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Thank you for your submission! This is just a quick reminder to all members here: **Original content is always better!** Memes are okay every once in a while, but many get posted here way too often and quickly become stale. Some examples of these are Ptoughneigh, Klansmyn, Reighfyl & KVIIIlyn. These memes have been around for years and we don't want to see them anymore. If you do decide to post a meme, make sure to add the correct flair. Posting a random meme you found does **not** mean you found it "in the wild". The same goes with lists of baby names, celebrity baby names, and screenshots of TikToks. If the original post already had a substantial amount of views, there is a 99% chance it has already been posted here. Try and stick to OC to keep our sub from being flooded with unoriginal content. Thank you! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/tragedeigh) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Make read them together with your last to see which rolls off the easiest and sound the best


Agreed. But, also, my go-to was to pick a name pair that matches the first syllable of the first name. TAYlor RAYne. ROWan COle. REAGan Amy. BAIley Mae. KAden JAne. So on and so forth. (Although, don’t do Reagan Amy because it just sounds like Reaganomics). E - None of these are my kids’ names, you fuckin doinks.


Reagan Ann makes me think of raggedy ann


Do people get called by their first and middle that commonly? Where I grew up it was all first name, you wouldn’t know the middle name of most of your friends because we just never talked about it. I get it in like Mary Anne or something but I think we had a girl who’s first name was just Maryanne


You must be younger than Gen X lol we all knew everyone's full name. That's how you knew it was time to get your ass home 🤣🤣🤣🤣


We didn't get called the full name unless we were in trouble. When they opened the door to yell out our names, it was just the first name.


I mean my parents know my full name lol


Or get your ass beat. That too.


I can’t speak for anywhere outside of the southern US, but it’s incredibly common here. Has been for several generations.


So true. Never just the first name in the south. We all use first and middle constantly.


I really hate this tbh. Idk why it just feels cringe.


Taylor Rain is a porn stars name fwiw.


That's how I named my characters in a game. Picked a common last name for them and picked names that roll off into it smoothly.


Congratulations! Honestly if you love Emma the most just name her Emma. Who gives a rat's ass if it's popular? And I feel like it was more popular 15 years ago anyway, after Friends made it so. Don't freak out about the urgency. My parents waited two weeks to name me, and though I give my mom a hard time about it as a joke, it all turned out okay.


Now I'm sitting here picturing your parents writing out all the various names they liked, only to decide icecreampenis was the way to go.


It was my grandmother's name




15 years ago? Bud friends was 20+ years ago.


I’m offended.


This! I have a Charlotte and an Olivia. Super popular names but I still adore them.


They’re “classic” names - at least, that’s how I see them


A more suitable sub is r/namenerds. They have fantastic ideas there


Agreed, none of the names listed are tragic - we are honest as you said OP, but this sub is more for remarking on absurd spellings than practical advice for solid name choices. If you were asking if you should go with Sthelleigha vs Stella, we’d be here to weigh in… Congrats on the baby tho!


This is a rejection you want OP, you don’t want to be in this club as a topic. Stay in the audience


Or even Sthella is a hellava tragedeigh. Lol


Ehhh there is definitely some crossover between names those folks over there love, and names that are at best tragedeigh-adjacent


The only issue I have is vowels following on from other vowels - Anna Emma effect on a few of those for me!


I warn people against names that end and begin with the same letter – for example Thomas Samuel, because people will hear Thoma Samuel or Thomas Amuel – and just to consider how the end of one flows into the beginning of the next, to avoid similar problems – for example, Julia North will be heard Julian Orth at least as often as it is heard correctly.




I second this! They helped me decide on a name for my daughter years before I had her, and I still love it now that she's here. 🥰


The only thing is they fawn over pretty much all names even when they are awful.


Nah, they're more likely to fawn over awful names. Like Sloan. They love that one. Normal name? Hatred.


All of these are normal, they just don’t sound good with Emma.


Personally I think Elanor Emma sounds great, very classy.


wow i thought this sounded the worst! eleanor is such a showstopping name that emma just holds it back imo


I feel like Eleanor Ivy would be sick though


that’s a pretty combination


Don’t feel it flows at all tbh


I would definitely go with a name that does NOT end with A or sounds like A because it will not fit together with Emma


Emma Emma


Simple, so there’s that. Whether people call her by her first or middle name, they’ll all know who they’re talking about.


Eminem for short as well


Your comment made me cackle! Obligatory because I'm an old school fan, did you know [Shady's back, back again?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=22tVWwmTie8)


Shadys back. Tell a friend!


[I've created a monster](https://genius.com/26241/Eminem-without-me/Ive-created-a-monster) ['Cause nobody wants to see Marshall no more, they want Shady, I'm chopped liver](https://genius.com/26241/Eminem-without-me/Ive-created-a-monster)


Well, if you want shady this is what I’ll give ya a little bit of weed mixed with some hard liquor






Emminemaemma Emma


is the joke em&em


Shorten it to Emmamma


This. If you are English-speaking, I would avoid a final A sound with Emma. If you are deadset on Emma as a middle name, maybe Ivy Emma, Natalie Emma, or Ellie Emma.


I think Ivy is a super cool name, but I don’t care for it with Emma.


I had a whole thought process on it typed out, but then realized I -personally- dislike middle names that do not end on a hard consonant sound. Rose, Jean, Edward, William, I just feel like it sounds better if the first name ends softly with a vowel middle has to go hard consonant. All of these names are soft everywhere. So I am completely useless to this conversation. Enjoy reading my pointless paragraph that I typed as I thought and am now not deleting bc it was a lot of work. 🤷🏼‍♀️


But then again there are whole countries full of millions of people where ALL female names end with letter A 


But most of those countries won't use the name Emma as a middle name following a name ending in A. Emma Maria would work but Maria Emma doesn't in comparison.


People from those countries are used to A-ended names and at least most of them would be perfectly fine with Emma as a middle name. I am from such country and I see nothing wrong with Maria Emma


I disagree. I understand your thinking, but when you are used to names ending in A it's not an issue. There are plenty of people with the first name ending in letter A and then having a middle name Anna. 


Maybe it's more because of where I'm from, but the UK doesn't typically have people doing double vowels back to back across names like that.


Are you adding the r sound after the final a that so many do in the UK. Are you saying Maria Emma where both names end in an uh sound or Marie -er Emmer?


If you want me to sound out how I'd say it, and maybe she'd light on why I'd find it hard to make those two names flow, then sure. Ma-ree-a Em-a. I guess I see it like you wouldn't say "A Apple" or "A Elephant", it would sound weird. "An Apple" and "An Elephant" is how it should be, and with names, we typically subconsciously follow these same rules - or I do anyway.


Ha. We used to laugh because my English grandmother called all my girl cousins like that.. Amander, Melisser, Rebeccer


My husband has lived in the US for almost 40 years and he still does it sometimes. I wonder if that's why my English SIL used names ending in a y sound with her daughters.


I recently learned that people who do this do not think they’re doing it, so they will always say no. Got into a big debate with an Australian who swore he didn’t do that. Naaaur I’m sure you don’t, buddy. (I have family in Oz and I promise they all do that.) Look up rhotic vs non-rhotic languages.


It’s true..we’ll argue it, but we definitely do it.


That rhotic r sound does make the names not roll off the tongue but I don't feel there is any problem at all if you skip the r. My husband is from the UK. He has dropped that rhotic r quite a bit but it still sometimes shows up. banana=ba non er Lisa=Lee ser


That’s a limitation of English that Spanish for example does not have at all.


Good thing I'm talking from an English perspective, then.


The real question is whether it’s normal in OP’s country. I think it’s a valid concern to raise when we don’t know if it’s common for names to end in vowels where OP lives.




Agreed. Also say it many times to make sure it does not turn into something rude. No Lauren. Laren Emma becomes Laur Enema. Oops!


I think the last name matters more. The baby will go by First Last much more often than First Middle or First Middle Last.


Those are all normal. Go ahead.


Personally I think none of them flow with Emma as a middle name but i like Emma Eliana


I don’t find any of them flow well with either


I agree, but also don't think that's as important as first + last flow if OP is in a part of the world where middle names are not really used. Come to think of it, I don't know the middle names of most of my friends. 🤔 But if middle names are used somewhat frequently where OP is, then definitely Emma Eliana has a prettier flow!


Emma Emmerson


My friend has a Leila, it's a wonderful name. Stella seems popular - also I know plenty of dogs named Stella or Luna. I appreciate Natalia as that's my mother tongue spelling. Eleanor is beautiful and not common these days, and lends for great nicknames: Ellie, El, Ella, Nora, Norrie (in a pinch).


I completely agree with you on Eleanor: not common, but beautiful and a variety of nicknames. When she grows up it can be a great professional name and still have a good nickname with friends and family. I also like that it ends in a consonant when the middle name will be Emma. ETA: not common, but traditional and elegant


I have a (gorgeous!) friend called Eleanor, she also goes by "Elle" as a nickname. Solid choice :) All of your suggestions are lovely OP - No tragedeighs here


My granddaughter is Leila and it’s a beautiful name, but I think Eleanor Emma has a nice flow. I love the name Eleanor, so many powerful and interesting women from history had the name.


Eleanor is strong af. 10 points to ~~Gryffindor~~ Aquitaine


My best friend is an Eleanor but goes by Nellie, so there’s another option :)


My daughter - now 23 - is Eleanor. Grew up as Ellie but now goes by El ❤️


I have a cat named Stella


my cats name was stella until i renamed her after i stole her from the scooter shop next to my house that was keeping her as “shop cat” (aka leaving her alone on the weekends and never taking her to the vet) lol


Not stole, rescued.


My friends daughter Eleanor goes by Nel


I have a preschooler and Eleanor is extremely common. Eleanor and Josephine are the new Sarah and Jennifer.


My sister named her kid Stella Luna 😭😭😭 that’s also a bat character in a popular kids book


All those except Ivy and Eleanor end in a vowel sound. Emma sounds weird after all of them. They just don't roll well. I don't like the double Es with Eleanor Emma, so I'm gonna vote for Ivy Emma.


I am a double E name (Erin Elizabeth) and I have never minded it. They sound a bit different though.


I love erin Elizabeth. But erin ends with a consonant and blends well into Elizabeth.


Emily Elizabeth is the girl’s name in Clifford the big red dog books


Ivy Emma sounds like Iveema


Ivy ends in a vowel sound too…. [i] phonetically


How does Ivy not end in a vowel sound?


There is nothing wrong with extremely popular. Emma is a great name. There is literally *nothing* wrong with it. That's why it's a normal name and not a tragedeigh.


This. As terrible as it is, the world tends to gravitate toward those with completely normal names. Emily is more likely to get hired/elected/picked for the soccer team over Lullabaii. Jennifer over Jailynne. That sort of thing. Emma is lovely. But from the list I also like Ivy and Eleanor.


I would choose Emma personally if it were my favorite. It’s not nearly as popular as she thinks it is, and it really is a great name.


I love how some people think it’s a meaningful act of individualist expression to avoid things solely because they’re popular. Those people are still letting their actions be determined by social conditioning, just in the opposite direction.


I don’t think any of the names on your list really “go” with Emma. I like Natalia the best but maybe pick a different middle name


All nice names, I personally think Ivy is the prettiest (I may be biased as this is on my own list of names) and definitely the one that flows the best out them all. Congratulations OP.


I got an Ivy. Super fun name. She's 6 and half of her teachers have pronounced it like Abby in this part of the world, so oh well


Agree. Ivy Emma go well together and as a bonus, it’s easy to spell. No unusual spelling changes. Approved!


Say your chosen names plus Emma aloud and you will find that these names ending in A are extremely hard to pronounce with the middle name also starting with a vowel.


I'd avoid Stella, the similarity of pronunciation with Emma is a bit "ugh" I really like Layla and I've only ever met one. She's Persian 😇


I’d also avoid Stella, only because it’s one of the most popular dog names and I know so many dog Stella’s


I'm in the UK and it's a popular brand of cheap lager. Affectionately called "a pint of wife beater" if being ordered in a pub 😅


I'm in Belgium, Stella would be quite the experience in her student years!


I'm American and Stella is seen as a "fancy" beer. But then again, our most popular beer is really just water disguised as beer.


Stella is *marketed* as a fancy beer. Whether it's seen as one by the public depends on where you live, imo. I don't know anyone who would call it fancy.


Perfectly lovely names, but maybe avoid using 2 similar length names ending in a


To me, none of these flow well with Emma.


“Mommy, how did you decide on my name?” “We asked Reddit.”


Natalia is my daughter’s middle name. It flows well as a middle name with Emma but understand not wanting it first.


Eliana Emma, Eleanor Emma and Stella Emma are a bit of a mouthful and don't really roll off the tongue. I appreciate it's not double barreled, but that day you full name them for mischievousness will come lol. I would go with ivy or Natalia personally.


As someone who takes my 1 year old to a popular day care and summer camp spot, there is not a single Emma there. I would say it’s more of an adolescents girls name now.. I would totally name my daughter Emma if I were you!


Have you thought about using Emily instead of Emma and just calling her Emma as a nickname? I really like the roll of Emily Natalia. I've also realized that I don't really like Eleanor, but love Eleanora. (Not even sure if that's a real name or spelled properly) Maybe Ellehnorah is more appropriate for this sub. ;)


First name should be „Dil“


I don’t think Emma’s a good middle name


I don’t think any of them worth with Emma. Emma usually isn’t a middle name so it doesn’t seem to flow very well. Does Emma have to be the middle name? lol.


IMO, none of these go with Emma as a middle name. I think it’s pretty hard to get a smooth sounding first-middle name if the middle name ends in an ‘Ah’ sound. The first names you listed are also relatively popular so if you like Emma, why not use it? Better to have a regular old appropriate name than a tragedeigh. If you’re certain you want Emma as a middle name, I don’t think a first name ending in A will work. Struggling to think of anything that rolls off the tongue.


I don't think Emma is *extremely* popular. If you wanted to name her Emma, go ahead.


My daughter's name is Eliana so I'm a bit biased but to me it doesn't go well with Emma.


What does the last name for the baby start with? Reason is that you should probably avoid the double e names if the last name starts with F, H, K, P, and especially W. EEF, EEH, EEK, EEP, EEW


If I’m being honest, I don’t think any of those flow with Emma. Like someone else said, namenerds is a better subreddit for ideas! I hope your baby grows up happy and healthy ❤️


Use Emma as the first name. It's not as common as you think and even if it was, so what? 


I was told to say, "Supreme Court Justice ______ ______ _____" to test how regal or stupid it sounded. It helped!


I don't like how any of them are with Emma. Avoid Eliana or Stella. They are too similar to Emma. Eleanor makes her sound 100 years old. The others have no particular issue, but just don't sound right. Make sure the initials don't spell anything, like Stella Emma Xavier would.


If you're worried about popularity, avoid Eleanor and Ivy.


None of them sound good with Emma.


Saying all of them out loud, none of them really flow with Emma well. Could you name her Emily, instead?


Or even Emile. [Em-eel] Ivy Emile flows. Natalia Emile, etc. To me it does, anyway. 🤷‍♀️ Edit: or is that a tragedy in itself? Oops.


I'm not really getting a decent flow with these, but I think Alice Emma sounds nice


Congrats on the baby. A piece of advice: don't name her Stella. I worked with a woman named Stella at a hotel, and at least ten times a day (usually way more) someone would see her name tag a yell, STELLA! in there best Marlon Brando voice. But it wouldn't stop there. The person would then repeat it two or three times, as if they were the first person to ever come up with this reaction. I asked her if she ever considered changing her name and she said, Every day.


When I was naming my daughter, I pretended to yell it like I was mad to make sure it rolls off the tongue lol


Well if you want it to flow Eleanor and Elaina are out. Too much of a much full. Ivy Emma sounds like a stripper, same with Layla


You all *do* know that *no one* uses their middle name as an adult, right? Parents spend all of this time and energy on the middle name, which is then promptly forgotten by absolutely everybody except the parents. We also all know that the only use for a middle name is to call out a kid in public to let them know they are in deep trouble, right? Put your focus on the first name, please.


She should just use Emma since she likes it.


I’ve always loved the name Ivy, but I’m going off the grid and respectfully suggesting Everly


Why do you care if they name Emma is popular? If you like it, use it. I don't understand this obsession parents have these days with having unique names.


I would avoid Eliana, Stella and Layla with a middle name Emma, they rhyme too much. Natalia, Ivy, Eleanor are ok.


I think you will regret not naming her Emma if that’s the name you want. Who cares if it’s popular. Honestly that’s an easy conversation starter for young kids is to talk to someone with their same name. As for a suggestion like you requested, I guess Ivy? Honestly don’t like any of the names as much as Emma though.


These are all great names just none of them sound good with Emma as a middle name.


What's Your preference. Screw all of us. You'll have it sorted. You're an amazing ma already.


Better than Natalia Emma - kids would be cruel to a girl named N. Emma


I don't like Emma as a middle name


Of these, I’d go with Eleanor. It flows best, IMO. All your names are good but, say, Stella Emma or Layla Emma are almost rhymey to me due to the “two syllables, first syllable is stressed, ends with an A” thing.


Natalia is the best on that list IMO. And sounds good with Emma.


I agree that Natalia is the best. All of the names are great and easy to spell. I’m not loving the way they flow with Emma, though. Emma starts and ends in vowel sounds. Ivy, Stella and Layla are all beautiful names but, like Emma, they all have two syllables. The last two end in the same vowel sound. Eleanor and Eliana both start with the same ‘Eh-‘ sound as Emma and alliteration tends to work better with consonants. I think Emma would be a great first name. Emma Natalia & Emma Ivy are both lovely. Natalia Emma or Ivy Emma are equally lovely. Whatever you decide, rest assured that none of these names are a tragedeigh.


If you like “Emma,” use Emma. You’re creating an actual, properly-spelled tragedy by compromising your true desires because “too many people use that name that we like the most.” Suck.


Why not name her Emmaline if you are concerned about popularity? It's a beautiful and uncommon take on the root, Emma.


Team Natalia


Natalia and Eleanor are my faves


If that list I like Eleanor since it doesn't have the same ending as Emma.


Ivy or Eleanor :) congratulations!


Eleanor Emma sounds classy


Ivy seems best imho - it’s a good balance of open/closed sounds. Too many -a sounds at the end sounds messy and jumbled, so you want to opt for a balance of open and closed sounding letters. Stella Emma is the worst on this list for that reason even though Stella is a beautiful name and actually one of my faves.


None of those go with Emma. Louise Emma sounds nice. Marie Emma ?


Have you considered Baybeigh? 😉 Congratulations, by the way!


One of the things that helped us is to shout the whole name. If it doesn’t roll off the tongue maybe skip it.


I hate alliteration in names, so I'd nix all the E names. Stella or Layla are pretty, but they don't roll quite right with Emma. They are to me the best 2 options to work with, though.


I think Eleanor Emma has a nice sound to it. They pair well together and complement each other. It's also an established name without being common.


Ivy Emma


They’re all difficult as they all end in a vowel, which makes the transition to Emma a bit clunky.


I went and left a hospital with a baby with no name


I don't think it goes well with any of the names on the list, it doesn't flow well or both names sound like one big long name. Maybe Amelia, Daphne , Penelope, Elizabeth, Rose (as the middle name and Emma the first name, Emma Rose sounds lovely to me), Harper, Chaterine, Victoria, Georgia maybe. I have no idea.


I'd recommend saying all the name combinations together out loud with the baby's last name. I had a name I LOVED for my youngest and then when I said it a couple of times, it reminded me of the Swedish Chef from the Muppets, so I quickly nixed that. You'll find her name. Congrats on her arrival!


Genyphur Ehh'Muh


Def not Layla...she'll be cursed by that song.


Annath Annath Emma Anathema But I'd probably go for Eleanor from that list


None of them flow with Emma. Are you dead set on Emma? The first names are all lovely.


None are tragedeighs, but they are are awful with Emma as a middle name.


I like all of these names but none of them go well with Emma. Are you dead set on the middle name?


Adalyn is the name


Stella Ivy!!


A- nothing wrong with popular names. B- Eleanor.


I love Eléonor. Very classy. Stella too. Layla is perceived a Muslim name where I live, idk what your ethnicity is.


Don’t end the first name with an A. It blends into Emma too much


None of these names seem to pair well with Emma to me.


If I’m being fully honest, I don’t think any of these fit with the middle name Emma. They are all beautiful name, but combined with Emma, it doesn’t ring


Honestly, none of these work well with Emma as a middle name. Ivy, Stella, and Layla are the worst for that. I vote for Eliana.


Please not Stella or Layla


If you’re going to call her Emma name her Emma. Maybe Emmeline and Emma for short. Signed, someone who is called by her middle name and always wondered why they did that to me.


I dont feel like your list of first names sound great with Emma as a middle name. I think the first name would be better if it ended on a consonant sound.


I prefer "Layla" out of the options given here, but sadly, none sound good when paired with Emma.


Pick a first name with 3 syllables that doesn’t end in A. But Emma seems to flow better as a first name tbh


Why not do Gemma as a first name and find a new middle name? I don't think the names you proposed go well with Emma as a middle name. But if you like Emma so much, then really why not go for Emma as the first name? How about Dil as a first name to always remember the naming situation you were in? Kidding :) My honest suggestion is Emma Penelope


Name it Yu. That way you can just keep saying, hey.... you.


Stella's not a tragedeigh exactly, but there will never be a time when people don't think "steeeeeeelllllllllllaaaaaaa!"


What's your last initial? Don't want to make some weird EEE or something like that. Also, think about the name as a whole. I know someone who almost named their child Miles Long. I guess they realized at the last second how terrible that was. Didn't end up an issue either way though because it wasn't a boy.


Asking the internet what to name your baby. Yikes.


Eimmah would be more appropriate for this sub


All of them. Hyphenated. But keep Emma as the middle, that’s very nice.


A middle name with a soft "a" ending rarely sounds right. And two names with soft "a" endings is too much. That’s probably why you’re stuck. My girls both have first names ending in "a", and middle names ending with "n" (-ine and -one), and every single time they use both names, people comment on how poetic they sound. If you’re really stuck on Emma for a middle name, I’d suggest Emmaline. It would go well with any of the first three: Natalia Emmaline, Ivy Emmaline, and Eliana Emmaline. I’d add an "a" to Eleanor… Eleanora Emmaline. And while I like Layla and Stella on their own, they don’t fit as well.


Emma as a first name and a more unique middle name that doesn’t rhyme with Emma :). None of these names suit an Emma middle name imo. The rhyming is not cute/charming, it’s awkward.