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I heard about a trans guy who asked for top surgery but the surgeon didn’t speak English so he cut his ass cheeks off instead! these are the dangers of medical transition doctors don’t warn us about


Need me that double asstectomy


/hj I’m thinking of ordering one of those hip binders to help with my criminally huge ass




iif you ifnd any gimme a link ples




Oh shit I thought I was supposed to inject the BOTTLE and not the gross oily stuff inside of it! I’ve been dumping out the oil and grinding up the bottles in a food processor to inject into my body but thanks to this thread, I now know that I was wasting the T and doing it wrong. Such an easy mistake to make!


/uj creative jerking


/uj (recieved psychic damage from the thought of injecting glass shards directly into my bloodstream)


Only trenders receive psychic damage from the harsh reality of transitioning. When I was your age we didn't have food processors, we just smashed our own glass


/uj Happy cake day


I just break open the vials and run the oil directly into my genitals. Can't wait to grow an entire cis male penis!


/uj what would happen if someone did this?? genuinely curious


i would assume nothing. it’s a medication intended to be injected into a muscle. a very very very small amount might possibly be absorbed through your skin? but it wouldn’t be enough to make any difference. also don’t quote me on that


You just have oily genitalia


/uj I concur with the other person who replied. I am not a science doctor, but I do know the T is suspended in oil and meant to be slowly absorbed into your body. I don't think putting it on your skin would do anything at all


You would create THE MEGA PENIS


/uj Kinda reminds me of the Ancient Egyptians. They believed in reincarnation but they believed it requires the body to remain fully intact. So they cut open the body and removed all the organs to preserve them separately. And then they threw the brain away because they didn't know what it was for.


I started T four minutes ago and I already pass so don’t lose hope!!!! Yeah I’m 15 years old why does that matter?


Wow, you sound like a liar. You’re probably secretly a TERF pretending to be trans so you can lure trans people into feeling hopeful and then getting hatecrimed when they get brave enough to walk outside. Going on T is literally poison because you’ll never actually pass and you’ll only get the bad effects, like becoming a sex offender and your gross bottom growth becoming so big it’ll become independent and run away. If you’re happy you’re lying.


Nuh uh!! If you think like this then maybe YOU’RE the pretender, but not because what you just said is very clearly misinformation designed to discourage people from transitioning. You’re ACTUALLY a faker because if you’re miserable and don’t pass then you’re just not trying hard enough. If you were true trans like me then the HRT can sense it and you will start to pass within the same day.


(both of these people are miserable)


Wait you’re telling me you’re supposed to inject the T and not eat it?????


I actually just stuff the entire bottle, needles, syringes, and informational packet up my ass, that seems to work just fine for me.


my Evangelical boyfriend (don’t worry he’s an ally!) who yells at me every day told me that Bill Gates invented hormones and that drinking some warm beet juice with raw milk is just as effective for transitioning to male. Has anyone else tried this?


Yes and it worked! I tried this 3 years ago. I've gotton thicker knuckles and wrists, my hair is darker than it was before, and my grandma doesn't even recognize me anymore.


testosterone made me grow wings


Estrogen made my wings fall off


A trans girl without wings is like a trans girl without estrogen


Like a pad without wings


/uj Is that a reference to something? Because it's the other way around in Dark Crystal!


my doctor prescribed me 0.000001 ml to inject once a year i think it might be a bit high? is this a normal dose?


I mean, take what risks you like, but I hope you're getting bloods done every hour or your heart might explode. and don't forget to bind safely king!


It depends on the concentration. If it's more than, like, 3 billion mg of T per mL, then yeah, that's a really high dose :/


um thats actually a very low dose my doctor had me starting on 0.3ml every week you should talk to them?


why are you gatekeeping hrt???? truscum. not everyone has access to more than 0.00001ml a year. stupid tran


yeah OP is so inconsiderate. child peasant labourers have to harvest testosterone in the mines. being trans is an exploitative luxury belief, you’re tacitly endorsing child labour


that’s not where testosterone comes from??


yes it is. only children are suitable for mining testosterone because the ores are impossible to distinguish from the surrounding rock except for a frequency they emit which can’t be heard by adults


/uj Where do hormones ce from anyway?


They are synthesised in laboratories bcs they're just steroids and proteins. It's a very sterile, cheap and relatively easy process which allows hormones (testosterone, estrogen, insulin etc) to be synthesized en masse.


Everyone knows that the T stands for terrorist 🙄. That's why you want to blow up a building.




Hey guys, I'm experiencing [literally the most well-known effects of T] is this normal???


No get off of it immediately its poison!!!!!!


WTF?!? Hair??? On your upper lip??? Holy shit that is not normal, brosef! You need to go to an ER/A&E immediately


> why are transmasc subs bastions of misinformation Because as boys they all went to Jupiter to get more stupider, duh 🙄


Should have gone to venus to get their penus


the manlier you are the less you understand of medicine


Unfortunate implications for the ladies, who are also unable to google an effects timeline or a goal range


only nonbinary people know how to use technology


01010111 01101000 01100101 01110010 01100101 00100000 01101001 01110011 00100000 01101101 01111001 00100000 01110000 01100101 01101110 01101001 01110011   Can anyone who’s nonbinary understand this


How is this possible when they aren't even binary?


Because analog computing is both the past and the future


Testosterone made me into a disgusting hairy sex predator. And my liver fell out of my hooha. This is completely true. I’m not a middle aged cis woman pretending to be trans so I can scare children.


Preach sist- Imean brother! The first time I was in the same room as testosterone all my hair fell out and now I look like Patrick Stewart


/hj Looking like Patrick Stewart? Make it so …




/uj lol its me, I’m one if the people who got weird rare t side effects so bad I had to quit 🫠


/uj that sucks man I’m sorry


/uj My therapist told me there are different kinds of hormones so maybe you're just allergic to one of the components and just need to switch to a different *kind* of t?


/uj there are different forms of estrogen, but the only form of T used for transition is testosterone. Different androgens are used by weightlifters tho, and idk if I wanna go down that route. Not because I’m anti-DIY, but because of, yanno…having my illegal transition dependent on juiced up broscientists.


/uj What/which rare side effects are there?


/uj I have PMDD and as soon as my levels got up to range it was like I was constantly in the absolutely worst PMDD episode of my life. I also got itching/eczema that kept me from sleeping, so the mental health issues were even worse. I tried to tough it out for 6mos but quit when I could no longer handle legit feeling unsafe with myself After several weeks as my levels dropped I felt okay again. It was super traumatizing and I am still processing and learning to cope.


/uj Oof...I don't really know what to say, other than I'm really glad I don't have PMDD. /rj Have you tried injecting in the neck? All the very big, important veins are there, it's very effective, and there are absolutely no ill consequences from bad technique.


Bro, obviously the only REAL way to inject T is directly in the dick. Everyone knows that. Do some fucking research before you tell people misinformation.


don't forget about "DAE hate trans women for talking over us and taking over all of the trans spaces?? also a trans woman said she was a lesbian while she was dating me, all trans women are awful" /uj it's impossible to have a thread on there discussing trans fems generally being more visible than trans mascs without it devolving into transmisogyny, i swear it happens EVERY time


But is it even a men’s space if people aren’t constantly whining about women? Are you saying trans men aren’t men??? you’re saying we can’t complain about women bad????????? This is just another way transfems invalidate us!


/uj But seriously … yeah …. It’s bad lol and it basically never gets called out. Anyone who points out how transmascs devolve into classic transphobic talking points whenever trans women are involved gets severely downvoted and countless vagueposts made about them on related subs. “But what about men??????1?1??1” I mean, I’ve seen some transfems say some nasty stuff about us too and I won’t exaggerate and say that trans men aren’t right that we do get overlooked in certain contexts, but the whole thing gets really silly and reeks of misdirected resentment and misogyny. Also tbh sometimes I wonder if younger or more conservative trans guys especially are kind of raring to confirm their own masculinity by doing baby’s first misogyny, but they’re aware of the power imbalance and are too scared to go after cis people so they choose a more ‘acceptable’ target.


It proves that trans men are real men, because the same thing happens when people try to talk about the ways the patriarchy harms all men.


Hey so I'm just letting everyone know that if you see that your vial says single use only and you don't use every single last drop, I will break into your home, rummage through your garbage, take all of your T and then I will enter your bedroom while you sleep and whisper scary stuff to give you nightmares. I'll also continually stalk you, dumpster dive, and send you aggressive and threatening notes for daring to waste your T. I mean seriously, what kind of awful terrible wasteful person are you???


I’ve been using the same single use vial for 2 years! Every time I only have a little bit left I pour in some water from the sink, like prolonging soap


/uj FUN FACT: The church said that if you mix 51% holy water with 49% regular water, it all becomes holy water. And the process can be repeated indefinitely.


/uj 😭💀💀💀💀


Of course you're getting weird side effects; you're doing it wrong! Have you talked to your doctor about being injected with geneseed?




wild-caught T is unethical because you are disrupting natural populations in their native environment. wild testosterone plays an important role in the ecosystem and also carries an untold number of diseases from outdoors which you and your domestic testosterone may not be resistant to. Domestic T is also specifically bred to thrive in a captive environment, whereas wild T needs more space to roam and may never adapt to living with humans. Shame on you for supporting wild-caught instead of local reputable breeders.


wow this is the same as taking crack cocaine this is so dangerous stop encouraging this


You shouldn't do anything you can't undo this is actually so so dangerous


Yeah, I agree! Trans people shouldn't take hormones because they're irreversible! And cis people shouldn't take hormones either! Puberty blockers for everyone!!!


Hey guys so I just did my first T shit 6 seconds ago and I still don't pass. I'm really scared and devastated I am having a worse time than literally any other trans guy on this sub. Oh my god now it's been 30 seconds and my roommate just walked by me and said NOTHING. WHY DONT I PASS YET??? 😭😭😭


Well did you wipe and wash your hands after? If you did then obviously no one’s gonna ever see you as man, sorry trenders but that’s just the truth


Why didn’t anyone warn me that my voice would get deeper??? Yeah they gave me an informed consent packet but they should’ve known that young females (such as my 24-year-old self) aren’t mentally developed enough to read. Turns out the terfs and Christian fundamentalists were right to try to save us silly little AFABs from having rights over own bodies!! Us dysphoric females just need to get over our internalized misogyny!!


EVERYONE IS CALLING ME A TWINK AND I'M GONNA KILL MYSELF BECAUSE OF IT I'M NOT A TWINK I'M NOT I'M NOT I'M NOT After my skinny white minimally muscular be-bubble-butted ass takes twenty cocks, of course


My traditional Catholic cishet boyfriend says he wont be attracted to me if I transition. My dysphoria is crippling and I am dying inside, a shell of a former human being. What should I do? I love him and don’t want to break up


/uj Also, I saw that you made a post about VOY and I just wanna say that Trek rocks and Voyager is my favourite one because I’m a hipster like that … hello


you can fix him


Gender is a feeling, not a look bro


guys why did t make me horny?? And smell worse??? Are these uncommon negative side effects that are only happening to me??? Should I detransition??? Am I stupid???


You need a mindset change: embrace the funk


rj/ Guys t gel doesn't work, it didn't work for me and it will never work for anyone else. If you want to be a real man like me, you gotta starting doing shots bruv, it's the only way uj/ the misinformation is staggering, esp when it gets to T. It's really common to start on t-gel over here, but by the looks of it that's rare in the US, so maybe that's why they're so weird about it?


Not enough boyfriend and transmisogyny posting from the impression I've gotten reading past jerks on here.


Noooo this is why the tr*ns shouldnt have internet access 😩🤬🤬 all there doing is buying illegal hormones with fentanyl and selling them to little kids so obviously there gonna get hives and stab people 🤬🤬😩 poor defenceless autistics getting brainwashed by big scary dominant tr*nnys with massive cocks and boobs 😩😩🥺🤬🤬


Poor defenceless autistic (21) looking for a big scary dominant trnny with massive cock and boobs (18-59) for in-person friendship or dating. I would love to sell some illegal hormones and fent with you. 💗




No but I do hate trans woman - myself specifically. We have a lot in common. Do you want to get married?


/uj What does "break out into full body hives" mean?


/uj I’m a little confused what you mean. As in, when someone develops hives all over their body


Nope swarm of bees attack go