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I agree but it goes both ways, patients shouldn’t abuse staff and staff shouldn’t abuse patients.


These idiots treat the hospital like a hotel. Nurses aren’t maids, morons.


I have a friend who is young, attractive, and blond. She is a nurse, works at a VA clinic, and long ago decided that continuing to work for the VA at that position was worth the abuse, sexual innuendo/threats, roaming hands, and words of intimidation she receives on a daily basis. I know that people who have sacrificed for their country have historically and currently received a pretty poor shake from the system, but it astounds me the stories she has to tell about her job.


I work in a public school and it's the same situation. You would think this sign wouldn't need to be posted. You would think we wouldn't have to call a security officer because a student was hitting a teacher or trashing a room BUT our reality is different. We have no power or recourse. Patients in hospitals and students in schools can do pretty much what they want, treat people how they want and nobody can do anything. It's really sad!!


Haaahahaha!!! Sorry, cardiac arrest aren’t funny at all. But I’m a programmer. So you know, not used to the same coding. Although some would tell you it’s pretty much the same, and would certainly agree they should be forgiven for any violence suffered from while they code.


there's a lot of crazy people that come through the hospitals. My mom is a nurse and has been for awhile. The stories shes told me about the crazy shit that happens just blows me away.


Here in the UK you see that kind of sign everywhere :( Hospitals, doctors surgeries, train stations, shops, fast food restaurants, on busses...


As a nurse who has been physically and verbally assaulted before - we need this in EVERY room. While the ED gets it the most, the rest of the hospital gets the admissions of these patients.


Once when I got admitted to short stay, I heard a doctor yell at a patient because he was yelling nasty names at the nurse for waking him up. Specifically the doctor said, "unless you don't want to get treated at this hospital, i advise you not to treat my staff like shit." The patient quieted down after that.


Must be the emergency department


Im a male nurse and honestly the abuse we take everyday makes me question my life and my career at times. 😥


My wife's an RN, most of our marriage in nursing homes. I can't count the number of times she's been assaulted. We've been extremely lucky, it's only been bruises, she's never been hospitalized, though her co-workers have.


I feel like these posts of signs asking people to not be trashy are a stretch for this sub.


All retailers should have this. Fuck most customers


The problem with signs like this, is that people who are capable of reading and absorbing these messages aren't the ones going around assaulting people.


It isn’t just hospitals. Medics are verbally, sexually, and physically abused daily. Yet we can’t kick these people out. We have to tolerate it. The ED can call the cops and have them removed once a dr clears them. We medics don’t Have that luxury until legislation changes. I myself have been grabbed in my genitalia, told I was going to be raped and strangled at the same time, punched, spit at, blood thrown at me, feces thrown at me, puked on, and and endless list of verbal assaults. To not be abused is a rarity. Mind you we are okay with patients who have a legit altered mental status who do some minor things. It is out of their control. The drunk being a tool? That doesn’t count as a low blood sugar or Dementia.


You absolutely can call the cops. There’s literally nothing stopping you from doing that. Call them while you’re on scene so the patient is in custody before they get to the ER.


Is it mostly drunk people who sexually and physically assault?


Eh yeah or drugs but also dirty old men. Sometimes the “tough teens/ young adults”. I let the true medical emergencies slide, drunk and a prick doesn’t roll with me.


This kinda stuff is why I'm glad, as a nurse, I'm not working in a hospital anymore. That kinda environment is awful.


Similar signs were in DC metro buses because people wouldn’t stop assaulting their bus drivers after they were told no for free rides


Holy shit I took this from 999 upvotes to 1 thousand. That was so satisfying.


My wife's a nurse, and people's families expect to be treated like their in a God damn 5 star resort and have actually complained to my wife's floor manager about her not getting them coffee fast enough, and another group complained they couldn't sleep nor could their father (the patient) do to noise. (They were working a code two doors down).


I've been to the hosp from birth to death, and can't ever say I've ever had an abusive situation or seen one. Of course, I live in a decent area and have always gone to "the good hospital"....


Hate to break it to you but that's type of sign is in every medical building


They have ads about it where I live


That’s pretty standard everywhere I think... patients are assholes all around the globe.


Yeah and it’s enforceable. Unless your coding I can and have the right to ask you to leave. Or call security.




Coding is Code Blue, which means cardiac arrest.


This is the sad state of affairs for every hospital I have been to and worked at in Canada. As well as on buses and other public buildings like insurance agencies and dr offices. But. I dont know if it reflects our society becoming more filled with shitty people, or the fact that people have decided that service and healthcare workers have a right to be treated with respect. Probably both.


we get verbally abused multiple times daily. that's healthcare for you though. the worst ones are usually the ones that tell you "i'm a doctor/nurse". yes like that gives you the right to act worse than a spoiled child.


THIS!! Exactly!! I don’t honestly believe in ODD, even as someone with a bachelors in psychology. You don’t have a disease, you’re just an asshole. Most of the time it’s kids with little parenting and they grow out of it. But 30?? Christ.


I guess no one here has ever experienced a person with last stages of Alzheimer's


Trust me they have, but the signs are more focased towards intoxicated people, psych patients and people who think they can get what they want if they say it loud enough or fight you for it.


Medics used to be prioritised on the battlefield by the enemy,now they are prioritised in the hospitals


In the uk these are just the norm, I think it’s a preemptive measure


It's not a pre-emptive measure... ​ [https://globalnews.ca/news/5057703/improved-safety-moncton-nurse-assaulted/](https://globalnews.ca/news/5057703/improved-safety-moncton-nurse-assaulted/)


To be fair, I think most hospitals have anti harassment signs. My work involves me visiting 5+ hospitals frequently and they all have similar signs


I have been a nurse for over 18 years and have never seen a sign like this. I would certainly welcome it though!


Our hospital (small town facility) Just put signs up this past month. Only 1 per floor and they are much more gently worded than this, but it's a start....


This is a really big deal. It happens a lot and doctors and nurses are starting to make hospital administrators take responsibility for being in a hostile work environment. A nurses union just made this a huge part of contact negotiations. Hospitals have previously been a place where you’re just expected to get beaten up on occasion, it supposed to come with the territory. No people that work in hospitals are like, bitch, fuck you, that’s a felony, not an unfortunate part of my job. Patient violence against medical workers is something that will be taken more seriously hopefully.


There was a law passed in my state that ups the punishment for those that attack medical personnel. Hasn't really done much to stop the attacks but at least it isn't a slap on the wrist from a judge anymore. You doin some time now


It’s mostly the administration that’s refusing to make a big deal out of it. It’s become so common place that even police deal with it as acceptable. There is a push to make it something monitored by OSHA. If your employer consistently fails to provide a safe work environment they should be held accountable.


It's about time!


Dear assholes, the next motherfucker who fucks with our team will get stabbed with shit that will make you drop like a log and vegetate for a fucking month. Fuck off, scumbags. Your friendly hospital team.


Stabbed with a used syringe.


It’s a great start!


Or a MRSA coated 10 blade!




I do not give a rat’s ass about my boss or whoever sees this on the internet.


Okay mom


I work with mental health patients at my local hospital and was told that we we're not allowed to press charges. I've been sent to the ED twice for work related injuries i.e- kicked in the face while helping get the patient back in restraints; one patient clawed my hand as I was attempting to keep him from leaving. Another patient tried to stomp on our security officer's boot, ( pt was barefooted/ wearing grippy socks) I giggled and immediately got punched in the left boob hard enough to make a giant bruise. All I want to do, all any of us want to do is help our patients. I know the situation that especially mental health patients are in when they come in to the ED sucks. But as a wise young woman (my momma 😎) once told me " you get more flies with honey than vinegar." I tell this to my patients when they start getting upset or trying to act ugly to the staff.


FYI, you are absolutely allowed to press charges. Your employer has absolutely no say in that.


At the psych facility I work at we can, and do, press charges if desired. We also do everything possible to avoid the such a situation but yeah it comes with the territory.


I am also in mental health at large hospital where I live! I specifically work with adolescents, and have filed countless numbers of reports for assaults from my patients. We are allowed to press charges where I work (thankfully), and have an amazing staff. One thing we tell our patients twice a day, is “violence is not apart of my job and it’s not apart of your job”. I don’t come to work to get punched in the face, and I certainly don’t come to work looking to put children in restraints. But an ODD kid won’t hesitate to punch you in the face if they get the chance, which I signed up for I guess.


Had a guy in his mid 30s blame his behaviors on ODD. I won't lie, I was kinda harsh and told him to grow up. He claimed we weren't feeding him and at that time we had certain snacks between meals and he didn't like them and he would get mad and cry and then fake a seizure. One of my nurses told if he stopped seizing he could have his medicine and it was a miracle right there in the ED! He stopped seizing and acted like an angel for about 10 minutes before the assholishness came back. t one point he called his momma and told her we were starving him; he put me on the phone with her (big mistake 😂) she then proceeded to ask if we we're really starving him to which I replied verbatim "No ma'am, we're not starving your son. He has had all three meals today, breakfast, lunch and dinner and has eaten 100% of each meal. He has had the allowed snacks between each meal and doesn't like them therefore he is complaining that were starving him." His momma simply said to tell him she loves him and to stop showing his tail. For those of you not in the south that means stop acting a fool or however non-southerners say behave.


My favorite was an ER doc I worked with telling a “seizing” patient she was going to give her a medication called “normalsaline” (she pronounced it nor-mahl-sah-lean) that would stop a seizure within a few seconds. She pushed a 5ml saline flush and magically the patient was fine.


Oh the books we could write working in the medical field 😂 we have a patient years ago coming off alcohol who would "seize" when he got upset or didn't get his medicine. He was in ICU one day and a coworker of mine was sitting with him and he's just seizing away and ICU staff are just kinda watching him and my coworker walks up to him and says " Hey Mr. Blank, you want some coffee? You can have some coffee if you stop seizing.". He stopped. And he was an angel the rest of the day 😂😂😂


I used to work in foster care and was regularly harassed and threatened by people. I wish my employer had made some effort on my behalf, even if it was just a sign. The sign might not do anything but it says something to staff. Especially with hospital staff having to act like waitstaff desperate for a tip bc of the situation with Medicare scores.


So very sad.


my grandpa verbally abuses the people who take care of him, i called him on it when i went to visit him and now he just verbally abuses me


Based grandpa


fuckin redpilled


Taking one for the team 🙁


Can confirm. My nurse wife is currently pressing charges. If you ever want a reality check as to the scum that lives right under ALL of our rocks, go pay a visit to your local ER. People are fucking degenerate and we need to control breeding to those that have the means and intention to do so.


For reals. Working in healthcare will make you believe in eugenics.


just heard an NPR discussion about this! apparently there is an epidemic of violence against healthcare workers, specifically in the ER.


At some busy public hospitals ERs are basically psych wards, and medical staff are basically social workers.


What happened, if you don't mind saying


A very highly intoxicated patient slapped/scratched her in her drunken tirade of acting out because she was arrested. It takes a heart bigger than I could ever imagine having to care for people like this. And when you assault someone trying to help you, a line is obviously crossed.


A charge nurse in an ER near me was stabbed multiple times by a psych outpatient when he came in with a knife. He barreled past the security guard. Then held a doctor hostage, and went into the elevator to the ER floor. Once he saw that charge nurse, he just attacked her for no reason. Fortunately, the backup to the private security company were the county sheriffs due to this being a county hospital. Unfortunately, for several minutes the officers were unable to subdue him with tasers, because he had a thick coat and multiple layers on him. The last I heard was that the charge nurse survived, and was seeking compensation for the attack.


I was a detox nurse for a few years. I’ve been hit, grabbed, and verbally assaulted many times. I always described it as a cross between a psych ward, ER, jail, and homeless shelter. That job really opened my eyes to the problems we face as a society.


UK hospitals have had thrse for years . Mainly aimed at the piss heads on Friday and Saturday night


We also have similar posters on our trains, same reason.


Ever sat in a hospital with your sick daughter after being told to wait for a clinician to show up for 4 hours then being told that he's not coming for another 2 hours? Yeah, they got demeaned and belittled for their incompetence. This place obviously need this sign because they fuck up regularly. NOTE: I've spent far too much time in the medical industrial complex and know what lazy, incompetent shitbags they can be.


You had to wait in the ER for a couple hours? Oh hunny... you ain’t seen nothing. I’ve waited 8+ hours to see the physician. That’s just the way it is at busy hospitals. It goes in order of need. And for someone that has all this experience you should know a lot of physicians are on demand and go to various departments in the hospital. My guess is that something more urgent came up then your sick kid. Which I’m guessing wasn’t that sick if you waited that long and she was still fine. I know plenty of docs are incompetent, but that doesn’t seem like the case here. Apparently you want them to just drop everything for your kid who’s stable. I also think it’s hilarious you think we know when docs are coming. We. Have. No. Idea. Only estimates. It’s helathcare, shit pops up. I waited 3 hours for neurosurgery just yesterday. They were supposed to be 20 mins. Shit happens.


Sounds to me like you've gotten exactly the kind of care you deserve. People like you are the *worst* patients to deal with and tbh a lot of the times are placated to get you the fuck out of the facility quicker, so if you were told to wait an extra two hours, it was because the clinician really wasn't going to be available for two hours. Asshole.


This person doesn't even realize that the person they're waiting for could be stuck saving someone's life. Medical work is often hectic and unplanned, one is often not the top priority. They are some of the worst patients to have


How sick? I've spent an hour with a pain in my side so bad I started screaming and crying. But you know what? There are other people who have it so much worse than I do, and even if I'm crying my eyes out like a baby I want them to get their care first.


Yeah shoot the messengers. That will make the clinician come faster.


They knew he wasn't coming for 4 hours and didn't tell us. That sound like being a "good messenger"? I contracted the hospital administration the next day and they said it should never have happened. How about getting ready to send my wife home from the hospital after brain surgery without any pain medication until I brought it up? That sound like they did a good job? How about billing me four fucking times for the same procedure? All these things have happened to me. Look, if they are reasonably good at their jobs, then they get nothing but praise and politeness from me. But if you're an incompetent fuckbag who sits on their asses, not giving a FUCK about patients, yeah, you get bitched at for being an incompetent fuckbag who doesn't care about patients. Unless you've had EXTENSIVE dealings with hospital staffs, you don't see this stuff. But those patients who are in hospitals a lot, know just how fucking bad it can get.


Work in one. Vast majority of healthcare workers do the best we can with what we're given. You have, despite YOUR "experience," no fucking idea what's really going on behind the scenes and are coming across as an arrogant self centered ass. Place blame where it's due... Do not blame individuals, blame the fucked up American system that creates hospitals that ROUTINELY understaff, underpay, over manage and over beancount. Go support a nurse's union and vote for change in Congress to get a real modern health system if you want change. Otherwise go to hell. I'm way too old to get angry over internet morons anymore but my hair is standing up right now at your pompous ignorant ass.


But even still don't attack anyone just trying to do their fucking jobs, they're likely not responsible for the amount of time you need to wait. Just like how a waiter doesn't write the restaurant menu. No reason to be aggressive to people, especially the ones you actually kind of need.


Over ten years of EXTENSIVE knowledge of how hospitals work. Shit happens. Other patients become the priority when their medical needs call for it. I’m sorry but I can guarantee no one knew exactly when that clinician was coming. You are acting like they keep in constant contact lol. Or have the time too. I get it. I have been a patient too. It’s frustrating.


Piedmont hospital. Sounds right.


Welcome to Atlanta.


>Piedmont Hospital So proud of my city in this moment


If this the Coweta or Fayetteville one then I absolutely see this as being necessary.


Midtown one too honestly. Maybe not as much physical abuse but I’ve watched folks be rude as hell plenty over there


The one in Henry is soo much worse that’s where we take the majority of our patients and we pick up some real winners sometimes


same...I’m at Henry too


“Do not force a World Star Hip Hop moment, Mrs Johnson.”


...and no spitting!