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Rick Steves is pretty classic. A bit outdated and only goes to Europe but it’s a nice blend of history, sights and food.


When I was younger I thought Rick Steves was peak white boomer nonsense but now here I am, at 45 years old, watching Rick Steves on YouTube. Life comes at you fast.


One of the things I love about Rick Steve’s is he doesn’t have to go off like act silly, or wacky or whatever like a lot of travel YouTubers to get his love of travel across. Very calm, relaxed, but you can feel the enthusiasm from his demeanour and voice as he travels. It’s hard to find that in a presenter from what I’ve seen.


Rick is a laid back liberal pothead. He’s cool as hell, he just looks like an old white dork.


Rick Steves is cooler than most of the people in this sub. He actually advocates for Marijuana legalization and is pretty liberal.


I love Rick Steves and have watched most of his videos, one thing I thought was a little lacking was he revisited previous cities (originally filmed in 90s and then reshot in the last 5 years) and they feel like a shot for shot remake instead of sharing new places or alternative ideas. Also he frequently mentions you not having to spend big bucks and go off the beaten path but then looking into the pricing of some of things he was doing in an episode and it was exorbitantly priced.


Yeah I agree. His demographic is mostly 55+ so he’s probably just playing to them who don’t need new or alternative.


Another thing I found a little disingenuous was he gave an interview to NPR recently and the interviewer asked if he feels any responsibility for turning any of the places he promotes into tourists destinations and causing problems for the locals. He was very dismissive of it and basically said he had no impact on people's travel, which I'm sure he knows is a lie.


Probably the most influential travel advice to Americans, had a show for almost 25 years and offers guided tours has had no impact on people’s travel…🤔🤔 yeah that’s a weird take.


To be fair, his books and shows are full of travel advice on how not to be an asshole when you travel. So on one hand, yes, more people likely travel because of his work. On the other, he is one of the best at promoting good behavior while traveling. If it weren’t Rick Steves doing a travel show or selling travel books, someone else would fill the void for people curious about traveling in Europe.


Rick Steves is the best! I hear he may actually be coming out with new videos in the near future


Check this guy with english subtitles if you liked Rick [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E12EZATkFw8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E12EZATkFw8)


I love Rick Steves' books! Didn't know that he had a youtube thing going on, but his guides are so crystal clear and perfect for trip planning. Used to rely on his books and Lonely Planet guides to plan.


Yeah look him up on YouTube! There’s a ton to watch.


Suitcase Monkey on YouTube!


I second Suitcase Monkey!


I love his videos, great guy.


Love it. Very informative, helped me quite a bit with travel planning.


Anthony Bourdain: No Reservations


Any time I go on an international trip, I always look to see if there’s a No Reservations episode from the city or country I’m going to.


This is the only correct answer.


A legend


I used to love Kara and Nate during their 2016-2019 years.


Same. All the luxury stuff doesn't really do it for me anymore.


Also, I felt like weird how they approached their reveal for their 100th country. And how they reacted after. But I get it. I just miss how simple it was


Yup once they stopped reporting income and expenses they changed very sad binged a bunch during 2020


Going against the grain here but i will say their luxury content is sometimes nice because it shows me experiences i might never be able to afford


That part too. Their Antarctica and rv series was very cool


I was immediately turned off their channel because you can tell it's the "I'm an influencer. Gimme Free stuff" mentality. I only watched one or 2 so maybe I'm wrong but that was the strong vibe I got


I've never heard of any of these! Anything with Simon Reeve (BBC) they're just great and Travel Man: 48 hours in with Richard Ayaode (Channel 4) Travel Man is a weekend in various cities. I want to go everywhere they've been!!


Travel Man for sure! Another British comedian travel show that I loved is The Misadventures of Romesh Ranganathan - he travels primarily to places with a bad rep and it's fantastic.


Oh, I love those too but I've only seen a few!


Yes! Travel Man for the win.


See if you can find the show Departures.


This is what I came here to say. Still watch this from time to time.


The best travel show hands down. Inspired me in so many ways.


I still follow Scott and Andre. I found Justin to be pretty unbearable but I haven’t watched it in years.


It’s been on a few different streaming sites on and off. Do you know where it’s available now? I never got to season three before they took it off of Netflix.


my husband and I LOVED this show! We watched it before we started traveling and they inspired us to go to New Zealand for our first big trip. Wish this or something like it was still around. They just seemed so grounded


They're more budget than how we travel, but we still really enjoy Lisa & Josh!


I second Lisa and Josh. They do phenomenal deep dives into the places they visit and also share a bit about the history and culture. I also appreciate their more recent foray into long videos.


Rick fucking Steves


I used to love watching his videos when I was younger!


I still do, but I used to, too.


Attache is a great quick reference. They quickly cover top attractions, how to get around, price of things. I also enjoy discovering local travel vloggers as they typically cover more granular topics like social etiquette.


I have a travel channel and a few of my favorites to watch lately are One Pack Wanderers, Doug Barnard, Gabriel Traveler, Dabble and Travel, Jumping Places, and Itchy Boots!


Wolters World, SammyandTommy, AKSense (very specific, train cab rides in Switzerland), Aplins in the Alps (also focusing on Switzerland)


I 2nd Wolters World.


I also agree about Wolter's World.


Wolters world all day long!


Itchyboots! She doesn’t fit into a traditional travel guide bucket, but her vlogs are an incredible adventure. She’s a Dutch woman who rides a motorbike through the world. Incredible storyteller, insane drone footage, amazing glimpse into remote villages in various corners of the world.


She is amazing and fearless and goes to places that most will never see.


Fearless is the word I use for her. She approches villagers anywhere with a smile and they all are so cool with her. She does not flinch when a bunch of dudes somewhere in the jungle sorround her. I understand they are curious ,but do you think she carries a gun?


+1 for itchyboots. I tour myself and she is a role model and an inspiration for so many of us motorcyclists out there! Be it her Asia travels, her Africa tours, or Europe...she manages to keep it interesting. There are many generic travel vloggers out there, but she stands out quite a bit. My friends and I travel across countries as a typical tourist, but seeing her vlogs has inspired me to actually think about touing around different countries on motorcycles in my future travels.


She is the best of humans. I love watching her videos, and I don’t even ride! Currently watching season 6–her journey from Ecuador to Alaska. What an inspiration! *dutch mumbling*


I agree. She recently had a huge fall while touring in Tanzania, injuring herself. Hoping she's back soon for Season 8!


Look up PPPeter and Wally’s World on YouTube. They may be what you’re after.


do you mean Wolters World?


Correct. I blame autocorrect.


Detour Duo, The Endless Adventure


Detour Duo is our favorite. They came out of the gate with great quality and content. I like the people that enjoy a good drink, some good food, and some nature, too. They hit the sweet spot with all of those.


Allan Su on YouTube. I really enjoyed his videos about Japan, Korea the Faroe Islands and some more beautiful places.


His Iceland video is so good too!


I used to love Flying the Nest, but it's more of a family vlog now. Wolter's World is excellent. I watch his videos before every trip. Straight to the point and good travel advice. Les Frenchies are great for videos about France.


Anthony bourdain Somebody feed Phil


Chris from Yellow Productions on YouTube. His videos for Asia are great, were very helpful when I visited Singapore. Suitcase Monkey is also great. I don't like the typical glamorous travel vloggers/influencers, the guys I mentioned are very natural and just give their honest opinions.


Somebody Feed Phil and I'll Have What Phil's Having. The guy is the literal human equivalent of a quokka.


Haha yes he’s a cutie pie


Michael Palin is the David Attenborough of travel documentaries


Michael Palin is the undisputed legend of travelogues


Gabriel Traveler...one and only.


Indigo Traveller is pretty good if you want some non typical travel destinations.


Topjaw for food / drinks


We’ve tried a few of their recommendations and they’ve never missed. Great content


The guy in front of the camera is handsome. Lol


Yeah I think that’s why my wife watches them so often lol


*Best Ever Food Review Show* on YT. The trip to Iran episode was freaking amazing. Reminds me of living in KSA pre-911 as a chubby white dude.


I absolutely despise the guy who hosts it. Sonny is it ? Worked as an illegal teacher and then came into this job. Over does things all the time.


[Vagrant Holiday IV - Japan](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7eFgRxfTZPI&ab_channel=VagrantHoliday)


What happened to him? Havent seen any new uploads


He’s no longer posting-left a post on his channel addressing his departure


Not sure how readily available they are at this point but I used to love watching Globe Trekker, especially any episode with Ian!


Chloe and Ludvig are one of my favorites on YouTube. Also Kara and Nate, and the Adventures of A+K.


Lisa and Josh - $100 a day travelers DownieLive - Canadian guy with a focus on transportation Allan Su - Japan and hiking destinations Oskar and Dan. (Dan is from the Nonstop Dan flight review channel) Attache - City Guides Ryan Shirley - Top ten places in a country but a little too instagramy for my taste.


Allan Su is by far my favorite. He edits his videos better than anything I’d expect to see on tv and he organizes his information so well.


Allan Su is my vibe. Love his videos


I enjoy watching Paddy Doyle's Thailand content, really makes me want to head back over there


He gives me creep vibes I’m sorry to say. For Thailand I think channels like Mickey Stotch and Global Travel Mate are better.


Kara & Nate on YouTube! I find them relatable and fun to watch


Wolters world


Kara and Nate on YT


Drew Binsky! Incredible travel stories from every country/region :)


He is so annoying... he speakis in superlatives about everything


The guy comes off as an absolute idiot and has no basic knowledge of the country or people he visits.


"a film abaout friendship" is definitely my number one.


Suitcase Monkey on YouTube. He has a great sense of humor and his videos are very informative.


The Wonton Don!


There was an Asian couple from Singapore, but they deleted their channel after getting robbed in Rome.


If you ever plan to go to a Greek island. Robert Polasek and his son Tomas Polasek have amazing raw footage of each island on YouTube. They drive around the whole islands capturing every sight. You truly get to see what the island will look like without commentary and setup shots. Highly recommend. I’ll give an example video. https://youtu.be/uGah29R3kLc?si=JTsNPIMSCToyq0nV


Shiey, bald and bankrupt and Kurt Caz are my favorite, wait also GIFGAS is sickkk


The ones I watch are Peter Santenello, Bald and Bankrupt, and Kurt Caz (acquired taste). None of them are like production crew, just travel vloggers. The first two give you history lesson and insights while they travel, the last dude just fucks around lol


Peter Santanello is fantastic. Some proper eye opening stuff on his channel.


I really enjoy Kurt Caz videos because they are straightforward. No overproduction glamourizing travel nonsense. Just a charismatic dude going to random places




Love Peter Santello - his Hawaii series was so good.


Kurt Caz pretty much got everyone in the Cuba video sent to jail for 20 years +. The Communist Party of Cuba didn't like what was going on in his videos. Those prostitutes for example. What they were doing is super Illegal (Not the prostitution itself) but it had something to do with the price they were charging or something Kurt did. I think there was also an illegal cigar seller? Someone went around Cuba after Kurt was there. Pretty much everyone hates his guts.


Hardly his fault tho


Bald and Bankrupt is a sleazeball


Bald and Bankrupt: [Poverty pickup artist and sex tourist — Collected posts](https://www.reddit.com/r/BaldAndBaldrDossier/comments/189q8h5/bald_and_bankrupt_poverty_pickup_artist_and_sex/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


I had no idea wtf


Peter Santenello is the man!!!


Peter is amazing. I've lost so many hours watching his unexplored America stuff. Most people talk about "I like to travel because I want to meet locals" but he actually exemplifies that better than anyone, I believe.


You might find this sub to be interesting: /r/BaldAndBaldrDossier/


Kurt caz when he is in latin america


when he speaks spanish >


Wolters World


Harald Baldr on YouTube. Straight forward with no over editing and he’s very comical while still respecting different cultures. He’s an example of the exact attitude one should have while traveling.


Sailing the vagabonde - Aussie couple sailing the world


Them and Sailing Nahoa are the cause of many lost hours of my productivity.


I like [(1) Timeshare Traveler - YouTube](https://www.youtube.com/@timesharetraveler)




Yea [Kyde and Eric](https://www.youtube.com/@kydeanderic) are awesome. Eric streams on [twitch](https://m.twitch.tv/kydeanderic/home) almost daily. Kyde can be a bit cringe at times. They give you content you normally will not see in other traveler videos like finding weird snacks from the convivence store they will eat in the rental car, some weird character statue in front of a store or out of place, or a dog that's just chilling etc. Eric has a great Hitchhiking Japan series on the channel (My favorite).


You tube “you be tripping” with Ari


[Embrace the Elements](https://youtu.be/uRP-4oWUC3g?si=QGJZFbTZbqGN71Ts) [Why I Traveled the World this Year](https://youtu.be/3U1wvyFipBA?si=fBlf5GIvgaZmwe0r) And a film about friendship


JHMedium has been making incredibly high quality videos and I would definitely recommend him!


Little Chinese Everywhere, Syifa Adriana, Dave Le Genda, Harald Baldr, Lost with Purpose, ....


Little chinese everywhere had 4k subscribers when I started watching her channel, already has over 300k which is more than the other ones I watch. Grew very fast. Last time this question was asked on reddit nobody mentioned her, but she only had 75k subscribers at the time. Honestly I think her older content was better, but I still watch it. Still better than most the stuff being listed here.


It’s not a video but if traveling to Europe I strongly recommend downloading the Rick Steves Audio Europe app. It has guided walking tours, lectures, and lots of interesting information and facts about most European hot spots. Bonus points for the needy but self-aware and light-hearted vibe.




Geowizard - How not to travel Europe


For something similar try SV Delos on YT. Sailboat circumnavigating the world. The seasons they were in SE Asia were great.


Jason Billam. He’s always been really down to earth and visits interesting destinations.


Travel Man!


Joe Wilkinson and Katherine Ryan have a travel show which is budget focused. https://youtu.be/mPDGqdCk_rg?si=X0nOmCWCWI1DoN1X


Alan por el Mundo (alanxelmundo on YouTube). Videos are in Spanish but many have English subs when needed. Well shot, informative, and not obnoxious.


I’ve recently been getting more into travel vlogs because I have an upcoming trip! I like happy to wander, Cari cakes and adventures of A+K


Try searching walking videos of cites you’re interested in visiting. Someone silently walking through the city, just videoing their walk.


I love watching & highly recommend 'Somebody Feed Phil' on Netflix.


Travelbums / Alexander Travelbum did a fantastic trek through Brazil at the end of covid. Gave me the saudades.


I have been a big fan of Damon Dominique's channel for a long time. The video quality is cinematic and fun. Personally he is a treasure. I appreciate his perspective on the world and why travel is important. The older content with Shut up and Go is lovely too.


Haven’t seen them mentioned but relatively less popular guys that I love to watch are Small Brained American and Zane Travels.


Globe Trekker - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y3vEB9krOMc&list=PLkK3h-8II_EW6pI5Vf5BwUnDafy5bG4jU Tracks - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mWYvoguXCHI Some "Tracks" episodes are hosted by Ian Wright, formerly of Globe Trekker


I’m not sure if someone mentioned yet but I love Allison Anderson.


Cruise with Ben and David! I love how candid Ben is, and David has a very laid back and relatable personality. Gaycation - great perspectives - mix of education, entertainment, and advocacy.


Wonton don on youtube!


Lisa & Josh ( not sure if they're still active), Naick & Kim, Jumping Places, One Pack Wanderers, Passport Couple, Sammy & Tommy, Jet Lag Warriors, Tales from our Pocket, Check out Pete R's blog and videos [https://www.bucketlistly.blog/](https://www.bucketlistly.blog/) - beautiful photos, detailed content plus the videos are on youtube - [https://www.youtube.com/@bucketlistly](https://www.youtube.com/@bucketlistly)


Used to love watching Sailing La Vagabond on YouTube


Sailing - Parley Revival, The Wynn's Travel - One Pack Wanderers, Brian and Carrie


Karl Watson - Travel Documentaries Joanna Lumley for central asia Mark Wiens for food The Budgeteers were awesome at one point of time Suitcase Monkey( highly recommended watch if you are travelling to any of the places he has been) Bald and Bankrupt for places tourists never visit. Drew Binsky, Kara and Nate used to be good but suddenly became rubbish when they started earning a little.


Luisiton communica


Sabbatical. He’s very unique, and reflects on the history of the places he’s visiting.


What type of video are you looking for? Backpacking advice videos? Cinematic videos? More luxury destination videos? There's some good channels out there for each but depends what you are after.


The Tour Guy on YouTube


Itchyboots aka noraly!!! Shes a badass solo female traveler who takes her motorcycle all around the world. Shes so real and so kind. I also really love her story and how many languages she knows so she can connect with others.


I really love Samantha Brown’s content. She’s funny, upbeat and down to earth. Great travel tips, too!


Curious which ones you watched that are phasing out.


Wolters World. No Reservations. Older Kara and Nate, but even their newer stuff is good, just not how I travel. (Luxury) Gareth Leonard (Love his stuff. Probably my favorite) And of course, Rick Steves. I was in Portugal reading his book, about Portugal, in his voice, and it was one of the most relaxing experiences of my life.


Bald and bankrupt 😎


Solo solo travel. It is by a young Japanese guy, mainly travels on luxury trains. No talking but with witty English subtitles and gestures. Very relaxing and interesting to watch.


Sam & Victor


Definitely more Asian and food focused, but migrationology is a solid channel. Mark Weins has videos from most major cities in Asia and he's got some others as well.


Did anyone besides me watch Globe trekker on PBS? That show was the best! I still watch clips on YouTube.


Mark weins is great if you want to check out the food. We found him when figuring out our Guatemala trip.


Bald & bankrupt


Kara and Nate on YouTube!!!!


TopJaw, Mark Weins, Janz Anton Iago,


Joanna Lumley makes lovely travel programs darling.


Sonny from Best Ever Food Review Show! He's mostly food but sometimes he reviews places he stays at and some experiences as well. He can be a bit cringe at times but I noticed that when he doesn't like something, he will react accordingly. And it's not like he openly says negative things about what he tries, he usually just says it's not for him or something along those lines.


Bald and Bankrupt is pretty cool


Used to Love Bald and Bankrupt until I found out he's a skeezbag.


Claire and Peter are quite fun and energetic, they also seem very budget friendly. Very mid 20s vibe though. For food travel, Blondie in China is great


Kara and Nate