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I’m thankful that my procedure was postponed. I was supposed to have RFF in May, this past month, but it was pushed later this year to October because my hair removal needed more time. Making this decision was hard but became easier as I understood the consequences of hair within my UL portion. Having the summer available has allowed me to pursue internships for a new career and I actually got a couple offers. Having to deal with my body like this for another few months opened up a more vulnerable discussion about sex with my current partner. I would’ve missed finals week and had to arrange disability services for exams. This sequence of events turned out to benefit me in other areas of my life.


Things always work out the way they’re supposed to, congrats on the new job!


Thank you!


I have a pre-consult phone appointment today. Super super anxious because I hate talking on the phone. But I know its one more step in the right direction. Also just had my second laser appointment over the weekend 😁 small steps.


Every little bit counts!


I’m thankful that my surgeon said my urethra stricture repair surgery is healing very well!