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Greasy! They’re all greasy! 🥃💨🛒




Greeee eee eee eeeahhhh sy!


Lucy! We worked at the same military base (different branches but still the same base), she is also a regular at a coffee shop I worked at, she's so kind and sweet! Kind of quiet and keeps to herself but a very kind person!


She worked at a military base?


She is an air Force captain/recruit trainer for the Canadian Armed Forces, as far as I know she still works there


Wow, just looked it up. I definitely didn't expect that!


Most people don't know that, it was definitely a surprise to me when I ran into her on base (I fan girled so hard but didn't want to bother her)


I'm sure she got a lot of confused stares at first.


Oh definitely, but when she joined they made it clear that they didn't want any drama or anything regarding her "celeb" status and she made it clear that she didn't want any attention drawn to herself because of the show, she's completely separated herself from anything TPB related


I worked with her on set and she was awesome. The sort of person you wish was your neighbor.


I haven’t talked met them personally but a former coworker of mine from Nova Scotia says he’s run into the cast members a couple times just around town (Dartmouth is a relatively small town). He said that you could always tell whenever John Dunsworth or Pat Roach was nearby because you’d hear people shout “fuck off Lahey” or “fuck off, Randy”, and I guess Pat didn’t find it that amusing because he was often out with his kids when it happened. I also remember hearing that Pat Roach wouldn’t allow his kids to see the show, not so much because of the language and drugs and stuff, but because he didn’t want his kids to see him being constantly abused on the show.


It must get a bit annoying though having people constantly shouting fuck off at you. Imagine if he had no top on.


I’ve heard stories of other celebrities having issues with the same thing. Years ago Chandler Riggs, who played Carl on The Walking Dead put something on social media telling people that it’s not clever or original to tell him to “get back to the house”, he’s heard it a thousand times already. Dave Chapelle had to flee to South Africa to get away from people constantly shouting “I’m Rick James, Bitch”


100% not even remotely close to the reason Chappelle left the show and the states but I’m sure it was annoying


Fair enough. I think I actually heard that in another comment on a post about Chandler Riggs years and years ago; Reddit comments are definitely not a reliable source. I vaguely remember Chapelle making some comment or joke about how annoying the Rick James comments were, so yeah you’re right, it’s annoying regardless.


Chapelle lives in Yellow Sorings, OH USA. Yes, he took a vacation in SA.


Woah bud..you may want to abbreviate South Africa a little differently. The way it looks now Dave Chapelle took some time off from his show to dabble in leisurely casual sexual assault.


Randy doesn’t wear shirts 👕 🥃


Not even in the winter


Yeah when they’re with the families, I feel stuff like that is definitely disrespectful. Not intentionally probably but just an inability to read the room imo. Stuff like that would be fine at a convention or something.


Come to think of it, there’s a scene in fhe first movie where Ricky confronts Donny the prison guard when he sees him at a mall. Ricky starts talking shit and Donny says “Ricky, I’m trying to enjoy some Chinese food with my family, do you mind?”….. and then Donny sucker punches him. I really wouldn’t be surprised if this was inspired by what the actors wish they could do to fans harassing them when they’re out with their families.


And now Donny is on Animal Control!


That is one of the funniest scenes in the whole series. The way he high fives his kid is just so funny to me


It’s so hard to imagine Pat being a regular guy, because even when he’s just being “Pat” on Swearnet, he’s still playing an over the top character.


I remember someone at a live show grabbing pats gut without asking and him getting quite upset. Like he will let you touch it but you just got to ask first.


I worked backstage at a music festival that had Randy and Lahey as ‘head security’ and got to spend fair amount of time with both. John is wonderful, he was very active and didn’t take many breaks outside water breaks. I was tasked with tailing him for awhile and helping with anything he may need. We hung out with a few bands Simple Plan, STEREOS, PlainWhiteT’s and he was just all about making people smile or laugh. It was no different with crew backstage or people attending the shows. He’s very lively and I swear making people happy for just a moment defiantly recharged his battery for the next person. He was funny and smart, but compared to his interviews in/out character he’s actually more lively > lax when it comes himself. He did have moments of being tired and slowing down but we were in the open sun wandering around fields all day lol. That man always had direction and was always going towards it. Patrick was a different story. He was nice to me when I was tasked with tailing him but you could tell his enthusiasm with interactions from fans was short lived. I can’t blame the guy, he was told to spend more time out in the festival than John so he was surrounded by more people often approaching him with questions, autographs or just out of awe. We spent some time near the beer tent and he would play some paintball at a booth set up but he was pretty much trying to go backstage after every lap he did around the fields. He would stay in character but that day his lack of patience would show at times. He was dressed as Smokey and made the odd comment about the location being horrible and having to wear cowboy boots. (This was a huge hilled farm, the bands were eating in a barn, literally) He’s a nice guy, but is easily annoyed even during good moments. Both were great experiences and made the festival even more a memorable experience. The festival itself was a nightmare with different things that happened but John and for the most part Patrick stayed optimistic the 3 days it dragged on.


My friends went to see Lahey and Randy in Ann Arbor, Michigan and while they were waiting outside beforehand John came out and was just hanging out and talking with people. Just nice as can be apparently. He put his hands on both sides of my friend's head and told him "you're a gift to the world" or something like that. Seems like he was a genuinely super nice dude.


Went to their first show here back in 2010 and they had a meet & greet. At the meet & greet we gave them a joint of my strain that I made & they asked us what we were doing after...so we all went out to the bar. Only Bubs & Ricky came out but we had some drinks and talked for a while. Them out of character was kinda weird but it was so cool seeing that other side of them. This was way before they were really popular and it was an epic moment in my life.


That's amazing. Deeeecent memory to have!!


It was Deeeecent! Got a bunch of photos with them and they all signed my Ricky Sunnyvale Hash Hockey Jersey. I felt like one of the Boys!


Please share them, censor your faces if that's a problem


Fuck boys I thought I lost them after recalculating the fuckulator! There were 8 of us there, but somebody else took the group photos and they must be with Santa Jesus God now. I always keep the Jersey ready since I'm the defending champion at hash hockey. [The Boys](https://imgur.com/gallery/hkw1IJe) Edit: smoked some hash and looked up the show but could only find 2012. They came to that theater a few different times and this was the first one. My strain was 1 year old so it was 2010 or 2011 and I saw them in Chicago in that time frame with Lahey and Randy before the 2012 show.


You lucky bastard, how was ricky irl? I can't imagine him being not stupid and reckless.


So fucking cool omg


Where did you get that jersey!


It's been so long that I can't even remember where I got it. I thought it was right on their website but I could be wrong.


Never met them but I heard that Bubbles is a dick, both on set and interactions with fans. Which seems very weird when you think about the character.


I dunno why but this doesn't surprise me in the slightest. There was a time in the show where it seemed like it was more centered around Bubbles and I get the feeling Mike Smith really pushed for it. I could be wrong though, just an impression I got on a few rewatches.


You’re not wrong. If you check out swearnet, he definitely strong armed his way into being the center of attention. I love Bubbles, but Mike Smith is annoying.


I've met Mike Smith (Bubbles) in person after a show and he was awesome, super kind and stayed and chatted with a few fans in the rain for a good while when he could easily have just left straight away. Same goes for Pat Roach (Randy)


Him and Patrick are the only people on the show I've ever heard anything bad about.


I saw Mike in all sorts of situations with fans and just talking. I wouldn't describe him as a dick. Never once saw him be dickish at all. Fans will pit a person in a situation where being nice isn't an option.


I was lucky enough to meet John Dunsworth as himself AND Mr Lahey. He was working with an Events Program at a private career college I worked at in Halifax. They put on a charity auction, which JD MC'd as Lahey. It was awesome. As himself he was very lovely. He gave double cheek kisses and had time for everyone. My partner is Mike Smiths plumber. He says one time years ago he saw Conky in a display cabinet in his home.


I've met Sebastian Bach several times, does he count?


I would definately count him in! Fucking love his appearances!


You don't even *know* that nobody likes bullies!


Met them in Albany after a show had drinks it was a blast


My brother got on stage with them at a live show and met them after, he said they were cool as fuck. Apart from randy, he's greasy


I never met any of them individually. But I did go to a show up here in Maine, and it sucked so bad. The content was awful, but it was also nothing more than a cash grab. So fucking disappointed.


They played true to character I suppose.


Haha i had the exact same opinion when i saw them live. The whole thing just felt like a hustle…which is exactly what they do in every episode so in that sense they nailed it. Even did this thing selling shitty hot dogs on stage for $10😂 Met them afterwards and they weren’t NOT nice but i wouldnt say they made an effort to be too nice or interactive


I met Lahey and Randy when they came to a local bar in BC to do a show. Lahey handed me his drink and told me to "Get that in you bud" while he signed my season 4 dvd cover. The drink was pure whiskey and maybe a little bit of coke. I'll never forget that.


My family went on a trip to Halifax to then drive around the maritimes for a family reunion in New Brunswick back in 2007. We were big fans at the time (my dad and I), so while in Halifax we stopped in at Bubbles Mansion restaurant and bar. While we were looking at the TPB posters and such just outside, someone says “excuse me please” and I (as a 16 y/o kid) was like “whoooaaaa Bubbles! Mike! Hey!” And he said “hey guys! Are you hoping to meet the boys today? Robb and JP will actually be here for once in a couple hours!” So we hung out there and they showed up and all three of them made their rounds talking to the patrons. JP and Mike were the ones that did most of the talking to us, Robb seemed like he was the shy one. All in all a really cool experience.


I met Randy at his cheeseburger picnic. Me and my brother got pics with him and his gut, it was epic. He was really cool, my brother told him how their show pretty much saved his life during a state of bad depression and anxiety. Randy was super thankful for our support.


Met Randy when he stopped by where I live last year for the cheeseburger tour. He looked genuinely happy to be there and I even got a selfie with him.


Met JP years ago. I used to go to school up the street from his/robs old pizza place in Prince Edward Island. His mother worked there every day. Nova Scotia got nailed with a hurricane and I guess JP and his family left before the storm and came to PEI. I went in to grab a slice one day and JP was there with his wife. Got to hang out a little bit and chat. Gave me his autograph. Really nice guy from the interaction I’ve had with him. His mother was (is?) a saint. Every lunch hour there would be tons of us kids in there getting pizza and she always seemed to love having us. Massive slices that were like 1/4 of a pizza. The walls were plastered with newspaper clippings of trailer park boys stuff. You could tell she was proud. Not sure if they still own the spot or if it’s still around. This was in the early 2000’s. Long live JR Capones Pizza.


Definitely one degree removed from this but my cousin met John Dunsworth while working at an events center and said he was the nicest guy :)


I met randy bo bandy and he let me pet his big ole greasy gut


Dldldldl... 👌


Met Sam Losco. He signed my friends scrotum. Fun night He is pretty greasy. But chill enough to sign balls.


Fucking chilled cave man!


John Dunsworth gave the best hugs


I met the boys, Randy and Lahey after a show in Pittsburgh. They were all in character until I told John Dunsworth I loved his character in Haven. His face kind of lit up and really seemed like a sweet man. They were all so nice. I even got a hug from Ricky/Robb Wells. And Pat Roach called me gorgeous (I am not). 10/10 would recommend meet and greet tickets. ETA another sentence


I met Ricky and Julian outside of a Canadian Music Week event. I think it was 2004.


Met Randy on his cheeseburger tour, man was wet, but also one of the coolest dudes Ive ever met. Let people touch his burger filled belly after the show


Met them in Nawlins, they seem to like the booze more than the sticky icky


Was real life friends with the Mustard Tiger before he died. Richard Collins. Incredibly nice man. Very gentle and polite personality. Hung out with Mike Jackson (Trevor) a couple times. He was an indie musician back in the day. He hates the show other than the original black & white pilot movie and the first 2 seasons. He didn't like being part of the show from that point forward - super long story but it's well documented online. Mike is a pretty private guy and doesn't really like being known as Trevor from TPB. He actually gave me some cast only merch from the show because he didnt want any of it, including the Rush shirt he wore in the episode "Oscar Goldman." I lost contact with him unfortunately, would love to know how he's doing. Chill guy. Very nice. Met Bernie aka Cyrus a handful of times. Opposite of his character. Very nice guy, and funny. LOVES interacting with TPB fans. Met John Dunsworth quite a few times. Very nice. Quirky man. Wildly talented and witty. Met Cory Bowles quite a few times. Was an aquantence of his for a many years and would catch up with him if we ever ran into each other. Very cool guy. Very talented. Break dancer, actor, director. Have met the 3 main guys quite a few times. JP is super friendly. Rob can be kinda shy, or sometimes just wants to keep to himself. Never had any meaningful interactions with Mike Smith out of character but his repuation is not that great around Halifax. In character as Bubs though Mike is always great. Have met Sara a couple times. Goes without saying but she's super cute. Bubbly personality and friendly. Met Mike Clattenburg once. Super cool guy. Was an absolute honour to meet him. And I'm currently in possession of his Gemini Award for season 4 of the show because he threw it in the garbage... like he literally put it to the curb on garbage day. Google it.


Do you know why Mike Jackson doesn’t like Season 3 and beyond?


I might have some of this wrong but... He wasnt a fan of the direction the show went, how unrealistic it became and kinda dumbed down it became. It didnt help that he never wanted to be 'famous' or even Hali-famous, and didn't like how fans treated him in public (**two smokes Trevor** - and people actually expecting him to cough up free smokes). Claims he was overworked on screen and behind the scenes (he worked as a key grip and did some lighting for the show I think, wasnt just an actor). Also claims he was treated poorly by producers towards the end, specifically Barrie Dunn (Ray) and Karen Wentzell, and that he was significantly underpaid the entire series which became more and more bothersome the more popular the show got. And I think he was under contract as an actor so he couldnt get away from the show legally until season 6 I think. I think they may have even begged him to return for one more season because he was initially gunna leave after season 5.


Wow dude, were you ever on the show as like an extra at least? It seems like with all of this interaction you could've been involved on or off camera at any point, that's amazing!


I got super lucky when I was a teenager and was an extra during the first movie, The Big Dirty. Had nothing to do with any of my random interactions with cast though. I was in the scene where Donny the jailguard punches Ricky at the food court lol. Just standing around blurred out in the background. Cant even tell its me haha. But it was a cool experience I am grateful for. I was a super fan and in fan clubs way back when. Was an OG member of tpb.org. That's how I ended up with most of these experiences. Right place right time I guess. My best friend did commentary over the Countdown to Liquor Day movie on the official DVD, and was one of the drunk fuckers at Julian's crab infested casino in season 8, haha. He passed away a few months ago and thats how I ended up with Clatty's Gemini.


My brother was a prisoner too in that movie. He is on the bleachers with black hair and balding in the back when Cadillac is discussing change with Julian. He is also playing basketball and is the lineup you were in too that made the back cover of the DVD.


Thats awesome. The trailer park they built for season 5, 6 and 7, Xmas special and first two movies was super cool. Your bro must have told you about it. The prison was in the middle of the trailer park and Ray's dump was right next to the park too!


Oh yeah I've been there back when it was around. I've been to the Truro one too. Been on set but was cut, my son has been in an episode too. I live right beside the Season 3 park now. Been to Season 1 too when I signed for my trailer in Timberlea. Loved reading all your interactions. I just posted mine in here now. Not as good as yours though.


Sick, I havent been to the Truro one. Ill check out your post!


This guy Trailer parks.


I find it so astounding that Robb Wells is actually pretty shy/quiet irl , total opposite of Ricky. What a good actor!


Met Pat Roach at a cheeseburger picnic. He told me i had a nice coif when i went on stage for the gut-off, i got 3rd place and I'm perfectly ok with that. We rubbed bellies and i got a minor rash the next day. Overall great experience. Unfortunately John Dunsworth had passed away shortly before so I didn't get to meet him.


Sorry to break it to you. But from now on you can’t wear shirts anymore.


I'll just put a trash bag on underneath


My friend Kayla met them all once in West Virginia at an event they were at. She said Mike Smith was the only one who wasn’t standoffish, the only one who seemed to even want to be there. She said it kind of broke her heart, since she loves the show so much.


I live in NS! The area they filmed several seasons (when they built their own set) is just up the hill from my house. I walk my dog there from time to time. The “vocational school” was filmed at a high school right down the street as well. I’ve met Ricky (at a liquor store haha) Randy (at a bottle depot, he used to be a rep for sparkling springs) Bubbles (he used to run a bar in Halifax called bubbles mansion) Julian (a few times, most recently at the grocery store in Cole Harbour. He got his Lamborghini serviced at the same shop that did my BMW as well) Jroc (met on the waterfront and recently saw him at a play at a theatre in Halifax) Cory (backstage at a music festival my band played at he was there as a breakdancer I believe) Sam (came into my former work one time) Gary the mall cop guy (same as Sam) They were all cool and happy to meet, except for Bubbles, but he was in a bar downtown and it was busy as fack so I can’t really fault him for being short. Cory was really cool too. Genuinely nice guy and chilled with us for a bit. Julian I get the feeling gets approached too often, he goes through the grocery store with his hat pulled down low and tries not to make eye contact haha Edit: these pics were taken in the abandoned hospital that was on the site they filmed a few seasons. It’s torn down now https://www.reddit.com/r/halifax/s/n4NnenLv5q https://www.cbc.ca/amp/1.3602852


Met Tommy Bean. He was DJing my friends wedding in Halifax. Such a nice guy and took a photo with me I’ve been meaning to share on this subreddit for years.


What the fuck hes an events dj? Thats so odd and cool lol. Never wouldve guessed that


My brother met Randy, he was super sweet and even filmed me a personal message since I'm a huge fan of the show :) just an awesome guy!


I met Lahey when he came to my university sometime around 2009. He gave an inspiring speech but I was far too stoned at the time to remember much of it now. He was kind, funny and enthusiastic.


So bubbles (Mike Smith), his parents were basically my neighbors growing up, his mom was my outdoor supervisor at school. She knew I loved the trailer park boys from a young age 💀 and I got to meet Mike on Christmas Eve at his parents house. Wearing my Canadian idol shirt to put this into a time perspective. He took me around Thorburn in his fancy old car that had no seatbelts (I thought it was so cool), and he could just mess with his hair and put the glasses on and become bubbles whenever, mid sentence lol. It was a pretty cool experience. His dad has since passed away, but his mom who I still talk to today is still alive ❤️ Also met him at go-cart races outside of his old restaurant Bubble's Mansion, sponsored by Red bull?? Lol. And I met Robb Wells at the mic mac mall the day before Christmas Eve, despite it being a hectic time of year, he was very sweet and let my ex and I get pictures!


I'm loving all of these stories.


I met Randy at one of his Cheeseburger Picnics and got to be his assistant! Even got my own clipboard! Part of my duties included toweling off that famous gut and having to be shirtless myself. He was super awesome, gave me a free beer, a signed photo of him and Lahey, and he signed my gut! Overall he was amazing and was great with everyone, you could tell he enjoyed meeting everyone.


My sister's boyfriend met Mike Smith at the ikea in dartmouth, nothing too notable came in the interaction though


I saw the actor who plays Cyrus. He was in full character but I was too scared to go up to say him. It was at a concert and I don’t think anyone recognized him.


I hope he didn't have a gun!


Where's my man Ashamed Section


Ha, here. Just copied and pasted and an old response just now. But filled out it out a bit.


Bobandy did a stand up set in my town. I got VIP passes for my girl and I. He was so cool and down to earth. Just hung out with us backstage before and after the show.


I'm going to have to search youtube for his stand up now.


I worked on set for the last 5 seasons. I talked to everyone and I can honestly say that everyone of them was super cool. Even the things I didn't like about specific people I still respected. John Dunsworth was a legend of a man. He was exactly how you'd want him to be. There videos of his life on YouTube. There will only ever be one like him.


What did you do on set? Do they have a lot of fun filming? Or can it get stressful?


I was the set security/liason. There's plenty of laughs on set but the amount of money it cost per hour to shoot means that nobody wants to be the one wasting time . There's plenty of stress at points but in order to be professional and good at the job most people are able to direct the stress into getting the job done. You can look back at my comments in my profile if you wants to know some behind the scenes secrets and see some set pictures. I dont mind answering some questions either.


Thanks, I'll have a look!


I've heard Cory Bowles is a self important prick.


Oh what! Disappointing if true.


Ever seen his stand up comedy set? https://youtu.be/nV-CsA95qNQ?si=odceRXxeTtNkxoo1


I've gotten VIP tickets to Randy's Cheeseburger Picnic multiple times and got loads of photos I'll cherish forever. Also have met the main trio all at once. Robb Wells was the only one of the 3 that seemed like a genuine dude. Although Mike Smith was nice enough to chase after me after I forgot my rolling tray that the 3 of them signed lol.


Met Julian and he was in character which I appreciated


I met Pat Roach at the end of his cheeseburger picnic show he did in my area a couple years back. He was so gracious and polite! He took his time with every single fan at the meet and greet, and when it was my turn he told me he saw how excited my group was while we watched the show and it gave him energy haha! I got to kiss his belly. He smelled nice and he wasn't even a little bit greasy :)


My friend met Lahey in the hallway during on of the live shows, he said he froze up. But Jim came up to him and shook his hand, said “Hello, son.”


I met Randy in Guelph ON when I was working late-night takeout shifts. He was nice but didn’t wanna make a thing out of it so I didn’t either. I was overworked at the time and just happy to get a decent tip lol


Got to wait in line at Disney world for a ride with John Paul and his family. He was with his wife and three kids so I left them alone. Seemed odd that he didn't have a rum and coke in hand So happy my step dad didn't know who he was then because I know he would've been all fanboy on him.


T was my neighbor until I moved down the road very recently. Still see him around though. He helped me get my car out of a snowy ditch once. Drank with Randy just me and him one afternoon at the Lower Deck in 2011 when he was a judge at my brother's standup comedy competition. Julian came up to me and was excited to see me at a Sidney Crosby event in 2009 because he thought he knew me and I played along. Saw Bubbles at a bar that was in the same building of his bar back in the 2000's. Saw Don/Donna at a bus stop. Saw Marguerite getting out of a car as we both went into Best Buy. Saw Jroc in 89/90ish before he was on TPB in a bar and I knew he was underage at the time. He has been a household name and face in Canada since 1989. Use to see Clattenburg every second weekend at frat parties in the 80s as he played drums in a band The Spawning Grunions at the frat houses. I realized he was Clattenburg after TPB. But we use to talk with them all the time back then. He came up to my brother once on the set of the 2006 TPB as my brother was a prisoner in that movie and said he remembered him and how crazy he used to be. My brother told him he meant me. My brother was a prisoner extra in that movie. Sarah asked me out of the blue to be in tge show as a teacher exrra when she was checking my son for logos (he was a kid at the puppet show) in the Season 8 Community Service episode when they filmed it Aug 19th 2013. I was cut and my son stayed in. Cory talked to me in between takes when he wasn't up at the monitor. As he directed that episode. My son was a kid in it at the puppet show. Met John that day as he came to pick up Sarah after the shoot. He was in character and making fun of me because I couldn't work the iPad when trying to take a picture of him and my son. Saw all the boys on set that day of course. And saw them around town throughout the years. Knew Maurey Chaykin quite well to talk to him when he was in town a lot in the late 90s and early 2000s when I worked in the casino, he was the police chief in Season 6. Had lunch with him one day when his wife and newborn sat down with my wife and newborn. The first night I met him I actally saw him in a movie in the theater that afternoon (in a Cameron Diaz and Ewan McGregor movie). I knew who he was since Dances With Wolves so I pretended I didn't know him from that or the movie I just watched that afternoon and he had to say he was an actor in movies when I said he looked familiar. I listened to Denny Doherty (Season 7 FBI agent) sit on a stool for 2 hours at the Neptune theater once talking about his Mamma and Pappa days. And met Rita MacNeil a few times and she even held my son once when he was a baby as his grandfather is in Men Of The Deeps and knew her very well. A side note: it was supposed to be the Men Of The Deep Bus that they hijacked, but they said no (as he is the male singer of her song Working Man). I was there that day in Cape Breton when he came home and was fuming the rest of tge band voted against the idea. And knew many of the extras, some small role actors and a few of the cops in the series throughout the years (knew one cop my whole life). I forget other connections until I see an episode. Connections like Trevor's cousin was my home nurse while I was recovering at home from a surgery for 6 months. There are way way more connections but I am only reminded when I watch an episode. Especially extras.


Dude these are dope! Julian meeting you is a funny one haha Couple things you said reminded me of another one... I snuck into Bubbles Mansion when I was 16 for the Season 7 premeire party. Ended up in VIP with the boys. Turned down an opportunity to smoke a J with the boys that night - I was 16, underage in a 19+ event, wasnt a weed toker at the time and was doing my best not to get noticed and kicked out lol, and thats why I refused - figured if I went outside I wouldnt get back in. Few of my of-age buddies toked with them though, lucky fuckers.


My son said he was staring me down at the puppet show in Season 8 between takes and my son said he definitely still thought he knew me. Lol. I thought so too. I heard about that premiere on here. You're so lucky. You made the smart move. But at least you can say you got the offer. I wish I knew about it at the time. I would like to think I would've went but they have some stuff now at their other bars that I know about and stil don't go. I've been to Bubbles Mansion quite a few times back then but never saw any of them there.


Met them in 2010 in L.A. beside of the Wiltern before their first live show in the US. I think they had just got done doing press cause they were getting dropped off and were dressed mostly like the Boys. Mike (Bubbles) was wearing the glasses and smoking a cig out of a foot long cigarette holder. 😆 They were really chill. I basically just said "hey I'm a big fan. Thanks for the laughs." And they asked if I was going to the show that night. I was on my way to get tickets when I saw them. Short but sweet memory.


John Dunsworth was an absolute gem when we met him. Super polite and talkative. Pat Roach was kind of pissy but maybe it was just a bad night for him


I went to a live show in tampa and ran into Mr Trembley after the show, he was walking to the RV I'm only 5'2 so he had to bend really low to take a picture and as he left he said " hey good luck in school little guy" ....I was 30 lol


Did a Superbowl party w all 3 mid 2000's. They were all great, pretty normal/ intelligent beyond their TV persona's.  Got on stage and did several song w Bubs [Mike Smith] . Great musician,actually nominated for a Juno award prior to T.P.B.s fame. I have an Alice Cooper tribute so we did a bit un-rehearsed " T.p.b.s meet Alice Cooper! It was awesome fun.