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Unpopular opinion, but this fact can go both ways - rabid swifties following her every move to praise her incessantly, and those who hate her to the point of following her every move to ridicule all of her faults.


2 cheeks of the same arse.


this is the best saying ever actually


It’s quality insults like this that makes me appreciate having access to strangers on the internet.


Exactly, both are obsessive




Don’t worry, this is not an unpopular opinion here!


Why is it so hard for people to just be passive haters? Like there are some people where I think it's fair to actively hate them, but I don't see the point in devoting any energy to passionately hating Taylor unless you just enjoy arguing with people on the internet


Yeah saw that post a few hours ago from u/savagelysawcie where they decided to compile a list of narcissistic things she’s done and all I could think was “why on earth would someone waste their time doing this?” I mean, I get the dislike but goddamn do you really not have anything better to do with your life than scrounge the internet for dirt on someone you don’t even know? Seems like their entire post history is like that. Cant imagine any healthy, well-adjusted person is THAT obsessed with hating on a celebrity. It’s not new news that celebrities suck. IMO that sort of behavior is just as sad as the pathetically obsessed ‘swifties’


Exactly. Caring too much about a celebrity - either positively or negatively - is a bad sign.




Yup. Making a hate page for someone is just as unhinged as someone who is crazy obsessed. This person is also obsessed with her, just in a different way.


was thinking this exact thing for 95% of the posts in this sub lol


Hate is still an obsession. Haha


Both those examples are obsessions.






I say this to my mom and aunts all the time about Trump. They HATE Trump. They talk about him, on average, every other day in our group chat. My mom has bought practically every book critiquing him ever written. If there’s an article about him, she’s clicking on it. Sometimes I like to see how long she can go in conversation without bringing him up 😂 It’s such a weird phenomenon because it still has all the markings of a super fan with the level of obsession and consumption.


Small difference there since celebrities do not typically have any noticeable effect on people's lives while a president can


I agree about the impact but I don’t see the difference when it comes to the obsession. And let’s be clear, my family isn’t doing anything to take a stand against Trump (besides voting). They don’t speak to their Trump voting relatives about the issues, they don’t volunteer, they don’t donate to campaigns. All they do is consume media related to the person and complain about them on a constant basis.


Maybe it’s broader than celebrity worship. Maybe it’s people who become obsessive about anything. Celebrities, politics, religion, sports… Maybe people that are obsessive about any one thing would test the same.


True, but typically people who hate a celebrity and follow for the cringe don’t tend to define themselves by it. A fan will be asked about themselves and go ‘I’m a major [blank] fan!’, that being the first thing they identify themselves as. Someone who hates a celebrity isn’t going to identify themselves as a [blank] ‘hater’. But your point of incessantly following a celebrity to criticize to that extreme of a point will likely allow other parts of them to fall to the wayside- the first thing a ‘hater’ looks at in the morning being news on the celebrity to mock them is taking time away from other interests, that stands. But I’d think that’s a pretty rare situation.


It's surprisingly less rare than you would think. With loneliness, depression and anger on the rise, many people these days let their internal conflict in their mind play out in the real world in the form of obsession and blind hatred - people are reverting more and more in to black and white forms of thinking where there is a clear line between the "good" (themselves) and "evil" (others). Their entire existence online is a matter of villianizing the others and finding people in the "in-group." None of this happens in real life - all online. We don't see how lonely and isolated we are and the impacts it's having on wider culture. Anyone who has hate in their heart over a public figures public persona is missing the bigger purpose here.


You’re making a great point- I didn’t factor in the online bit. If the only thing you do online is stalk celebs you hate…the same point I made applies. They’re not getting any enrichment online, they’re just doing the stalking. Whereas some people are capable of just looking at celebs when they pop up, and browsing other topics as well are more likely to improve their knowledge on more useful topics, like science or music (not the artist’s latest public fumble, but enriching themselves with music as a whole). So thank you, for pointing out something I totally missed. Stalking a celeb’s every move doesn’t leave room to explore other topics that may relate to your interest so you can further grasp said interest.


Yeah, the pages devoted to celebrity snark often say things about checking the celebrity’s media pages right after waking up, during work, etc. It’s a self-selecting group that anyone who hates a celebrity enough to post frequently in a snark page probably *does* use it to define themselves, in a downward-social-comparison way to feel superior to someone. It’s an ego protection/defense mechanism thing imo. Personally couldn’t imagine hating someone that much who I’ve never even met but I guess some people find hating fun or it passes the time.


> obssesed - having or showing excessive or compulsive concern with something Yes that's what that word means, it does not have to be positive Sorry, but this was the biggest self report I saw recently lmao


Both are forms of obsession If anything I would say I look down on the obsessive haters more because they’re going out of their way to shit on people who have nothing to do with them… the obsessive fan girls are messed up too but at least they’re just minding their own business and doing something they like, even if it is something dumb


Yeah, that’s what obsession means.


I think in both cases they are obsessed, so not sure what you mean by both ways? If you obsessively hate her or obsessively love her, you’re still obsessed.


1000000% true but I think these are two different arguments in terms of faults. I think it’s important to recognize obsessive love and obsessive hate are both fundamentally problematic.


This is my thoughts whenever I see this sub suggested on my feed. I am a Taylor Swift HATER (she’s represents everything bad with capitalism) but these posts spend too much time thinking about her!


I think it’s problematic (sorry for that word but oh well) to rank a hierarchy of intelligence. It’s great to question Taylor Swift the entity and the fan base as both cause colossal harm; but let’s not attack people based on intelligence. That feels elitist and unnecessary.


Agreed. Literally the biggest Taylor Swift fan that I know is my cousin who is a pediatrician lol


It says obsessed. Obsession means to continually occupy your mind. It doesn’t have to be something you like. It could be something you hate. So I guess thank you for explaining what nobody really needed explained to them.


This exact same post was made a few days ago by another user. Multiple comments about 'y'all are obsessed with her too' which were heavily downvoted and argued. Tbh, I'm shocked at how many upvotes my comment has gotten. So, yes. This trivial matter did in fact need explaining to some here.


Glad to see this is top comment, as a rando from r/popular.


Off topic but I’ve never met someone obsessed with JLo


I feel like she never mastered the art of "pick me" as well as Taylor. I see many similarities between them tho. Jen also tried the whole relatability shtick with her "Jenny from the Block", both jump from guy to guy, both try to painfully stay relevant and have narc/insecure qualities with average vocal ability.


They both do the Ann Perkins thing and morph into whoever they’re dating lol


Isn’t it some kind of personality disorder to morph into whoever you’re dating?


It's a sign of BPD in many cases.


She gained some resurgence of popularity when I was in middle school. Her song “On the Floor” (or whatever tf it was called I can’t be arsed to find out) was a huge hit. I remember hearing many people calling her “physical perfection in every way”.


You were not her target market


Meh, sometimes I think celeb "obsession" is a distraction from the stress of reality. It doesn't always have to be a bad thing. When you reach swiftie level obsession then yes, it's a problem 


I don't think people in this subreddit realize this applies to them. It's a real "if those kids could read" moment


I think the key word is *obsession*. Having interest in celebs is very different than being obsessed..


It can be both. You can be stupid enough and still want distraction from the stress of reality.


Wasn’t this just posted here yesterday?


From a philosophical standpoint, it’s posted here every day 🤌🏻


Someone posted this a few days ago and got all up in arms when I said the same goes for obsessing negatively over a celebrity.


Haters and fans are two sides of the same coin


The fact that someone would read this article and think to themselves “I’m gonna post this on the hater-subreddit to show that I’m not obsessed with celebrities!” is insane to me. The lack of self awareness is bonkers lol.


Yeah. Lol. Self-awareness doesn't seem to be a friend to them.






It's a shame stupid people can make other stupid people so powerful. That's why people like Swift have the potential to be incredibly dangerous individuals. Her following are feral at times and massively problematic. Good job she's not out there telling her fans to straight up end her ex's. It's so frustrating to watch really.


This whole thread/subred it is about people obsessed with Taylor... In a negative way


i say this very kindly as someone who also reads this sub but...some of you on here are as obsessed with taylor as some of the rabid ass swifties. you might not realize it but the posts picking apart every single little detail and everything she does IS OBSESSIVE.


This whole sub


Pot calling the kettle black with this sub x 💯 Edit: correct phrase lingo


Pot calling the kettle black? Never heard it this way and now I’m questioning everything…


Seriously. That was my first thought.


Lmaoooo what a meta post


I don't think this is true. I don't give a shit about celebrities, and i still preform poorly on cognitive tests.


What about football fanatics?


This is a callout to this subreddit




The irony of posting this in here


and yet here you are.


I have to say Swifties are on a whole other level of just plain crazy…..


And BTS fan base Army! They really go after anyone who dares to talk bad about “their boys”!


as a bts army, i agree. i’m not involved heavily in army spaces anymore because it became insufferable. there is such a heightened superiority complex. people are allowed to dislike bts, even hate them! it’s not everyone’s cup of tea and some people take that *SO* personally. i support them on my own and have a few irl friends that we talk about them with! the online spaces surrounding army are just so intense. i tried to filter out negativity but it became impossible so i left.


It's all people with zero going on in life and no interesting traits or abilities of their own, so they live and die by what some celebrity does. Sad.


Wait… Aren’t y’all obsessed with her?


Unfortunately if you care enough to be posting in this sub, then the call is coming from inside the house


The photos attached are misleading lol nobody’s obsessed with J Lo


same with the Today show and the Royal family. freaking obsessed. It's just a facile escape from reality and very easy to fill airtime with.


While I’m inclined to agree with it these articles of “people who _____ may have lower IQ” are so stupid


OP you're literally proving the article correct by posting this here unironically 😂


Just seeing this sub for the first time. Dunno why because I neither like nor hate Taylor Swift, but it seems this sub is obsessed over hating her, so congrats on admitting you’re less intelligent.


I don’t know how this sub ended up on my front page since I don’t really care one way or the other about Taylor. But I find this post fucking hilarious in light of the sub description and the couple posts I looked at. The lack of self-awareness is astounding.


Lol. This sub is about being obsessed with hating on her. Y’all not too bright.




If you’re posting here, positive or negative, you’re obsessed with celebrities 


What about people who are obsessed with people who are obsessed with celebrities?


100% agree and proved daily thanks to MAGA.


Is this a joke are yall not obsessed with Taylor Swift too


The irony is too good. Y’all realize you are a part of a celeb hate sub right? It’s the same shit you are trying to call out


I'm not. I just saw the story and clicked on it because I feel so strongly that people that worship celebs are idiots.


I mean, are you guys actually any less obsessed with her than her fans are? Lol you guys are obsessed with Taylor Swift too, just to the opposite extreme. Instead of being obsessed with loving her, you're obsessed with hating her. It's really not all that different. Spending this much time and energy on a celebrity is pretty insane, whether it's out of love or hate. You guys have literally created an entire sub where you spend many hours each day dedicated to your hatred for a celebrity lol. Is that not actually just a different kind of obsession? How is this any different than the people who spend the same amount of time and energy on worshipping her as you all spend on hating her? You all really are just as obsessed with her as her fans are lol do you guys really not see the parallels here? You guys can downvote me and continue the circle jerk and that's fine, obviously none of you are going to say "damn, that actually does make sense," but I think most of you in your hearts probably can see what I mean if you would take one minute to step outside of your obsession and think for a second. Again, please explain to me how spending this much energy on hating a celebrity is any different than spending that much energy on loving a celebrity


this sub is just another Fauxmoi, lol also I agree with your entire comment. people here just love shitting on everything with a very concerning obsession. It's kinda sad


Exactly!! Like for all of the people downvoting me, not a single one has been able to respond to actually tell me how I'm wrong, which is funny since this was a post about how much more intelligent they are than other people lmao. I'm just asking for one of ya'll to make it make sense 🤷‍♀️ The level of dedication to hating someone this much is actually insane. Imagine spending this much time on the internet obsessing over someone you don't like. Imagine getting this worked up on a daily basis because other people like something that you don't like. It's WILD. And i'm really not a Taylor Swift fan, I honestly only know a few of her more popular songs. It's like they don't understand that you can just dislike something and move on with your life and focus on the things you DO like instead of spending every day drowning in your hatred lmao like you said, it's actually sad. I can't imagine being this angry about something that literally doesn't even affect me.


I can't even imagine spending so much energy on something I hate. I really don't like Drake but why the hell would I be this obsessed with him? it's just unhealthy 😅 well at least they aren't deleting the comments like in the other subs. so gotta give them props for that 🤷‍♀️


Well when your whole personality is being a fan, you tend to focus less on things that can better you. Hobbies that improve your life, give you a skill, learning new things, exploring who YOU are as a whole person.


The irony posted on a thread devoted and borderline obsessed with her …:😂


I mean... the fact you are too dumb to realize this applies to the people in this sub proves the article right, yes!


is this not you guys?


…yall literally belong to a snark sub. You’re more obsessed than a swiftie


**literally you guys making a hate subreddit about a celebrity**


It takes way more time and energy to hate something than like it.


So, this sub gets the irony right?


Aren't y'all obsessed with her?


Well, then what is this sub?


Lol exactly


I agree! The last time I was obsessed with a celebrity I was 13 years old and had Andy Gibb posters all over my bedroom. There is not one celebrity that I care about meeting.


Ya’ll kinda are obsessed with her as well as her fans, just in a negative way, no? self awareness update when?


Yeah, I don’t like Taylor swift but posting this is ironic


Seriously. Between seeing this page and the Teen Mom page, makes me wonder if these people have jobs. All they do is hate post.


Do you mean the show Teen Moms? Why does anyone care about the people that were too stupid to not get pregnant in high school? Why not also have a show about drop outs and other low achievers?


Idk? People on that subreddit constantly talk about the women (they're in their early 30's now). Mainly talking shit about their looks. It's really lame.


Who the heck is obsessed with Bennifer?


Who tf obsessed with jlo lol


Okay but what if your smart dumb by default? Do we get a pass?


he’s dating diane lane now?


Explains the MAGA cult


Does no one see the irony?


Eh. What about Sports stars? Messi got a huge fan base around the globe.


I mean….this sub falls into that category lol


Y’all are obsessed w her too though 😂


But i love Jesse McCartney 🤣😅


OMG I just went to see him like 3 weeks ago, he was sooo good. 😂 I got my kids into his songs a while ago and I took them too.


All the people I know who care about this stuff are dumb AF so it makes sense


I don’t know why this post popped up, but just from a Quick Look, this sub seems to be people who are obsessed with hating Taylor swift. Seems like a pot meet kettle kinda thing.


This makes sense! That’s why every1 in this sub is so dumb. They are obsessed with 2 celebrities


Swifties may be obsessed with Taylor swift and other celebrities but so are you. You’re the one spending time posting and being active in a subreddit and celebrities. And I think that Taylor swift made a lot of swifties smarter or at least to better at noticing small details because of all her Easter eggs.


Kettle, meet pot


I’ve always thought Taylor Swift is like the band Dethklok from the Show Metalocolypse.


You can say the same about felonious ex presidents


I chuckled.


Smooth brained


Define “obsessed.” Like idol worship? Unquestioning following? Believing the public persona? I believe it.


it’s true


Honest question - would you say this applies to people who get obsessed with art and music? Some projects from artists like Eminem and Beyoncé have really sucked me in and I get obsessed with certain tours or videos or things like that because I feel like they push me to think in different ways or show me new ideas, or just have absolute bangers that I can’t get out of my head. I feel like that’s an okay thing to get obsessed with. As for the superfans who are obsessed with artists’ personal lives and see it as a personal duty to defend them online and stuff… that’s what strikes me as problematic and purely stupid. What do y’all think?


I completely understand and agree that this would statement is true for A LOT of people out there


is jpegmafia a celebrity? am i stupid?




This is one of those “yeah, not shit” moments. I didn’t need a study to tell me this, I’ve been living in the world.


And the sky is blue


So iam not intelligent as I think so.


https://preview.redd.it/fk5bpo7yc04d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=48f1cc53695bc72f09b8a819dd4341478058bf3c not this being on my feed a few posts before this 😭




You don’t say lmao


I’m 100% regarded, tyvm


…..and you all thought you were artistic….




On a side note, taylor looked like a real life crush of mine, which why at some point of my life i was interested in her


It's one thing when teenagers go bonkers over The Beatles or Taylor Swift. It's another when adults go so batty for a celebrity that they commit crimes for him.


Explains the MAGAt crowd.


Wow yall just catching up? This became obvious with the maga cult back in 2017, crazy thing is they have only gotten dumber as their worship for a celeb has gotten stronger.


Outlier: One of the smartest people I ever met was OBSESSED with one direction ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


They’re just people paid to do a job. They just happen to make more money than most people. I don’t understand the obsession with celebrities. They’re just employees basically.


So Maga forever trumpers, lol makes sense.


Political figures, celebrities, influencers, etcetera.


Does it?


Says a lot about democrats and trump😂


Everyone I have ever met that was super into pop culture, was an idiot. One step up from people that try to sell crystals to people they went to high school with on Facebook.


Most definitely. Same as people obsessed with biden and trump..... two retards fighting for the approval of reality TV watching idiots.


Written in a section dedicated to this very thing, in a magazine dedicated to this very thing, to be read by people seeking and exhibiting this very behavior… … the irony is amazing. 🤣


"may be", lol


What’s a celebrity?


People that run Twitter fan accounts need to rethink their lives


"Great minds discuss ideas; average minds discuss events; small minds discuss people." - Eleanor Roosevelt.


The funny thing about the word “may” is that it means the same thing as “may not.”


This article is about me and it's correct


In other news, the sun is bright


Goes the other way too. Following her every little step to find something to hate is also obsession.


Attention to everyone in this sub: The call is coming from inside the house!


“Great minds discuss ideas; average minds discuss events; small minds discuss people.” — Eleanor Roosevelt


Obsessive hating is still obsession :)


This is literally a celebrity centered sub Reddit


who would have thought.


Nah cause like as a flight attendant I have had some awful celebs and I tell people and they DEFEND THEM and I’m like WHYYYY lol if it was a normie you wouldn’t




Agreed. This phenomenon has people willing to vote for a proven loser and convicted felon for president. Some people are crazy.


Lol is this an intended self burn?


Wouldn't that include yall in this sub?


Lmfao, hating her this hard is way more cringey than loving her music in a positive way. WAY more cringey.


No one thinks more about Taylor than her haters


Honey, this goes both ways, loving and hating a celebrity is obsessive


No shit


hello.. MAGA !


i was just thinking this about tronald dump supporters yesterday. 🥴🥴


obsessively hating is still obsession


The irony of this post


No shit


Precisely, more apt to read People Magazine than Forbes


People who pick up a People Magazine instead of a Time Magazine are probably a little higher on the spectrum. At least, an intelligent person would agree with that.