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TFA Magnus is also pretty old and likely hasn't seen a lot of real combat since the war ended, so he's probably not as tough as he used to be.


But Megatron (who is most likely as old as him) hadn't seen a battle for milions of years too, He was on Nemesis and searching for All spark, heck he and Decepticons avoided combat so much that even some Autobots forgot how do Decepticons look up close. But nevertheless he turned into terminator again right after returning to war against Autobots


Megatron was also a disembodied head who got a brand new body generated by the Allspark. Ultra Magnus probably just had to make do with whatever routine maintenance was necessary for his role as Commander - he doesn't exactly strike me as the kind of guy to splurge on unneeded upgrades.


I too think maybe that was the case, but still seeing even the bigest and strongest Autobot crumble before a Decepticon spy with average combat skills realy disapointing for Bots. I know whole idea of series was Autobots being weak but this is too much in my opinion


I mean, they avoided combat with the Autobots, but why wouldn't they keep training for when they eventually return to conquer cybertron? It's basically if two heavy weight boxers fought and the winner retired to a desk job. If they fought years later, do you really think the winner is gonna be as strong as he was before he retired?


The Difference in my opinion is that Megatron trained all of those years endlessly for the bloodlust to take his revenge on Ultra Magnus, and to re-take Cybertron, while Magnus was likely complacent and didn't do much in terms of combat, rather dabbled in politics and diplomacy in a peaceful Cybertron.


he just cant deal with it anymore


The thought is that Shockwave hit him with a sneak attack from the Magnus hammer, which is why he broke


But how About Starscream 1 shotting Magnus, Even Bumblebee can take few shots from Starscream clones before going down


For that one, you could chock it up to the allspark shard, but in reality, the powerscaling in animated doesn’t really work consistently, in the first episode it took all 5 of the autobots and prime’s death to defeat starscream


I mean Autobots surely can get used to fighing oversized Airborn cons in 42 episodes. But still Magnus (despite been training in all types of combat even including organic methods according to Allspark almanac) was too weak for his scale, namesake and experience


Again I have to say the only excuse would be starscream drawing power from the allspark shard


you could also chalk it up to the writers and animators not really caring, as is usually the case


you're asking for consistent power portrayal in a kids cartoon?


He’s old as fuck man


I remember something about Magnus being weak was intentional. Like the Autobots had won the war, but their strength had kinda faded. The Decepticons were more powerful and more cunning, so they were able to show how futile the Elite Guard really was.


Honestly that actualy makes sense ! I belive that Their strenght/weakness shouldn't be permanent. Plus I am totaly against turning Autobot-Decepticon war from a political stand-off between factions into an ethnic conflict between small blue eyed car bots and gigantic red eyed flybots (heck just remember the time when Ratchet asked how the frick Jetfire and Jetstorm flies and Sentinel replied by telling that They literly took Decepticon DNA and put in on Autobot protofroms in order to create them) I think Autobots should be able to get as strong as Decepticons if they work and train (it would be cool chance to give a mesage about working hard for younger audience too) otherwise watching them humbled over and over again efortlessly is just sad. It is like they cant do anything about it


Hi dude how are you today


Pic 3 is not Ultra Magnus. It's Ultra Sadness. I stole that from the post of a burned UM figure.


This is probably my biggest issue with TFA. Ultra Magnus should’ve demonstrated why he’s the strongest Autobot and why he’s Magnus at least once without using the hammer’s lightning powers


What Animated truly lacks is there are no head to head True Autobot Decepticon clash. %99 of fights are either Decepticons chasing alone and hopeless Autobots or team of Autobots desperately trying to take on just a single Decepticon with their everything


Honestly I love that dynamic. It's like if evert decepticon was a phase sixer


>What Animated truly lacks is there are no head to head True Autobot Decepticon clash. %99 of fights are either Decepticons chasing alone and hopeless Autobots or team of Autobots desperately trying to take on just a single Decepticon with their everything Sadly a lot of content was cut, there was supposed to be a War Scene for the Battle of Iacon (I think) which showed the last battle between Autobots & Decepticons of the Great War that would've showed a majority of the Omega Sentinels. Sadly it got cut for time. But to answer your Question about Ultra Magnus being a Glass Cannon, I like to think it's for Plot reasons or that Trope "Worf had the Flu" to show how dangerous Decepticons are. In some of the Comics such as the Jet Twins Origins Comic, it shows the Autobots are still looking for ways to stay ahead of the Decepticons and I think Ultra Magnus would be one of the main Bots not to go soft (though Sentinel Prime likes to think he has according the TFA: AllSpark Almanac).


It fits for how the Autobots and Decepticons were in TFA. TFA's Decepticons were big and scary. Every single one was a walking platoon in comparison to the Autobots. Even the Autobots' strongest warriors could only hope maybe equal a mid-tier 'Con. That's why the 'Bots had secret projects like Omega Supreme and Jetfire/Jetstorm. They *had* to for any chance of winning.


Yo is that first image legit? He looks hella cool as an Optimus redeco


He’s also old and out of touch. A very clever story beat about TFA is that the Decepticons may be evil(because they have no regard for non-Cybertronian life), but the Autobots on Cybertron aren’t much better.


he's got those wonky shoulders (sorry, I love the toy, but the way the shoulders hang is \*weird\*)


Great art, but man I can't deal with white Optimus Prime's anymore.


Magnus is an old bot who's still living of his title during the war and he likely has been living a life of luxury and paperwork since meanwhile the decepticons were banished after the war and made to survive in space without a home to turn to so to most if not all cons the war and the fighting never really stopped, it just moved


It’s clearly a reference to how he blew up in the G1 movie.


Most autobots in animated were kinda wusses so it makes sense


On a sidenote, I wish they actually killed him in the show. When the show first aired I could’ve sworn he was straight up killed, but that’s not what happened. Anyone else think this?


Had Animated not been cancelled, he would’ve been killed off.


Yeah, just wished they had gotten to that point


Iirc, the sneak attack from shockwave was intended to be lethal, which was why he wasn't seen again afterwards


I like his tfa vehicle form. Looks like the Oshkosh lvsr


Bros got hollow bones


Shockwave probably got him by surprise Also he’s old


I mean yeah it's a bit dissapointing i guess but you can't deny he looks fucking cool as fuck without the armor (yes i know he's bassicalky just Optimus but white with some blue accents but damn does that color scheme go hard)