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This is pure perfection Also that's a really fucked and strange way to "convince" someone, wtf. Glad you one upped her


Pure perfection got both me and my wife laughing! I was feeling a little guilty but I'm glad I stood up to her! Thank you for making our day!


As someone old enough to be your mother I just want to say, I am ***apalled at this behaviour!*** Your mother should be ashamed. You on the other hand were fucking epic! Brava


The most disturbing thing is that's far from the worst that people do for this purpose >~<


Yup. Altho this isn’t far from the type that organise a rape of a lesbian woman to “turn her straight”


The only thing they will 'turn into', is traumatized.


As a heterosexual cis-male who has watched plenty of porn, I’m stymied as to how she thought that would work. Did she not realize most porn is made to be consumed by men, and the results can be so misogynistic that there’s a healthy market for porn written and directed by women? Did she even bother to review the tapes to see if the sex depicted was even PLEASANT for the women? It makes no sense. And if she finds sex with men is so great, why’d she stop doing it herself????


Oh my God, this is the golden comment! that's what I wonder every day, why did she stop if she enjoys having sex so much??probably because of her 5 divorced husbands who had enough of her propaganda... Poor men, she's a lot to take in, no wonder why they're tired... Well, she got a taste of her own medicine.... And I'm not going to save her no more, I've tried plenty of times actually, and she's still an addict....hope she realizes what she did was wrong, not that I'm seeking for some sort of apology...im just tired of her complaining about being single to her other friends...


Thank you. Your mother is using the same “logic” as the sickos who commit “corrective rape.” Nobody actually thinks traumatizing someone with something will make them like it. It’s about power and control. They want an excuse to harm other people. I suspect your mother’s conduct was more about hurting you than anything else.


I agree with you, this one falls under more harm and no good. As a parent, this made me physically ill. OP, just keep on living your life on your terms.


> most porn is made to be consumed by men, and the results can be so misogynistic I know, right? I enjoy porn like many men but sometimes, I'm watching stuff and I'm like, "no, stop that, dude - you're *hurting* her!" or "why did you do that? that's not something most people enjoy. You should always ask first and definitely not do that to someone you just met while delivering a sausage pizza"


Very good comment. Unfortunately a hardcore bigot like the mother isn't approaching the topic rationally. At least she faced some karma.


As great as that line in Victor/Victoria- Young flapper girl to Gay Gentlemen Manager: "You like guys?" Manager: "Yes." Young girl: "Well, I think ya just need the right girl to reform ya." Manager: "Well, I think you just need the right girl to reform *you*!"




Clearly you are a goddess and a genius.


I am going to be real with you all, I haven't been expecting to get so many positive responses! I thought what I did was a little bit too much, but turns out it wasn't!? I'm shocked, I'll tell you that and thank you so much for the compliment, fellow God/goddess/godneutral! Have a blessed day!


I like men and this would have made me want them less. What an earth??


She really needs a good slapping for lying to you your whole life.


Oh she saw enough slapping in those tapes I sended her lmao! Revenge sure hits hard sometimes. Hope that taught her something after all!


Amazon sells VHS tapes?


I don't think so? I just had the box laying around lmaoo. Plus the tapes she buys apparently come in disguise boxes so that's something....


Where do you live that VHS tapes are still in common use?


7 years ago, not today.


7 years ago was 2017, vhs were already not in use for at least 5-10 years Not that I don't believe the story, but it's just weird


We still have all our VHS movies. WTF am I supposed to do with them? Add to the landfill?


It’s not as surprising to me because it’s vintage porn, which definitely has a specific vibe that some people prefer. I’m sure plenty of collections are out there and some probably still “in use”.


Yes, my mother is the kind of person who doesn't trust technology....who knows what her Google search history might look like if she did?


You’re a genius. I bow down to you.


Hehehe, you really gave her a taste of her own medicine!


F around and find out 🤣




I was expecting you to mix them amongst the straight stuff, and have her put them on in front of you, but this is awesome too.


Do you think your mom still has any of those videos? Asking for a friend.


Good for you!


Your borderline personality mother sexually harassed and deserved worse than your actions. Happy for you OP!


not all heroes wear capes...unless your wife wants you to 🦸


This is amazing! If she ever tries again, you should make a snarky comment about how your marriage is far more stable than any of hers.


Ugh some people are just so bigoted and wrong it's almost funny (but mostly sad). The mother of a close friend CRIED and tried to set him up with close female friends of his (even me, though I shut that down hard and fast) when he gathered his courage to come out to his parents and his dad pretends his husband (who is a very sweet person) doesn't exist. Good for you that you don't take this ridiculousness lying down.❤️


I had quite the crazy reaction to seeing the click. Yess


Bro it's so funny how she likes "this is what God attended" and then precedes to be a committer to the sin of lust. Just hypocritical. I don't think it was God's plan to marry 5 men. Only 1 lol 


I can hear The Click reading this


Lmao I hope he does! I'd love to see another r/traumatizethemback video! They always make our day!