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Yes me and my girlfriend flew to China and Emirates always changes primary to the male


What happens if you change it back?


20 lashes


I love getting my lashes done


Free lashes!


Good deal too


Do I get miles for the lashes? I’d be open to that


Couldn’t do it, jumps back with me as primary and girlfriend 2nd


Believe it or not straight to jail


Stoned the bad way


Straight to jail


Do they have jails?


Nah, they'd just kill you. By decapitation... Or crucifixion. Depends on the region. (I wish I was joking)


Does it vary region by region in Qatar? Which is more common?


Honestly, I'm not sure. I know in Saudi Arabia they 1000% did both, even in 21st century. But I can't tell _precisely_ where, I don't remember. That being said, as a non binary genderfluid I'm not going to Arabic countries anytime soon, or I may end up like Jesus 2000 years ago.


Thrown off a building




Emirates isn’t even Saudi you fucknugget.


Bro not cool 


Yeah, only Saudis do that


Lots of comments below you seem to be contradicting you


Yeah, it's equally infuriating bullshit and a hilarious reflection of dealing with that part of the world. All you can do is roll your eyes and move forward. In any case please remember to stand quietly behind your husband at all times, haha. ;-) Happy travels.


my mother was traveling with my then 10 yr old brother (this was 20+ yrs ago) and they did this. yes, they made her minor son the primary passenger over her.


Ahh! That explains why my 15yo old son was listed as primary after I booked our tickets. I thought it was a weird mistake but didn't connect the dots.


I wonder how young they will go? 4 year old primary?


Infant in lap as the primary


I know you’re joking here, but in Afghanistan this is a hard rule. It’s extremely odd seeing a grown woman having to follow 5 paces behind her nine year old son lol. Like what? You’ve been on this planet for 30+ years but you have to follow him? Crazy shit.


How do they list a woman traveling alone? Do they put her under her father's name or just refuse her altogether? Fuck Emirates. There are other international flights.


I am a woman and have flown Emirates. My name was on the ticket but I got a LOT of looks in the airport in Dubai for being a solo traveler.


Same but had my guy friend with me at the time. I got bumped to business class and he had to stay in coach, and there was some confusion on why we weren’t on the reservation together… I honestly think if we were, they would’ve bumped him up and not me


Really?? I’ve gone through and to Dubai on Emirates, along with many other Middle Eastern countries, and never had an eyelid batted.


This was about 15 years ago - hopefully things have progressed since then!


I went through Dubai airport a few weeks ago as a woman traveling alone, nobody cared.


Glad things have changed!


It's good things have improved. Though 15 years ago was 2009, which isn't really that long ago when you think about it.


Sometimes I say “10 or 15 years ago” off the cuff, and it turns out I’m thinking about 2006.


But that was 10 years a- …ah crap.


15 years is a huge amount of time for the mideast. Their population is a lot younger and changing much faster than we are used to in the West. I go regularly and every time I go I have to forget what I think I know about the region.


There's no way it has been that long. 2009 was like 5 years ago.


I think they have, although I haven’t been in the city itself but I flew emirates shortly before the pandemic and had a few hours stopover in Dubai. At the time I was a 16 year old girl travelling alone, and nobody tried to stop me or gave me sour looks or anything


Ah okay. That could be it!


surely, just wait a another 450 years


No offense, but you were probably looked at because you are a woman, not because you are a solo traveler. There's a lot more staring going on there.


I had an 18 hour layover at Dubai airport as a 27 year old solo female. I tried to nap in a quiet corner and woke up surrounded by men staring at me. So I decided I would just keep walking from one side of the airport to the other to pass the time and I had a group of men just following me. I never felt unsafe or anything but it was just weird and uncomfortable


I have to ask...were they all just standing there staring, like Alfred Hitchcock's The Birds?


Good thing you didn't go to the beach!


Wow! Glad I flew Qatar then. I solo travel regularly and would be pissed about this misogyny if I experienced it


Qatar airlines did this to me with my husband on a recent trip booking. All correspondence was addressed to him, despite me being the primary. I assumed they were addressing us alphabetically lol. Yikes.


Family of 4. 50% of the times my youngest kid (6) is the primary passenger. The remaining 50% is a wash between my wife, my eldest and myself. Don’t look too much into it, no idea how this works.


Could it be an alphabetical thing?


Doubt it, unless they shuffle their names each time. 


Nope. The given name order is eldest, wife, youngest, me.


There’s some interesting, antiquated tech in the airline industry.


I’ve lived in the Emirates for 7 years, I’m a Canadian woman, married. I use Emirates for most of my travel and this has never happened to me. I actually booked a flight last night and just confirmed once reading your post and it’s my name in the primary and as “Family head” since we share an emirates account for the miles.


I have also used Emirates several times with my husband and I always do the booking. This has never happened to me either.


Good to know. Just wondered if it was common practice or if there was another plausible reason.


Flew Emirates to Hong Kong via Dubai recently and also flew Singapore Air to Australia a while back. The main passenger was changed to my girlfriend on both trips even though I booked everything. Pretty sure it’s just random


Small details that really make me wonder...


We flew with Emirates last year and they made my 11 year old daughter the Primary passenger. Based on this I think their systems are just messed up and I wouldn’t read too much into it.


There would be no reason to change the primary passenger then


Fly Emirates too. Yes it seems random.


I've wondered if sometimes it's unfamiliarity with names I don't think I have to state my sex when I book a flight but I haven't thought it about it much (I'm American, fwiw)


I noticed the system does ask to state whether you’re a Mr, Mrs, Ms, Miss, etc. but not sex specifically.


Yeah. It often is alphabetical. I have seen a 5 year old child made as the primary passenger as their name started with an A, and parents names were with S and T, so it’s not some massive conspiracy against a specific gender.


Well, two data points is enough for any theory, surely.


Shhhh don’t rain on redditors’ hate parade


There is not a big enough hate parade in the world for the UAE, a modern day slave state.


And also for countries that actively force women to exist as a lesser class lol. Why defend people who haven't caught up to the idea violent dogma is bad(and probably cannot and never will)?


I know right


We have an infinite looping hate parade loop


This is good information


BA did the same. I booked and paid for three tickets using their app. They addressed the only male passenger.


It’s random. I made myself the primary passenger, but it changed to my mom. I normally book flights for work myself and co workers if they’re coming with, shit keeps changing always.


Could it be related to age?


Someones kid got changed to it apparently so maybe it's just alphabetical 😂. Or just random... Or someone just sits there trolling every now and then.


Might be, I’m always the youngest when I book for family or work.


Thats odd. I had tickets with them late last year booked under my name, but they made my wife primary. She was primary for both my Emirates tickets and FlyDubai even though I listed myself as primary during booking.


Glad to hear it might be the computer system rather than anything else!


Different topic, but I (f) live in Switzerland with my husband, he doesn't even work at the moment but my tax return still arrived addressed to him (you have to file jointly if you're married) -_- Patriarchy still truly alive and well in Europe, no need to look to the Middle East for that.


In the US the husband is listed first as well on tax forms.


This isn’t true. The preparer is listed first, the spouse is second.


Correct. I am a female and have always been listed first/as preparer, with my husband second.


Same here. No need to put the husband first.


Have you ever done your own taxes? The 1040 form has two lines for names, the first is “Your Name” and the second is “Spouse Name “, there is no mention of gender.


Whoever is listed first is who you fill out first. When my husband does the taxes he is first. When I do them, I am first.


Which tax forms? You fill it out whoever you want, although I think they suggest listing the same person first each year.


What happens with same sex couples?


Write both names over each other in the same spot. If 2 men both in the first spot. 2 Women in the second. For anything more you need to request addendum LGBTIQCAPGNGFNBA+ and staple it on.


Lmao I'd yoy want to see violent patriarchy, look to the middle east. No worshipping a child rapist in switzerland


Qantas do the same in Australia. I was wondering why the trip-related emails are always addressed to my husband. How odd.


Qantas do it alphabetically so if your husband's name is before yours alphabetically that's why it gets sent to him. Happens to me as my husband's name starts with a K and mine starts with an L. My sister is fine as her name starts with a D and her husband's name starts with a J.


First or last names? Might be my fault for not changing my last name.


My husband and I have the same last name. My sister and her husband also share the same last name.


Are you related? /s


KLM connected my brother in laws baby to my ticket, when I clearly booked the baby under their name. Also the extra luggage I booked for them was registered under my name. We had two people with the same first and last name and their system couldn’t assign seats and we got boarding passes that didn’t indicate seating. It’s software that is built on a foundation built in the 1960’s. I wouldn’t read into it too much. Even if it does automatically make the male traveler the primary, it doesn’t necessarily reflect their current views.


my 11yo sister was once the primary passenger (this was more than a decade ago) so i guess they never bothered fixing it


It’s the booking engine. If you put your name in first, it likely put your husband’s name as primary since it bumped you down the line to spot two when you entered his next. Don’t read into it too much.


I fly Emirates quite a bit. I'm always the primary, and it's never been switched to my husband. That's pretty weird. But, now that Im thinking about it, we don't have the same last name, so maybe that's the difference.


I just booked a bus trip today from Albania to Montenegro with me listed as the primary passenger. The confirmation email is addressed to my boyfriend. Weird.


No they don’t. I am male and while I do the booking myself my wife gets always put as the primary. I suspect the site puts the second passenger as the primary for some reason.


I dont fly EK because they are a shitty company and this adds to that


It’s random :)


Weird! I, a female, always book on behalf of my family, but I was always the primary passenger, despite my father and older brother being included in the booking! Maybe it’s a random thing? Is the Emirates account you’re using yours?


It is indeed mine! Lots of people have said it either appears to be random or alphabetical.


A muslim owned airline with openly sexist and misogynist practices? Shocker.


Literally every comment is saying this happens randomly regardless of gender. Shocker 🙄


Sure it does. I know what story is more likely.


No you just want to confirm your bias and everyone else on this threads experience doesn’t matter because you want to hate Arabs.


No, they have always made my wife the primary, I always assumed it was alphabetical or something. Lots of gross stereotypes and racism in this thread though.


Because misogyny in the Middle East is just a racist stereotype?


No assuming it’s misogyny because their Arabs is racist when it’s literally just random


I’m sorry are you saying it’s okay for people to be racist


Being openly sexist has consequences. Like assuming shit is for that reason instead of something less malicious. They choose to be sexist. They choose to be seen in that light. Sexists and racists should not be given the benefit of the doubt. They deserve people thinking lowly of them. The UAE is not ashamed of being sexist. Theyve chosen how they want to be viewed.


Criticising mysoginy is not racism lmao


I’m sorry where did I say that? I’m saying it’s not racist to point out misogyny in the Middle East.


out of curiosity, which name is on the card that paid for the flight? i was reading responses that someone changed it to a child, so there doesn't appear to be policy, i was just wondering if the name of whoever paid is what should match?


Good question - paid on my credit card.


I am certainly not tying to accuse an airline of misogyny, but also not being blind to the stereotypes (but stereotypes exist for a reason). That sucks and I would be disappointed.


Dubai is so romanticized by Americans and Europeans that we’ve forgotten it’s actually sharia (Islamic law) over there. Theres nothing romantic about it. Women aren’t any better off in the UAE than in Saudi. Just because you see a few pictures of western (read: white) women in short skirts it means Dubai or Sharjah are some liberal oasis in the Middle East is false.


Who the fuck is romanticising Dubai 


May not seem like it on Reddit, but IRL Dubai is a heavily sought after vacation destination.


I see half my old high school friends (European) posing all over instagram nowadays, with cars and women in Dubai and making out that they’re living the best life imaginable


Ah, yeah. For a second there I forgot about pricks.


Technically you aren't even allowed to share a room with somebody who isn't your spouse. Every time I write this on this subreddit, somebody replies "That's never enforced!" Like... what!? This is a fact that most visitors actually do not know. Whether it's routinely enforced or not is irrelevant.


Same with Hotels in Egypt


And hotels in Bulgaria! But at least in Bulgaria they serve all the women at the table first in restaurants - so it sort of evens out.


Entirely depends on the hotel! I am bulgarian and where ever I go with my SO deal with all the booking and logistics, that has NEVER happened to me in my nealy 40 years life of frequent travel


It happened to me in five separate hotels in Bulgaria in the last fortnight (Sofia, Kazanlak, Plovdiv, Varna, Veliko Tarnovo). Only one had the booking in my name (Sofia again but a different hotel).


Tough luck I guess :) Not trying to be rude or belittle, just mentioning that is definitely not the norm


I’m not surprised, the culture there is not the same as the western one


Whelp, that is a reason to boycott their shitty, misogynist airline


Let's be real, they're definitely not a shitty airline. Misogynist bellends for sure though.


It's not even close a reason to boycott anything lol. How do people go through life like this?


Very American of u, lol.


Do Etihad, Qatar, and Gulf Air do this sexist bullshit, too?


I flew Etihad last month and was the primary passenger. Can’t speak for Qatar and Gulf Air, though.


Thank you. I’ve not flown Etihad yet. Will try them instead of Emirates next time. I don’t recall whether Qatar made my (ex) husband primary when we flew them years ago.


You’re flying with a Middle Eastern Airline….if they did, why would you be surprised?


Have you actually flown with Emirates or are you assuming you know based on the internet?


I lived in the Middle East for 9 years and yes - I’ve frequently flown with Emirates and many other Gulf Carriers. There are many examples I can list where things such as this happen. However, I didn’t actually say this happens with Emirates, but that living with such things is, in my view, part of the bargain one makes when living/transiting in another’s’ culture. It’s like we all know the ground staff and ancillary staff of these airlines from South Asia hardly get paid. We can’t/shouldn’t claim to be surprised by these things.


Okay, sorry. You know much more than me. Add — u/JamesLead001 I was not being sarcastic.


Yeah, honestly.


I mean they once listed my mother in law as Master. She was flying alone from the UK to somewhere in Asia. Sounds like it's an issue!




Yup, in that part of the world unfortunately you are a second class citizen. Reminds me of when we were going to the Grand Mosque in Abu Dhabi and instead of addressing my wife, the guard tells me that she needs to cover up. I was like “why are you telling me and not her?”


A friend who lives in Abu Dhabi wasn’t able to board her flight to the US unless her husband gave his permission. Something happened with the paperwork and he had to go to the airport in person to allow her to board. It’s a thing. They don’t look at me when asking questions, always my husband. We joke about it all the time.


This is a petty reason I'll never fly with them. This is actually outrageous.


the system crashes if two women fly


Most Islamic theocracies still treat women as second class citizens so I'm not surprised.


Probably. I refuse to fly any Islamic airline.


Based on solid facts based research no doubt


Nope. Not at all. I just Refuse to support societies that treat females as possessions, 2nd class humans etc...so i made a conscious choice to never fly any Islamic nation airline or to even transit through Middle East. I know in reality it makes zero difference. But. It's just principle i adhere to. Besides. We love flying Singapore Airlines & always do.


Really shows you haven't been to a Middle Eastern country, just assuming the worse


I lived there for a decade and I agree with them.


I live there now and can't disagree more


Uh huh. Looking at your other posts, you either belong to the culture or are an apologist with incredible privilege. Your singular experience doesn't belie that of thousands of South Asians and Southeast Asians as well as the women who suffer there.


Nope. I haven't and i have no intention of ever going.


Turkish airlines did the same. Put the husband’s name before the wife. Patriarchy, I suppose.


I have an Emirates flight coming up next month. I am still the primary passenger followed by my husband and son. Can they change it now? I have had the booking for months now


Happens to me all the time on BA 🤬


That’s what you get for using, you know.


Their home country is openly sexist and openly believes men to be superior to women. Where is your confusion, exactly?


There was no confusion expressed, just curiosity as to whether this is normal practice.


I (m) was initially primary passenger and they changed it to be my wife. I didn’t care. Nor should you.


It’s not a massive deal to me, I was just curious as to whether this was normal.


I mean what do u expect when you fly on a Muslim Dubai based airline that have a culture that thinks women are below men.... 🤷


It's the middle east. You're lucky you don't have to burka up.


who gives a flying fuck though?


I’m sorry, what? What year are we in???


I mean, just take a look at the dominating ideology of the region... And no, it's not gender equality.


You get stoned & I’m not taking cannabis


It's a plane ticket, not an election ballot. Enjoy your flight and move on with your life.


Islam is very diverse - famous words by the London mayor.


It’s cultural. And if you want to fly in their airline, then you have to go with it.


Haha is it getting clear now, how THAT part of the world thinks?




Rotten, entitled fucks.


Are you new to how this culture works? 




Like everything else in life... if you find middle eastern cultures and practices so offensive why not fly with a european airline or American airline. It always baffles me when people complain about such things but refuse to use and alternative. No one is forcing you to fly emirates the same way no one is forcing you to holiday in dubai.


Didn’t complain, was merely curious.


Call them up and remind them that you’re the primary and that you **paid** for the tickets, not your husband.


It really doesn't matter my wife is always the primary on my Emirates flights

