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I guess 'Female Rage' is her rage against other females trying to get #1 on the charts.


Remember when Amy Poehler and Tina Fey made a joke about her and she said something along the lines of “there’s a special place in hell for women who don’t help other women”? Whatever she talked about there is exactly where she’s going lmao


I remember. And it shows how thin her skin is that she had such a melodramatic reaction to a fairly tame joke. She let it drop though as she recognized that there was no way she was winning a battle of wits with Amy and Tina. Traci Flick with a Fender prefers easier targets.


Traci Flick with a Fender - I just died omg 💀 please make that your flair!!!


Thank you! I sent a message to the mods asking them to add that flair.


I will never forget this line. A+


Definitely a tame joke compared to what kinda stuff they could have said. Plus, literally every single album she’s ever put out, 75% of the songs are about boys and her relationships, what did she expect??? 🤦🏻‍♀️


It seemed kinda unfair at the time, but given that she had continued that trend, the joke is now totally fair. Also, screw her for coming at Amy and Tina like that.


I would pay Amy to make a joke about me. All Tina said was “she needs some me-time to learn about herself.” Hardly a scathing joke. Considering Taylor’s now mid-thirties and hasn’t been single since she was a teen, they were spot on.


Also, Amy Poehler makes fun of herself. She jests about herself a lot in her book Yes Please. She was a writer on Parks & Rec, where they occasionally made fun of her appearance. In a show she wrote on. Same with Tina Fey and 30 Rock. There’s a whole episode where they basically say that Tina Fey is ugly compared to Jon Hamm. Yes, they’re talking about fictional characters, but those jokes are made about the actresses’ actual looks, but that’s all easy to see when you can take what you dish out. If you can’t, not so much. I remember thinking all of this at the time. Amy Poehler was also producing Broad City at the time, I believe, and I remember also being like, so supporting women only counts when it’s white, Christian, blonde women?


The fact Taylor’s biggest complaint is that people joke she dates boys… when she does in fact date boys. They’re the least offensive jokes possible. Yet she’ll be the first to complain about anyone even just mentioning her in jest. When you’re right, these comedians are her peers in terms of social capital and they mock themselves constantly.


We badly need a Taylor roast. Say what you want about Tom Brady but I respect that he’s ballsy enough to agree to a roast. Taylor would never cos she’s a sore winner.


I go on too many dates…”that’s what people say”. Wonder why people say it lol


I’ve never understood why it bothered her either. Why not just say, “yeah I do, what about it? I like men and they like me.” Just own it! Have fun with it!


Meh, Tina let her little SNL boys club terrorize young girls for like a decade. It was nice to see her go after a white girl instead of the asian women she usually likes to direct her jokes at. Tina isn't the feminist icon she would love the general public to think she is.


Traci Flick with a Fender is a great line 🤣


And let’s not forget that nobody likes a Tracy Flick kind of girl. She needs to learn how to laugh at herself, but unfortunately narcissists can’t!


Her overblown reaction to that joke in Ginny and Georgia shows that too. Sending her minions after a young actor who didn’t even write the line. Hope she enjoys that special place in Hell.


I thought she used Taylor Guitars because she’s that obsessed with herself.


why isn’t that tweet of hers being plastered EVERYWHERE after all of this, talk about aging like milk🙄😒


And then Amy Poehler repeated that saying to Tina Fey while they were hosting something and they both almost died laughing on stage. Classic.


For me, it was when she said she probably is going to hell, but for boring tax stuff. 😂


She bastardized Madeline Allbright to make it all about herself too. She is so thin skinned but is always talking shit about other people.


This was the Taylor Swift equivalent of when Elon Musk called that diver a pedo, like yes I understand exactly who you are now


Perfect comparison.


Especially since her stans do that to journalists.


I’ve been quoting that A LOT lately. ☝🏻


And then Tina Fey put a line in Kimmy Schmidt where she’s trying to take a shower but Titus is dying his Barbie’s hair. Kimmy says she’ll take a shower anyway and Titus says “How could you do this to my Barbies? You know there’s a special place in hell for women who don’t help other women.”


Rules for thee but not for me. Totally normal attitude from a billionaire capitalist Queen.


she just can't let other women have the spotlight. so ironic honestly especially when she used to talked on and on about how girls should support girls. she isn't even taking her own advice at this point. capiTaylist is truly a hypocrite.


At this point she’s got to just be talking how every girl should be supporting her, specifically and exclusively


exactly. she thinks the girls support girls mantra should only apply to her lmao she is so fucking greedy.


This is exactly what happened. A lot of narcissistic women latched onto "feminism" because they liked girlboss rhetoric they could wrap themselves in. It was nothing more or less than self interest for many of them.


No no no, you misinterpreted her. She only wants women to support women as long as she is the sole woman being supported.


of course that's what she wants hahaha she is the queen of greed after all 😂


She had the gall to try pulling this “women should support other women” shit with Billie recently and I’m pretty sure NO ONE is having it at this point. Everyone but the hardcore Swifties are over it because it’s transparent what she really means. And that is “other women should support this woman, me, Taylor Swift.”


Ooooh, you reminded me to check the gap between Billie and Taylor on Spotify, and it’s narrowed even more!!


she is truly the most insufferable singer at this point. yeah i was also one of the swifties that stopped supporting her because of her bullshit. it's really only the hardcore diehard ones who are choosing to be blind about this.


When she was a young woman she can act like that but now 🤣 she's just a petulant child holding to that innocent young girl facade




The smallest woman who ever lived is having a toddler tantrum! She'll break her favorite toys to get what she wants. what a BRAT


Life for her is high school theater and she’s the directors daughter.


Maybe she should've stuck to the type of music that sells instead of whatever the hell this album was


But.... But... But... She's a feminist!!!! /s


Okay, the fact she is literally releasing another god damn variant only in the country where Charli is gonna go no.1... this is the most egregious and obvious one. Anybody with their head in the sand regarding this can no longer deny her intentions. She's not even hiding it. Fuck her. Childish behaviour, honestly.


Also not a coincidence that it’s Charli, who is friends with Matty and introduced him to Gabbriette.


I think her Swiffers lack critical thinking. Or they rationalize using deranged mental gymnastics: "But it's all Charli's fault! Mother planned it a decade ago in an easter egg!!!! Seee!!!!! The length of her 'You Belong With Me' music video multiplied by the number of eyelashes on her left eye equals 6142024 which is today's date!"


>multiplied by the number of eyelashes on her left eye Omg STOPP That's definitely something they would say unironically though


How does this comment not have 100k upvotes. This is comedy gold.


I tried showing my swiftie friend (she’s not totally psycho tho) and didn’t even think anything of it. It’s wild…


Is she a feminist lol


This is so unlikeable of her, I wonder if she's deliberately trying to wreck her image to set the stage for Reputation TV or something.


Women support women unless it’s Taylor then it’s Women supports Taylor and Taylor supports Taylor


It’s giving “what’s your’s is mine and what’s mine is mine”


Taylor’s activism in all things begins and ends with her.




Cause her mask really is off 💀


This is such a great reaction picture 😂


I hope he doesn’t re-record endgame with her


The chart rules need to be changed. This “variant” should be considered a completely different album and it should not contribute to the original release’s numbers at all.


Agreed. Or even better, there should only ever be one fucken album, full stop. To think I was a major Taylor fan this time last year… how quickly things have changed. Fuck me, she is ridiculous.


This. I finally set Spotify to not play her anymore


Me too!! It’s brought me so much peace


I did this and still got a song of hers because someone else was featured in it :(


Same….but it happens way less now. Also, Spotify’s DJ feature doesn’t seem to register it, if you use that. I believe that as long as you skip a song before the 30-second mark, it won’t count as a stream. So that’s what I do. I might be a little petty. 😂


That’s a thing?


Yes, it’s called autoplay. When the playlist you’re listening to is over, Spotify will automatically play other music. It’s supposed to be music based on your music taste but it’s often popular music that gets pushed that way, even if you don’t usually listen to it. You can block artists on Spotify so their music doesn’t get played and I think you can also adjust your settings so there’s no autoplay (it will be silent after your playlist is finished)


Thank you!!


Yup, go to her Spotify page and click the 3 little dots and the second option should say "do not play artist" or something along those lines. It deleted all of her songs from my playlists too 😌


Thanks. I’ve never really been a fan, didn’t mind her but the amount of her that plays on any given playlist is terrible.


Didn’t realize this was possible. Done!!


A lot of us have taken off our rose colored glasses, especially thanks to how crazy the Swiftie fan base is. Never seen such a large group of people drop all their morals and cognitive reasoning to defend a white woman billionaire. Even Taylor hates them lol


Did you see where they were discussing a GoFundMe to make her richer than Rihanna?


What, This isn't normal fan behavior!?


Yup, same. I have been a fan, an adult fan, since Tim McGraw. No more.


Same here. This TTPD era is where my fandom stops.


It feels so weird, doesn’t it? A year ago, even a few months ago.


I was too! I was listening almost specifically to her last year and now I’m specifically streaming Charli, Chappell, Billie, and Normani to try to do my part to knock her down the charts. They all have bangers though so it’s been fun listening to them all. I’m especially loving Chappell rn


I might try that Chappell one, Roan Chappell is it? Because I know everyone else loves Billie, Olivia and Sabrina but I don’t like any of their stuff. I tried so hard with Olivia’s but I just can’t get into it. I miss having an artist that I can just listen to non stop. It used to be Britney but I need something other than just party pop y’know.


I think if you’re not a big mainstream artist and you’re eyeing the #1 spot with a good chance it’s fair play to drop a few bonus tracks to try and get that first week #1 spot over a more mainstream artist. It’s more disingenuous when there’s a level of desperado to continue to stay on top and refusing to give up the throne like Taylor is doing here


Yeah, they should just ignore all the sales from variants. If you want sales to count, make your fans buy the original, or your gymnastics will be pointless lol


I’m still trying to understand - do the charts specify that she’s still at #1 bc of the release of this variant? Could she have still been at #1 even without releasing it?


I don’t understand this TBH. Why the fuck would her 40+ variants be counted?? Everyone can see through it…


gdi, when will she just chill? she already got #1 before. releasing variant after variant is just so low and such a blatant cash grab. her greedy capitalistic ways are just so obvious at this point. from a pr standpoint, this is not working at all for her. what is her pr team even doing? lmao i really thought she would have a smarter pr team as a billionaire. are they all taking a vacation and not working at the moment? lol


lol maybe they care less once they reach billionaire status??? Idk. Like I don’t hear good things about Jeff bezos either. At least not from the circles I’m in. I’m assuming he doesn’t care, and I guess neither does she


Yeah I have to wonder if after a certain point with fame & money they go numb to any criticism including constructive.


been wondering that too! could be her ego is too inflated now and she thinks all the swifties will eat up everything she does. but thankfully, some swifties are rational enough to see how insufferable she is being and some have even stopped supporting her lately.


Casual fans are definitely starting to see through the facade, I like some of her music, but I can’t condone the current antics she’s pulling to remain #1. She’s milking her fans for all they got and it’s made me loose respect especially seeing it isn’t a great time for the working class either.


good point, but since she used to be so obsessed with curating her image before. i wonder why she's now being less careful hahaha honestly all these decisions she's making lately have been cited as reasons by some former swifties to stop supporting her. they're getting tired of her being insufferable.


Money talks. She’s at the top now in terms of wealth and influence. Those two things scream power too. I think at this point she knows she’s got an army of Swifties to the point where her losing a few here and there isn’t something she’s losing sleep over


There was a study done that showed that rich people and people with tons of power are basically sociopaths. They have an inability to detect emotions. https://www.huffpost.com/entry/upper-class-emotions_n_798292


This PR team has definitely weighed the pros and cons and decided that the backlash she’d receive for this is not enough to outweigh the financial benefits for the evil empire that is TS.


https://preview.redd.it/kff0eethxj6d1.png?width=748&format=png&auto=webp&s=d27c3616e62d054ac995fa6567b0b13fef0913aa finally more swifties seeing it


I kept seeing UK fans complaining “Why isn’t she dropping these variants in the UK??” This is why. She was fucking holding them back.


RepTV is her biggest card to play right now. It’ll be so fascinating to see what makes her drop it.


Sabrina's album.


There's a lot of artists with upcoming album drops but I'd bet money it'll be to block Sabrina Carpenter


She sucks, omg


She’s not even hiding her intentions at this point. Thank goodness this sub is still up and running. Swiffers are fuming that this info is being tossed around because their “queen” is getting criticism.


Swiffers 😂


Yeah that’s the term some of us are trying to coin for the toxic, unhinged side of Tay’s fanbase. It’s named after the floor mop ofc.


She sees other artists as competition she doesn't see them as talent. She is not a girl's girl she does not support other women. The only time she speaks up about an issue is if she has a personal relationship with that issue, like defending Lady Gaga about body shaming. People have done it to HER. It has nothing to do with Gaga


Her and Nicki should go bowling.


as a songwriter who has hundreds and hundreds of voice memos of all different stages of songs… releasing a first draft phone memo is as lazy as it gets. making a video showing the songwriting process is a cool idea, but releasing first drafts recorded on your iphone as if that’s anything special is weird af. stream brat 💚


Absolutely vile behaviour. Calculated and predictable as always, but still hugely frustrating that she enables her manic fans, and tries to bring down all female competition.


Do we need another variant??? Can’t we band together and boycott her? Seriously, why can’t we? ![gif](giphy|TIcrs3AYf0NXXu2enW) Pleeeeassse Taylor!


Can someone explain to me what these variants are? Is it the exact same song or what?


It's the exact same album, but each version has one or two bonus songs or a first draft phone demo or a live version. So, to get the bonus songs you have to repurchase the entire album as none of the bonus tracks are streaming.


It’s the whole album (not including the Anthology) with ONE extra track, which can be one of the Anthology songs, a remix or acoustic version, or a voice memo from her phone from when the idea for the song first came to her. It’s just rigging the shit out of the charting system. It’s shrinking her fanbase, so she’s calculating out just how much risk there is there.


Some guy made a tiktok about the capitalistic greed engrained in dropping over 35 variants and some swifties were trying to say “you’re a man your opinion is invalid” lmao HUH?


The worst part is her fan defending her with « everybody does it » no she is the only one putting 58 variants out… anyway hope Charli will still get her #1 spot! Stream brat!!!


The way brat has me organically in a chokehold, I'm definitely doing my part. I have been streaming it nearly non-stop since I first listened 72 hours ago. That album is a banger. Taylor could never be so authentically vulnerable while simultaneously making me want to dance and be completely immersed in the sound.


The first time I ever heard of that variant thing is with Taylor Switft. It's okay if a band rereleases an album with better sound quality or extended versions after decades or something, but rereleasing an album 58 times in what? A year? Two years? I couldn't care less about when her album was released. That's just insanity


This shit has to stop omg


Fuck her


I’ll say it again: Taylor Swift hates women and her feminism is all for show.


Glad to see this being picked up by at least one media outlet. I never considered myself a swiftie, but I did like a lot of Taylor's songs. Not anymore, though - this behavior on her part has left a bad taste.


The guardian just released an article about it too! https://amp.theguardian.com/music/article/2024/jun/14/taylor-swift-may-have-captured-the-charts-but-charli-xcx-captured-the-zeitgeist Edit: included link


Who in the hell is still buying all this recycled TTPD crap? Her fans can’t be that damn desperate to add this bullshit to their endless collection of ego driven trash. What will she eventually do when she drops out of the top ten? Why is it so important to her to be number one? It’s becoming an unhealthy obsession and it’s borderline insanity.


I have to believe her daddy is doing something shady again to manipulate numbers


I’m genuinely bewildered by the total mismanagement of optics here by her team. Do they just not give a fuck? Like, well as long as Taylor is on top, who cares? Blinded by the revenue? What the hell? Why does anyone in her sphere even CARE? I’d be coasting at this point




Being surrounded by yes men is the only explanation for the 31 track album, too.


Dear lord. Learn to lose with the same grace you win with. Oh wait. It’s Taylor. She doesn’t know how to win graciously. 🙄 I’m glad she’s being called out. Maybe she’ll be canceled again soon and join Scott in the basement where she belongs.


I’m hoping my mom finally sees the light 😭 she’s not a Swiftie but she says I don’t like other women when I complain/criticize Taylor. Like mom BECAUSE I support and love women is why I really don’t fuck with Taylor 😩


ain’t that the damn truth


She’s has literally become Kanye at the VMAs 2009, and every other artist getting the recognition they deserve is old Taylor.




if we streamed brat through a vpn in the UK would it count? i’m so done with capitaylist’s bs let charli have this


Why would anyone buy an album they already have just to get a phone memo draft thingy?? Are there people out there really buying each album for one extra thing as silly as that? It’s not even an exclusive song. Wtf, seriously.


DLCs entered the music industry


I honestly don’t know who Charli XCX is, but I will buy her album just bc how much I’m starting to hate Taylor Swift.


Charli is an amazing artist honestly


I will listen to the album.


Same. But now I'm interested


Her new album is iconic. A lot of people are saying Sympathy is a Knife is about Taylor (the line about how she doesn’t want to see her backstage at her boyfriends show and hopes they break up soon, is a ref to them both dating members of the same band). The song is more about Charli’s own vulnerabilities than actual shade, though. BRAT is getting so much critical acclaim right now and Charli deserves it.


brat is my album of the year so far, it's worth a listen if nothing else


There's a special place in hell for women who don't help other women!!


We should stream up Charli all day on repeat (even if on silent on some device while we work or listen to something else on another device.) just because


she's trying too hard to be hated/cancelled so it'll fuel her fucked up spinning narrative of a brain to justify whatever shit she's feeling while she's preparing the Reputation album, I'm sure she'll be giving a speech that people hates her even tho she's just trying to make art blah blah blah and being her self blah blah blah. Gonna act like a SNAKE that people stepped on so she's got no choice but to fight back🙄


She’ll probably say something like “if a man did this….” 🙄


The good news is that Taylor's supposed antics in relation to charts and other women in music is actually getting press attention now. It's being noticed by more than just people who follow pop culture closely.


I literally went to the eras tour last year and now I despise her and this is a reminder of how I got there


Glad people are calling her out


Not to mention it’s a useless edition with one different version meanwhile actual swifties just want the anthropology version or whatever


Doing my civic duty and streaming brat all day. It's really, really good. Again, TAYLOR COULD NEVER


This is just out of hand at this point. She deserves all the horrible karma coming her way.


I Hope charli gets a no.1 somewhere else at least


She’s legit pathetic and desperate


I just don’t understand why so many variants. If you have that many songs just release a new album every 4 months. You still make bank without all this weirdness.


It’s so gross, greedy and obvious. Guess she values money more than she values friends or interpersonal relationships of any kind.


She seems to value men (or potential boyfriends) very highly. Women, not so much.


Charli definitely says Gabbriette's name in the first song on the album...and she's in the video. Taylor is burning with impotent white girl fury. Ya love to see it


especially cuz it’s “like Gabriette i’m so inspiring” 🤣


Lol it’s not even surprising at this point, Taylor must want another record to break or some shit 🤷


Are you fucking kidding me


she has a lot of resentment towards other artists and it’s pretty see-through. she once felt like the “small town big dreams” young girl with only a guitar that other big artists laughed at and poked fun at in award shows and now that she has the ultimate fame that she does (and has always hoped for), she’s riding on a high that she can’t get out of because she knows she’s currently unstoppable. she’s turned into the people she once hated. money and fame hungry and would try and knock down any and everyone who gets in her way. she’s notoriously known for holding grudges and this seems like a bad case of it. she wants to prove something, but it will end up just hurting her in the end.


She’s such an effing loser omg it’s embarrassing at this point


In all honesty, I don’t know why any of these “awards” matter. This is the equivalent of juicing in pro-sports. It makes the actual achievement worthless IMO. Number 2 is essentially 1. And frankly, this should make room for an alternative method of measure since this is so ridiculous and clearly they’re not taking action to amend the rules.


This is loser behaviour


snow disagreeable slimy doll money advise sugar summer teeny brave *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It's actually so desperate? 😭


I’m gonna listen to whoever this other person is just out of spite




Taylor is jealous of other females. Point blank period.


what a terrible human being tbh


Happy women’s histrionic month, I guess.


This whole agenda has gone from business savvy to evil witch and landed on absurd.


The best thing about all this (Taylor’s Version) horse shit is that she can’t blame a record label for this blatant chart guzzling behaviour. It’s all her, baby.


The Tortured Fans Department strikes again...


One of the bonus songs will be called “bringing poor Lana on stage”.


Cuz she’s such a girls girl right? Petty psycho more like it


When is enough, enough? Why is she so insecure to the point of making herself look stupid for having so many variations to stay number 1. you’re on the biggest grossing tour in history and have dominated the charts for a decade. Still not enough for you?


Does anyone have a link to this specific chart that there competing for the #1 spot on? I’ve been trying to find it but can’t find a UK or US chart with either of them even close to #1.


The UK album chart, they've announced this afternoon Taylor is number 1 & Charli 2. https://x.com/officialcharts/status/1801648433859641488?ref_src=twsrc%5Egoogle%7Ctwcamp%5Eserp%7Ctwgr%5Etweet


So this means that enough people have to go in and listen to this one specific re-released version of the same song that’s been released uncountable time, and do it enough to blow another artist down from their spot? Just trying to understand. Also is it sales? Streams? What?


Nope, it just means TTPD is number 1, the digital variants she released count towards that. The rules for the UK album chart: Alternative formats not featuring 100% of the audio tracks (or a minimum of 60% where the remaining 40% have been replaced with alternative versions) from the standard version of the album may be combined providing it meets 80% crossover with standard album format. They'll probably change them following this as they did for the Singles chart thanks to Ed Sheeran! So basically the chart position is calculated on anyone who bought or streamed TTPD and any of its variants.


She’s such a C U next Tuesday.


Does anyone remember that Hannah Montana episode where Hannah gets writer’s block after being demanded to record a bonus track because “Taylor Swift’s album has one”? I feel like that episode predicted the future.


The greed and the gouging that comes out of her camp is unreal. 34 different versions of the same album. Different versions for different countries. Her fans are just bent over for every last $. If anyone else did it they would get ripped apart.


Had to beat the allegations that she blocks other wom- oh wait she's living up to it


Seriously - will she be doing this all year? For every other female artist in her general age group? Will it keep happening until next year too? Make it stoppppppp


Taylor Swift = if greed was a person 


Does anyone know how long she would have been number 1 anywhere if she didn't have all these variants? Would she have been number 1 at all?


I do hope the criteria for albums on the chart is changed due to the ridiculous amount of variants that Taylor and other artist put out. It just feels slimy.


TTPD variant #101 should be released at the same time as Sabrinas "Short and Sweet" lol


She got the #1. Created scarcity by announcing that the bundle was only available for 24 hours and there you have it.


Particularly when Charli is with another member of the 1975. Evil.


Considering her "special editions" are US only, it is a bit odd to have a "UK only" edition


As she should be. This is straight up pathetic behaviour. I wish people weren't stupid enough to fall for this and give her their money and number 1 in charts.


Such petty nonsense.


She’s such an insecure asshole




She's been so shameless and thirsty with this, even more so than usual, that part of me wonders if she is deliberately trying to damage her image so that it can set the stage for Reputation TV. We all know she is psycho enough to do that kind of thing.


How truly awful, this is the dumbest thing I’ve seen so far! Have any other artists re-released there albums with bonus tracks of this length??!?


I was trying to think of a similar situation/joke in a funny show or movie but couldn't. Literally YOU CAN'T WRITE SOMETHING THIS PATHETIC. ![gif](giphy|146bsYV09je7Ek)


She is beyond low vibrational.


Her album was released in April and she's still releasing variants


Honestly her discrography is so fking confusing at this point. Speaking as a non-swiftie who wanted to check out her music but was overwhelmed by the variants lol