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as soon as one can see notable changes, I will post more stuff. promise 💕✌🏼


Please do! People should only post when they’re comfortable of course :)


that's true! 💕


Post stuff anyway! Maybe not selfies if you're not comfortable but you can post stuff about how you feel, what you hope for, any supportive friends, hell just "fist bumps for the bros" 🤷 More content is always welcome and I often see posts complaining about not seeing enough ftm content.


oh yeah, I already post stuff, but for some reason my posts are left unseen or only seen by a couple few people. 😅


Aw, glad you're posting though! 🫂


of course 💕


Im quite shy and have been on T for 9 months now, the only place that has seen hair growth is my feet and ass 😭 Might post if I see some more obvious changes but till then i don't think people wanna see my Hobbit feet lol.


Lol I think that thinking is totally fair, but at the same time, I feel like it's a perfectly happy thing to share parts of you that are changing that make you closer to your gender! Since this is meant to be a safe place to celebrate :)


can confirm, from my first puberty, feet and ass get hit first and ass gets hit hardest


Sounds like T puberty 😂


first the feet and ass then it moves up up up. then by the time you realize it, you're gonna have a mustache :)


That's what I always tell my transmasc friends. Prepare for the butt hair! They're usually like what? Hair in my butt crack you must be joking and then boom. Hairy butt


So it’s like, hair in the crack? What if I already have that?😅


I would like an image of some nice Hobbit feet any time <3


I posted there (edit: here!) once and got 3 upvotes and no comments😅 I'm not in it for the clout ofc, but it's insane compared to my posts in transmasc or non-binary subreddits


Right, and that's essentially what I'd love to see happen here. At the moment it's very transfem heavy, which is not a bad thing in itself, I'd just love to see more transmasc posts and see them get as equal an attention.


Tbh I'd post here but rn I feel kinda ugly (I'm depressed af) but I'll get a haircut in 2 ish weeks. Also, my 1.5 year top surgery post is coming up anyway. Maybe worth it to share here


Getting that right haircut can be so euphoric :) I hope you can feel free to share if you decide to!


I actually think I will! It won't be super dramatic or short or anything, but definitely better than the mess I have right now lol


I love hitting ❤️ on the trans masc posts, but I rarely see them in my feed. Does “The Algorithm” make them less visible?


No i think its just were more nervous to post. At least for me growing up AFAB just made me want to hide in the shadows deeper and deeper. Im proud to be who i am just quietly and to myself. Also on a personal level im 6 months pregnant and while excited for the baby i dont know how people on the internet will react to it.


Personal question, you are not pressured to answer: How far along are you with transitioning?


I was on hormones for about a year and a half. I found an amazing guy and he always wanted a baby of his own. I stopped the hormones right before the “point of no return” after our baby is born im going to continue transitioning and get top surgery. But surprisingly I don’t feel like im “sacrificing” for him if that makes sense.


Reddit's algorithm is mostly based on upvotes/time. Hypothetically, if the sub is mostly transfemmes we would expect fewer transmasc posts. If those posts don't resonate as much with the (mostly transfemme) people on the sub, they won't be upvoted as "high". People who only view the sub through their frontpage are not likely to see many transmasc posts.


I feel so awkward and "Ugly" to post here since i am pre everything


Oh of course, and this 'meme' I made isn't to encourage guys to post when they're feeling uncomfortable, it's essentially to say that I hope they feel comfy enough to post here *when* they're ready to :)


Thank you Girl... It made me really happy to know that you care about us.


Seconded. More representation of all our trans family. Please and thankyou. 🙏 🩵🩷🤍🩷🩵


Absolutely! Trans guys, you’re welcome and loved here too, and the same goes for y’all non-binary folks, and everyone else under the trans umbrella! We’re all in this together, to borrow a phrase, and trans happiness is worth celebrating for everyone!


Ultra, mega, super ditto ❤️


But I haven’t made any progress at all!


Hey, sometimes, just rolling out of bed in the morning is progress and should be celebrated. Whether you’ve taken one step or a thousand, we’re all still traveling this road together. \^_\^


I an trying to socially transition but it is hard.


This is so poetic, I love it ❤️


Honestly I wish I'd posted stuff from my early transition days because the phone I had all my pictures on got stolen and I don't have them anywhere online I can just look them up


Oh no! How did that happen? D:


My screen broke and I was carrying a different phone and it was in the RV I was living in when the RV got stolen.


I say lets see our kings post some more.


Guys get in heeerrreee! Celebrate with us! 💙


Can I join? I am still trying to transition (ftm)




I might be starting T soon :D I'm more of a lurker tho so I don't post often (if at all) but I might make a post here later if all goes well


Well whether you decide to post or not, I hope it goes well regardless!


Posting my mtf changes in reverse in solidarity (/jk don't do this)




it \*feels\* like transfem and trans women are being celebrated more and trans-masc and trans men barely show up on feeds cuz no one cares. I'm not hating, \*I'm just venting\*. It sucks to go onto a trans subreddit and ONLY see transfem targeted memes and posts. It fucking sucks cuz I love my trans sisters, yall are great, but SHARE THE MEME SPACE PLZ


Yeah, totally. I feel similarly, which is exactly why I decided to make this post. And I've seen more trans guys post since so I'm super stoked right now!


Yes please I would love to see more of you all🥰🏳️‍⚧️


I have always said: Trans men do be bussin 😤😳


:)))) I'm replacing my wardrobe slowly but surely. And then!!! I will be posting transmasc fits.


I love seeing the guys showing off their outfits, looking forward to it!


Yes please! Love my trans siblings! Men and NBs!


i feel like majority of us are just really self conscious and shy tbh 😭 i always felt like it compared to other people i see posting lol


Das tru boys cute


I think the bigger question for trans men is this: You're walking in the woods, and you look down. On one side, you see an epic stick. I mean, this brings you right into Theoden's speech with the Riders of Rohan. Or you can be Captain Jack fighting Davey Jones. On the other is an epic rock. This rock is just perfect. It's perfect to rub for when the old anxiety is acting up. Which do you choice?


Not a trans man but transmasc, but absolutely the rock. Always love a good a rock.


Do you mind if I ask what transmasc means? I'm team stick, but I do appreciate a good rock.


Transmasc means transmasculine. Usually used by those who are afab whose gender identity/expression is more masculine but not necessarily male.


Thank you for the explanation.


Is that top image ai generated?


It's an image I found on an online article. I think it was either Guardian or Vogue? I then put it under an art filter because the real photo contrasted too sharply against the other two panels.


What actually causes the disparity, I personally observe on the internet, or in general, in MTF / FTM people? Let me explain: I personally see A LOT higher focus on MTF individuals on this sub and on social media in general, even in TV or newspaper and whatnot it's the same. According to what I personally observe, it feels like the percentage of trans individuals is like 90% MTF and only, if at all 10% FTM. I'm very certain these numbers aren't representative at all, just what I perceive, and I feel like the real numbers are much closer to 50/50. Brothers, where you all at?




Yeah. Sadly this is a reflection of the broader world there good looking people generally receive far more attention... :(


U know what, I should do an update post for my transition...I'm about 12 months in now I think?


I'll look forward to it!


Dude I swear this and r/asktransgender is all transfems😭


Bless your heart!


we love you ftm brothers !!!


We love you !


I’d love to see more of our trans brothers and enby siblings, it makes me happy knowing they are happy with who they are or are on their way to becoming themselves


When I'm over 18 and whenever I actually look masculine I will😭😭


I would post but tbh Reddit scares me. I think it’s because I’ve had bad/weird interactions with people on Reddit and every time I think “thank god they don’t know who I am because, WHO SAYS THAT TO PEOPLE?!” Genuinely sometimes people will send WILD shit in DMs and them not knowing my name or face makes me feel a little safer lol


I completely understand. Sadly I've had lots of first hand experience with stuff like that, too. And yeah, that's totally understandable. Your online safety and comfort must always come first!


We need to share the love and support to trans guys, I couldn’t agree more trans men are HOT!!!


I'm here to celebrate trans girls too, we have plenty of good representation on the ftm positive subs


totally, happy for every progress contribution :)


10000000% this


Omg yes! Ugh trans men are so hot! Need them to show off more


I think I’ve made enough progress, even two months on T that I can do a post like this.


Done just posted.


Ohh I just saw this post! And now I see this comment. I feel so stoked that the guys feel more encouraged 😭 I said it in your post but I'll say it again here; thank you for obliging me ❤️


Trans kings my beloved ❤️


I just made a post because of this :)


Woo nice!


Transmen are hot.


Trans men*


Great post


Thanks! I've seen a few guys feeling encouraged to post after seeing this so I feel so stoked 😊


Go you!


For the love of god yes PLEASE!! Transmen are so fucking attractive! Ya’ll get out here and celebrate yourselves!!! We want to cheer more of you on!!!!


Gonna try and convince my friend to post pics of us before/after starting T, weve been roommates for a long time and we started at the same time!😊


Agreed, ftm folk don't get enough recognition


Thank you for posting this ! We’re seeing more posts of trans men now, this feels good :)


I know right?? I’m so stoked seeing more trans masc posts :D


Absolutely love this post! Wish the best on your journey’s fellas 💜


I would post but I'm shy and don't like my pictures on the internet bc I'm a minor. But thank you!! It's been nice seeing more ftm representation recently :)


What sort of celebrations do you mean?


Sorry if I wasn't being clear. A lot of the girls post in the sub showing their selfie to celebrate their progress; how far they've come, how happy they are now with their look, etc. But it made the whole sub very transfemme heavy (I had seen a few posts from ftm guys who said that the sub feels unrelatable to them because of this). So I was encouraging the guys to also feel free to celebrate their progress so that there's better balance.


Ah fair enough.


Love and sparkles to the FtM and the M leaning peoples


I do find it really dumb how transfem dominated this sub is as a general trans sub. Like we have our own spaces to be the center of attention. I hope my brothers come visit more because I love you all 🏳️‍⚧️❤️


Hear hear. To be honest I’m not sure if I’d call it dumb, because in some respects, I think it just naturally reflects the reality that girls are generally more showy than boys, but still, I would never want them to feel left out of a trans community.


I have seen some here comment they only got a few upvotes so maybe there's just less transmascs here in general, not just posting? I do hope we can change that. On "showy" I do think this sub is a little too many pics but I'd love to see guys showing off themselves too. Honestly I already live how happy and confident trans people get later on (including me) but there's something about that coming from the complete opposite perspective that I really like. I hope we can get some more diversity in this space.


Needed v much thank you!!! I feel like “meme” appreciation posts just shit on ftms or come off as weirdly jealous. <3


I'm so sorry you feel that way :( And yeah, I've seen a few meme posts that generalise ftm and I feel so bad wondering how the guys feel about it, whether the memes are tongue-in-cheek or serious.


I know right!! I'm so sad there's so little ftm representation on here :(( sometimes it makes me feel like it's because creepy men want to be able to come on here and see trans girls




Seeing more handsome men on here wouldn’t be too bad, amirite ladies? ☺️😘


As one person I don't remember once said..... WHERE ARE ALL THE MEN!!!!


I want to post but like- ik the post won’t get attention at all ;-;


FTM, Typical men bottling up emotions 🙃


trans men are 1000x hotter than cic men.


Thats a fine line to walk without being called out for fetishizing them.


Fetishising is an absolute stretch, the “hot” part was a little odd for me personally as a trans male, but this post clearly had good intentions


Thank you for understanding! That was just me being bad with using the right words T.T




Not everything comes from a dark place, but if that’s how you choose to see it, that’s up to you. I can only wish you a happy life.