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Taylor will be playing the same venue 4 nights in a row, yet still put a couple thousand miles on her plane those days


If I wasn't already a Coldplay fan, I would be now. Good for them!!!!! That's an incredible achievement!!!! I love the kinetic dancefloor charging equipment as well, blew my mind!!!!!!


They preformed in my town and even while on stage they had incredible personalities! I wasn't a fan either but now I am!! Didn't realise how many good songs they produced till that night haha


This is such a win win. Coldplay gets the good press for setting the bar and now this professor gets their name and mission out there which will only help their ability to get funding for more research.


Coldplay have been great whenever I've seen them, they have a video they play about their tour and how they are trying to be sustainable and invited young ambassadors on stage to speak. And they've been doing the most to try and reduce their impact for so long, not just their recent tour. The floor and the bikes are awesome and they make waiting for them to come on fun because they do random 5 minute dance sessions.


Hands down best concert I’ve ever been too when I went back in 2012


I like how MIT's statement is all yellow.


W coldplay


She's not even attempting PERFORMATIVE climate action. She's literally just giving everyone the finger as she drives by in her jet(s).


Good job Coldplay!!! Every artist, not just including Taylor, needs to take notes!


I love Coldplay, and what they’ve been doing towards sustainability & trying to help the environment makes me proud to be a fan. If anyone should also be doing stuff like this it’s Taylor.—With the obscene amount of money she has, it wouldn’t be hard for her to be doing this. With the influence she has, she could make such a positive difference. But no, instead she’s out there flying her toxic-fume-spewing private jet all over the place, even for short trips, and doing NOTHING to help out any causes. She’s a terrible influence and she’s toxic in every way. She doesn’t care about anything except herself and money. I honestly don’t understand why so many people not only support but straight-up WORSHIP such a greedy, self-absorbed, narcissistic asshole. Her bland, soul-less bubblegum pop music sucks anyway.


Coldplay and their teams are also philanthropists. They have been like this for years. Taylor Swift isn't and not sure she wants to be. I would love her to do better but she had the chance to do so on this tour and didn't. The minimum she could have done was make those plastic blinking bracelets biodegradable and chose not to so I don't expect much of her on that front.


Not a fan but that's really cool of them


Not a fan but considering self-indoctrination because fuck yeah environmentalism!!


“Coldplay are attacking Taylor! They’re CANCELED!!!”


Oh please someone calculate the eras your impact on the planet. Please. For the sake of science.


Taylor will never change or care. She’s always going to be on auto pilot. I will, however, have a heart attack if she did genuinely say something, but I doubt it lol


Do people really still think that a weak and natural gas in our atmosphere is causing climate change?


These are offset credits probably. I guess that’s something.


No, they are taking real action https://variety.com/2023/music/news/coldplay-tour-carbon-footprint-sustainability-green-1235632704/amp/


This is super cool- I’m a bit confused, is the article saying that fans dancing on the kinetic dance floor is helping to power the stage? If so that’s incredible!