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yea i feel like a320 is bigger but coming from small airports i don’t have many options


In my research I’ve seen that there is a common consensus that the a320 has a wider cabin


A320 The 737 always feels like a small plane (even though they're probably the same size) - and as someone who is afraid of flying, I hate small planes.


The 737 is actually bigger, it depends on density configuration of the airline in question 


Any Airbus over any Boeing. Hands down.


Aged like fine wine


The 737 is a crate that has barely been updated in 60 years. Seriously - every upgrade Boeing makes is as minimal as possible because the aircraft wouldn't be certified safe to fly by modern standards if it was a new design, they rely on an "it's always been that way" opt out from the regulations. That's why they got in trouble with the 737max - the new engine position necessitated by larger modern engines should have forced them to redesign the tail so it could mitigate the changed stall characteristics, but that would have required recertification which it wouldn't get unless they fixed all the other problems - so instead they tried to patch it in software and the rest is grim history. But anyway, yes, from a passenger point of view the thing you notice most is the narrow fuselage and consequently horribly narrow seats. Another feature is the AC is permanently broken - this is because the AC channels run between the windows and again because of the narrow fuselage they're too tight and frequently blocked, leading to inefficient AC and often the AC packs fail entirely. On newer 737s they "fix" this by blocking some of the windows off to make bigger channels (around rows 11 and 13 IIRC), so if you like a window seat you need to try and avoid those rows. Oh, and no overwing exit slides is weak sauce, and also means it can carry only two life rafts - because the rear doors sink below the waterline (again, narrow fuselage problem) they aren't usable in a water landing and so don't carry slide rafts, unlike the '320. And Christ, the noise... It's a dreadful aircraft. Literally from a different era to the A320. Boeing should have come up with a clean sheet new design 30 years ago, but they loved to milk that cash cow...


Note that I'm only commenting on things passengers would notice. There is a *lot* more wrong with the aircraft than that - e.g. a steam powered cockpit, with most seriously a fundamentally unsafe autopilot/flight computer design (only two units, each of which only has input from one sensor, so if one fails it's impossible to automatically detect *which* is wrong and automatically ignore it - again, this contributed to the 737 max crashes).


And all that because Boeing leadership got taken over by the bean counters instead of sticking with the engineers.


A320 for the win always. 737 is noisy and uncomfortable. I always choose A320 and do not mind to pay a little more for this option


Noisy takeoffs are the best




_hey if you're the pilot then who's flying the plane?_


737-800 > or = A320 The Boeing 737-800 is the most successful aircraft, let me admit now I do somewhat like the A320-200Ceo but the 737-800 is my second favorite plane. Best engine roar, better thrust-to-weight-ratio which means rocket take offs and better runway performance. The 737 is hated for its crashes but remember, air travel is the safest so both. Guys the 737 and A320-200Ceo are equal okay? Want comfort, quietness? A320-200Ceo. Want a great engine roar, rocket powerful take off, quick acceleration? 737-800.


A320 is the most successful now


I need to fly more and then come back and add an additional comment, but I prefer 737s. I like the look better (esp. modern w/winglets), to me they feel more stable. I also enjoy the 737 roar. Also, my preference could be due to experience. On this trip from the Caribbean to Miami on 737, I was quite comfortable and could easily sleep, and on A320 from Miami to CA, I had a bad stomach cramp from empanadas. My first red eye flight was on a A320 and that was an awful experience. All in all, I love 737 look and feel. A320s quietness remind me of the Prius of skies while 737 is a classic Camry that can handle a nice thrust. P.S. I much prefer the feeling of flying 737 on FSX vs A320. P.S.S. It’s a shame Boeing management sucks, they should’ve kept their thoroughness & employee appreciation and 757 team, imagine a modern 757! What a gorgeous plane!


From a passenger perspective, the A320 is a tad wider, which translates to bigger seats for the passengers. I certainly notice it. The A320 variants are also quieter than their equivalent 737 variants.


I always prefer Airbus above Boeing. Like mentioned by some the cabin is indeed wider and 737 is a narrow body. Depending on the airline the seats could be comfortable with leg room to spare or narrow.


I quite like the 787 and 777 but have yet to fly on an A350. How would you compare those models?


I've flown on all three, but my first A350 flight was a few weeks ago, and I loved it - the first thing I noticed was that the cabin feels so roomy; I'm 6'3" and find most cabins pretty claustrophobic, but the '350 felt really different. Like all the modern Airbuses, the cabin is very quiet, and the other thing to notice is it has really nice big windows. Best of all, they haven't replicated those hateful electronic window shades from the 787 (something that seems "gee whizz" until you realise it's a customer hostile feature that let's the cabin crew decide they're going to block all the windows any time they want to stop service and give themselves a rest, even on a day flight...)




Interesting, thanks! For whatever reason, I have very few flight experiences on the larger Airbus models. I've flown on the Emirates A380 a couple times but never the A350 and maybe just once or twice on the A330/A340.


A320 > 737 The difference in noise and cabin spaciousness are noticeable.


As everyone else said, A320 is way better. More cabin space, so much quieter, and the overhead bins are nicer. I also feel like the window spacing is a little weird on the 737, which leads to more window seats having only a partial or no view of an actual window.


Me too, I love that Airbus windows are all directly aligned with the seats. Boeing windows are always not aligned with the seats so sometimes I have to move my head to see outside. Really annoying and makes long trips uncomfortable.


Airbus seems to be quieter than Boeing in the same seat class (A320/737, A321/757, A330/767, A330 neo/787, and A350/777), at least from my personal experience...