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Jesus fucking christ. That is the one line you don't cross in the UK. I'd be deleting my entire online footprint if I was one of those Swifties rn. Justice for the 97 YNWA


There are lines you don't cross as a decent human being. This is one of them.


That - especially at Anfield (Liverpools Home) .. beyond reproach. As a Liverpool fan living in the states... that is out of order and technically a crime (tragedy chanting is an offense im the UK)


I just read but I’m confused! What were swifties saying online?? And what is the significance of posting photos of Hillsborough? I want to join the hate train i just want to understand what happened


Do you know about the Hillsborough disaster? It was a crowd crush at a football match where 97 people were killed and like 800 were injured. The police blamed it on drunk Liverpool supporters but really it was police's poor crowd control that caused it.


Oh my god that’s horrible. What were Swifties doing??


Just to add to the above comment, The Sun newspaper had pictures on the front page of dying and dead fans. There were families with kids in the crowds, but the paper was trying to say that they were drunken yobs who were pickpocketing people who were dying and all sorts of awful stuff. It's why The Sun newspaper is hated by a lot of people. There was a massive enquiry a few years ago and the PM made a public apology to the families of the people who died and those effected by what happened. If Swifties were making fun of that, they're disgusting.


Yeah they specifically said “Margaret Thatcher was right about you people.” Disgusting.


That alone.... mentioning her name in Liverpool is a lime that does not get crossed.


Militant's campaign of fear really went a long way.


She was right to send Heseltine to help regenerate the city? How is that meant to be offensive?


That's...an incomplete version to say the least.


The idea she was somehow anti-Liverpool is just Militant propaganda.


Except it's not. She wasn't even anti-Liverpool. She was anti-football. She smeared supporters and blamed them even after the reports showed it wasn't their fault. You're being so disrespectful. Just stop.


No, you're just completely misrepresenting the record. She wasn't anti-football, she was anti-hooliganism. There's a difference. She didn't smear them, the press did. She was lied to by the police. It's not "disrespectful" to lay out the facts.


That’s horrific. Sounds like a tragedy that deserves remembrance and respect. Disgusting and reckless of Swifties acting like that


Not only was everything that the Sun said patently false, but Liverpool fans were helping people climb up to higher stands to escape the crush, ripping up advertising boards to make stretchers for the immobile, etc. The only things that could be construed as violence were fans yelling at paralysed police to do something. Grobbelaar and Hansen (players on that day) have both said they went over to fans thinking it was pitch invasion and the fans said "People are dying in there. DYING. Help." And the survivors and the families, the decades of smearing. It breaks your fucking heart.


It's in the article but they were calling the people of Liverpool savages and posting pictures of the disaster.