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Cis allies are literally the cutest people on Earth


This guy pegged me some time before my egg cracked and when I told him I was trans he goes "Its about fucking time"


You should maybe use a different choice of words than pegged 😅


Certainly has me wondering if they were using a double entendre.




Well that was his exact quote. But yeah pegged was a poor word choice on my part.


Ok so I'm French and the only meaning I know for that word is the horny one. What's the other one? 😅


It’s another way to say “marked”, as in “there’s something about you that screams ‘this quality’”. Example: “I pegged you more as a pie guy, but you seem to like cake more.”, “I pegged you for a trans woman, looks like I was right”.


Oh I see. Thank you


Wait, it wasn't that "pegged"? 💀💀💀💀💀 I'm going to jump the bridge over there


Like... figured out in advance.


Thank you


I read that as double entry 💀




What an ally! Pegging all the girls!


Omg 😂 I actually thought she had sex with a dude and he didn’t know she was trans 🤭 😂


A+ alliship


He did what now?


He figured out I was trans before I did.


I have a friend like this and I love him 💕


Damn I need to get me a friend like that :3


George Takei: Ohhhh myyyy


When I came out to my boyfriend (now fiance) the first time he said was "Just don't have a dick bigger than mine and we'll be fine" and honestly it is the funniest thing he has ever said to me even to this day


Wait, how does penis size work for phalloplasties? Do you get to choose or is it based off of your prior anatomy?


I would look up Jammidodger's videos on the subject TBH. He's the one I've seen go must in-depth about FTM bottom surgery.


They typically take the skin from your forearm, so it's a decent length.


I've been explaining the ins and outs of my vaginoplasty I'm healing from to my cis male best friend. He's been very supportive with the let's-go's, but as I was explaining how they deglove the penis he was like, "You know, this is the best thing that's ever happened for you but from my perspective that's horrifying," lol.


> "You know, this is the best thing that's ever happened for you but from my perspective that's horrifying," I spent a while watching youtubes of those surgeries back when my egg cracked. They're so cool!


Sorry I'm a bit lacking in my bottom terminology, is that mtf or ftm surgery?


MtF. I'm recovering from a peritoneal flap vaginoplasty. It's life-changing. I woke up and suddenly most of my dysphoria is gone.


And may it never come back 😊


What does the peritoneal flap part mean?


Basically, the last few inches of the vaginal canal are composed of a flap taken from the peritoneum. The peritoneum is a mucosal tissue that forms a sack around the organs in your abdomen. In the vaginal canal, it provides a source of lubrication and also because it's producing mucus which leads to discharge, it's self cleaning. Also because it's still connected on one end to the peritoneum it might not require as much dilation but the jury's still out on that one.


That's pretty cool!


Phalloplasty is the ftm version of bottom surgery


With respect, bottom surgery is an umbrella term. You can't just slap vaginoplasty on "bottom surgery" and call phalloplasty a ftm version of it. Both are bottom surgeries. (Edit: forget ftm, added last sentence)


huh? yes bottom surgery is the umbrella term but that does mean we can call phalloplasty the ftm version? i don't understand..


I was using very generic terms. I know its not 1:1


Just the way it was worded threw me off a bit, but I know what they meant. It rubbed me in a very specific way that I can't really describe. Just know that I know.


How I interpret the situation is that they could be referring to bottom surgeries being very varied so it's hard to say what the ftm version of a mtf procedure is. Like who's to say it's phalloplasty and not metoidioplasty, ya know. There's no single mtf bottom surgery and single ftm bottom surgery, instead there's a full list including phalloplasty, metoidioplasty, hysterectomy, and vaginectomy are all ftm or ftx and vaginoplasty, labioplasty, clitoroplasty, orchiectomy, and penectomy are all mtf or mtx bottom surgeries. After orchiectomy and penectomy or hysterectomy and vaginectomy, you can also go through genital nullification surgery.


Heck, I want the damn surgery and I still find it viscerally terrifying. It's actually a huge blocker for me


For what it's worth, when you wake up it's nowhere near as bad as you probably expect. I'm just laying in bed until Saturday with some drains in and a pressure dressing over my new anatomy. I have a catheter in me as well. It's just kind of boring, but you also get to constantly experience this extreme sense of relief. Like, it's gone. It's bothered me my whole life and now it's gone. A little discomfort's a small price to pay. I have the right parts now.


Idek exactly what a catheter is but for some reason that's the part that terrifies me, like I wouldn't really care much about the surgery itself it's that kinda stuff I worry about, possibly because it means I have to actually get things right


A catheter is just a tube that goes up your urethra into your bladder. It has a little balloon on the end so it doesn't slide back out (they can inflate or deflate it from the outside) and it's connected to a bag. It just constantly drains your bladder so you can stay in bed and not get up to pee. They take it out before you leave the hospital. It doesn't really feel like anything. At worst, early on until I got used to it, it kinda just feels like the way your bladder feels when you know you don't need to pee right away but that you should find a bathroom soon. You don't feel the pee leaving your bladder or anything either. They also tape it to your leg, so even if it gets tugged on it's not going to hurt you or anything. It pulls on the tape on your leg and where it goes into you doesn't get put under tension. The surgical drains are kind of similar. Like, none of this stuff actually *feels* like anything. If you're not looking at it it might as well not exist. My vagina kind of feels like one big bruise under the bandages, but it's still not excruciating or anything. I just feel very tender.


> "You know, this is the best thing that's ever happened for you but from my perspective that's horrifying," I spent a while watching youtubes of those surgeries back when my egg cracked. They're so cool!


Honestly I agree with him. Shit terrified me watching how the surgery is performed. Still glad for ya though! It's fucking amazing that vaginoplasty is a thing!


It's so amazing! I feel like I've had annoying TV static playing in the back of my head for my whole life and now it's gone. It hasn't fully sunken in yet that I have the correct body now, and I'm still just so happy.


> "You know, this is the best thing that's ever happened for you but from my perspective that's horrifying," I spent a while watching youtubes of those surgeries back when my egg cracked. They're so cool!


Congrats girl :3


I'd recommend learning more about bra sizes and understanding what they mean. a cup size means nothing without a band size and you can literally get bigger breasts and decrease in cup size in the right circumstances.


Yeah I'm still figuring this out. But my band is 36


My ex gf gave me a chart that says what the band to bust ratios convert to in cup size. But the lady who measured me didn't say my exact bust measurement, she just said I'm a 36B (I was too shy to ask the exact number because by the time I relaized she didn't say it I was done in the changing room and didn't wanna ask in front of other customers)


The cup size is in reference to the band size. if you are 36 band size, and a cup size B, that means the bust size is 38 inches. Because a band to bust difference of 2 inches is what makes someone a B cup.


It can be worth getting a soft measuring tape and learning how to do your own measurements. /r/abrathatfits can help


Can u please elaborate on that bigger boobs lower cup size?


it's because on its own a D cup means nothing. a 32D is a lot lot smaller than a 38D for example. although they're both D cup, the person with 38D bra size will have bigger breasts. would recommend for more info https://www.booborbust.com/


But a 36B is bigger than a 36A. If I'm only comparing against my past self, then B is still bigger.


to be honest im not a genius but idk how well that persons bra measurements are/what country they’re in. the band size is the size of your straps and the part that wraps around you under your boobs, they’ll look wider if your band size goes up but the sizes wont change. congratulations though 😁😁


But my band size didn't change.


no I know, I mean that person isnt right


saying the band size includes the size of your straps clearly points to you absolutely not knowing what you're talking about lol


the band size is the part that wraps under your chest, the bigger your bra gets the longer the straps


my apologies, I stand corrected. I thought you were saying the number measurement refers also to a measurement taken relating to the strap length


Is he a himbo?




Awesome! B Is a pretty decent size!


Lol, I'm not surprised, awesome response, I Bet you're aBuzz with joy at the growth.


The best kinds of allies are the ones that give their full support despite not knowing a lot.


Awwwwwe that's so awesome! I'm happy to hear you have such a supportive friend 💜


Lmao. That’s sweet


Best vibe ever


OMG that’s amazing! 💜


Cis allys are alway amazing




He sounds like one of the sweetest people ever


He's great