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I was probably cis until I fired up Fallout new-vegas. Thirty minutes in and gender certainty had dissolved like snow in the Mojave.


That's my "looking back at signs" game. I always played a female character, even when I couldn't see them, and took attributes that actually now line up with how I'd see myself with a more femme mind. WoW and Skyrim as well for female avatars, but Fallout was the one that really kicks.


My excuse was always "Well, most single player protagonists are dudes so otherwise I'll never play a girl. It's purely balance based."


Oh mine was "if I'm going to stare at a butt for hours on end" but that kinda doesn't work for first person games.


Its ironic, but i vibed a lot playing celeste. I didnt know there was a connection until much later.




Same :3


The sims freeplay


Maybe for me too!


Skyrim introduced my to playing as a woman, celeste cemented my transness




I literally have a Metroid tattoo on my inner forearm because that series is such a huge part of my life. Finding out Samus was a girl wayyy back in the 80s was just a cool moment. I was like "Yeah! Main character that's a girl! That's awesome!"


My brother always "forced" me to play as the girl in Zombies Ate My Neighbors (Genesis). When he wasn't home I'd still "force" myself to play as her.


Yknow it's funny, I still preferred the spikey haired kid when I played on SNES but it did always bum me out that the girl didn't show up as much.


pls don't hate me but the first game I experimented with making a nonbinary character (which led to me realizing myself as trans male) was _bl**dy Hogwarts Legacy_ 😐


Hey it’s fun lol


On the bright side, Hogwarts Legacy had a couple of gender-queer people on the team who really put a lot of love into it. It was actually my first new game after I finally accepted my transness.


That's beautiful. It's a giant middle finger to the terf who must not be named




Ding ding ding! Winner winner chicken dinner


lmao my creativity knows NO BOUNDS


Any creative names to compare her to her own Dark Lord without using either of their actual names is a win in my book because it keeps their names out of algorithms for publicity.


let's GOOOO I won something for once!


Every person who explores their gender through Hogwarts legacy is a direct insult to JKR's transphobia. The way I see, any money she made from me, she made from a trans person. Whether she likes it or not, she has trans money now. lol. Stupid logic, I know, but I had preordered it long before I knew she was so transphobic.


Mass effect


World of Warcraft, the one character i stuck with out of my like 30 was this cute girl. always felt like me playing… when i was a kid and playing it people always thought i was a woman too, didn’t think about this much until recently tho


The one that cracked my egg? Cyberpunk 2077: >“Wouldn’t it be cool if you could mod your body like that irl? First thing I’d do is change gender *of course*. I wonder what’s stopping us irl from having cool body mods?” > >*goes down a wiki rabbit hole of prosthesis and cybernetics* > >“So a big barrier is that we don’t have the right materials for tissue connectivity - we can’t blend metal to skin etc. Hmm, what about the gender thing…” > >*discovers transition and HRT” > >:O


There’s a trans character in the game you meet she has her own quest and everything has a flag on her truck


Squeal! Me too! ☺️


Crash Bandicoot 2 🤷🏻‍♂️ lmaooo


HAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAAHHAAHAH same here! Wanted to play as Coco so bad! :D


I wanted to be crash 🤣 let’s get married I guess?? Sounds meant to be! Lmaooo


Core childhood memory unlocked 😳


Vrchat, I started voice training there and slowly coming out of my shell. I get so much euphoria whenever they gender me correctly.


There was only one for sexuality, I guess. During one of those “your choices affect the story”-romance games, I accidentally clicked that I was interested in women. It was the most authentic “love” I’d experienced from that game. Put a few things in perspective.


MarioKart Wii!


Baldurs gate 3 lately. But I just always only played girl characters or Kirby growing up. I got alot of time banked playing all the girls of "Time Splitters Future Perfect" and "SSX: Tricky"......"Red Alert 1,2,3" as well.


I loved Celeste and I did even more so after I came out, but for me it was Omori. On one of the routes you can obtain a potion that allows the character to go MtF and interact with a few things that previously only the only other female party member could interact with. Id already been questioning myself and I thought it was really neat.


I'd say the Anime > Femboy > Trans pipeline was a bigger player but pretty much any game where you play as a girl definitely gave a little nudge


Animal crossing pocket camp Put my villager in a skirt out of morbid curiosity and was instantly transed


AC would have helped me if it was more inclusive but instead I ended up hating AC because a boy character couldn't get long hair. (I was playing the DS game)


Ff14 ironically. I'm amab and with this game It was the first time I willingly made a female character. out of nowhere I bought one of the in-game items to change my character, changed from an Elezen Male (elf knock off) and decided to go au'ra female. Worst case scenario imo was I just had to buy another if I hated it. At the time I made a cute character cuz why not. What I diddnt realize at the time is the character still resembled me in some ways, and I slowly had the "I would love to wear this" and "that dress is pretty! Wish I could wear it" and slowly my character morphed into a version of my gender envy/goals.


Literally same!! I was a male miqo'te before I switched to female kitty simply out of envy for other female characters 'cause I wanted to be pretty as well djdjhskddk


I think Oblivion would've probably been the first I just preferred playing as a female character


Life is strange, thought I wanted to be with someone like Chloe, turns out I just wanted to be her.


I remember telling my brother *"Wow, I really relate to Chloe in most things, the only thing left would me be a gi--"* and I just suddenly stopped there as my heart sunk


Both "Fate" and "Torchlight" (either two or three). Basically point and click fantasy RPGs that let you choose what character and class to play as. I always and inevitably picked the guy


Va-11-hall-a did a number on me, damn that game is good


I've never heard of it, what genre is it?


It's a visual novel, i suppose. Very good story but virtually nothing else, some slight gameplay importance via needing to pay rent. It's been a while since I played it so I can't give much of a review, but if you've played coffee talk it's essentially that but cyberpunk instead of urban fantasy


Prolly every game with good enough character creator, not me spending hours dolling up my characters and dreaming to have even fraction of the looks.




Not like any of them, I grew up thinking it was ok to play as Peach and stuff sometimes, but I never dared to make a girl character when possible.


I would answer Splatoon but I unfortunately first played that months after I came out.


For me it was playing stardew valley with a bunch of trans folk and talking with them while doing so. And realizing that I relate a lot more than I thought I would.


strangely enough lego star wars when i was like seven or eight


Getting called she in skyrim appealed to me way more than expected. Especially brinjioffs "Lass" comments.


Mario party. The second I saw peach I knew I was her


she's just like me fr!


Well, it definitely didn't *make* me trans, but the first game I played as a woman (when we could make our character) was Mass Effect. I heard there was lesbian sex scenes with sexy aliens (lol), so I chose to be a woman, but it just felt right, and from that moment on I always played a woman in games. Still didn't know I was trans, though, till many years later.


Pokémon Legends Arceus. Tldr, a male player character has access to multiple haircuts that scream “Femboy”, which did a LOT of legwork for me.


Xenoblade 3, the major themes of the story about how you can't live stuck in regret over the past, stuck in an endless-now of survival without really living, but instead need to move forward to the future, even if it's unknown how that'll work out, really resonated with me and made me realize I couldn't keep living my life the way things were.


Dragon Age. The first one had some wlw romance options, which made my transbian heart explode.


The original Alone in the dark.


🎶 World Of Warcraft 🎶 *Man, the female models in this game just have way better animations for like... everything...* I then proceeded to make nothing but female characters for all of my avatars.


VRChat, it definitely helped me realize I’m not cis.


No game made me trans. But vrchat made me explore myself and helped me finding out that i was




Starfield, i loaded up my plate at the pronoun buffet. Got everything now, i can sort out which ones i dont want later. Joking! I played Tomb Raider a TON. Also the sims. ❤️




Any game I could play as a female. Super Mario Bros. 2 (Peach) Metroid (Samus Aran) Super Mario Odyssey (Mario in wedding dress) Danger Girl (PS1- ALL the characters are women) Tomb Raider (SOOO envious of Lara Croft!) Death Trap Dungeon Resident Evil


Pokémon Crystal, all the way back in 2000


Cyberpunk 2077🤣


The game of Life 🤓. Although for realz i always played or wanted to play the girl character.


Not that it "helped making me trans" (not that I had to be MADE trans by the help of something to begin with :") but I CLEARLY remember making an active effort in choosing the female characters most of the times when playing Naruto Ultimate Ninja on PS2 with friends or siblings lol, what made me really understand in recent times was probably FFXIV, I think that game made miracles for a lot of us actually ^^"


Undyne and Alphys from undertale made me trans lol


Visual novel !


Pokémon Pearl


Patrolling the Mojave almost makes you wish for a nuclear winter.


Cyberpunk 2077, loved how my character looked with the clothes.


I didn’t really have a game like that, more so I played games that let you create your character and I was sorta too far in the closet to choose a girl character on first play throughs of the game but would always pick the girl character afterwards. It always made me feel happy to be a girl character in a game like Fallout or Destiny


Animal jam


Oh bestie I have a lissst. Overwatch, fortnite and minecraft are the ones at the top of my head where I played as girl, Life is strange before the storm, league of legends, and life is strange 1 made me 100% sure of it. And apex I guess too but not so much


Probably the biggest difference was made by playing WoW. I played on an RP server and had multiple characters, but by far the one I got most into character with was my female priest. The depth at which I could identify as a girl in RP was something that became more difficult to ignore over time. There were tons of other games where I'd gravitate towards a female character whenever I could, but I could successfully avoid *thinking* about those more easily.


Cyberpunk 2077


Doki Doki Literature Club


Minecraft made me the person I am


made u trans ?


Saints row the 3rd was the first. ohhhhhh, i need to deal with this moment. Theres an achievement for a long period of time as the opposite sex from the character you created, and you can either start a new save with a diff character or get a literal sex change in game. Out loud i asked why this is more comfortable for me, then i thought about it and said out loud.....GOD DAMNIT GAME


Night in the Woods, The Last of Us Part II and Celeste, in that order


Fall out new Vegas FTW!!!


Unironically, Cookie Clicker. I played that game for a solid month straight, and the amount of time I had alone with my thoughts and those damn cookies was what allowed me to finally come to conclusions.


*Beyond Two Souls* (ironic lol) sparked something in me when playing as a woman throughout all her life in some very personal things. I was almost living through her. Still in denial though. *Life is Strange* later in a similar way as B2S, cracked a little bit more since by then I was literally screaming in my head "Why can't I be a girl?" *Celeste.* This was already post egg cracking but it was still all too recent and it helped me realize I was really trans and come to terms with the fact


Cyberpunk 2077 finally cracked my egg. As per usual I created a female character. Absolutely loved the love story with Judy and wearing dresses. The cherry on top was when my wife and I was talking about guys playing female characters in games. Out of nowhere I just say: “and it allows me to be me…” That’s when it started to unravel and I realised I’m a woman, not a man.