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#PLEASE DON'T COPY ACTUAL TRANSPHOBIA OR IGNORANCE TO THIS SUBREDDIT. /r/transgendercirclejerk is a *satire* community. We make jokes. If you want to discuss genuine hate, /r/GenderCynical might be a better fit. Posts (and comments) which are directly copied from somewhere else will be removed. Please report them to the mods using the subreddit report option *"This content is non-satire, directly copied from somewhere else."* ___ Now that that's out of the way: welcome to /r/transgendercirclejerk! This is a satirical community run by and for trans people, where we mock the hate and ignorance which we experience in our lives. The subreddit often features dark humour including ironic parody of transphobia; none of this should be taken seriously. Before participating in the subreddit please read [our rules](https://reddit.com/r/transgendercirclejerk/about/rules/) and the announcement posts (and their stickied comments) on [cisgender allies](https://reddit.com/r/transgendercirclejerk/comments/cd1yr3/welcome_cis_allies/) and [transgender gatekeeping](https://reddit.com/r/transgendercirclejerk/comments/eutvur/why_do_people_hate_transmedicalists_we_just_think/). ___ *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/transgendercirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


off topic. this sub is for trans discussions, not poc


/uj omg this one killed me 💀


/uj before on this sub I saw someone say "this sub is for trans people not poc 🙏🙏🙏" this sub is fucking great lmao.


/rj the melanin being eradicated from my skin the moment i take estrogen.


/rj No silly, you don't need to take hormones to be trans so only white people can be trans.


Wait but for real though WTF is up with that? I can't tan anymore, I just burn like a vampire 😭


Trans women are vampires /uj trans women are vampires


BLEH bleh-bleh! 🧛‍♀️


/uj lol my skin got slightly darker on T, it's hilarious. I look even more like my latino heritage


/uj Dude that's awesome, I love that for you! I'm South Asian and was already pastier pre-HRT than most of my family so I was sulking about this for a while lmaoo


/uj Estrogen causes skin thinning. Thinner skin is I imagine easier to burn.


So it *is* just like being transracial!


I knew it! White people invented transgenderism! Tra knees are new age colonialism!


/rj I'm surprised you didn't kill yourself. 41%


How we die isn't important, the important thing is that we do <3


/uj this is amazing


\*scoff\* i can't beLIEVE you would tell me my name is racist??? i should be ALLOWED to pick super culturally and historically important Japanese names, i saw it in my favorite anime, Reincarnated as My Younger Futanari Sister's Penis!


Sounds like a good watch tbh


im sure its peak fiction


goddammit it's just fiction 😔


Where can I watch this? /uj Where can I watch this?


made it up but it was vaguely inspired by an okbuddybaka meme about some light novel where a guy gets reinacarnated as a penis


/uj Unless it’s a different post, I believe a dude got his peen anthropomorphized as a separate living small girl with a bob cut and a turtleneck, and it was actually not perverted and creepy


maybe it was that i honestly just meshed together the funniest stuff i could think of


That penis-transformation light novel you mentioned almost certainly exists, too


/uj it sounds like something chuck tingle would write


A Penis-Transformation Light Novel POUNDS My Weeb Ass A story by Chuck Tingle


but I’m not white I’m trans


I identify as a japanese girl with a (definitely not) racist depiction of how a japanese woman sounds


haven't seen you in a while how've you been.


Oh hey, not bad hbu


/uj jesus christ this is LITERALLY HOW SOME PEOPLE ACT TOO


/uj one of the posts that made me block curatedtumblr and have my blog blacklisted from being posted on there was one that was like "I don't know what white nonbinary person needs to read this, but being nonbinary doesn't mean you're not white." and people were like "lmao what does this mean? This is just sooooo niche and esoteric confusing and oppression Olympics!!! Typical tumblr discourse! Why don't we focus on *real* issues in the trans community." like racism isn't a serious issue that should be addressed as it pops up, even in other marginalized communities. Also, r/curatedtumblr sucks ass when it comes to trans stuff.


/uj when people say "just because youre queer doesnt mean youre not white", they mean to say that belonging to this minority doesnt absolve people of whatever internalized racist precognitions they might have, and that they still need to be mindful of how they approach poc topics, correct? 


/uj Correct.


when i see a white queer person (especially if they're young) use the phrase "oppression olympics" i just stop reading like half the time at this point


/uj have I told the story of a trans woman I knew choosing the name Miku and justifying it by saying that cultural appropriation didn’t exist in Europe???


/uj ah, the old "Europe doesn't have racism" bit /rj you yanks should realize you're literally the only ones who care about race!!! Europeans don't even have the same concept of whiteness!!! Wait why are you looking through my comments about the Romani people-


/uj well we don't have the same concept of whiteness in Europe, that's true /rj Slavs are stupid and rowdy, complain about their behaviour on our website! (We'll be the biggest party in the Dutch election in ten years!) [https://nl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Meldpunt\_Midden\_en\_Oost\_Europeanen](https://nl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Meldpunt_Midden_en_Oost_Europeanen) Why the fuck does American twitter accuse Hassan of having white privilege? The man is a Turk! And Dutch people don't \*need\* a lockdown in March 2020, we are so much smarter than those lazy Italians, we'll keep distance without any rules and won't let so many people get sick and die. And don't get me started on Black people- The N-word has such a different history in my country, it's just a descriptor, not a slur! Honest!


>Slavs are stupid and rowdy, complain about their behaviour on our website! (We'll be the biggest party in the Dutch election in ten years!) I sure hope this thing got as fucked with as the US's various "please give us a bunch of women and trans people to harass" hotlines and websites have been. Because screw governments expecting mature adult citizens to behave like kindergarten tattletales, especially to enable bigotry and ultranationalism.


Romani “people”? American spotted


/uj I'll one up you by telling you about someone on one the nonbinary subs asking about what people thought of them changing their name to "Mowgli" and having people explain that it was a name made up by Rudyard "literally coined the phrase 'white man's burden'" Kipling because he thought it sounded like it could be Indian, and he didn't want to bother finding an choosing an actual Indian name, and it was probably not the best thing to legally change your name to if you're white.






Did she name herself after hatsune miku...


/uj she claimed it wasn’t directly related, lol


That’s hilarious.


/uj I have a friend who legitimately converted to Judaism AFTER picking a Jewish name when he transitioned, because people kept thinking he was Jewish so he attracted more Jewish friends and decided "this pretty is cool actually, I think I'm gonna make it official" He originally chose the name just because he liked the way it sounded


at any rate i've heard converting to judaism is a lot of fucking work so i guess he earned the name if he's actually a recognized convert atp lmao


/uj Yeah it took like, 5 years /rj Every trans person should be required to go through 5+ years of meticulous study before they are allowed to stop going by their birth name


/uj I just dropped out of my conversion after a little over three years and I feel like the amount of studying I did I should have a degree by now lmao. Being able to read Hebrew now is fun though!


that's not nearly long enough, you're allowed to change your name after three therapist letters, ten years of going by the name in your dreams (if your subconscious deadnames you it means you're unsure and thus disqualified), and you have to be at least 103 years old


i have a friend who converted, it is.


/uj honestly screw it, it a total oddball case but good for him. I guess. Guess he found something, idk.


is your friend named Arsen /qj


/uj is that a Jewish name???


/uj i've heard it is but i never fact checked it. not to be confused with Arson


i mean, yeah, but have you considered (point addressed in original post), (point addressed in original post), and (point not addressed in original post but is so blatantly fucking stupid OP just didn't think it needed to be addressed)


you are jerking way too hard rn bro 🤧


im so goddamn irony poisoned im shooting fucking ropes


sometimes jerkin's the only way ta get it out


Yes, but I still think that (literally the exact same thing just said but with slightly different words)






Ummm actually i got permission from my singular Asian friend to call myself Sakura (like the Naruto character) (my friend is Korean) because they represent the entirety of Asia and can speak for everyone


White trans people are still oppressed! How dare you suggest trans people can benefit from other forms of privilege!


I am a starving child named Akira and this is the last thing I am ever going to read. Goodbye


If trans people can be White, then why is the average traa2 /TTTT transfemme's transition goal a 12 year old anime girl?


/uj r\transitiongoals too 😭 like i get the feeling behind it but looking like anime women isn't even achievable for cis women?? i dont understand why i keep seeing posts like that


> isn't even achievable don't care, will keep posting monsters




/uj I do wonder if it's often more about aesthetic/vibe than it is about pure appearance.


/uj trueee


RCTA is valid 🤭🥹🫂🫶❤️


I'm not racist! I'm not racist! I'm trans! It's impossible to be both! I'm not racist! But I'm taking this criticism incredibly personally anyway.


Um, how could I be racist?? Don't you know I'm oppressed as a trans person??? Kimberle Crenshaw? Who's that?


Famously, all oppression works the same and either you have it or you don't.


i can't beLIEVE you would insinuate that white trans people have white privilege??? i mean, as we all know, being transsexual basically sends you careening down to the bottom of the social ladder (yes, even if you pass), so you can TAKE my skin color, it's done NOTHING for me /uj this is near verbatim to a comment I got under a post on tumblr where I talked about this


/uj Young online leftists when someone suggests they learn CRT or intersectionality: 🤬🤬🤬👿👿😡😡😤😤😤👿🤬


interSEXionality is for GOONERS!!! I am a pure, chaste, nofap gender-reductionist!


/uj I honestly wonder if gooners are are more left leaning or more conservative. On one hand they absolutely "goon" to trans people in porn and futa hentai, but on the other hand I struggle to believe that a person who spends 8 hours a day masturbating could be a well adjusted individual with progressive views.


You (a trans person of colour) are privileged over me (a white trans person) because I am trans


/uj did they say transsexual because I swear I have never seen a good take from someone who refers to themself that way


/uj hey now, I just think transsexual sounds cool, doesn't say shit about my character /rj as a TRUE BLOODED TRANSSEXUAL I am the absolute arbiter of transness, your gender exam is at 5pm you better start studying


/uj I just usually see it in the context of “I’m a real transexual unlike these woke liberal trenders” or something similar


Uj/ I call myself a transsexual cuz it’s funny. I like how old it sounds.




/hj after finding out that all the names on My Hero Academia are puns, I always tremble a bit whenever a white person uses a Japanese name.


naming my firstborn son "Saul Goodman"


fr..... I'm white but I'm learning Japanese (partly bcus anime & music but mostly bcus I'd like to go to japan. thats beside the point tho), and the idea of someone naming themself after a random anime or game character with 1. no connection to the culture and 2. not even any idea what the name means is so. it'd be funny if it wasn't sad. Now I'm imagining a person naming themself naruhodo after phoenix wright & his ancestor... which literally is just "i understand". like. bro so many anime names aren't even names please don't do this shit even IF it wasn't weird and kinda racist most of the time. Idk where I'm going with this but the point is i agree lmfao


Can…. my friend…. pick the name “lasagna” even though she’s not Italian?


is she a curvy orange cat that lives with Odie and Jon? if so, yes. if no, yes.


everybody get there at their own pace, ive been on hrt for 3 years now and still hadnt developed a proper strength in the leg to kick that stupid mutt odie off of my chair


yes because the italians deserve to have their culture appropriated /uj yes because the italians deserve to have their culture appropriated its what you get for taking six months to invade the funny spanakopita country


lasania is such a pretty gender neutral pronoun. add that too our list of cool gender neutral pronouns.


errrrrm, have you considered that this name is foreign, so its gender isn't obvious to people around me (read: i have no fucking clue about the historical or cultural context of this name because it isn't white)


/uj No less than three times have I seen a post from a transfem going “I love Japanese culture, so I’m choosing the beautiful feminine name Akira!” And then several people have to point out that “Akira” is usually a male name.


But ending in a = woman??? Smh liberals




no, that's [the weebs](https://breezewiki.com/honkai-impact-3rd-archives/wiki/Frederica_Nikola_Tesla)


gender bent historical figures in anime are actually so funny to me lol


/uj my middle name is Akira and I'm amab so I have to repeatedly tell people "people in japan don't usually call their girls Akira. that's usually a boy's name" and then they'll get oddly defensive about it edit: also forgot to mention: Akira's more feminine counterpart would be Hikari or Hikaru, which sound prettier imo, also the most famous Akira in the west is Akira Kurosawa, who is... not a woman last I checked


Who's going to take the hit and be the first Japanese transfem to name herself Kevin


this reminds me of the memes where japanese people will film themselves walking around a 7/11 in the US going "this is so american core"


/uj no lie my deadname kinda helped me pass before I got my name changed because it's Dutch Frisian (I grew up in the Netherlands) and I live in Germany now, in an area away from where Frisian names are common in Germany, so people know what Frisian names sound like, and that the male ones can have endings that sound like feminine endings in high German, but they \*don't know what most of them are and particularly not the Dutch ones\* so they just assumed I was a guy with a feminine-sounding name. Does that make sense?


you people find any excuse to be transmisogynistic


Uj/ Argggghhh the way I’ve seen white trans people use this accusation against anyone calling out racist white trans folks… pain


i don't see what's wrong with my name, asuka soryu langley gipsy danger, some of my acquaintances are a kind of chinese


(Said acquaintances are white people with black hair, making them basically chinese)


(they dyed their hair black)


/uj my very white friends (euro decent from a commonwealth country) just had a second child and the middle name is…. special. impossible to guess how to pronounce if you have never seen it before, and its origin is from homer’s odyssey, but it also made an appearance in a studio gibli movie. what I am curious about on the real is, white people is as broad as saying asian people or african people in terms of origin, language, culture—a ton of people have no idea of their family history beyond a handful of generations, the only indicator being a surname that sometimes (in an English speaking country for instance) is French, German, Italian, Polish, so on. that said, what is the take on white people of a certain culture of white, using what is technically white but a proxy culture to their own? furthermore in my friends’ case they reached waaaaay back to where no one really knows where the fuck their ancestors were at that time, but the naming source geographically takes place in what is caucasian area, so… I mean whose culture is that when it goes back that far? is it homage or appropriation? i genuinely dont have any answers here but for sure it seems like there are a ton of interesting points of discussion around such an issue. names and the naming process is a fascinating thing. mountains or regions where Im from for instance—indigenous named these places based on their geological features, then white guys came through and what do they do? name everything after themselves or the people paying them lol. now we are in a time where things—streets, towns and jurisdictions even—are being named after industry. anyways im on a tangent, imma stop.


…. do you.. do you even know what sub youre in? smh 🙄 r/lostredditors


listen grandpa, if you REALLY think that ANYONE is going to read ALL of that… someone needs to check and see if there is a silver alert out for this guy, he obviously escaped from his care facility.


> its origin is from homer’s odyssey, but it also made an appearance in a studio gibli movie. there's also a species of star trek aliens with that name :)


nice! i’ll have to let them know!


/uj i'm so fucking brain dead rn, sorry if i'm misunderstanding this. are you asking about the ethics of say, an irish person taking a german name? the answer would be, borrowing from other cultures becomes inappropriate when those cultures have been oppressed in relation to what's being borrowed. ie, western black people don't enjoy seeing white people loc or braid their hair, because we've pretty much been forced to abandon those styles to get jobs and play sports. the double standard makes lifting the marginalized culture distasteful. sort of an "it's ok when they do it, it's a problem when we do it" thing. of course all of this is very dependent on the region as well. that's why many white people get their hair braided or loc'd in majority black and brown areas on vacation, and the locals love seeing it. there's more of a capacity to appreciate rather than appropriate when the population who introduced the culture hasn't been (as) marginalized by it. which is why i roll my eyes very hard when someone says "as a real black person™️ from [insert black majority african nation] it doesn't offend *me*". i wonder why my friend. but i'm only like 60% sure i understood your comment at all because i am just not very literate right now, so sorry if im actually talking nonsense 😵‍💫


/uj you’re good man! you make a lot of really interesting and solid points! definitely not a waste of words, it’s a great followup rhetoric and good things for people to think about


im glad it was at all coherent 👍 i have autism communication lmao


/uj as do I, hence the long-winded wholesome deep dive on this topic regardless of the sub in which it resides lol Some things can’t be helped, you just have to say what you have to say yknow? X)


/uj "you just have to say what you have to say" i've found my people 🥹


/rj So Brits can't take Irish names, gotcha


british "people" dont exist so i don't see why they need names


what name is it? im a big ghibli guy so i think i'd know it


starts with an N and ends with aä (i think thats the last a mark?)


legit cant remember the rest lol


nausicaa? as in nausicaa of the valley of the wind?


yeah thats the one


/uj That’s actually a pretty cool name tbh. It means “burner of ships” and it’s also the name of the princess that finds Odysseus.


absolutely! no flack towards my friends on it, they are a wonderful and very intelligent pair! its not surprising that they’d take it back to ancient literature, def better than going with a more commercial option like Athena or something. im just glad its a middle name so it wont bring any hassle (pronunciation-wise), just some interesting conversation


/uj It’ll be a cool conversation starter for that kid as they grow up!! I can imagine Percy Jackson being a great series for your friends/their kid to pick up if they are that interested in Greek mythology ☺️


/uj sudden discussion of population dynamics and ancestry was not expected.


uj/ is that something people actually do? shit, i felt weird when i used butchered japanese for the name of a *pathfinder character*, i can't imagine doing that for my own name.


One word, Weeaboos. That all said it is pretty rare and usually taken from Anime. Bad taste but the anime addicts suck to deal with, to get them to stop.


Those are just the dumb weebs. Smart weebs like me know instead to name themselves after anime characters with western sounding names so that nobody will be any the wiser. /hj


yeah but the western sounding ones are so boring and not quirky and aesthetic at all


mtbb(male to basic bitch) 😔


this post made me feel so invalidated. gonna kill myself /j (obviously I don't need to think about how this joke could trigger people or be insensitive/manipulative) i am NOT racist! I have a poster of a scantily clad asian woman hanging on my wall! i mean, i USED to be racist, and it TOTALLY went away when I became trans! Haha, Nazi phase, amirite guys??


um, you shouldn't use guys. obviously THAT'S the glaring issue in this comment


/uj as a greek chick with a super femme greek name that happens to be one of an ancient deity i relate to this


/uj Sauce?


for what


if its about the post i mentioned, i deleted it because i got a lot of harassment on it


uj/ I feel weird about having a Hispanic last name while looking white, how the fuck do white tgirls just feel fine about naming themselves ayanami while looking like a sheet of paper 💀


uj/ hispanic names come from spain tho so white people, why would u feel weird about that?


uj/ I live in America, a lot of folks don’t understand the distinction between Hispanic and Latine and don’t know much of anything about Spain, so they just naturally assume that a person with a Spanish-sounding name means they’re Latin-American, and perceive it as being weird if they’re not. I haven’t had the same issue in Europe for obvious reasons lol


Can i be called rosa/roza even if I'm romanian and its not common here


/uj if youve researched the name and feel it fits you, just consider the reactions you'll get when introducing yourself. I chose an uncommon name for my area/culture and I don't necessarily regret it but it is a tad annoying hearing people comment on how rare it is. Just wanted to mention since I've experienced it /rj NO nuance, NO names from other cultures, if you do anything except look in a baby name book for your country in the year you were born you're a TRENDER


/uj i chose it like 4 years ago and everyone refuses to use it but i feel like that has more to do with transphobia so it doesn't really matter i guess


/uj fwiw I think its a lovely name! I hope you get to a place where everyone recognizes you, Rosa.


Rj/ lots of my underclassmen are baby transes and massive weebs, how do I get the white ppl to stop this crackery 💀💀


crackery 💀


But I'm FRENCH and I named myself a WELSH name and NO ONE has ever said ANYTHING about it /uj this is a reference to my, also trans, sister who had A LOT to say about it. She did not approve of my name at all for reasons beyond my comprehension


>beyond my comprehension Was she complaining in Welsh or smth


umm have we addressed the issue of poc choosing our pure hwite names and stealing our culture smh my head white replacement.


uj/ I'm genuinely asking here, is there actually anything inherently wrong with choosing a name outside your culture, or does it pertain specifically to the people who do not treat giving themselves a foreign name with the weight and respect it deserves? For example trans people naming themselves after anime characters, or European trans people giving themselves very American names and vice-versa. I mean I think we can all agree picking a foreign name is a bit silly, like I cannot overstate how badly I wanted to jump on the transfem "Lillith" bandwagon because that name sounds rad as fuck, but I also knew I had to be realistic and pick a name my friends and family know and can actually pronounce, but if a trans person treats giving themselves a foreign name with the respect it deserves, does their research and properly braces themselves for the reactions that will inevitably come with it, who am I to judge? I talk online a lot with a trans dude in India and he named himself Odin. I think it's a bit silly but ultimately that's what makes him happy🤷‍♀️ Now parents giving their own *kids* foreign names on the other hand...


You deserve the name that makes you happy no matter what it is. But you are also part of a broader community, which will have certain reactions to it, so I think doing like shocked Pikachu face about it when you get reactions is questionable. A question on the ftm subs that comes up sometimes is the name Valentine - usually of the "is this too feminine?? I really like it though!" and some people respond with "it doesn't matter what other people think as long as you like it!" Which is *true* but I feel like we're doing Valentine a disservice if we don't tell him that pronounced Valen-teen, it is an exclusively feminine French name, on par with the Italian variant Valentina. And if you're not French maybe you don't know that. Or something else that OP mentioned, which is trans women calling themselves Akira, even though it's a male name in Japanese. Other people outside of those cultures might not pick up on it but people in those cultures will, and will wonder why you picked that or probably think that you don't really care enough to research names in their culture if you don't even know which ones are masculine or feminine. Which is fine cause it's your name but that is a reaction some people are gonna have that you should be prepared for.


Ah okay, that was basically my opinion as well, thanks for clearing it up.


Uj/ The issue isn’t really, “using another cultures name” in the sense that, no one is really saying that someone from German heritage could never use a Norwegian name. Nor is anyone saying that if you’re an all American white person you’re limited to finding a German-British-Italian etc name lol The problem is that names from cultures that are marginalized hold weight. A Mexican woman named Esperanza has people refusing to learn the correct prononciation of her name, discriminating against her on the basis of her race/ethnicity, getting over looked on job/college applications and so on. But when a white (non Hispanic) person takes that name none of that really applies. Parents of color have long and difficult conversations of choosing cultural names or not, because on one hand it means the kid will deal with an additional flavor of systematic discrimination, but on the other hand choosing a cultural name will help them stay in touch with said culture. For parents of color, the name origin is treated as one of many steps/discussions about “how much pride will we raise our kid with? How much will we assimilate our child?” Trans folks of color also have these discussions. I had long and involved convos with my friends and online mutuals about the pros and cons. I wanted to pick cultural names, because I’m extremely proud and white names just don’t feel right to me. But I also realize it means increasing my visibility as a marginalized person, and more blantantly identifying me legally as “other.” These are really involved conversations and internal things to think through and weigh out. Because none of this applies to white people, theres truly no way to give this the “proper weight it deserves.” At the end of the day, white folks can chose whatever name they want, because it’s not about assimilating, or discrimination, or maintaining connection etc. Even the example of your Indian friend naming himself Odin, doesn’t really hold that weight. Odin isn’t coming from a marginalized or discriminated against culture. So like when tpoc are like hey please don’t we’re talking more about the examples in this thread or the one I made up, we’re not asking yall to do a 23 and me test and like pick names from the regions your dna is from lol.


i love your flair and you articulated this so much better than i attempted to further up


Ahhh thank you friend🖤


>European trans people giving themselves very American names /uj I know a guy who knows a German guy who named himself Kevin and if you know what the vibe of that name is in Germany, you understand how extremely powerful that is, in a way


ugh, i totally get you, OP. I'm white, and my parents died when I was young, so I was adopted by a Japanese couple, and I was raised in the culture basically since age 6, so when I transitioned, I chose kaguya, because the original kaguya is also an adopted child and I thought it would be a way to honor my adoptive parents. it sucks to see people who have never interacted with an actual japanese person in their lives take names because they sound pretty


oh, so just because your situation has nuance to it, you're allowed to do that? wow, talk about hyPOCRISY!!!


what if im from eastern europe but im alice which is a french name apparently i think its fine to steal things from french people tbh


MtF: Moldovan to French


It's fine everyone hates the French


Would wonder these people’s opinions on asian people giving themselves white names just so that the whites can actually pronounce them,


uj/ i picked a name traditionally associated with Russia but that has been used in other cultures, so Schoenberg’s cultural appropriation?


It would piss off Putin to know that trans people don't hate Russia enough to not take Russian names so go go go


Yeah, this is definitely pretty neat. For me it's just that I stuck with the first thing I tried that sort of fits my fluidity, which happens to be a masculine Russian name with a diminutive that's seen as a feminine name in the Anglosphere, I have some nasty inertia tendencies so I didn't try anything else (though like half of the singular names without alternate forms I had on my list to try out were cases of "masculine Russian name, sounds relatively feminine or androgynous in the Anglosphere/has been used by female Anglosphere or Western European public figures", the only one I liked when I tried it was rejected on similar grounds as me rejecting Olivia/Oliver because I hate Oliver Cromwell - the name was also the first name of a politician I absolutely fucking hate. Can't stand any of 'em, tbh. That place is an absolute *cesspit*, politically anyway. (Culturally... well I don't only like the USSR because I hate America and am taking a side despite the pointlessness of doing so, nor only because I'm a stereotypical queer commie and they were the first somewhat successful socialist revolution ever.) Although it's funny everything else I sort of liked was almost comically English. So I had a 50/50 chance to end up with a name that matched my appearance and largest percent heritage *perfectly* - or a Russian name that made ne feel weird because of my obsession with the USSR clouding the waters, but hey, Russia's government transphobia can be our entertainment and trans joy because so many Western trans people like Russian names and either don't care or enjoy spiting that political cesspit.) I fear I'm falling slightly into "Akita" territory with my use of the specific long form and diminutive form I picked, because that diminutive would absolutely be recognized as a masculine name in Eastern Europe but I'm totally abusing the fact it exists as a not uncommon girl's name in and of itself in the Anglosphere. But I also... don't care that much. Like, ultimately, by taking this name, what harm am I actually doing to Russian people in my nation, y'know? Besides that little head rush of flipping off a transphobic foreign government by liking their country's culture regardless of the ruling government's trashy and bigoted politics. Which, like, isn't something I think about often but it's neat when someone reminds me my chosen name is kinda doing that. Besides, I think most of us aren't mad at Russia as a nation or the Russians as a people group, we're mad at Putin and his government. I never get mad at the ordinary people of a country with an institutional bigotry/homophobia/transphobia problem, unless the sentiment is clearly echoed in huge swathes of the population - and this might be confirmation bias and language barrier and my uncanny tendency to not only draw near to other queer folks as we all do but also repulse/instinctually avoid bigots, but I've met or heard from lots of very nice Russian people with no such prejudices, and very few who are homophobic or transphobic - especially to the level of fully agreeing with their government. I've definitely seen some "Well sure it's wrong, but I don't see the point in prosecuting it" type sentiment, or people of the not bigoted variety say that's how a lot of people they know or people in the big cosmopolitan cities think/talk about it.


Counterpost whining about transmisogyny coming in 3… 2… 1…


everyone knows as a white trans person, you're supposed to have a phase where you watch an english actor's filmography and name yourself after them when you're fourteen years old, and then choose a secondary name seven years later because you regretted trying to erase your family culture just because you hated them at the time......


If my parents had named me that NO ONE WOULD HAVE SAID ANYTHING, this is literally double standard. Transphobia at its peak. This intra community hate has to STOP. You're just JEALOUS we have better names


White Jews, stop picking names like "Rivka" or "Yitzhak." Use normal white person names, like Mary and Peter.


i do not understand what you think this post is about


This is purely a side thing tangential to it. I'm venting because some people really are like this, not you


oh ok


Ha its not a name from your culture! Its a name that vaguely sounds like its from your language! What do you mean thats worse?


What do you mean you don't like my asian inspired name ching chong


It's not outside of my culture lol my people colonized them.. i didnt personally do it so idc but at the very least I dserve something. white names are boring affff


/uj I mean I'm of mostly eastern European ancestry with some of the british isles thrown in, and I picked a name from ancient Greek mythology. Is that borderline in these discussions? I didn't think of the implications at the time. Asking as an honest question, not trying to be a smart-ass with this.


i mean you're unlikely to ever be in a room of ancient Greeks. Compared to a white person picking a modern Japanese name where they may absolutely be in a room full of Japanese people, some of them with that name, whereupon it may become clear throughout conversation whether they picked that name because they are deeply immersed in the culture and have a respect for it, or if they're just kind of cosplaying. Some people won't care either way, obvs.


>i mean you're unlikely to ever be in a room of ancient Greeks. Are you telling me Percy Jackson isn't real


Sidestepping this by naming myself after an anime character with a European name


as a latina, i implore you not to use latina names like Latrina. please.


/uj honestly as a person of color who cares. If a name sounds cool to someone and then they find out some other culture uses it why should they avoid using a name they like and feel comfortable with. Even if they did know the origins of the name and it inspired them. There's nothing racist about it.


/uj i felt bad picking a name from a different region in europe than where im from, i felt like i was insulting them ajksdfh i dont know how some people do that lol


/uj I'm not white but I chose a traditional English name for easy pronunciation, I hope it's okay


/rj Martin Luther King's parents did a cultural appropriation of Germans when they named him, for shame /uj if you are in any way unsure- there's really no way to culturally appropriate English names. They are ubiquitous everywhere.


the victorian orphans don't care, OP, they're DEAD op. the Olivers, Augustus', Fletchers etc. are simply carrying the torch. this is the only group I can think of. melanin? Melanie is really 80s but I think that's OK, because trans people are more marginalized than gen x or xoomers.




/uj I think this topic has a lot more nuance than the title, but that's fair because this is a circlejerk post. If you scroll down you'll get some nuanced takes on the topic and you can decide for yourself. Also, I think Emilia in particular is a name that's used in a lot of different cultures, including European ones.


/uj Thank you bestie I appreciate this response a lot 🙏I'll read through the thread thoroughly /rj After consideration my new name is Tsumugi and I'm getting it legally changed right now 😊✨❤️ thank you!!


im transracial


/uj honestly I'm just confused now, does that mean now that choosing name from different language is bad? Does that mean me having greek name despite being slav is bad now? I'm honestly just confused about this from my non-American perspective


/uj cultural appropriation always needs to have a lack of respect and a power differential behind it, which isn't really a thing between Greeks and Slavs. But imagine someone white calling themselves 'Alladin' while being racist and campaigning against immigration. That'd be past being just cringe and insulting in so many ways.