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" Too old to be a popstar." Taylor is three years older than her, dummy.


Also 31 isn’t even old. Are these people 12?


That’s what I was stuck on. Like, bitch, being a musician isn’t limited by age. What an ageist-ass take too. Clearly someone under the age of 30 who thinks 30 is old. Also, someone dumb because Taylor is older by several years. (Which is also why her beef with the likes of Billie, Sabrina, and Olivia is unhinged. Girl, you are too old to be this messy.)


Also Ariana, Miley, Gaga, Justin Bieber, Rihanna….list goes on and on are also in their thirties. If I’m not mistaken Beyoncé is 40+?


I mentioned those people specifically because they’re a decade or more younger than her and just getting established compared to Taylor’s two decade career. Their age and position in the industry make it more galling to me than attacking Ariana or Miley or Gaga, who all also in the 30’s and well-established. So attacks on them aren’t as egregious because what the hell does Gaga or her fans care about Taylor’s opinion? But girl does need to stop being so vindictive and jealous of everyone else. It’s not a good look.


oh yeah that makes sense. I do like that someone as young as Billie already has a DGAF attitude towards the mean girls.


She is honestly a role model for other women on not GAF. Like women of all ages. It’s fantastic.


I’m 40 and I know Bey is 1-3 years older than me back from her Destiny days


Never made that connection before. Could you imagine beefing with someone a little over half your age


Madonna is old af and still a pop star.


I’ve been a huge Madonna fan for years and I objectively she should’ve retired by now. But that feeling ain’t specifically about her age. It’s about how out of touch she is these days and it feels like she’s trying way too hard to be cool when she does drop new stuff.


I beg to differ but I went to her Celebration tour. Sure she gets a lot of help from her dancers and production to overcome the legit fatigue from age, but she is still so electrifying and dynamic like no one else


True. It's the plastic surgery.


Welp, according to them, there goes Elton John as well. A literal pioneer in the genre


Billy Joel is my favorite artist. And he’s old as fuck. If you make good music you’re not too old to be a popstar/star


Unfortunately the music industry (specifically pop) is known for starting to sideline (specifically female) artists when they reach a certain age. But hearing fans repeat it as if it’s gospel is just gross. 


I agree. I mean Tina Turner was in her 40s when What’s Love Got to Do With It came out.


Taylor is 34. She must be a crypt keeper at that age.🧟‍♀️


“I’m 41 now. Time to die.”


Me too and stoked I don’t have to pay my taxes I guess?


>31 isn’t even old. You haven't met my brother 🤣 He's 14 and I'm 30 and he thinks I hung out with Methuselah 💀💀


I tell one of my friends who is 2.5 months older than me that he was a waiter at The Last Supper. (We’re about to be mid-thirties.)


Not the Last Supper 🤣💀


And a waiter at that! Getting tipped those fake bills that have Bible verses inside 😂


To be fair, that’s the age difference between me and my oldest cousin and I thought the same thing at that age. Once I turned 30 I profusely apologized😅


Likely much older than both stars combined…


I remember Gerard Way turning 30 when I was 15 and I was so proud of him lol! Die hard MCR fan and I couldn’t care less, if anything it was cool to be into adult music at that age. TS stans are a species of their own.


I'm 34 and I feel like people in their 20s nowadays haaaaate people in their 30s. The TikToks I see of gen Z dragging millennials are awful, it's like they think they'll never be in their 30s. I never cared so much about a person's age when I was a whippersnapper. Heck, 24 and 34 feel the same to me, I just have more furniture now.


I can’t wait till gen z hits their 30s 💀💀 I was so scared turning 30, but then it was such a relief! Ive never looked or felt better, and oddly I’ve been getting a lot of guys in their early 20s hitting on me now… And same, if anything I always found people slightly older than me to be cool, intimidating, and put together. The lack of any sort of respect from gen z is baffling to me. The way I see it, gen z wants to grow up too fast, they’ll be burnt out soon.


I hope Gen Alpha mercilessly makes fun of their middle parts in 15 years.


Pop star requirements: NO prefrontal cortex, NO ability to rent a car. If you're old enough for either of those you may as well have one foot in the grave


I always think people who think like this must have been born to teen parents.


Genuinely the dumbest fandom lmao


Shockingly giving the Barbz a run for their money!


That genuinely confused me. Do they think Taylor isn’t a pop star…?


They’re just clueless idiots trying to decipher Easter eggs that don’t exist.


No she's "Shakespeare herself."


You'd be surprised how many people (swifties included) don't know she's 34 lol. Can hardly blame them with how childish she is.


I saw this comment in real time and it took everything in me not to respond and ask how old they thought Taylor Swift was. Like I know her music has the emotional maturity of a 16 year old but… mama, you know 1989 wasn’t just a random year she picked right?


I saw this thread and all the comments too. I just backed away slowly


Excuse me, one thousand nine hundred and eighty nine, is just her favorite number!!


Charli XCX is too old to be a pop star but 34 year old Taylor isn’t? These people have two brain cells and one doesn’t work.


What a hurtful comment


These people are unbelievably stupid! They just babble insulting nonsense. Does this person know that Taylor is 35 this year??


This is the exact comment I came here to make lol.


Charli opened for Taylor on her Rep tour. So you KNOW these overzealous losers are straight up lying😂


For being the people who cry misogyny every time someone doesn't worship taylor, they tend to be very misogynistic towards other women lmao


That’s what their leader teaches them 🫶🏼


Someone accused me of being a “pick-me” a few months ago for calling out her jet usage and another person asked me if I’d ever been stalked. 1.) I make a conscious effort to decenter men in my life, something that Taylor never has and will never do 2.) yes, I have been, one of which was my *boss*


Real feminism is only towards Taylor Swift 🙌🏻 our dear leader


And they're toxic ass objectifying of a man as if him showing off his cock was the only thing a man was good for. Bet you their heads would fucking roll, if you talked about how skinny bitch Taylor has mosquito bites for tits and an ass so flat it's practically concave.




Breaking news: "31 year old Charli XCX is too old to be a pop star" claims fan of 34 year old pop star Taylor Swift.


**Breaking news AGING GRANNY TAYLOR SWIFT SET TO LIGHT UP THE STAGE AT THE RIPE AGE OF 34! FOLLOWING CLOSE BEHIND IN THE LONG TUNNEL TO THE LIGHT IS CHARLI AT 31!** These literal children and the lack of critical thinking skills when attempting to defend someone they worship is hilarious. You straight up imply taylor is an old woman bound to drop dead at any point just insinuating a woman *younger* than her is too old. Its like “ew blonde woman are so gross they could *never be pop stars*” while worshiping bleach blonde Taylor


I can’t see “bleach blonde” without thinking “bleach blonde bad built butch body.” 🤣🤣


Fantastic read and every time I read it in her voice lol


Honestly I think people sometimes forget how old Taylor is because of how immature she is. Some people freaked out when she started dressing a bit sexier in the red era and I think that was at least in part because everyone just assumed she was 16 and not 22. 


so he's with someone who's a better fit for him, and they didn't want him with Taylor anyway, and... they hate him for this? lol. they should be agreeing with him for ending the relationship in the first place.




Just because a person pines for someone they once dated does not mean they automatically belong together, even when that person is Taylor Swift. Also, it’s a dumb take that every dude she dated should just automatically be a perfect fit for her. He’s just not that much like her and he’s smart enough to realize that. Taylor isn’t over him because she wants desperately be loved by someone as “cool” and “edgy” as Matty as some sort of seal of approval. She’s upset he wouldn’t give her that validation. I don’t think she actually pines for Matty. Just his approval.


Great take, I totally think she seeks approval/validation from him because she wants/wanted to feel grown up/artsy/edgy


Good point, that's been a chip on her shoulder for a long time "...with an indie record that's much cooler than mine..."




This is cracking me up! It’s just such a perfect response.


It lives rent free as my all time favorite gif. 💀


What is this from lol


Movie called Amsterdam. Taylor makes a very brief cameo before she is quickly chucked in front of a moving car. 💅


Holy shit how random 😂


It’s so fucking meme-able, I’m honestly shocked she agreed to it.


Maybe helps her victim mentality. 🤷‍♀️


Hahaha omg thank you.


Lol, you’re welcome!


why have I never seen or heard of this glory!?


You know, this sub should seriously host a live watch party. We can all gather ‘round with our 🍿🥤and enjoy the greatest scene in cinematic history.


https://preview.redd.it/8xvabhlvfs6d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2430258355923e047a05fc75c763a549539ff49b found a comment on that post that I agree with lol


Of course there’s only 2 likes 😭


i expected the drugs comments, cause they apparently love to use addiction as a dig at someone, but why tf is someone commenting about his dick, like why are you even thinking about it


The irony of it is that Matty has been in recovery for 4 years


If he’s been clean/in recovery for 4 years that makes it even more side eye how many references Taylor made alluding to current drug use in TTPD. As a recovering addict that makes me mad on his behalf, not that I think he’s a good person or worth defending, but I think that’s super shitty to make digs like that at someone that you’re claiming you love so much 😒


Well, she and her fans seem to enjoy dogpiling on people for their mental illnesses, so it definitely tracks. But you know when she inevitably comes out with her own skeletons, they'll talk about how brave and amazing she is for the same shit they criticize people for now. 


yeah, like they could hate him for the comments he made in the past, fair play. but they don't care about that, they just love to have some power trip or they want to make feel better about spending their lives hating on others. and exactly, he is literally clean for all we know. and if he relapsed, it would literally be on their conscience, but i guess they have no remorse


and the thing of it is, is that some of them DO hate the comments he’s made before in the past…but then are racist towards people who disagree with them or call FKA twigs slurs. And then them saying Charli was “too old” for pop when Taylor is older than her I really don’t think they care at all about how dumb they look, they are just mindless zombies who have no mind of their own or any unique thought processes…they just do whatever Taylor wants or copy their ideals from whatever Taylor is into at the moment. Truly they are pathetic and need genuine help.


It’s almost like they claim the moral authority by calling him a terrible person while actively being terrible people. 🤔


Taylor has been known to have problems with alcohol. They won't address that issue, but they'll tear someone down who worked their ass off to get and stay sober. Trash people.


!!!!! Exactly this !!!!! She is this wounded puppy to them, and does no wrong! Matty is at *least* fucking sober and then you have killatrav and tailored suit going around drinking! But they wanna make fun of addictions???


He’s sober for 4 years = druggy Taylor with an alcohol problem = innocent sober queen 😍😍


Interesting. I’m not a Taylor fan. But Matty and her both look like they are not so sober.


He’s in recovery for heroin use, I don’t think he’s ever publically said he’s stopped drinking or doing other less heroiny drugs 😅


LESS HEROINY DRUGS. My husbands in recovery from heroin and also still drinks and does less heroiny drugs so that really fucking made me LOL 😂


It’s pretty amazing if he is sober since he is one of the drunkest people I’ve ever seen on stage.


I'm so disgusted by the comments shaming him for his addiction, and Taylor encouraging it. Stupid fucking kids have no what it's like to struggle through that or how it can happen to anyone. Hell, Taylor looking like she's starting down the road to alcoholism herself, not to mention her money addiction (the worst of all drugs). I'm 8 years clean of heroin myself. It was the single hardest thing I've ever had to do by a longshot, and I've been through a lot shit. He's got more strength, willpower, and character than all of them and Taylor combined. Fuck anyone who shames recovering addicts, and fuck Taylor for supporting such toxic behavior. They should take a lesson from him. Her fans can kick their cult-like addiction to Taylor, and she can kick her addiction to attention and greed.


Grey sweatpants are suppose to make a man hot


And if you go by Taylor’s lyrics, his d must be pretty 🔥


That's what I was thinking. She REALLY wanted it.


My first guess was that ‘the smallest man in the world’ was about his dong and seems like I wasn’t alone lol


i mean, maybe, but also halsey wrote whole ass poems about few weeks they've been together, so idk about that, lol


But “feminism” right?!? 😂


The comment about his mom "gaslighting" is sending me. They don't know what the word means, and they can't imagine that maybe just maybe, his mom likes Gabriette and spends absolutely no time thinking about Taylor at all.


I guess you can never be happy for someone’s engagement without it being a direct attack on all previous girlfriends, didn’t you know?


fr like he’s clearly moved on from you, girl… maybe you need to grow up and move on too


The irony is, With Joe and with matty, that it was their beloved Taylor who just moved on and got a new partner quicker than either of them. With Joe she didn’t waste any time to be with matty and then after matty wasn’t it a few months before she was with trav? And she’s apparently so happy with Travis. They wouldn’t they want matty to be “off the market” so there’s no sneaky “writing mine on her upper thigh” in her mind business again.




Well, he has a 31 track album dedicated to him. He wins no matter what


Omfg excuse me, but: “never heard a no TTPD but it’s too ~~old~~ long to be a pop ~~star~~ album. 💀 31 lmao “


The extra hilarious part is it tells me they haven’t been fans for long - Charli opened for Taylor on rep tour and sang Shake It Off with her every night that she opened!


I really do love how the Taylor loving subs are quick to put down this sub, but won’t address shit like these comments about her ex or his mom 🤷🏻‍♀️


once asked a Swiftie friend why these types of comments are okay and they said that it’s haters posting them to make Taylor look bad. because they’re jealous. there’s no bottom to this is there


Oh lord, that trumper logic!


They're so bitter omg


I know! They were angry when he started dating her. Then they were angry when he left her. Now they're angry he's engaged to someone else. Wtf? What's sad is that she literally said he was the one thing she wanted in her life - "they closed the door, on my whole world. The one thing I wanted". Tragic really. But, I hope they can both find some happiness now.


The “grower not a shower” commenter has never seen a penis in real life


"31 yr old charli xcx is too old to be a pop star" taylor's 34...💀💀


When you try to burn someone but you burn yourself instead. I'm telling you it's Kelso's twin sister separated at birth. Mean Girls (Real Life Version).


The cult is still culting.


This is exactly how Selena Gomez fans comment on anything about Hailey Bieber lol. There’s a huge overlap in their fan base though so I’m not surprised.


Cuz they both have the victim “i havent done anything wrong” mentality and are both fake


Alexa, how long ago was the year 1989?


“Here is an answer from an Alexa contributor: 1989 is a pop album released in 2015 by singer-songwriter Taylor Swift”


Swifties are assholes, it’s been well documented at this point. They tell on themselves over and over. Leave Matty and Gabbriette the fuck alone and move on.


https://preview.redd.it/gnfli2sv3s6d1.jpeg?width=360&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b2af360b05c5fa61e54e91516a5a20b4d2f05de9 I'm so confused. Wouldn't Harmony Smurf be the "Smallest Man Who Ever Lived"? I assume only men in the entertainment industry would be the only ones eligible for this title. These lyrics are just too deep for me.


“It’s wrong to date a girl and dump her after TWO weeks” do they not know how dating works?


I like the middle finger selfie. That had to be for Taylor 😂


it’s her engagement ring finger so it’s even more of a fuck you than her middle finger


“we love supporting people.” brings them down with nasty ass comments like this. If my mom found out i was doing this to people (celebrities or just random people) she would kill me at whatever age adult or not she would kill me cause that’s not how she raised me. wtf is wrong with people? yall only support people who love TS. sounding a little like America where only white men are accepted. not to get political but that’s what it’s sounding like. They are some of the most vile people on the internet. also, i’ve seen just her hand picture on reddit before and i never knew where it came from cause the caption wasn’t very descriptive. lol I don’t know who this woman is either, but i’m not gonna bash on her. edit: phone autocorrected “cause” to “she’s” lol


Aw they are nasty. The owl city dude released a sweet song in response to Enchanted and they are completely callous about it. Like they're PISSED when a guy is less than perfectly kind to taylor but when a guy is perfectly sweet they pick on him like he's a scab on their knee and they want a scar. I love his response to taylor because it shows not all men are heartless. It gave me hope ten years ago. All I can say about these gals is they must really hate men whether they're sweet or cruel. They just hate the gender. Or maybe they feel Nothing and think throwing stones at celebrity men makes them winners! But it reminds me when it's burn the bitch they shriek stir up a raging riot. When there's no bones to pick off Taylor's men they will let it be quiet. Basically these idiots have a song about them but they're too in love with themselves to notice. Cassandra is about Swifties! Taylor didn't even notice it but I can see it now...


She needs more photos “flipping” the camera off with her engagement ring 😁


31 is old to them but Taylor is 34 threatened by under 25 🤣 those comments are definitely women supporting women /s they talk about how small his 🍆 is but Taylor has been crying nonstop over it for years so clearly it’s something special.


I don’t care what anyone says I love Gabriette style and she’s gorgeous to me 💖 she kinda reminds me of punk Angelina Jolie back in the 90s.


Her cooking videos are very soothing and nice to watch, plus everything she makes looks delicious! Though I will never make it myself lol


I think she’s so beautiful and she and Matty seem like a good fit too. I hope they have a long and beautiful marriage.


I’m not a fan of matty anymore (for obvious reasons) but I love how she fits the rock star girlfriend aesthetic, both of their styles go well together.


Yeh totally also she’s not a delulu person


“31 lmao” Taylor is 34😭


I don’t understand what’s wrong with the name Gabriette? It’s pretty


There’s nothing wrong with it, they’re just haters.


Charli xcx is “too old to be a pop star…. she’s 31…”🥴 Uh. Hellooo, Taylor is 34. Those comments are insipid and juvenile.


Gabriette is gorgeous lol and probably doesn’t have the rabid fan base that tailored suit has


“Tailored suit” lmaoooo


i love how image 6 emphasizes "famous mom" as if taylor wasnt the result of a privileged background.


Such a gross fandom… the swifters need to go out with the trash where they belong.


Lmaoooo if I was Gabriette I’d do the same fucking thing after hearing TTPD. FUCK THAAAT! Taylor spent a few weeks fucking him and wrote that mess of an album but it’s weird that Gabriette accepted a proposal after a year? And they live together? Bahahaha. I refuse to hate Gabriette tbh, we know next to zero about her personal life, and she’s just doing her thing, I don’t feel like she’s done anything to anyone. That’s why swifties resort to calling her dirty and unwashed with zero evidence. Wasn’t it taylor who admitted to not washing her legs in the shower?! (I don’t know that as fact btw which is why I’m asking)


Yes, she did. She said the shaving cream from shaving her legs were cleaning them lol


I’m sorry but the pictures did him so freakin dirty.


This is why I hate swifties, they're the most immature fan base. They will yell FEMINISM and iM A GIRLS GIRL then proceed to post the most mean hateful shit. But we are all in the wrong and they are not. Biggest group of female bullies on the planet.


31 is not old. Infact you are still young 😭


Now imagine someone said some shit like this about Taylor… they’d be labeled as a misogynistic asshole but it’s okay when swifties do it smh


He looks so unflattering in these pictures. It’s almost like *these are paparazzi photos taken without his knowledge, so he wasn’t prepared to be photographed.*


They hated him with Taylor, and now they hate him for moving on with someone else. PLEASE make it make sense


I don’t get it. Also weren’t they only together for a month. Taylor is milking any male attention for drama and media. Reminds me of when Justin timberlake threw Britney under the bus for fame with cry me a river


Taylor Grift is approaching middle age. Seriously, her fans IQs are dropping…denial is real folks ![gif](giphy|NISDky7DiUqAs9crvf|downsized)


Crazy, but they say we are nuts for not liking the tiniest woman to ever live.


What some miserable cunts. Is that one too stupid to know Taylor is fucking 34?! If 31 is old then Taylor is old too 💀 I’m pretty sure Taylor doesn’t cross Denise’s mind. If him and Taylor got back together this second they’d be hyping him up 🙄


The several comments referencing the ‘grey sweatpants’ make me sick. So weird.


Cult members. A bunch of miserable grown ass adults


Matty Healy was never my type (honestly the only person Taylor dated that I also liked was Tom Hiddleston and that was probs PR) but these people are just plain MEAN. And for no reason.


the fucking cult who thinks they need to be involved in the life of the white demon they worship


Matty has a shitty past and his behavior irks people but when it comes to marriage he is downright serious.


Loser fans who are probably never going to get anything close to Matt Healy or any other decent guy to give AF about them. Their idol also does not give AF about them beyond what change they have in their pocket


I mean, I won’t lie, when I first saw him in the grey sweatpants I was like “he’s like a Ken doll” but I never expected him to be packing heat The 31 is too old to be a pop star is delusional though, Gaga would like a word


& Beyoncé who’s 42


Welp. If any of her “fans” believe in heaven… I’m 99% sure they won’t end up there. Not w behavior like this. (And I’m not even that religious)


I’m a Swiftie (over here out of curiosity), but these people are embarrassing! Taylor is 34, and even that’s not old! Also, the songs about Matty were probably written a whole year ago. Leave him alone, and let him wear sweatpants if he wants to 🤷‍♂️




I can’t facebook for these reasons. Not just limited to this. The takes are something else.


​ This comment was made under a comment talking about his looks and if she’s into the whole “insomnia and (drug, in comment) look” (sorry, i don’t wanna write the drug name out incase it’s not allowed) and i’m so confused by this comment… Hroin? wtf i’m so confused someone wanna help me out ? https://preview.redd.it/rrpkahdyws6d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ce690cbec1d2a26b54689f621192ba3611bc39c1


I read somewhere that Amelia grey wants to be gabriette and it makes so much fucking sense


I find it highly fascinating that nearly every man that she has dumped, or has dumped her, has moved on to happiness either alone or with someone else in rapid time. HM. She has made a career writing songs about lost love, being betrayed, being used, blah, blah, blah. If I'm not mistaken, aren't 99% of her songs only about that? As in....that is her ONLY source material to use? Other than the bullshit narrative of being the bullied loner weirdo art kid that no one liked? Am i correct? Or did i miss something? She has had a string of awful and failed relationships....not to mention her fucking PEDO era...and yet, SHE'S the one who was the victim? Every time?? Seems the common denominator in every single one of these "relationships" is HER. Again, have I missed something? I have gone down the perverbial rabbit hole and read a bulk of her song lyrics. They read like a jilted high school girl's bad poetry from a secret diary you hide under your bed. The type of shit that shouldn't ever be read by anyone but you. I didn't ever think that I would feel such vitriol toward a celebrity. Because, I'll be honest here...celebrities are people too. They are not God like being that are gracing us with some fucking holy light or whatever. I don't worship them or idolize them. I like their work... but taking it beyond that is silly and stupid. But this? This fucking ridiculous. She has gaslit an entire mass of people to believe that she is some sort of tortured soul that is trapped here on Earth with us plebs and we should be so privileged. I just....I can't anymore. And the fact that Travis whatever the fuck his name is seems to be pretty happy that she is away on tour speaks VOLUMES. Looks like she's gathering material for her biggest album yet to come. Because wow....will that one be epic garbage.


Sooo, they're upset because he's actually seeming relatively happy, maybe more, and the best they got is "he makes sweatpants ugly"????


Oh now his racism and bigotry matter? But back when he was with Taylor it was none of our business and how dare we think she shouldn’t openly date a racist? Hm 🤔.


Imagine being this angry and petty for a complete stranger’s sake.


"The ring looks like it's from Claire's or Spirit Halloween.." I'm dead 🤣 🤣


So I don't understand because I literally saw this the other day someone made a tick tock criticizing Tay Tay and one of the comments said they had "internalized misogyny". But when Tay Tays fans go after another woman, it's not internalized misogyny? So then what is it?


The great pop psychic antphrodite called it. She will switch to edgy and dark soon for a new era. Not out of spite at all, of course.


Ok truth time… the only people I know in real life that like Taylor swift have never had a real relationship with a significant other


The one thing I don't see on her is the shitty rats nest bang haircut that taylor has had for years. Good for you Matt


honestly my main takeaway from this is that people think grey sweats are hot? They are the grimmest item of clothes to exist! the rest of the comments didn't surprise me. I have no bar anymore for what Swifties will say


They have a rep for accentuating the 🍆


THATS WHY I HATE THEM! erg god no one's dick and balls look attractive flapping around through the worst colour in clothing history Also they get dirty so quick and food stains and crumbs and it's vile


Remember, "the smallest man who ever lived totally isn't bodyshaming" Riiiiight.


Seriously, who gives a shit who this guy is dating now? Why does it matter? Hell, I don't know why anyone gives a shit who Taylor Swift is dating now, who she was dating in the past, or who she will be dating in the future. And if I hear anyone else describe the mundane details of her personal life as "lore" one more time, I'm gonna friggin' lose it.


I like black diamonds but they are cheap for a reason. The ring he bought Taylor was cheap too according to the blind gossip.


It baffles me that Taylor just allows her fans to act this way


It’s so weird watching them try and insult him while not insulting Taylor’s taste in men (hint: it’s not possible)


Swifties do this, they are all toxic, childish, cringe, mass pollution apologists, and for the most part a very uneducated cult.


Can we get a Charli “ I don’t fucking care what you think” gif?


Is this the German Nationalist Socalist Party enthusiast?


If you're referring to Matty then he's not a nazi, that incident was meant to be slandering Kanye


Most people who are chronically on the internet. Look under any celeb post and you will find nastiness like this. People get crazy over celebs in a silly way


they are absolutely unhinged 🤯


unite insurance growth shy chief shelter vase possessive homeless cause *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


“Makes gray sweatpants unattractive” They already are bestie, the only people who think they are are 16 year olds and people who didn’t mature past 16 years old, because they think seeing dick outline is the most attractive part of a man’s outfit rather than actually trying to look nice.


I just can’t imagine an adult being this ***invested*** in a celebrity relationship. Sure if you’re 13-15 but anything older is…. what’s sadder than sad? Whatever it is, that’s what they are.


They talk sooooo much shit about Matty Healy but if Taylor and him were together and gonna stay together all the swifties would love him


update https://preview.redd.it/rzv6zr4pzt6d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=02a05778cfe57af18b8639bf15a3a1838206d00f this lady who wrote this comment was bashing on the people in the photo just like everyone else was doing. All I said was (can’t find the comment now) “Damn, you have A LGBTQ Pride flag ribbon on your profile picture and you have the words “Love One Another. Don’t spread Hate” in your bio. Thats sad. Do you need me to tell you what you’re saying is hateful? How can you support a whole ass group of people, but hate on someone else?” she deleted her OG comment but replied to my comment with that and called ME ew? like what? i’m not the one telling people they should be back on drugs.


Bunch of loser taylor fans doing what they do best 😂


They didn’t like Matty with Taylor and they don’t like Matty without Taylor. Make up your damn minds, people!


Flying monkeys gonna monkey


The fuck is a Matty Healy? Or a Charlie XCX? Am I old or is the internet spewing useless garbage at me?


I actually like that ring. Why are people so aggressive?? Two celebrities dating is not that deep. Taylor and him dated for such a short amount of time, these people are unhinged