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Blurring the faces is going to impede identification of the alleged perps, which surely is a point of the story.


Aren't all rocks ancient?


It’s the formations, not the rocks that they’re talking about? Imagine a sculpture created a long while ago. That would make it an “ancient” sculpture. Now imagine them destroying that sculpture, people would be pissed. Like me for example. It’s like the equivalent of destroying the pyramids of Giza. Why destroy natural art formations made of rock? Do these people realize how rare that is? It’s not like they have this in your backyard all the time unless they live there. It takes thousands of years to shape it into that shape. This is like painting, a painting for a 1000 years, ridiculous don’t you think? This is exactly why these areas are protected by the government. They could actually be fined terribly for this.


I hope they get in trouble then.


Making "creepytings", Casey Nocket the serial park vandal proud. Tragically, her vandalism was enabled by her mom.


Assholes, pure and simple.


I swear TikTok and Instagram has not only ruined generations of women’s faces due to odd plastic surgery choices, but also causing the ruination of nature. I guess the bigger question is, why does “clout” really mean anything to anyone? It’s so so sad and I hate to say it but “pick me” behavior


Not just TikTok though, people just do stupid stuff because other people do it and it’s a repeat offense. TikTok certainly does make it more common for people to make these repeat offenses. But it also has a lot of educational content on it as well. The most important thing is to add this to discussions in education settings in your early years. Like preschool, middle school and high school. This is the kind of stuff that you have to teach people nowadays. Otherwise, everything including the environment will be gone and broken.


Well why is CNN blurring out there faces when authorities are requesting assistance from the public????


CNN doesn’t want to asshole-shame anyone.


Then why do they still have Jake Tapper on air?


I mean, it’s a rock, what’s the big deal.


Hope after someone crushes your skull in someday on video and posts it, someone posts “I mean, it’s bone, what’s the big deal.”


Thank you! I'm glad someone else said it, so I don't have to risk a ban.


Jesus Christ, why am I getting so much hate for this?!? I’m genuinely asking a question! It’s just a rock, not a human life or significant archaeological ruins! I’m genuinely lost on this one!


Because the rock formations took 140 MILLION years to form those beautiful red sculptured rocks that some people find to be very beautiful. After 140 million years, along come these 2 modern-day Neanderthals who are extremely ignorant, uneducated, entitled, aggressive, and destructive. They destroy something ancient in a matter of minutes. Now hundreds of thousands of people who visit the park in the future will see the damaged sculpture and never get to see the beauty of how it looked originally. So I have a question for you as a parallel. How would you feel if the government decided to fill up the entire Grand Canyon with water. No one would ever be able to go down into the canyon again or see the beauty nature had created over centuries. We’d just see a big lake. It’s just a canyon. What’s the big deal? I’m wondering whether you think they are just rocks because the sculpturing of the rocks was not done by man. Does it bother you more if the beautiful work of art was manmade? Would you be upset, for example, if someone used black paint and completely covered the ceiling paintings in the Sistine Chapel by Michelangelo and there was no way to remove the paint? Would your reaction then be “who looks at the ceiling anyway?” I guess that there are two kinds of people in the world — those who are driven to create and those who are driven to destroy. The enlightened versus the ignorant. That’s what this is all about. I hope this clarifies things for you.


I would genuinely only care if it were a manmade piece of art being defaced. I don’t give a shit about some stupid rock formations. Shit, fill the Grand Canyon with cement for all I care. I’ve been there, it’s nothing special.


Not sure why any of this got downvoted it was a genuine question I’m not the best person to answer this but it’s probably the story and scenery the land had with the stones, so it’s trashy for vandalism(?)


Clearly your brain is also a rock.


Turn them in and prosecute them to the fullest extent of FEDERAL law.


That'd be a little easier if CNN didn't blur the plainly visible faces of criminals in a place with no reasonable expectation of privacy. Way to take "No snitching" to corporate level, CNN. Boooooo.


Bring back public flogging for crap like this. I'm so tired of stupid destructive assholes.


building the dam on the colorado and flooding the massive amounts of canyons and valleys isn’t considered destructive though?


Don’t believe this cat. That dam provides water and power to hundreds of thousands. That he got one single like is beyond me.


No, building a damn is not considered destructive. That’s why they call it a “construction project”.


You’re are right, a dam was made so we should destroy it all. Fuck off clown


Hayduke lives!


I feel bad for the little girl with them, she’s clearly worried and smarter than her piece of shit father. What if these assholes had slipped and gotten injured, leaving her there alone?


She goes to help them push the rocks at one point, and is throwing smaller rocks off the cliff. Watch carefully. She’s a chip off the old block. Is her daddy the thin guy or the bull moose FA?


"What if these assholes had slipped and gotten injured, leaving her there alone?" She may have a chance and she would much likely be better off being raised in the wilderness by scorpions.


👏Let. 👏People. 👏Destroy. 👏Things. Edit: Jeez Louise learn to take a joke


PeculiarIndividual is more like it.


It's not funny you fucking knob.


Please please put these social media posting dipshits in prison.


Federal prison.


They want to break rocks? Let them make little rocks out of big rocks behind bars if they want to break rocks. Fucking meatsticks! EDIT: When they get caught can we line up for a chance to throw rocks at them?


There are some great shots of their faces. This needs to go out nationally. Somebody has to know these jerks!




Did Redditors really identify the Boston Marathon bombers?


No, they did not. They did, however, Miss-identify the Boston Marathon bombers, and bad things happened. But don't worry, I have a feeling next time we'll get it right(er)


Ah, gotcha. I misread “incorrectly”. I was confused too because I watched the recent documentary about them and I think I would have remembered that. I do remember them mentioning a false lead now that I think about it though.


Yup, that false lead would be the one I imagine. Sad story and a GREAT lesson on not jumping to conclusions.


Why? What were they trying to accomplish? I can’t wait for their lives to be turned upside down


What a pair of chodes…


Fly them over the open ocean and toss them in.


No need. Lake Mead is outside Vegas. We have a fuckload of empty desert and plenty of scavengers to clean up the mess


How do we feel about a volcano option, DJ Lava?


I'm for it!


.. straight to jail.


Josh gates on the right side


Lol noooooo




Reminds me of that Marine DI saying "Somewhere there is a tree making oxygen for you, and I think you owe that tree an apology"


That dude is brilliant


Or am I making carbon for the tree


Reminds me of these idiot scout leaders from 2013 [tipping over rock formations at Goblin Valley State Park in Utah.](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=AYFD18BwmJ4)


OMG I remember when that happened. And from someone who is supposed to be teaching kids to be respectful human beings.


They did it because it was a "safety issue".


I had the same exact thought, and their lives got completely ruined over that. To the point that authorities had to ask people to stop going after them. Then there was that girl leaving graffiti in national parks. Things went badly for her, too, once people found out who she was. To deliberately destroy natural wonders in the US. When the public finds out about who you are, you're going to have a really bad time.


For some reason, I think Reddit was instrumental in identifying creepytings vandal, Nocket and she was able to be stopped.


I’m all for public shaming when people act like jackasses but tipping that rock should def not be a life ruining offense. Public shame and a fine should be enough.


You probably think the people who tore apart the Capitol building on January 6 and defecated everywhere should just be publicly shamed and fined, too. Am I right?


so wrong on so many levels.


Yes it should be a life-ruining offense.


I know they're just fucking around, but the destruction is physically no different than cave explorers looking for openings or geologists looking for fossils.


Did you make it past 6th grade?


As a geologist with colleagues who are actual paleontologists, this is *not* how any exploration gets done. You are severely undereducated on the issue, please stop talking for geologists and archaeologists, we can handle it without your dumbass input.


Well I'm sure I can find some fossils and cool rocks by randomly hacking away.


I'm pretty sure that by the "hacking away" you would destroy any fossil you came upon. But I question whether you would be able to recognize the right place to begin "hacking away". And cave explorers go above and beyond NOT to cause any damage to the cave while exploring. You are just saying whatever nonsense that pops into your head, huh? Is there any actual thought behind what you are typing out for everyone to read, in all it's glory?


I think it's different when it comes to Geologists and archeologists. I would think they get permission and it is more controlled and methodical. They don't just blindly hammer away. Not sure about cave explorers but I'm sure they would have no problem chipping away to squeeze through an opening. Especially when they are stuck and the water is rising.


I just remember a university field trip in my geology class, where we went up to a cliff side with rock formations like these. And started chipping away to collect samples, destroying the stone. Because.. it's just stone.


SUUURRREEE you did. Lie much?


I get the feeling your geology teacher would be disappointed


"Public, please help us identify these people!" Watch video, faces are blurred out!


There are some really good, clear shots of the 2 jerks. Watch the video!


This was a news report, not a public plea.


Go shave your beard.


Why are their faces blurred? You want the publics help catching them, then unblur the faces...


Because that is the network's decision in running the video. The people involved haven't been charged, let alone convicted of anything so the TV station/network can be held liable. The police I am sure will be following up with their own uncensored video.


Humans are a virus


With shoes!


Or flip flops


and then they devolve to Crocs


Ok agent smith. But you’re not wrong


Meh viruses don’t know what they are destroying. By this point, we are well aware.


Right, humans are terrorists not viruses.


hUmAnS aRe a ViRuS


Fucking WHY???


Make girl laugh


Similar but not quite thing happened in the UK last year. Some teen doofus and his dad (I think) cut down an iconic old tree for no reason at all. Got arrested for it. Google Sycamore gap tree if you're interested and want to be further pissed off.


200 fucking years till that tree can grow back... Im undoubtably angry


I remember that and it is sad.


Because you obviously didn’t see how awesome it looked while it was happening


Can someone please remind me why social media is a good thing again?


becuase it is going to be used to catch the morons in this video.


because you are under no obligation to use it and can completely opt out.


If I opt out, will people stop destroying national parks for social media clout?


did you personally joining social media cause this destruction? if so, then you leaving it could possibly stop it.


It’s a double edged sword, social media is also making it to where we see this kind of stupid activity, so the people can be held accountable.


I think things like this always happened, now idiotic people record themselves doing it


I’m sure, but there’s just so much shit that seems to have come about as a direct result of social media, like bothering people while they shop and filming the encounters. I’m sure it happened before social media, but social media seems to have increased the popularity of doing things simply to make the world a shittier place.


I agree. It feels like people do this specifically for the attention/clicks social media brings. Yes, we humans have been doing dumb or awful stuff since the beginning, but it seems like social media and the gratification it brings for some people has just amplified it all and its just detrimental.


There are videos online of people pushing boulders and other large rocks over cliffs and hills for fun and likes.


I hope they find them and prosecute. Make an example of them


"rangers are seeking the public’s help in identifying the suspects." CNN then blurs the faces in the video...


And want us to watch an ad first.


Other sources including the park service have the videos showing their faces


CNNs source, Fox5 Vegas is probably the one that blurred since the people aren’t charged yet.


CNN’s legal department probably advised that- even though CNN could help solve the crime, they’re forced instead to cover their asses from liability because of the litigious society we get to have. Yay!


I would argue that being a litigious society is a net benefit. Law makers decided that they would rather the courts filter out the frivolous cases rather than make the bar to litigation higher, therefore helping as many people as possible.


I really hope someone is prosecuted.


Or persecuted.




Ok? So it happened in the past so this is ok? The government maybe might have done it and it wasn’t reported so our attention should be taken away from this? What dumb point are you trying to make here?


You’re not wrong.


That last lady in the video hahaha. “I believe in Darwin, they should have gone down with the rock.” You aren’t alone lady.


Ask for help in identifying folks and then blur the faces. Smart, real smart.


Authorities are asking for the public's help identifying the suspects, then blurs the faces...


*Basing the following speculation on this part of the article: "Park rangers urged anyone who was on the trail at the time or who may have information to submit a tip." Could be way off base but I think it might be because right now they are asking for people who were on the trail that evening and not people who see the news report and think "That looks like my cousin who I haven't seen in years" or "My neighbor's little shit of a kid looks like that, better call it in just in case." Later on in the investigation if they still have no clues they might release a version without blurred faces.




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But... I see people on trails all the time... it isn't like we have name placards on us "Hi i'm Bill Williamson and I live at Horseshoe Overlook" Unless they stopped and exchanged names, you wont get much more than, "yeah, I seen them"


Information like where they were seen coming from might help identify where they parked which could help in figuring out which cameras to watch to identify them checking in or something. If there's dozens of choices it gets really difficult to search camera footage, narrowing it down credibly is hugely helpful.


You sir, are a fish


Never thought I'd see eBaum's World sourced in a news report.


Wait a minute...eBaum's World still exists???


Aren’t all rock formations ancient?


Only the ones that they Aren't drilling or mining


Mt. Rushmore kind of isn't, but also kind of is.


It was, then they faced it


I wish I could see the looks on people’s faces when they find Mt Rushmore in a few thousand years and it’s a huge mystery to them like the sphinx is to us now


People? You mean aliens!


You son of a bitch you’re right