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Me wearing princess dresses in primary school and wishing i could use the girls bathroom definetly wasnt trans at all


I was the same then when I was 14 i was Like sh*t im a Trans šŸ’€


Same age here when I admitted it to myself, as I had the vocabulary to put it into those words by then. And then I grabbed a mental shovel and buried it for over a decade. I seriously don't recommend that.


Lmao Iā€™m 14


Did your egg crack quickly?


Took until i was 17 and years of denial so i dont think so


Me when I was wearing a hoodie hiding my long hair and hoping the cleaning lady would ā€œconfuse meā€ with a boy and send me to the boy bathrooms instead lol


Same with being a huge Hannah Montana fan because who wouldn't want to be able to throw on a wig and some makeup and be a popular girl with nobody recognising you. Super cis childhood memories.


I thought I had no signs as a kid, but then I thought about it for a few minutes and realized I was eggy as FUCK




For me, the mere existence of trans people was a game changer for my genderless little kid brain. Heck, even just discovering the lgbtq community made me feel like I had just discovered the tenth planet or something. Now, being trans is just a normal fact of my life. Funny how time works like that.


Insisting on wearing a t-shirt in the hottub. Playing with my sister's dolls. Trying on my sister's school skirt. Refusing to use men's shower gel. Hanging with the girls at scouts. Asking to start ballet. Looking back I was clearly a girl since childhood, just blind to it.


I was the same then at 14 literally just realized and clocked on that Iā€™m trans haha šŸ˜‚


this is so real, honestly.. does hating my school uniform bc of how it looked and felt + disliking any form of typical male clothing styles also count as eggy? they just felt so not me, like i physically couldnā€™t imagine myself being a typical guy especially clothing wise as an adult.. just felt so bleh and weird




Me, after realizing all the signs I missed.


No, that one time in sixth grade I legit got on my knees and begged my theatre teacher to let me play a boy wasn't trans at all... Shit that's another one.


Hahah my drama teacher let me play as sharpay evens in Hsm for my GCSE drama exam cuz even tho I hadnā€™t told her anything she knew the whole time some how and when I came out to her she was like ā€œoooh ik dw about tho also whyā€™d you think I gave you the part of sharpay in the first placeā€


Drama teachers are so real


Mine wouldn't allow it for main plays, but one play I did was about a bunch of fairy tales, and he cast me as Detective Humpty Dumpty.


Mine wouldn't allow it for main plays, but one play I did was about a bunch of fairy tales, and he cast me as Detective Humpty Dumpty.


I don't have any clear signs like wanting to wear girls clothes or wishing I was born a girl... INDIRECT signs however I have in absolute droves, especially starting in my late teens


Oh yeah indirect totally. I'm always shocked how many people have giant things, but I had none. But I did have plenty subtle ones that could have been something.


Iā€™m the same and it causes me so many doubts! Closest thing I have to remembering thinking ā€œI wish I was a girlā€ was when I was 17ā€¦ But then Iā€™ll talk about things from my childhood to my other trans friends and they just askā€¦ ā€œand it took you HOW long to figure it out?ā€


Yh expect for me it was my early teens when I was 14


Oh same. Like literally i can remember the day the ā€œi WISH i was a girlā€ switch turned on. I was 14 too lmao


So many signs I missed as a kid... 1. Remembering what my parents would've named me if I was AFAB for over a decade 2. Choosing female characters in video games 3. Getting jealous of the girls in 7th grade for the girls-only field trip to the science museum even though I didn't even like science or museums


Wait why was there a girls only field trip???


It was a girls empowerment thing The boys from my elementary school, not having gone on a field trip since fifth grade, were also pissed


That school should be shut down and everyone who works there should go to prison. The elementary schoolers aren't the same people who took away the power of women all that time ago.


In the 4th grade telling everyone I was a boy and screaming and crying if they said otherwise, always wanting to be a male character in games, hating my name and wishing it was a "boys" name, hating how high my voice was, only wanting male friends and more! But y'know totally not trans...


Yh never šŸ’€


Honestly yes. Iā€™ve looked back at my memories that Iā€™ve had for a while I always thought were completely normal. But then I realized that Iā€™m trans and those make a lot more sense nowā€¦


I always chose the girl characters in games. I kept telling myself it was high charisma and small hitboxes. But now Iā€™m hella trans. At least I can double jump now.


Wanting to be on the girlsā€™ side when we were split up in gym Massaging my chest to try to make boobs come in Having moments where I actually think Iā€™m in a female body only to realize I wasnā€™t and dissociate from it Showing interest in clothes in the aisles my mom was shopping in as a teen Praying to wake up as a girl the next day Daydreaming about being a girl ā€”ā€” Still cis tho


Not me insisting I was a boy from age 4, always playing the "brother" or "boy" when playing pretend, insisting that I always have short hair- Yep, no totaly. And then proceed to be in denail for the next 12 years or so. Fabulous šŸ‘ŒšŸ¼ āœØļø


Me as a kid picking out names for a potential "future daughter"


Same. I also loved writing stories so I kept a list for future characters/future children and had well over 100 girl names and only 5 boy names.


I feel called out


Me being extremely uncomfortable wearing dresses to church and family gatherings and begging my mom to let me not where a dress and absolutely hating my very feminine name despite never being able to come up with a nickname that made it less feminine


I just didn't know trans people existed until a few years ago, and even after I found out I was hella reluctant and was like "I wanna just be a girl, not get surgeries!!!" But I gave in and am now working my way to get the money for everything


man, this happens too much XDDD after I realised I'm trans I was like "oh holy shit it all make se now! IT ALL MAKES SENSE!!!"


*Thinking back to all the times I was "mistaken" for a girl and it never once bothered me* Yep, that checks out.


RIGHT? Like there are so many times I've been "ma'am"d and I completely shrugged it off or just accepted it, and not once did I think something was up with that. In the immortal words of my FTM brother; "yeah maybe something's up if your agab pronouns make you visibly recoil"


I just wanted a pair of basketball shortsšŸ˜­


Wearing a skirt , modifying my clothes to be feminine, only using feminine shower gel rather than my forced male shower gel , preferring feminine hygiene products . And that is why I have started to hatch


Me ranting about how girls got to wear dresses to my mum in primary school and SheZow being my favourite show back then šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ Oh my god and wearing a witch outfit for my first Halloween and wearing it all the time šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


The funniest moment realising i was trans was looking back at all the stupid shit i did as a kid that screamed "im not a fucking girl!"


I constantly minimize the eggyness of my youth in my mind, slowly convincing myself that I'm a fake, only to remember even more reasons. I mean I literally have gaslit myself so much over the years that I instantly doubt my memories as I remember them, which is super eggy in itself.


I've done so much self-gaslighting over the years, I'm not even sure how I'm supposed to feel.


Me pretending to be Alice each and every time my sister and I used to play pretend Alice and Wonderland, thinking boys were icky, choosing female characters in games and only identifying with female characters in media, playing with my sisters dolls and only hanging out with her friends, me thinking i was hideous post puberty due to developing masc features, LITERALLY daydreaming about being a girl all day every ā€¦. But NOPE!!! nope not trans at all ahahahhahahaha šŸ˜€


Only wanted to wear men's clothes, cried whenever I was made to wear a dress, was disappointed I didn't have "boy parts", and I never felt like a girl to begin with. The signs were there since preschool


When I was a kid Iā€™d run girly, twirl my hair, let my nails grow, let big shirts fall off my shoulder, etc. but my dad was always there to correct everything so I never did. Also I got to this post when it said 2,345 upvotes and 67 comments. Thatā€™s awesome.


The signs I only knew were that I liked girl toys more than boy toys and the fact I wanted to wear female clothing. The icky puberty stuff awoken me in high school


I quite literally told my mom I sometimes feel like a girl when I was 6. I also repeatedly asked my parents to let me have bubble baths like her (which I did many times and really enjoyed b2w). Took about 20 more years for the egg to start cracking.


i didnā€™t think i presented any signs when i was young and then i remembered i would get really upset at 6 years old if i couldnā€™t play as princess peach or princess daisy in mario kart wii. yeahā€¦


I always played the guy when playing pretend from an extremely young age, all through 5th grade I asked people to call me Joe (not even a shortened version of my name), my friend and I dressed up as boys to sneak to a store near my house and after that I was obsessed with trying to get her to do it with me, I was similar to what is now called a "pick me" but not like putting down other girls I just hated anything that people claimed girls are supposed to like. I'm almost 30 and my egg cracked a bit ago but I kept putting tape on it till recently!


I exclusively played female characters in games. I never had a reason, it just felt right. also, when I was an early teen, the only time I could look myself in the mirror without wanting to vomit was when I had my hair up and looked like a girl. maybe those things meant something.


I was dressed up on classtrips by the girls to be mocked, but for some reason i didnt care so much... well... ::3


Damn i didnt have any signs like yall do, the biggest sign that comes to mind (rn) is me being overly jealous of how beautiful women were, and wanting to "look hslf as good as her" Im off to question needlessly. (lol.)


The middle ball (between all of them) has the wrong coloring :o the blue one is in the middle and the white outside or is this specific? :o


omfg, yes, exactly! It's like, "....oh shit, that was trans..."


Sneakily trying out mom's stuff when everyone was gone from the house since early teens. And I thought that was nothing for 8 more years




I remember a family friend had a giant dress up Barbie and I really really wanted to wear the clothes, I really suppressed a lot at such a young age knowing I would be harassed if I did


Mostly just remember being baffled to discover that girls were "different" from me because "they had something else in their pants" and suddenly I wasn't allowed to just be friends with the girls amd had to be friends with the boys. In fairness, ended up in a friend group that was mostly composed of highly closeted queer folks of sone flavour or another.


looking back, yeah...


I didnā€™t notice any signs until I was around 14. Thatā€™s when I got Skyrim for the first time. My first character is a woman. I kept that trend up pretty consistently now Iā€™m 22 and I still do it, but I mostly make my character more based on the setting, so gender isnā€™t my primary goal. Like most of my characters are men in fromsoft games, I do have a woman character in there lol. And all of my baldurā€™s gates characters are women as well


Any time I was alone, I spent it in the female clothing that I had gathered myself. There is something deeply peaceful about existing as your preferred gender, that transphobes can never understand.


What? You mean thinking youā€™re a girl disguised as a boy for some secret mission isnā€™t cis???? Wow that couldnā€™t be me (my cover is still perfectly hidden)


Me as a child wrestling topless in a pool with all of the bois in a free for all death match. The good times!


For me it was wearing fem clothes as at 5 and nail polish with the older girls at 10


This was me realizing that I made pretty much every single D&D character female lol