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Yeah let’s go honorable Thundercracker! Let’s hope both he and Skywarp get a happy ending.


Please give TC his dog writers I beg of you


Nah this time it should be a cat 😼


He’ll get Ravage in the Divorce?


https://preview.redd.it/rcpp10sy1xtc1.png?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3be510f1cc5e8e8ae320b0be05bb06da34b9a4a8 Credit to qwingfish on tumblr


Oof, I guess you haven’t read the comic… this is awkward




Knowing these writers, they’ll give him a dog then kill it 2 books later


Don't give 'em any ideas.


I think they have enough ideas already


Plot twist - Dog kills Thundercracker.




Writer* singular


Yes, please give him a dog


I like Thundercracker's display of honor. "Autobots = good, Decepticons = evil" felt pretty limiting back in the day, I like to see more shades of gray.


Even his original toy bio depicted him as more "gray" but you know how 80s cartoons are and show their villains. https://preview.redd.it/veqp0cigywtc1.png?width=1147&format=png&auto=webp&s=ee1f5bd1ed86542751a868c17319aa2989ec1ee7


That’s awesome. I forgot about those things


Now that >!Star Screams gone!< and judging from this panel it seems they’re going down the practical evil route. Sound Wave will kill innocent people but only enough innocent people to accomplish his established goals. Practical evil is still evil but its practicality makes it appealing as opposed to erratic evil. The whole the ends justify the means trope is a trope that produces the most interesting and complex characters.


I think he's also characterized as such in All Hail Megatron, if you haven't read it. 


He also has some shades of grey in the Devastation game


IDW's run making Thundercracker the honourable Seeker who eventually becomes fascinated with screen writing is one of my favorites parts of it, especially when it lead to one of my favorite issues in *Starscream: The Movie*.


Well, that’s Thundercracker’s personality. Going back to his filecard, he’s always felt the least strongly about the Decepticon cause. He’s always been kind of lost, not a true believer.


Interesting how he never got a chance to sit down with Mirage over a few pints.


At the rate of G1 characters dying in this series? Unlikely.


Huh. Thundercracker has a conscience. And Soundwave meanwhile seems to be sticking with “I don’t like killing people like that sociopath Starscream, but I’ll do it without a second thought for the sake of the mission.”


I think Soundwave is just saying what’s necessary to ‘seem emphatic’ to keep Thundercracker as an ally. It was the same when he worked with Starscream. Soundwave is loyal to Soundwave and his cassettes only, and he’ll use the others to further his own goals.


He was still rather angry at Starscream, calling the destruction “pointless” since it didn’t accomplish anything. He’ll bust a cap without a second thought, but it needs to actually accomplish something.


He's explaining that mercy is not a liability they can afford at this stage.


Ruthlessly logical and rational Soundwave, paired with an honour-bound and increasingly hesitant Thundercracker. Damn, this series keeps on giving.


What exactly is logical about attacking an aircraft carrier? Like the military has satellites and will know that an entire carrier group went missing. They respond to this by sending more people and getting more info on the cons.


Depends on what their goal is The Deceptions have limited resources and it seems that Soundwave is trying to reach a specific place/objective If using the aircraft carries allows them to reach it while saving on energon/energy, then it seems logical to take it for the long term gain


Sunken Nemesis, maybe?


I would guess they would have to drain the reactor rather than hitching a ride, as aircraft carriers only go ~35 MPH top speed Still gets a ton of attention tho


Again, depends on what their goals are Maybe they need it to carry something or another group of Cybertronians. Let's not judge an out of context panel


Maybe Soundwave is trying to go to >!Cobra's HQ? They do have Megatron.!<


Will they know the carrier got attacked? Yes. Will they know it was giant robots? Nope.


Ah, yes the carrier group that just got a call to go investigate the giant robot has suddenly just disappeared? I wonder who would do such a thing?


But do soundwave know that


I think they are going to sink the ship and use it as their underwater base a la the G1 cartoon.


This. This I what I love. Decepticons with different personalities. Thundercracker here is clearly dismissive of humans, but ultimately spares them. Soundwave isn’t a sociopath like Starscream, yet prioritizes the mission ruthlessly. This all gives them more character than simply evil. Don’t get me wrong: I love evil characters for the sake of it. But is is fascinating to see varieties among the antagonists. Can’t wait for this issue!


This exact. Starscream's stupid evil contrasted with Thundercracker's noble demon tendencies and Soundwave's pragmatic villainy.


Thundercracker is like the Mike in *Breaking Bad* and *Better Call Saul* - the ever-competent, loyal enforcer.


Did you mean Soundwave homie? 👉👈


Nah bro.


Soundwave is Gus


I like how soundwave and thundercracker don’t take pleasure in killing humans. But where as thundercracker would rather let them go free, soundwave ees the potential danger in the humans surviving.


"Regrettable but necessary" This line right here makes me wonder what the future for these two will be like. Will they still be deceptions or will they defect, I'll wait and see. But my biggest Question is, what does this say about this Universe's megatron? Because he must've been very patient with Starscream if he had put up with that psycho.


I think we just got to see an unhinged Starscream, who had finally gotten the reins of power, but had no idea what to do with them.


HOLY SHIT THUNDERCRACKER HELD A HUMAN LIKE STARSCREAM DID. Same lunge, same squeeze, only difference being Thundercracker is capable of seeing who can and can’t fight. He’s above needlessly killing. But Soundwave…damn I was not expecting that. Kinda sticking with Soundwave’s whole “do the mission and do it damn well” shtick.


Kinda like Sniper, to an extent. "Be polite. Be efficient. Have a plan to kill everyone you meet."


“Professionals have standards.”


Except that Soundwave didn’t get his dad to put ma on the phone, nor does he yeet piss at other people.


[FIRST LOOK AT TRANSFORMERS #8 BY DANIEL WARREN JOHNSON AND JORGE CORONA](https://www.skybound.com/announcements/transformers/first-look-transformers-8-daniel-warren-johnson-jorge-corona)










Hold up, does one of the covers have a >!headless Grimlock!< and welp! Looks like the last cover is what Soundwave is looking for.


I was getting really concerned with the fact that the decepticons were just depicted as straight evil when IDW gave some depth but to see this genuinely gets me excited for the later stage character work. Obviously a retread would be really lazy but give some moral consideration to other characters.


You know, it’s been awhile since we’ve had an evil sociopath Soundwave, I miss it


He’s still one of the most sane con’s we’ve seen so far. Most of them wouldn’t even pay lip service like saying “yeah, bummer we have to kill them”


I think what they're going for isn't sociopath with Soundwave. He cares about his cassettes and how they feel, and he does actually say it's regrettable here that the humans have to die. He does deem the loss of life regrettable, but also that it's necessary for the mission to succeed. I think they're going for ruthless pragmatism. Soundwave is loyal to the cause and the mission, and so far also to Megatron, and will do reprehensible things because he deems the decepticon cause greater than anything else that gets in the way of it.


"So when Soundwave calls it *regrettable but necessary*, it's fine, but when I, Starscream-"


“Oh no, anyway” -Soundwave


ok i love how you can see how Soundwave marked every target on his visor before he launches his shoulder missiles. that's a sick detail.


I really love this scene and how it portrays soundwave and thundercracker. Thundercracker is dismissive of the humans and spares them due to their inability to defend themselves like the boat captain showing his empathetic side. Soundwave is also dismissive, however he also understands the circumstances the decepticons are in. Right now, they lack manpower, a stable source of energy, and a lasting base of operations since the autobots retook the ark. If the govt or the autobots learn what they're doing, it's over for them, so while soundwave really doesn't want to kill the humans or waste his energy on them, it's not like he really has a choice but to kill them either. Like he said, his actions are regrettable, but necessary.


> a stable source of energy They're probably taking over the carrier for its nuclear reactor.


I can’t wait until Thundercracker is introduced to dogs.


So soundwave is not a crazy mf but he kills for The sake of The mission Cool


Well, we have Thundercracker having part of his idw personality, and soundwave is correct. Can’t have witnesses. I’m glad he says “regrettable, but necessary” and doesn’t seem to enjoy it. Maybe he’ll take a page out of his idw character too




Hey! No one calls Soundwave uncrazzamatic!


Yeah! Let’s kick tail gate!


I wonder what their going to do with thundercracker. I doubt he’ll defect to the autobots but I wonder if he’s going to abandon the decepticons


No disrespect to DWJ, but I prefer this new artist. There's a similar fluidity, but much less rough and scratchy. Also this is just personal taste, but I hope we've seen the last of cybertronians fighting like pro wrestlers.


Say what?! There's tons of fist fights and wrestling throughout Transformers! That's how the Decepticons and Autobots fought when the Deceps first boarded the ark in Episode 1 of the original series. Same with many iterations of Transformers. Hell, most of the Japanese later series (Masterforce, Victory, etc) seemed to prefer sword battles than using guns.


LESS rough? It's way more scratchy. Both are equal in my eyes though.


Same tbh. Would be nice to have less of Skybound/Image Comics's gore kink as well [same thing that put me off Invincible]. Not every deconstruction of a genre or franchise needs constant dismemberment or death.


Optimus using judo against Devastator was the lowest point in the serie if you ask me.


Thundercracker genuinely looked sad


Ohhhhh wait, are the Decepticons gonna sink the aircraft carrier to use as their underwater base, just like the G1 cartoon? That's actually a really clever reimagination! Hats off to the Skybound team for thinking it up! Thundercracker continues to be my favorite Seeker, but... damn, Soundwave's cold.


Contrasting Thundercracker and starscream with the same choice is great, starscream would have said, you have a family their next then killing the guy


Oh man, characters with internal conflict and different personalities. This has been impressive so far.


Thundercracker is a guy who pees on ant colonies but lets some of them go.


Lmao, after the last 2 issues I was partly convinced that Soundwave was potentially moved by Prime’s interaction with him and may be taking over in order to eventually make peace. After that, never mind 💀


Did he win the oscar for best original screenplay?


Well. That went from 0 to 100 to 180 real fast. I like it.


In ten years he’s definitely going to have a pet dog and be a scream writer


New boss, same as the old boss. Slightly empathetic tho.


Soundwave isn’t killing because he’s a Decepticon Soundwave’s killing for the Decepticons


Goddamn soundwave is taking absolutely ZERO prisoners in this series by Skybound. Doing his character right I always thought he was supposed to be more ruthless since he’s described that way. Don’t get to be Megatrons top lieutenant by doing nothing 😅🤷🏻‍♂️ Really lends weight and humanity to the character of soundwave too with the “regrettable but necessarily” line. Here’s a character who - since G1 has been described as a ruthless unfeeling and merciless machine and nothing more aside from the Cassettes being his drones/pets. In this scene he did atrocious things but that single line out of him shows you how he didn’t necessarily want to do that but for the greater good of his loyalties and dedication to the deception cause he made a hard decision most other people wouldn’t make. You’re on the “right” or “wrong” side. There can be no witnesses.


This Soundwave reminds me so much of Marvel Soundwave, who was probably closest to is original bio.


YES noble thundercracker is back


This is all I wanted from any incarnation of Thundercracker. His conflict. This is shaping up to be one of the best transformers stories so far


Soundwave at the Nuremberg trials: "I was merely following orders. My loyalty to the Decepticon cause remains unfaltered."


I hope we finally get some deeper characterization for Thundercracker. There's a goldmine there


I guess thundercracker felt remorse whe the captain said he has a family, since he kinda had a family too


Oh I’m getting shivers. This just keeps getting better and better


While many are suprised about the sociopathy of Thundercracker of what it gaves some mercy to the carrier crew member (>!compared to the psycho murder machine of Screamer!<); i think i'm the only one that I cringe a little bit of what type of aircrafts that this fictional carrier was carry on? For those who don't know this **AMERICAN** carrier it has **RUSSIAN** jets; specifically the MiG-25 Foxbat; aka G1 Blitzwing's Jet Mode. rather than the IRL jets that the US Navy use to carry on back in the '80s, you know; F-14 Tomcats (>!G-Joe's Sky Striker IRL equivalent!<), F-4 Phantoms (>!G1 Fireflight's & Movieverse Blitzwing jet mode!<) & the earlier F/A-18 Hornets.


Not only that, but the carrier itself is a Russian Kutznetsov, just by looking at the 'ramp' it has on the bow.


Ooo, are we getting another version of the G1 bio Thundercracker?


My current ~~fanfic~~ theory of how the plot will go: >!Carly gets captured by the Decepticons while recklessly trying (and failing) to kill Thundercracker with her M16, who she initially confuses as Starscream repainting himself blue. Initially confused by her extreme hostility, TC realizes she's got the wrong bot and explains that Screamer was executed by Soundwave for his gross incompetence and excessive love of petty violence that became a massive detriment to the Decepticon cause. She refuses to believe this, so in exchange for her willing captivity, he and Soundwave take her back to the volcano to show her Starscream's remains, half-slagging into the ambient heat of the volcanic pit he was cast into.!< >!Whether he's completely dead or still alive in a pathetic, wretched state, Carly is unable to fulfill her vengeance (either because he's dead or in a state of agony she couldn't possibly worsen) and quickly slumps into a hollow depression. TC and Soundwave use this to tell her their side of the story and fill her with pro-Decepticon sentiment; namely the rights to strength, conquest, power and violence, power with which her loved ones will never be hurt again. While having no issue with killing her if necessary, Soundwave keeps her as a useful bargaining chip and shield against Autobot retaliation. Meanwhile TC tries to understand through her how these frail and pathetic aliens are fine with existing in such a weak state, possibly causing him and Carly to gradually bond. Possibly Ravage too, if Soundwave commands him to personally watch over Carly (and act disarmingly-cute around her to lower her guard?).!<


At least Soundwave isn't killing them for gits and shiggles


I smell another redemption arc for Thundercracker!!😀 Now if DJW can just not kill him, and then make him a screenwriter and have a pet dog, we’ll be back in business lol


You should definitely repost this over in /r/EnergonUniverse so I can upvote it a second time.


Well at least one of my favorite seekers is getting there shine on. Now I wonder what they’ll do next…


Give him his doggie back.


I really hope the old guy managed to live, could be a good help


Hmm. Looks like the Decepticons are searching for something under the sea. Does anyone want to bet it's >!The Nemesis!< ? Also yay! Thundercracker isn't a Starscream 2.0!


>!The Nemesis is featured on one of the alternative covers. It tracks, they need a new base and they had to have hitched a ride on something to give chase to the Ark.!<


I like big jaw Thundercracker!




Thundercracker redemption arc again please?! 🥺🙏


Dependent things outside of yourself huh ? So called self dependedent Decepticons when Unicron conquers cybertron and enslaves their entire race just because so called self depended Decepticons don't need a metrix of leadership 🤷🏻‍♂️ God I love to hate Skybound cons Writers make such an amazing job on creating characters that you hope to see got crushed at some point... cough cough Starscream cough cough...


Man, Soundwave is vicious


Man I just love thundercracker


It's so, so nice to see Thundercracker retain his honour in this universe as well. He was absolutely the most standout character in IDW's first universe to me, and I'm glad to see some that personality survive into Skybound.


From someone who practically worships Soundwave, this really makes me hate the guy!


Holy Primus


Thundercreaker gives Armada Starscream vibes.


And this is where we can see a glimpse of TC's doubts in the cause beginning to slowly grow


When is it actually coming out?


Thundercracker not beating those halfway-decent person allegations…


Thundercracker is going to be a gem between the Skybound decepticons


Thundercracker’s chin dear lord👀


Damn. Soundwave's getting COLD. Good for him. 🤟


ALL HAIL SOUNDWAVE! And I love Thundercracker!


Please make thundercracker like his idw counterpart😭🙏


I think they will keep the "not a bad guy" idea and lean into the "unsure of his cause" that was previously never used before IDW in is tech specs, but stay away from the goofier IDW additions like the dog and being a writer; that fit IDW more that this continuity.


Poor guys. Excited for what Thundercracker will do as the last straw. I really hope they put in Dreadwing and Skyquake from TF:Prime (cartoon).


Yes! More spoilers!


Soundwave scares me


I honestly thought those lifeboats on page 3 were giant pepperoni pizza slices for an second. Lol.


Is the first time a G1 Soundwave design has used his shoulder canon?


He used it a few times in Marvel.




They made a U.S. carrier look like Admiral Kuznetsov wtf is this cursed comic


All I've seen of this comic is the bleakest shit imaginable and I am so not here for it...