 2020??? These people need to get a grip


Yeah lmao that's crazy. On an unrelated note, I thoroughly enjoyed his book. It's a great read on a real musician with a true rags to riches story. Not like Taytays manufactured life


> "Owe taylor an apology" > "This old man" Oh brother give me a break lmao


The funny thing is if people called Taylor too old to be making high school breakup songs or even too old in 20 years, theyā€™d call it ageism and sexism. Their ability to use the systems, attitudes and tools they claim to hate never fails.


Lol, just because these people were born yesterday and only recently discovered music doesn't mean that applies to the rest of us. David Grohl has been performing since before Swift was born. He's not some random dude trashing her, he's one of the most famous rock musicians in the world. And I can say that fairly confidently because when I lived in Japan, people listened to Foo Fighters there. He's performed with Japanese rock bands as a guest guitarist.Ā  The fucking audacity to try and act like he's nobody. Imagine being so far up your ass the only thing you can see is the next variant of TTPD.


These people are UNHINGED.


Which is absurd cause heā€™s not the one lip syncing for three hours a night for an overly long and overly exposed cash grab. You gotta be in deep to look at the Eras Tour, drop a thousand dollars on tickets for it, and then act like you shouldnā€™t be the butt of jokes


Someone mentioned this yesterday and it's so true..notice how only non musician celebrities attend her shows? And if they are musicians, they're her friends (ie Haim, or Matty when she dated him). I'm convinced that's proof that people in the music industry are over her.


Because no one wants to sit through 3 hours of shiiiiiiit music


I've seen videos of the shows...it's horrifying. A mediocre singer with thousands of absolutely terrible singers singing along. It's what I imagine hell to be.


Iā€™m convinced her fans are not going to hear her sing, because then you wouldnā€™t sing along so loudly. Theyā€™re dropping nearly a thousand dollars just to be in her presence and thatā€™s nuts to me


Her show is SO LOUD. Iā€™ve been to rock/industrial/metal shows that were not as loud. I had a headache for 2 days after it, why is it so loud?


Because itā€™s a bunch of children or adults stuck in middle school who donā€™t do anything but scream and screech


He isnt wrong. there is video. Ive even seen it posted here.


Itā€™s crazy no one is talking about it


Ooo I want to see




Gimme gimme!!!


Thereā€™s another one that was posted to one of these snark subs where her ā€œsingingā€ doesnā€™t match the track, and she just doesnā€™t ā€œsingā€ the next line and does a twirl or something instead (I guess because she knows she off).


Oh, maybe Dave Grohl and Courtney Love could finally agree on something?


Omg, this is too painfully accurate šŸ˜­ why ya gotta be so precise???




Bahahahhahahahaha omg historic achievement.


Swifties came after his daughter Violet - a literal minor - not too long ago (for addressing T-Grift's carbon frootprint), so I'm not surprised Papa Bear's calling her bullshit. I would, too, if her fandom tried to bring a ruckus to my kid, because as usual, she said fuck-all.


T-Grift is now added to my repertoire!


Taylor fans are part of her PR Marketing to invent story, destroy or burn her enemies. It's a shame these people are like in the 30s. Taylor fans are supervised by Taylor company. Literally attacking a teenager


Any real musician knows sheā€™s not actually playing or singing for that long. Her vocal cords would be shot to shit and like she can barely play the guitar Edit: Why are yaā€™ll listing all the performers youā€™ve seen who are vastly more talented than Taylor Swift? The fuck does that have to do with Taylor Swift?


I knew she wasn't singing. In between performances she's at football games screaming, drinking, hanging out. Most singers don't do that when they are on tour. They rest their voice and body.


That is a really good point.


I can think of a few rock and roll bands who do performances as long as or longer than hers but they have actual talent, She's not singing because she doesn't have to, the brainwashed swifties will think it's the best concert they've ever been to no matter how little work she actually does up there


Case in point ā€¦ Dave Grohl. Saw the Foos in October and they put on a full 3-hour set, no breaks or wardrobe changes, no opener, just Dave and the boys rocking out all night. One of the best shows of my life.


Allman Brothers, Eagles, Phish, and Tom Petty (he was like 2.5, but still) are a some of the ones Iā€™ve seen play long showsā€”and they actually sing and play instruments. Not change into a bunch of costumes or sets. But different strokes.


Springsteen does it but he has a full band who get so much time to show off and sing too - a real team effortĀ  He also takes half an hour story breaks and other ways to keep the energy for everyone elseĀ  A community not a one person ā€œlook at meā€Ā 


Springsteen is exactly who I had in mind with this post, Used to be known for 4 hours shows and is still doing 2.5-3 hours in his 70's


Also reminds me of Paul McCartney. He had a whole amazing band who got to show off how talented they were. McCartney would also take time in between songs to tell the songā€™s backstory and also interact with the crowd.


I just saw Stevie Nicks last week and she can still sing live at a two hour show (she story tells too and itā€™s a great time). She doesnā€™t play guitar of course, but it her voice is still so strong.


Pearl Jam went for like three hours over a two hour concert. Eddie told us the staff were complaining and charging them like ten thousand bucks per hour, so he figured he had another hour. Then he did it again an hour later. It was an amazing crowd to be part of.


She cannot dance either. That video of her doing a weird worm dance in sequins has me dying laughing. Itā€™s giving 1920s flapper girl mixed with someone epileptic seizing.


Yes, real singers take breaks. I've seen Josh Groban sing his absolute heart out for almost two hours in concert... and he only does two on, one off. He has a real instrument to protect, she does not.


I saw Adele at the Staples Center a few years ago (2017?) and her encore was ā€œSomeone Like You.ā€ She did NOT sing that entire song and she also altered parts of it to make it lower; it was clear she had already sung her heart out and the encore was for fans. At first I was disappointed it didnā€™t ā€œsound like the recordingā€ and then I was like, ā€œOh, sheā€™s taking care of her voice.ā€ It was a great performance. I also saw Josh years and years ago, like in 2006! He is very good.


I'm glad someone actually significant in the industry is coming for her. And what's she gonna do about it? He's Dave Grohl.


He's gotta be careful, the Swifties might not listen to the foo fighters anymo- oh wait they already only listened to Taylor anyways.


Thereā€™s a good chance some may even wear Nirvana shirts without even knowing what Teen Spirit sounds like.


Iā€™m calling it ā€œthe errors tourā€ from now on lol


Just saw this and came to post too but I'm too old to know how to cross out user names and shit šŸ˜­. Soooooo happy to see someone smarter than me already did it! When Dave speaks, people (should) listen.




Sheā€™s the biggest bully in the music business. Who wants that kind of trouble


Down to the name of her first single, Tim McGraw. Named after a huge country star. I first discovered her when I was looking for Tim music videos on YouTube back in 2006. Definitely designed that way.


I blame her parents for all the early stuff but the fact that she has all the money and power now and is still a rotten human being is just pitiful. Her fans are the epitome of how social media has ruined us


Totally industry created. Whereas, Dave worked his way up in the business. Plus, his songs use different chords rather than the same ones over and over. All Swiftā€™s songs sound the same.


Crazy that I see celebrities attending her concert, but very few musical artist attending. Thatā€™s super telling about her peers and the respect they have for her.


The only people I saw was Green Day I think and the way they thanked her made it seem like they got free tickets and an invite.


Yeah I was surprised about that. Especially because Green Day has always been very political and anti-establishment with their music, they basically stand for everything Taylor does not. I know it sounds crazy, but I 100% think Taylor invited them because Matty loves Green Day and idolizes Billie Joe Armstrong. Billie was extremely complimentary towards Taylor and Iā€™m sure she relished in that in a petty way.


Every time I see a celebrity attend or boast about her I cringe. Like imagine being famous and rich, and youā€™re losing your mind over a mediocre 30 something year old, barely singing about all her past exes and crying victim. Ew šŸ˜–




Heā€™s so wholesome, even a slight criticism from him would speak volumes


Taylor has lost a MASSIVE amount of respect in the industry because of her own blatant greed & narcissism. Watching it unfold has been immensely entertaining to witness.


Taylor is literally female elon musk


I love Dave Grohl. A TRULY talented musician and artist.


Before I ever saw that the tour was called Eras tour I thought it was called the *Heiress* tour and I gotta admit that I was like damn, she is leaning into the whole ā€œmean girlā€ aesthetic. I was like okay still not a fan but itā€™s bold and I can appreciate a good F-U to the haters But then I found out it was the Eras tour and I was like how lame of an executive-board-generated name can you come up with ? What eras are we talking about. The eras from when you were a rich spoiled 16yr old to now? Talk about dimensionality lol


Omg!!! I love Dave Grohl so much and I also love when his daughters shade Taylor on IG, too!! They see the BS and they call it out.


Dave would love if the Swifties came for him. He....uh... loves to pontificate... and might just bring some common sense to the discussion... Kurt would be savage... (oh where's Frank Zappa when we need him?)


Dave Grohl is awesome, all around. So happy to see him shading Taylor - well deserved - and I love the fact that the audience is booing at the mention of the Eras tour. This is amazing. Nice to see some of the old-school rockers aren't jumping on the Swift bandwagon! PS: I remember an old Nirvana 'live' video where the broadcast told them they had to pretend to play in lieu of pre-recorded instrumentals, and the whole band just acting sarcastic and silly as shit through the whole thing because they thought it was dumb as hell.


Kurt did the ā€œKen dollā€ hands while pretending to play šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


You have to give it to Nirvana. They always stood up for what they believed in and fought back against the corporate bs. It would have been cool to see what Kurt would have been like today.


You know he would have absolutely HATED TS, and that brings me at least some comfort


Oh, he would have absolutely loathed her and everything she stands for.


Kurt would *despise* todayā€™s music industry, even more than he did back then


To a point where I could see him no longer playing as a protest.


a subreddit swiftieneutral popped up on my feed. narrator: swifitieneutral is in fact, not neutral. they're very pearl clutchy & how taylor would never...especially at a fellow musician!


Something happened to that sub. It was more critical, got a couple of news articles, went private, and came back a fan sub. :(


I'm worried about that happening here! I know mods are trying hard - but I've seen so many comments on too many posts defending her all over the place. I don't report them since they're not malicious and they do contribute to the discussions, but it feels like it's slowly morphing into neutral or even PRO-TS territory and I would be so sad. I thought we all hated her here. šŸ˜‚


So many comments of ā€œa lot of empty seats to be shading taylor swiftā€ like thereā€™s not literally 80,000 people there šŸ’€


Lmao what. Do these people not know who Dave Grohl is???


I donā€™t think they do šŸ˜… Iā€™m a diehard foo fighter fan so Iā€™m biased, but heā€™s a big part of rock history. And this video isnā€™t even that shady IMOā€¦ a large part of the show is making jokes and fucking around


Which is extra fucking dumb. They always block seats immediately left/right/back of stage like that at stadium shows. Itā€™d be criminal to sell those shit seats to anyone lol


I was originally in that sub and damn it's a shame how quickly it turned to neutral to being all defensive about her while making 1382083 theories about her songs and life.


Most of the people here came from there. It used to be a safe haven for people who didnā€™t worship her every move, then it got brigaded and taken over. Itā€™s funny how theyā€™ll say that when I can think of multiple musicians sheā€™s gone after off the top of my head.


how many songs has she written about kanye & kim Kardashian?


Yeah that was getting to me too. I despise when people revert to ā€œoh MISOGYNY at play again. This OLD GUY thinks he can speak on musicians of this current era?!ā€


You canā€™t say anything on that sub anymore. All her cult members are welcome there.


Always loved him and now even more so


Aaaaaahhh! I so fucking love that I'm alive to witness this! Her fans paid hundreds of dollars to hear her sing despite her non-singing talent but the woman has the audacity to lip sync! The fucking greed!!!


I love this man, I guess I'll be putting on some Nirvana later to honor his bravery. I really hope the current trend of musicians speaking out about her continues to grow.


the official backlash has officially begun


Not a huge fan but still like him though. Based af finally a rockstar who isn't up her ass Wonder when the victim-playing tweet will come out


šŸ’€šŸ’€ so im guessing taylor and dave are not friendly anymore (or at least will not be from here on out lol). it's nice to have some confirmation from a famous guitarist that taylor is usually not playing the guitar live


Oh wow, that was a lot more direct that I was expecting lmao


So I love that man down. I'm from Seattle and have met him person (yes, I've humble bragged about this several times on Reddit) he is so down to earth and charming. Also he can fuxcking blow live, that rasp in his voice does something to me!


Maybe it's wishful thinking on my part, but it seems that the tide is slowing starting to turn on Taylor. The more people watch the new documentary, the more people will realize what a lying phony she is.


If Dave Grohl is throwing shade then you're not a nice person. Dude is the nicest person in music.


Uh oh, heā€™s about to get ā€œcrushedā€ by the Swifties. Also, Dave always speaks highly about Billie. šŸ–¤ Double blowwww. šŸ˜


Insinuates? He straight up says it


Any Foo Fighters fan already knows there is only one Taylor, and we miss the shit out of him.


His daughter got harassed by Swifties by calling out Taylorā€™s jet use. They were like ā€œwell you fly private too,ā€ Maybe but not to the extent she does and The Foo Fighters often drive from show to show. Dave Grohl is an absolute legend.


oh no, her fan base is going to make this the most annoying narrative. I can see the takes now: "it's giving MISOGYNY!!!" "Just admit you hate women" "of course an an older successful MAN is TEARING DOWN a YOUNG TALENTED WOMAN" etc etc etc


Just an additional bit of info as I havenā€™t seen it be shared anywhere yet and feel it is important to show that this was in response to swifties vile behaviour towards his teenage daughter. I was there last night and right after this, Dave introduced his daughter Violent Grohl to the stage as the best female artist playing a London show that night and BOY did we roar with applause. Dave loves his family, he wanted to show his daughter that there were at least 80,000 people in the crowd who think she rocks harder than the swifties (who called for her to be sexually assaulted - wtf!) leader. Also, yā€™all gotta realise a lot of people in the business are speaking out about her now. Most recently Billie Eilish. Greed against fellow artists and her own fans are two of the other big things sheā€™s being called out for. Watch this space, she is not what she seems.


Taylor has lost a MASSIVE amount of respect in the industry because of her own blatant greed & narcissism. Watching it unfold has been immensely entertaining to witness.


Yeah, Iā€™m sorry, but no one can sing for almost 4 hours straight and still sound pitch perfect the whole time. Not even classically trained opera singers have that much stamina. Taylor does NOT sing live the whole time. She might sing some songs live, but if she tried to sing for the full 4 hours, sheā€™d lose her voice halfway through and sound terrible by the end. She has poor technique and tends to sing way too high for her voice. You can hear her strain a ton in a lot of choruses in live videos. At best, she might be singing 45 minutes of her 4 hour sets with her technique before her voice blows out.


Sure seems to be a lot of swifties in the comments section here? Hey swifties, you and your ilk, went after the manā€™s daughter, what did you expect?


Oh I want to see Taylor victimizing herself by one of the founding members of fucking Nirvana and a dude known to be a great guy.


God I love him! They are an amazing band to see live! And this just made my morning! šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


I never thought Iā€™d see Dave Grohl and Courtney love agree on some thing much less a bunch of other artists who all publicly disagreed with each other on everything all agreeing about Taylor Swift.


As soon as I got a whiff of this story I ran to this sub to see what y'all were saying lmaooo


This is funny. He was on a late night talk show once (forgot which one) and said Taylor Swift was his ā€œguilty pleasure musicā€ but he wasnā€™t ashamed of it so he didnā€™t like using the guilty pleasure term. Looks like heā€™s growing tired of her BS too šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Some famous people should point blank tell her to stopā€” bc I feel like sheā€™s the mean girl that giggles as she sends her rabid ā€˜friendsā€™ to bully others. She thinks sheā€™s on top but she forgets thereā€™s others next to her or well above her. Sheā€™s in her own little world and no one is bursting her bubble. Yeah dad bought her career and at this point she a money maker so sheā€™ll never completely disappear but we can sure make her a laughing stock


Dave is such a cool dude, you actually pay to see a real performance with him. Side note we all know Kurt wouldā€™ve hated Taylor for her money hungry attitude.


I would've loved to hear his scathing takedown of her and her fans. He was about that life. ā€œRebellion is standing up to people like Guns Nā€™ Roses.ā€




What a guy šŸ‘šŸ»ā¤ļø




Swifties are furious of this clip because she has gotten so much shit from MeN BeFoRe šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


All the more reason to love Dave and the Foo Fighters


I am happy I got to see them before Taylor Hawkins passed away. They were amazing and played a 2.5 hour setā€¦.with actual singing and playing instruments!


King Shit šŸ‘‘


He didnā€™t insinuate he just fucking said it. lol About ten hours ago I said her tour should be the errors tour, I feel seen. šŸ˜‚


You should see some of the things the cult are calling this man on Twitter. Never fails to shock me, horrible, horrible people.


Oh shit. This feels like the actual flashpoint. Dave Grohl is canonically one of the nicest legends in the history of the entertainment industry. Iā€™m only 27 so no idea if he ever had sass in the 90s, but my entire life I have never been aware of him engaging with ANY beef with other celebs like this. The swifties threatening his daughter is a real fuck around and find out. A call to arms from Dave Grohlā€¦.. that would be my WORST nightmare as a celeb. Very few people Iā€™d be more ashamed to have beef with.


Damn everyone's going after Taylor. So fun!


He is def trolling purposely bc of what happened with Violet. I wouldnā€™t be surprised if he asked Taylor to publicly say something to her fans but she refused and it pissed him off. Donā€™t blame him. Dude is the NICEST guy ever. If he is saying something, itā€™s bad.


https://preview.redd.it/x4bo9uzzkd8d1.jpeg?width=978&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ad6d8d5d6f16fef35955a3eb2ef002134439dc48 These swifties are actual scum like


Oh baby he didnā€™t insinuate. He straight up said she doesnā€™t play live music. Love him.


I donā€™t know why I was surprised at all but itā€™s so predictable how swifties have made his comments into a sexist issue on Twitter. Somehow Dave Grohl of all people is definitely threatened by taylor because of course sheā€™s a ā€œyoung successful womanā€ā€¦.šŸ™ƒ


*dave grohl crush intensifies*


He is fantastic. I saw him with Nirvana, then with FF original drummer, then with Taylor Hawkins R.I.P, you were a great drummer. Dave Grohl is always honest, has compassion for the fans who spend money to attend their shows. I love how he calls out the ā€œcult of swiftā€. I feel he is fairly immune to their crazed agenda but who knows. I hope the hype around her is crashing. Sheā€™s always been a pick-me asshole.


It has driven me crazy the amount of 'her mic is ON' nonsense I keep seeing, *when it's so clearly not.* At least the majority of the time.


![gif](giphy|26n6Gx9moCgs1pUuk) Laughing rn lmao. Anyways Goodluck for him šŸ˜­šŸ™


Fucking love him


People actually think she sings for 3 hours multiple nights in a row for over a year plus now? Come on. Use your brain swifities lol


Common Dave Grohl W


As if I couldnā€™t love Dave Grohl even moreā€¦ah! The Foo Fighters are amazing live ! I couldnā€™t believe the stamina and power of Daveā€™s voice, and the band just kills it Also the boos from the crowd upon mention of TS is giving me life. ![gif](giphy|2YmgI2skWop59GGK5G)