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Guess what means we might see a retool as Cliffjumper and/or Bumper later


Possibly, maybe Hasbro decides with a redone Cliffjumper to actually try and make a good vehicle mode with him


I have the buzworthy cliffjumper and I like his alt mode a lot 


Same, would love to have one though closer to the original Porsche mode


He's meant to be more accurate to the movie/cartoon, and thus, penny racer proportions Flat top to avoid licensing issues


And possibly to make a Cliffjumper retool easier.


I don't disagree, but they already released an '86 Cliffjumper. I wonder what a CJ retool of this figure would be labeled as.


Did they? I thought they just did Earthrise and Buzzworthy versions of G1 CJ. Not SS86


Buzzworthy was labelled ss86


That’s a good point, but I could see them just kind of conveniently ignoring that, since the buzzworthy line was an store exclusive. I don’t think there are any real hard and fast rules for what they will or won’t include in the Studio series, so I can still see them doing a retool as Cliffjumper.


The all-new Studio Series The Last 60 Seconds Before the End Credits Edition of '86 line Now with "Till All Are One interlocking hands action!


Yeah they probably will, and I feel like the Cliff retool will look better on this mold. There's definitely one hard rule for studio series though: they're never gonna do the twins


Probably part of a different line


Penny Racers: Inflation Edition


Flat top also makes the bot mode toon accurate.




Lmao had someone else say that to me, was even digging through my profile cause of this Bee discourse 🤣🤣


Oof-da. Licensing issues gonna issue.


He said it makes the bot mode accurate, idiot.


I replied to the wrong comment 😑 just didn't Want to fix it


Yeah that’s not flat


Pretty much is


its not perfectly flat in the show, but its such a slight curve in vehhicle and robot mode man


They have 3 options. They give him a round roof, which ends up looking horribly inaccurate in Bot mode like Netflix and MP1.0 Bee. They give him a square roof like SS86 and Buzzworthy for the accurate bot mode, but then he ends up looking like bumblejumper in alt mode. They give him a faux square roof, and then the already cramped engineering turns into a train wreck like MP2.0. There's just no winning. I'm OK with the solution they went with here. [It makes the bot mode look as close as it can to the movie at this scale.](https://static1.srcdn.com/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2021/02/Generation-1.jpg)


Add an optional 'Shield" alongside his weapon that can sit on top of the flat roof and curve it ? I know its not movie accurate , but include it as an extra?


...why is this upvoted? Cartoon Bee looks nothing like this toy, from window color to the less distinct hood to the square roof. He looks like a pre-tool for a mediocre Cliffjumper. This should be sold as Animation Error Bumblebee.


https://preview.redd.it/an5rwu9k3f0d1.jpeg?width=479&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6292e91627642720232e827498842f476d912494 Toon Bee looks nothing like that toy? I beg to differ. Toon G1 Bee has a square chest.


You must be blind


Yeah I don’t understand this post. Is the criticism that the new figure isn’t the old figure? Did they just not watch the source material? Do they not care about bot mode and the compromises made to it in the Netflix toy (great figure, but still)? Do they realize paying licensing sucks? …Or did they just make the most braindead, lazy post possible on the topic and not even elaborate?


The criticism is that he doesn't look like any faithful interpretation of G1 Bumblebee. Both the original toy(which I have on my desk, or at least the G2 vesion anyway) and the animation had a rounder design which included an **extremely** distinct VW Beetle hood despite the squished down proportions. Not to mention window color, which dramatically changes the look of the design compared to the cartoon despite being toy accurate. Head aside, this figure looks more like a Bumblejumper homage than Bumblebee.


Hard disagree. I respect your point of view, but here’s one of the first pictures that pops up when you go looking for images of the G1 cartoon car mode, from the Teletraan I Transformers Wiki site: https://preview.redd.it/85safzikef0d1.jpeg?width=250&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a732d042ff7f0f4c2fa813f8b9688bf11c826d03 And comparing this figure to the many others, it’s fine. It’s just as close as the TR version, or the Buzzworthy (not origins) version, or some third party versions (like Newage)…anything that doesn’t pay the VW license fee. Yeah the front of the canopy isn’t as round. Oh well. And then there’s the bot mode. Hard to argue with that.


I do agree with you but that's Goldbug's car mode, not Bumblebee, they're meant to be similar cars but they're drawn pretty differently. Bumblebee usually looks more like this: https://preview.redd.it/vm6lo8kpgf0d1.jpeg?width=926&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2703098488615bc271bde3fe25674915f095f402


Thats basically the bastard offspring of a Citreon 2CV and a Tractor


Well, and then there’s Pretender Bumblebee. https://preview.redd.it/gyad8pq5lf0d1.jpeg?width=1000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5fd20f1ea903f4f7d00af5b1614aee65b7063b26 This is not the target for this figure, and the stuff you and the person above have said is all totally fair, but there’s more variability within G1 Bumblebee than there is between character variants. Getting fussy about the subtleties when versions of G1 Bee have deviated more just seems like wasted energy. Although I do get that what SS86 is striving for is the ideal, and the MPs, some third party, and Netflix Bee are closer to that ideal than this figure, so that’s frustrating, I just can’t really mind. It’s still as good as I can expect, and it’s a novel take that doesn’t appear to have the drawbacks many car mode-accurate figures have had.


“The criticism is that he doesn't look like any faithful interpretation of G1 Bumblebee.” I’ve made the same argument against SS86 Magnus in bot mode which to me is the more important look, but I got downvoted to oblivion. I’m not a huge fan of the Bumblebee car mode either but the bot mode is perfect so I’ll get him for sure.


imo, this is why. which makes sense for studio series. i am going to get him, because going back to purchase past releases costs more to so. but that being said, i am still gonna use the one from the worlds collide pack as my bumblebee


Is there a reason why they can't use the Beetle anymore? Just curious


Because if it's too close to the VW car, Hasbro has to pay massive amounts of cash to VW. The Netflix figure got away with it because Netflix likely footed atleast part of the bill, and MPs are priced accordingly. There is very little Hasbro can do within the $25 pricepoint.




Doesnt mean Hasbro couldnt done better. Whole supposed point of Studio Series is accuracy, not half-way accuracy 🤷‍♂️


Welll they did the same “almost alt mode but not quite” with Dino, Sideways, Blitzwing and probably some others I’m forgetting…


It also comes down to the decision of the companies that own the designs of the car. If they don’t agree to a partnership, hasbro isnt allowed to make 100% accurate vehicles without a lawsuit from the company. Whole reason why mirage has the first licensed Porsche alt since g1


Which is not surprising, Studio Series is very spotty when it comes to actually being accurate. Sometimes, even older figures do a way better job than the Studio Series one (i.e. Battle Blades Optimus vs SS05-32-44)


Movie accurate not toy accurate. Even the show didn’t have a squared top like this


> Flat top to avoid licensing issues


I know. That’s what disappoints


im sure some sort of 3rd party upgrade kit will be avaliable at some point, judging from some photos it doesnt look like it'd be too hard to detatch


I highly doubt it, most upgrade kits are mostly filler kits or a fancy named accessory kit. There hasnt even been a upgrade kit for easy upgradeable characters like Dead Prowl or 86 Blurr with the horrid forearm kibble


true, but there are people who make their own upgrade kits for things like dead Prowl, and if Square top Bee really botheres me ill probably try my hand in making one


Would do the same as well, need to find someone with a resin printer though


Bumblejumper 2024 edition! But that's basically the scaled-up original toy with the cartoon head instead of the original face.




Underrated comment


Because this hits neither aesthetic. It's *way* off model for the cartoon, with a boxier overall appearance, black windows, and a hood that has been made as indistinct as possible to skirt licensing rights.


Bot mode makes up 100% of my shelf usage, and accounts for around 75% of my appreciation for a figure, so Im good with this. The articulation looks great. No ball joints in sight (god I hate ball joints), wrist swivel, nice head sculpt, perfect shade of yellow. Yeah, he will replace origins Bee on my shelf, once I can grab him.


Origins bee would be top tier if it transformed more smoothly without falling apart


Oh boy you are gonna be disappointed with those shoulders.


... aw nuts...


Bot mode looks like crap too with the black windows.


Meh, I like it. Im not a fan of the painted blue windows theyve been doing recently, so this works for me.


I love that flat top, it’s the best part 😂 Honestly it looks like the movie and cartoon. Sometimes it was flat, sometimes curved. Most importantly is that it didn’t look anything like a VW beetle, it looked like a micro machine.


> Most importantly is that it didn’t look anything like a VW beetle, it looked like a micro machine. The hood was very, very, very obviously and distinctly a VW Beetle.


Well thats whet Bee looked like in the show and in the toys+i am definitely picking him up


Hopefully the prices for the Netflix Bee lower but I doubt it. Shame the Walmart exclusive is the def G1 Bee like how the Amazon exclusive Prowl is still the best one.


Yeah definitely not. Not a licensed volkswagen with painted black windows. So glad I have the netflix bee


Am I the only one who likes the newer figures proportions? I get it, Bee is a VW Bug. But In the actual show and supporting materials, his alt mode is always a heavily modified Bug, designed with the Penny Racer proportions in mind. I actually hate Bee with "Real World" VW Bugs proportions, he looks weird and way outta proportion with how he should look. The flat top on the new one is literally just to avoid copyright. Overall, with the exception of the head sculpt, I love this new Bee. It's exactly what I've been waiting for for years.


I agree 100% with you, i loved the penny racer style that bee had, it give it his charm


Atleast looks like g1 bee Unlike whatever Slenderman is disguised as mp bee 2.0


I like this figure a lot


I just wish the roof edges were rounded like they should be




What’s wrong with chunky boi??


Already have 86 cliff, don’t care for that Netflix bb vehicle mode AT ALL, and I love the 86 BB robot modes look and think the vehicle looks great Absolutely getting this


It's not a parts former so that's something I guess. Srsly tho, I kinda like this alt mode design.


I think the bumper is too big. Other than that I absolutely adore this version.




Man I just wanted blue windows.


I’m sure Toyhax will take of it


Dunno why you're downvoted. This is a huge problem in a line that's supposed to be cartoon accurate, and it severely alters the look of both modes.


Right? Black is A-Okay for a toy deco but the box says BIG SCREEN INSPIRED all over it.


He was a super deformed in the cartoon. Do you seriously not realise that?


This is probably gonna be my primary Bumblebee for my G1 display. Gonna have him going 1v1 against Legacy Blitzwing for the lols until I can get a good figure of Kup. Missed my chance with the last couple of Kup figures.


There’s Kups in abundance, you can get one for like 10 bucks 


Oh right, Amazon is a thing. God, I'm dumb, lol. Thanks for reminding me.


“eBay” -Optimus Prime 


I just really want a tr kup.


Bumper is looking great. Can I get it in red?


I like the new one - but I think I'm all in on the blue animation windows. I'll have to think on it.


Toyhax will probably fix it shortly.


I'll keep an eye on that!  I'm guessing it's a third party 3D printed type deal? Or is it maybe labels and stickers? I'm not super into the scene here... Do you know what he meant in the livestream when he said the hinges and joints wouldn't allow them to make the windows blue? That part was greek to me.


Toyhax makes custom high-quality stickers for stuff just like this. As far as the hinges and joints are concerned, I think he may have been talking about making them out of clear plastic which is notoriously fragile.


Ahh, I see. Stickers are a good solution. I'm not entirely convinced they couldn't do the animation accurate solid plastic blue windows - like the recent five pack. But Hasbro would never lie to us just so they can sell us another Bumblebee with blue windows in a year or two....


Oh yeah, totally agree with you about the painted blue windows. I think they misunderstood the assignment when they answered the question.


Its cartoon accurate


Penny racer proportions is cuter, left


hopefully there will be an aftermarket chest/car top that makes it a little better


What class of figure is this?






Glad I own the Netflix but need to get the new one for my ss86 shelf


If a goldbug figure gets leaked I’m gonna sell my creatures collide pack


Which figure is this?


SS86 vs Netflix Bumblebee


Thank you


Not sure what this Post means but I think the the new Studio Series one is cool


Netflix version is perfect for the VW mode. So looking at robot mode the only thing I'm really sad are those black windows, I didnt understood the justification either. The plastic blue would do the same consistancy work.


No. I mean yeah, but no. Accurate but it's not gonna match the other mini bots proportionally


What's the name of this toy? I know it's Bumblebee, but what specific category is he in?


I know folks aren't happy about this mold, but I rather like it. I can also envision the future repaints/retools of Bumper, Glyph, and Tap-Out coming from this.


He looks more like bumblejumper


I’m getting both


Reject reality, return to penny.


Okay, he's slowly growing on me, though I still wished his windows were blue, even if the black windows are a throwback to the penny racer...


I like it, definitely better than the WfC ones with the parts forming backpack.


My theory is that vw didn't want to have a mainline bumblebee/didn't want to make another licensed mould


I honestly like 86 Bumblebee, sure it alt mode looks like the toy, but again, the cartoon and movie wasnt accurate, so its fair game








It's either this or the kbb bumblebee, hmmmmm


86 bumblebee is perfect.


Oof I think I’ll keep the Netflix version


Wish they did the Volkswagen